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From the Autobiography of Lady Agetha Alcorn York England 1485

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Agnes Fitzhugh ( 1431-1496) second daughter of the 4th Earl Fitzhugh married Baron John de Lacy at an early age and became Baroness de Lacy. From that long union she produced 8 children of whom only 3 survived beyond the age of 2 years. Her son Edward de Lacy became the 5th Earl de Lacy who aligned with the Yorkists under Richard 111. After the defeat of King Richard Edward de Lacy escaped to France with his wife and offspring leaving his mother behind.Baroness de Lacy was arrested at the family estate de Lacy Hall, Pembrokeshire on Sepember 6, 1485.

She and incarcerated in York Castle for less that a week where she was interrogated by the High Sheriff. who personally tortured her. He extracted confession from her that she had conspired for your son to escape justice. She was then tried for aiding and abetting treason and sentenced to sixty lashes on St. Crispins Day, October 25, 1485. (Wkipedia)

Further from the autobiography of Lady Agetha Alcorn

I watched helpless with tear filled eyes as the naked woman was taken to stand between the two posts and had her wrists encircled in iron cuffs and exposed to the eyes of hundreds of men women come to witness her unjust chastisment. The chains had been adjusted so that her arms were lifted and held high to either side of the pillars. Ropes attached to iron rings at the base of the posts were then wrapped around her ankles and pulled taut forcing the poor woman to open her legs which exposed the slit which had recently been opened up and disfigured by the infamous "pear of despair" which illicited her confession of treason. The purpose for doing this was not only to humiliate the woman but to prevent her shielding that most sensitive flesh from the whip.

Baroness deLacy was captured and incarcerated in York Castle for less that a week where she was interrogated by the High Sheriff who personally tortured her and extracted a confession that she had conspired for your son to escape justice. She was then tried for aiding and abetting treason and sentenced to sixty lashes.

I was held in a place beside the platform that allowed only a partial view of the proceedings occuring but I did witness the Clerk of the High Court walked onto the stage wearing the velvet robes of office and read the sentence to be carried out. I could not hear everything due to the noise about me but did hear him say "proceed with the punishment, sixty lashes." and then he left the stage.

One may well well ask how were the lashes counted since it could not be expected that the man holding the whip would be able to do so with any accuracy. A jar of dried beans with exactly 60 beans had been counted by a member of the court who brought the jar and an empty jar of the same size up onto the whipping platform. As before each the lash was about to be given he would take one bean from the full jar and place it in the empty jar shouting out the number loudly and the whip stroke would be given. When the jar had but one bean remaining he would shout out the final number and the whip handler would stop the whipping.

A pause in the whipping would occur after every ten strokes and water would be provided to the whip handler but to the person being whipped only after each twenty strokes.

I was in such a position that I could see only a profile of the baroness as the hung between the posts but I could see that even as an older woman she still retained much of your youthful beauty and body for which she was renown among the gentry and commoners. Being a woman of nobility her skin was rarely exposed to the sun as a peasant woman would have been and thus her skin was unwrinkled and flawless being the colour of alabaster in the full light of day. Her heavy breasts now sagged but still were full and firm and save for the purple blemishes from the hot iron placed on them during her torture they were otherwise flawless with thick protruding pink nipples.

Despite having birthed several children her body buttocks and long legs remained shapely and her belly was flat but streaked as expected of such a fertile woman with marks of stretching. The prominent mound above the thick flaps on either side of her sex slit had been burned almost totally free of hair and the pink inner folds of her sex were exposed and swollen as a result of having been subjected to the infamous "Pear of Anguish" during her torture.

Save this, a woman decades younger would have been proud to possess such a body.As I looked at her she turned her silver hair covered head down and and saw her anguished eyes met mine and her lips shaped into a smile. A guard witnessed it also and said " I would na' mind a piece of that for meself." which was a crude way of showing the baroness could still raise lust even in a young man.

