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Judicial Corporal Punishment Of Women: Illustrations

Go to CruxDreams.com
Go to jail.
Go directly to jail.
You must pass Go.
You must collect 200 lashes.​

You know, a CF Monopoly game could be a VERY entertaining diversion. Buy slaves and charge rent for them, the Electric Company could deliver shocks to sensitive areas when you land there. Railroads would have fair maidens tied to the tracks. Jail would be-well one could imagine all sorts of activities there. :devil:
You know, a CF Monopoly game could be a VERY entertaining diversion. Buy slaves and charge rent for them, the Electric Company could deliver shocks to sensitive areas when you land there. Railroads would have fair maidens tied to the tracks. Jail would be-well one could imagine all sorts of activities there. :devil:

What peril awaits me at Boardwalk :rolleyes:
You know, a CF Monopoly game could be a VERY entertaining diversion. Buy slaves and charge rent for them, the Electric Company could deliver shocks to sensitive areas when you land there. Railroads would have fair maidens tied to the tracks. Jail would be-well one could imagine all sorts of activities there. :devil:

Gives a whole new meaning to the Community Chest
Yes, it's a great resource, thanks for sharing all these classic whip-pics Elephas.
I'm working my way through the thread - inserting the pics into the posts as I go,
it makes it a little easier to view them as a 'slide-show',
but they can still be selected with a single click to open in tabs.

One memory that you've brought out of the dark depths of my mind,
is of a book, a small yellow paperback, that I saw when I was a teenager,
too young to even dare go into the kind of shop that sold such books,
never mind risk taking it home or to school - it was called 'A History of Torture',
and of course there are dozens of books with that title, but this one had
a picture on the cover that made me hot with excitement -
a Roman-time scene with a naked slavegirl kneeling, full frontal,
bondage round her waist and down to her groin, arms pulled back behind, breasts lifted,
a sturdy near-naked negro slave standing beside her, gripping her shoulder with one hand,
holding a scourge in the other, a woman in a chiton watching, hands on hips,
the slavegirl's few clothes scattered on the marble floor...

you see how vividly I remember it! :devil: Does it ring a bell with anyone?

I have a very old paperback called "The History of Torture" by Daniel P. Mannix. The cover shows a castle, a man tied between two stakes and a naked woman chained to another stake. The edition I have is New English Library 1070, but the copyright page refers to original American edition in 1964 from Dell, and there was another in 1986 from Hippocrene Books. It covers the history of torture from the Old Testament to French Algeria. It is sadly lacking in citations or a bibliography so how much is true is difficult to determine, but it is great source of historical inspiration.

From the same author comes "The Hell Fire Club", "The Beast: the scandalous life of Aleister Crowley" and "Black Cargoes: a history of the Atlantic Slave Trade 1518-1865". One of his books "The Fox and the Hound" was filmed by Disney!

His most famous book is "Those About To Die" (1958), reprinted as "The Way of the Gladiator" (2001) which inspired the film "Gladiator". The edition I saw had a cover of an arena scene with a naked girl dressed only in flowers tied to four oxen. I remember tales of a beast trainer, and luring unsuspecting dancing girls onto a boat in the flooded arena which is rigged to fall apart and deliver them to the crocodiles!
A much-reproduced engraving by William Blake, 'Flagellation of a Female Samboe Slave', based on a drawing by Stedman; Surinam in the 177os.

'Stedman witnessed this event in 1774. The female was an eighteen-year old girl who was given 200 lashes for having refused to have intercourse with an overseer. She was "lacerated in such a shocking manner by the whips of two negro-drivers, that she was from her neck to her ancles literally dyed with blood."'
A much-reproduced engraving by William Blake, 'Flagellation of a Female Samboe Slave', based on a drawing by Stedman; Surinam in the 177os.
Most likely, such punishments were not judicial in the strict sense (by court verdict), but not less severe. Writers such as Jean de Virgans and Richard Manton have described special "houses of correction" for female slaves in the Southern states of America. As Jean de Virgans wrote, Burton, the owner of one of such houses in South Carolina, adhered to the motto: woman should be punished often and prolonged, but without damaging the skin. One of the victims of this "justice" was a white girl, an abolitionist from the Northern states, sold into slavery for organizing the escape of slaves.
The illustrations from Jean de Virgan's book "Corrections feminines" (Paris, 1908).

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Most likely, such punishments were not judicial in the strict sense (by court verdict), but not less severe.
Indeed I've derailed the thread a bit further from the title topic: there are some 'plantation pics' here, and perhaps another one, quite popular and with its history known, wouldn't hurt.

Writers such as Jean de Virgans and Richard Manton have described special "houses of correction" for female slaves in the Southern states of America. As Jean de Virgans wrote, Burton, the owner of one of such houses in South Carolina, adhered to the motto: woman should be punished often and prolonged, but without damaging the skin. One of the victims of this "justice" was a white girl, an abolitionist from the Northern states, sold into slavery for organizing the escape of slaves.
The illustrations from Jean de Virgan's book "Corrections feminines" (Paris, 1908).
Oddly enough, I've just been reading about judicial corporal punishment of slaves in South Carolina; in cases where '[t]he [Spartanburg] Freeholders Court found three slaves guilty of striking a member of the wealthy and influential Smith clan of Glenn Springs and firing his house: the male slave was hanged, one of the females received six hundred lashes and the other three hundred', the women would've been lucky to have any skin left on their backs.
Most likely, such punishments were not judicial in the strict sense (by court verdict), but not less severe. Writers such as Jean de Virgans and Richard Manton have described special "houses of correction" for female slaves in the Southern states of America. As Jean de Virgans wrote, Burton, the owner of one of such houses in South Carolina, adhered to the motto: woman should be punished often and prolonged, but without damaging the skin. One of the victims of this "justice" was a white girl, an abolitionist from the Northern states, sold into slavery for organizing the escape of slaves.
The illustrations from Jean de Virgan's book "Corrections feminines" (Paris, 1908).
I happen to be posting a story that fits very well with this...http://www.cruxforums.com/xf/threads/visiting-the-jackson-plantation.6321/
"The Memoirs of Dolly Morton" ("En Virginie") by Jean de Villiot.
The illustrations from various editions. Artists: Louis Maltese (1925)[1-3], Imre Hofbauer (1970)[4-5], unknown artist [6].


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