The same soldier guarding me told me that the giant man who would be whipping the Baroness was a blacksmith from Stamford Bridge hired by the court because of his strength and his skill in using a whip. He was one of the strongest men in all of Yorkshire and when I looked at him and saw his massive muscled arms I trembled at the thought of what awaited both me and the Baroness de Lacy.I did not have to wait long to witness the terrible effect that a whip would have on the body of a woman.

The brutish man behind the mask approached the very edge of the platform where I was standing and displayed the whip to me. It was a terrifying crudely made instrument. A thick foot long round wooden handle was held in his massive fist and at one end of the shaft and a thick brown leather strap fully a quarter inch thick and perhaps five feet long were fastened to it by heavy twine and brass rivets. I had no doubt that when applied with the force of his arm on the flesh of man or woman it would create incredible pain and suffering.

For a man of his bulk the hooded brute with the whip seemed as agile as a cat as he stepped up towards the woman trussed between the posts and waited for the signal to begin. "One!" shouted the man seated next to the two pots as he placed a bean from one to the other. A brief pause followed and then the punisher made one step forward with his right foot and swung the lash forward fully extending his heavily muscled arm. The leather strap struck the baroness across her upper back. Her body jolted forward and her head lifted as the whip dropped to the boards of the platform and was drawn back. Only a groan escaped her lips as she struggled against the chains and then her body relaxed."Two!" shouted the court official and once again the leather flew and landed with a thud across the bare flesh eliciting once again only a groan of protest through clenched lips.

From where I stood I could see the effect the whip was having on flesh only when the lash followed the contours of her body under her upheld arms and left a trail of reddened skin. By the tenth whip stroke it was clear that The baroness was suffering even though she had made but hardly a whimper.

Her body had begun to sway on the chains binding her wrists and her legs struggled to escape from the ropes on her ankles making it seem that she was trying to perform an erotic dance. Tears rolled down from closed eyes and over her cheeks and beads of sweat formed on her forehead but she would not scream or beg. Such was her stern resolve that I knew I did not possess.The brute paused to be handed a mug of beer which he swilled back and as he wiped the foam from his lips with his forearm he tossed the mug asided and awaited the call of the number eleven.

Refreshed by the beer he applied the lash with renewed force and as the stripes across the bare back and sides of the baroness grew in number she began to whimper more loudly and her head shook from side to side to assuage the growing pain. I closed my eyes and looked away as the whipping continued unceasingly until the number twenty was called and the last lash cracked across the old woman's back before another pause in which she was given a sip of water from a pottery cup held by a woman briefly allowed on the stage. The whip handler swilled back another flagon of beer and he resumed his position behind the naked woman spread between the posts.When the whipping began again the whip was directed towards the plump buttocks and the flared curve of the woman's hips leaving behind scarlet stripes of what must have been incredible agony.

The lashs overlaid lashes and the skin began to break along the naked sides of the baroness's torso and her nether regions and blood trickled from the wounds. I covered my ears with my hands to block the sounds of the whip cracking against her flesh and her increasingly loud cries of anguish. At the call of "38" the only sound was that of the whip. I saw through my tear filled eyes that the baroness was silent and her body had sagged on the chains and cuffs binding her wrists. Her legs were bent backwards at the knees as far as the ankle ropes would permit and her head had sagged back as though looking at the blue sky though her eyes were closed

The whipping continued and the final two lashes of the first forty were applied while the still body which her poor body would mercifully not have felt until she was revived. While I could not see her back I could see that the whip had created long crimson bars across her hips and belly flesh.

An official of the court and another man who I knew to be a man of the church and a known healer came onto the platfom to examine the baroness. The healer removed a small glass vial from his grey wool cassock and held it up against the woman's nostrils. The grey haired head lolled forward and I heard the baroness cough and then moan in a croaking voice that left no doubt of her defiance and loyalty she said with all the remaining strengths she could muster "Long live King Richard."The court official's face turned a bright red and in a rage he shouted "Very well...twenty more lashes and I want them across the whore's tits and don't spare her cunt"

As the two men left the stage and the baroness once again lifted herself fully erect the man holding he whip moved closer and then around to face the poor woman. I saw fear and horror in her eyes and the huge man lifted the whip. The man counting shouted "41" and the whip was flung forward striking her across both of her breasts. A scarlet stripe appear on the white skin as the leather strap fell away. The shriek that followed was not of this earth. The baroness was defeated and her strong will broke.The guard standing beside me snarled "The whip always wins even with stubborn bitches."

With each stroke of the whip the shapely fecund body struggled desperately against the chains which rattled as her body surged from side to side to escape the lash. Each whip stroke across her mammaries brought a shriek of despair and pain that seemed even to echo from the stone walls of the cathedral. The breasts bounced and swayed povocatively as the whip continued to batter the woman's soft fleshy bags. So erotic were the motions of the naked woman I saw several men release their fully engorged manhood from their trousers and caress it as if making love wih a woman such was the lust the woman aroused as she struggled between the posts.

No woman could endure such torment and agony for long and by the count of "55" she had once again slipped into the blessed escape of unconsiouness. Her once beautiful full unblemished creamy white breasts of which she was so proud had been reduced to crimson striped beaten bags of pain.The nipples were swollen and raw with trickles of blood seeping from them.She could not be revived by the healer and his potion and to show that the judge witnessing the punishment was capable of some semblance of mercy the whipping was paused until the followning market day when the baroness was once again revived and subjected to the whip being applied to her exposed sex by having her suspended upside down between the same posts to receive the final five lashes between her outstreched legs.

The same two men who as assistants of the large man wielding the whip who fastened the naked woman between the posts mounted the stage and released her from the cuffs binding her wrists and the ropes at her ankles and carried her limp body down the stairs and tossed her like a sack of grain into the wooden cart that brought her from Baile Castle. The whip had left her back and buttocks a mass of crisscrossing crimson stripes and which I fear she would not recover from. I wept in sympathy but also for myself when the same two men came for me.
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Agnes Fitzhugh ( 1431-1496) second daughter of the 4th Earl Fitzhugh married Baron John de Lacy at an early age and became Baroness de Lacy. From that long union she produced 8 children of whom only 3 survived beyond the age of 2 years. Her son Edward de Lacy became the 5th Earl de Lacy who aligned with the Yorkists under Richard 111. After the defeat of King Richard Edward de Lacy escaped to France with his wife and offspring leaving his mother behind.Baroness de Lacy was arrested at the family estate de Lacy Hall, Pembrokeshire on Sepember 6, 1485.

She and incarcerated in York Castle for less that a week where she was interrogated by the High Sheriff. who personally tortured her. He extracted confession from her that she had conspired for your son to escape justice. She was then tried for aiding and abetting treason and sentenced to sixty lashes on St. Crispins Day, October 25, 1485. (Wkipedia)

Further from the autobiography of Lady Agetha Alcorn

I watched helpless with tear filled eyes as the naked woman was taken to stand between the two posts and had her wrists encircled in iron cuffs and exposed to the eyes of hundreds of men women come to witness her unjust chastisment. The chains had been adjusted so that her arms were lifted and held high to either side of the pillars. Ropes attached to iron rings at the base of the posts were then wrapped around her ankles and pulled taut forcing the poor woman to open her legs which exposed the slit which had recently been opened up and disfigured by the infamous "pear of despair" which illicited her confession of treason. The purpose for doing this was not only to humiliate the woman but to prevent her shielding that most sensitive flesh from the whip.

Baroness deLacy was captured and incarcerated in York Castle for less that a week where she was interrogated by the High Sheriff who personally tortured her and extracted a confession that she had conspired for your son to escape justice. She was then tried for aiding and abetting treason and sentenced to sixty lashes.

I was held in a place beside the platform that allowed only a partial view of the proceedings occuring but I did witness the Clerk of the High Court walked onto the stage wearing the velvet robes of office and read the sentence to be carried out. I could not hear everything due to the noise about me but did hear him say "proceed with the punishment, sixty lashes." and then he left the stage.

One may well well ask how were the lashes counted since it could not be expected that the man holding the whip would be able to do so with any accuracy. A jar of dried beans with exactly 60 beans had been counted by a member of the court who brought the jar and an empty jar of the same size up onto the whipping platform. As before each the lash was about to be given he would take one bean from the full jar and place it in the empty jar shouting out the number loudly and the whip stroke would be given. When the jar had but one bean remaining he would shout out the final number and the whip handler would stop the whipping.

A pause in the whipping would occur after every ten strokes and water would be provided to the whip handler but to the person being whipped only after each twenty strokes.

I was in such a position that I could see only a profile of the baroness as the hung between the posts but I could see that even as an older woman she still retained much of your youthful beauty and body for which she was renown among the gentry and commoners. Being a woman of nobility her skin was rarely exposed to the sun as a peasant woman would have been and thus her skin was unwrinkled and flawless being the colour of alabaster in the full light of day. Her heavy breasts now sagged but still were full and firm and save for the purple blemishes from the hot iron placed on them during her torture they were otherwise flawless with thick protruding pink nipples.

Despite having birthed several children her body buttocks and long legs remained shapely and her belly was flat but streaked as expected of such a fertile woman with marks of stretching. The prominent mound above the thick flaps on either side of her sex slit had been burned almost totally free of hair and the pink inner folds of her sex were exposed and swollen as a result of having been subjected to the infamous "Pear of Anguish" during her torture.

Save this, a woman decades younger would have been proud to possess such a body.As I looked at her she turned her silver hair covered head down and and saw her anguished eyes met mine and her lips shaped into a smile. A guard witnessed it also and said " I would na' mind a piece of that for meself." which was a crude way of showing the baroness could still raise lust even in a young man.

The same soldier guarding me told me that the giant man who would be whipping the Baroness was a blacksmith from Stamford Bridge hired by the court because of his strength and his skill in using a whip. He was one of the strongest men in all of Yorkshire and when I looked at him and saw his massive muscled arms I trembled at the thought of what awaited both me and the Baroness de Lacy.I did not have to wait long to witness the terrible effect that a whip would have on the body of a woman.

The brutish man behind the mask approached the very edge of the platform where I was standing and displayed the whip to me. It was a terrifying crudely made instrument. A thick foot long round wooden handle was held in his massive fist and at one end of the shaft and a thick brown leather strap fully a quarter inch thick and perhaps five feet long were fastened to it by heavy twine and brass rivets. I had no doubt that when applied with the force of his arm on the flesh of man or woman it would create incredible pain and suffering.

For a man of his bulk the hooded brute with the whip seemed as agile as a cat as he stepped up towards the woman trussed between the posts and waited for the signal to begin. "One!" shouted the man seated next to the two pots as he placed a bean from one to the other. A brief pause followed and then the punisher made one step forward with his right foot and swung the lash forward fully extending his heavily muscled arm. The leather strap struck the baroness across her upper back. Her body jolted forward and her head lifted as the whip dropped to the boards of the platform and was drawn back. Only a groan escaped her lips as she struggled against the chains and then her body relaxed."Two!" shouted the court official and once again the leather flew and landed with a thud across the bare flesh eliciting once again only a groan of protest through clenched lips.

From where I stood I could see the effect the whip was having on flesh only when the lash followed the contours of her body under her upheld arms and left a trail of reddened skin. By the tenth whip stroke it was clear that The baroness was suffering even though she had made but hardly a whimper.

Her body had begun to sway on the chains binding her wrists and her legs struggled to escape from the ropes on her ankles making it seem that she was trying to perform an erotic dance. Tears rolled down from closed eyes and over her cheeks and beads of sweat formed on her forehead but she would not scream or beg. Such was her stern resolve that I knew I did not possess.The brute paused to be handed a mug of beer which he swilled back and as he wiped the foam from his lips with his forearm he tossed the mug asided and awaited the call of the number eleven.

Refreshed by the beer he applied the lash with renewed force and as the stripes across the bare back and sides of the baroness grew in number she began to whimper more loudly and her head shook from side to side to assuage the growing pain. I closed my eyes and looked away as the whipping continued unceasingly until the number twenty was called and the last lash cracked across the old woman's back before another pause in which she was given a sip of water from a pottery cup held by a woman briefly allowed on the stage. The whip handler swilled back another flagon of beer and he resumed his position behind the naked woman spread between the posts.When the whipping began again the whip was directed towards the plump buttocks and the flared curve of the woman's hips leaving behind scarlet stripes of what must have been incredible agony.

The lashs overlaid lashes and the skin began to break along the naked sides of the baroness's torso and her nether regions and blood trickled from the wounds. I covered my ears with my hands to block the sounds of the whip cracking against her flesh and her increasingly loud cries of anguish. At the call of "38" the only sound was that of the whip. I saw through my tear filled eyes that the baroness was silent and her body had sagged on the chains and cuffs binding her wrists. Her legs were bent backwards at the knees as far as the ankle ropes would permit and her head had sagged back as though looking at the blue sky though her eyes were closed

The whipping continued and the final two lashes of the first forty were applied while the still body which her poor body would mercifully not have felt until she was revived. While I could not see her back I could see that the whip had created long crimson bars across her hips and belly flesh.

An official of the court and another man who I knew to be a man of the church and a known healer came onto the platfom to examine the baroness. The healer removed a small glass vial from his grey wool cassock and held it up against the woman's nostrils. The grey haired head lolled forward and I heard the baroness cough and then moan in a croaking voice that left no doubt of her defiance and loyalty she said with all the remaining strengths she could muster "Long live King Richard."The court official's face turned a bright red and in a rage he shouted "Very well...twenty more lashes and I want them across the whore's tits and don't spare her cunt"

As the two men left the stage and the baroness once again lifted herself fully erect the man holding he whip moved closer and then around to face the poor woman. I saw fear and horror in her eyes and the huge man lifted the whip. The man counting shouted "41" and the whip was flung forward striking her across both of her breasts. A scarlet stripe appear on the white skin as the leather strap fell away. The shriek that followed was not of this earth. The baroness was defeated and her strong will broke.The guard standing beside me snarled "The whip always wins even with stubborn bitches."

With each stroke of the whip the shapely fecund body struggled desperately against the chains which rattled as her body surged from side to side to escape the lash. Each whip stroke across her mammaries brought a shriek of despair and pain that seemed even to echo from the stone walls of the cathedral. The breasts bounced and swayed povocatively as the whip continued to batter the woman's soft fleshy bags. So erotic were the motions of the naked woman I saw several men release their fully engorged manhood from their trousers and caress it as if making love wih a woman such was the lust the woman aroused as she struggled between the posts.

No woman could endure such torment and agony for long and by the count of "55" she had once again slipped into the blessed escape of unconsiouness. Her once beautiful full unblemished creamy white breasts of which she was so proud had been reduced to crimson striped beaten bags of pain.The nipples were swollen and raw with trickles of blood seeping from them.She could not be revived by the healer and his potion and to show that the judge witnessing the punishment was capable of some semblance of mercy the whipping was paused until the followning market day when the baroness was once again revived and subjected to the whip being applied to her exposed sex by having her suspended upside down between the same posts to receive the final five lashes between her outstreched legs.

The same two men who as assistants of the large man wielding the whip who fastened the naked woman between the posts mounted the stage and released her from the cuffs binding her wrists and the ropes at her ankles and carried her limp body down the stairs and tossed her like a sack of grain into the wooden cart that brought her from Baile Castle. The whip had left her back and buttocks a mass of crisscrossing crimson stripes and which I fear she would not recover from. I wept in sympathy but also for myself when the same two men came for me.
I don't knew if she is a masochist pain slut like me. Did she orgasm during her whipping. I would. I would beg to be whipped with a scourge another 60 lashes. Then left kneeling on the ground chained to the post till night so everyone can come and ejaculate on my face and body or piss me. Hundreds of men and women of the town form a query to cum on me and piss me. Than I will return to my cell were the dog will fuck me
I don't knew if she is a masochist pain slut like me. Did she orgasm during her whipping. I would. I would beg to be whipped with a scourge another 60 lashes. Then left kneeling on the ground chained to the post till night so everyone can come and ejaculate on my face and body or piss me. Hundreds of men and women of the town form a query to cum on me and piss me. Than I will return to my cell were the dog will fuck me
That seems pretty harsh! Lady Agetha is to be whipped next so perhaps she has a masochistic nature.
That seems pretty harsh! Lady Agetha is to be whipped next so perhaps she has a masochistic nature.
You set yourself a real task given how lovely the Baroness’s whipping was portrayed! It’s going to be hard to top that but I look forward to reading your solution, I’m sure it’s going to be good! Just writing a more extreme torture for a finale is far less challenging - even a bit lazy - than turning this stated sentence of 60 lashes into the climactic drama we’re all hoping for.

You’ve got this!
That seems pretty harsh! Lady Agetha is to be whipped next so perhaps she has a masochistic nature.
I hope so,... If she is a true masochist she will live her dream, to be whipped publicily naked, .... To be fucked in public, ... etc
Impressive! And as said, something which might be hard to top with Agetha's lesser sentence - but then, it's one thing to watch and another to experience, isn't it?

Agnes Fitzhugh ( 1431-1496) second daughter of the 4th Earl Fitzhugh married Baron John de Lacy at an early age and became Baroness de Lacy. From that long union she produced 8 children of whom only 3 survived beyond the age of 2 years. Her son Edward de Lacy became the 5th Earl de Lacy who aligned with the Yorkists under Richard 111. After the defeat of King Richard Edward de Lacy escaped to France with his wife and offspring leaving his mother behind.Baroness de Lacy was arrested at the family estate de Lacy Hall, Pembrokeshire on Sepember 6, 1485.

She and incarcerated in York Castle for less that a week where she was interrogated by the High Sheriff. who personally tortured her. He extracted confession from her that she had conspired for your son to escape justice. She was then tried for aiding and abetting treason and sentenced to sixty lashes on St. Crispins Day, October 25, 1485. (Wkipedia)
Do you know, I actually searched this to see if your work was based on real people?
Impressive! And as said, something which might be hard to top with Agetha's lesser sentence - but then, it's one thing to watch and another to experience, isn't it?

Do you know, I actually searched this to see if your work was based on real people?
I've said before, one of the cool things about Laura's writing is her ability to so convincingly mimic a primary historical document
Impressive! And as said, something which might be hard to top with Agetha's lesser sentence - but then, it's one thing to watch and another to experience, isn't it?

Do you know, I actually searched this to see if your work was based on real people?
OMG! really! That is so funny. Thanks for your comment. I should be a speech writer for a politician.
Part 3. I will continue if enough readers are interested. Thank you.

I stared out over the mass of humanity gathered to witness my punishment. It was apparent that the men jostling for a view of my nakedness had not had their lust for seeing a woman whipped sated even after Baroness deLacy was carried from the stage.

As the woman before had been fastened so was eye save the ropes at the ankles. I was thus able to keep my legs closed and my womanhood unrevealed. Unlike the baroness after the shackles on my arms and legs were removed and I was taken between the two posts the chains and cuffs on my wrists were adjusted so that I was forced to support my body by the balls and toes of my feet. The sinews and muscles of my arms and legs bulged against my skin with the effort required.

The strain imposed upon my limbs lifted my sagging breasts and my mature women belly firmed which aroused the ogling men beneath me. I was beyond caring of my shameful exposure of my naked body that was forced onto me.

From my position below the platform I had been aware of an elevated wooden dias on which sat a group of six men and four women. The men were dress and adorned with the regalia and heraldry of very high office and the women wrapped in ornate jewel bedecked tiars and ermine trimmed robes. They were drinking from golden goblets and both men aand women seemed to be enjoying the spectacle of women being whipped.

The court official again appeared on the platform and in a loud voice read the warrant for my arrest and the sentence imposed by the judges including the conviction for contempt which added an additional ten lashes. I would soon regret that act of defiance. As the man in robes departed and stood beneath the dias on which the high officials were seated another man arose upon the platfom and it was not the hooded giant.

In his place stood a a shorter and much older man, bald headed with shoulder length fringes of thick grey hair decended to his braod bare shoulders that tapered down to thick hair covered arms. His face was not covered in a mask but instead a thick beard of black hair flecked with grey. With my eyes followed the man as he approached closer I could discern his thick neck was encircled with a thick gold chain and an saucer sized amulet of some high office. A doublet of purple velvet trimmed in gold lace covered his broad chest and protruding belly. A thick black leather belt with heavy brass buckle encircled his waist which served to hold the tight calf skin trousers tucked into polished calf length black boots.

Helplessly bound as I was I had no choice but to stand as he approached me from behind and reaching around with his fleshy arms and cupped my breasts in his two hands and fondled them as though in the act of love. I turned my head as far as my neck muscles would allow but could not see his face but I could hear his heavy breathing and smell his breath against my cheek as he pressed his velvet covered chest up against my bare back. He continued to hold my right breast and lowered his left arm to grip my buttocks and force the two middle fingers of his hand up into my dry sex slit. "Please Sir....do not touch me there." I pleaded but was powerless to stop the penetration of my womanhood.

As he continued to probe my passage the tip of a finger began to caress the hood of skin shielding the appendage resembling a pink worm that grows when a women desires the attentions of a man. "Stop oh please.....stop!" I cried out as the warm tingling feeling in my loins aroused carnal passions which I did not wish to display in the presence of men.

I lost control of my mind and senses to the ministrations of that hand upon my privates and the feel of his hardened phallus pressing through his trousers against my bare buttocks. I became wet between my legs and could feel my woman slime slithering down my inner thighs. I was lost in a world created by heaven as I approached a climax and began to whimper "fuck me...I am your whore...fuck me please."

At the very apex of my climb towards a blissful conclusion the man released his tender grip on my throbbing nipple and pulling his caressing fingers from my oily slit. He placed the fingers sodden with my excretions onto my lips and I dutifully licked the pungent tasting oil until the ring laden fingers were clean.

I cried in frustration "please my Master do not leave me in this carnal state." His answer shattered my desperate need for release when he snarled "Whore, it's time for you to be whipped but we will finish this fucking when you become my indentured serf and personal whore."

Too stunned to speak the man who brought me such passion and disappointment stepped back and was handed a nine thong flogger by an attended who brought it up onto the platform, bowed and said "The flogger for you, my Lord High Sheriff."

I was to be whipped with the infamous and feared nine thong whip which if given forty lashes would amount to three hundred and sixty strikes of leather on my poor body. Dear readers I feared that I would not live to write this account after such a punishment but I did survive only because my body had value as the sex slave of the High Sheriff who ensured that I would live to serve him. He was an experienced torturer could sense the limits of his victims.

A bag made of jute was placed over my head and tied with a twine of hemp around my neck. I was blinded and would have suffocated but for two holes cut in the cloth to allow me to breath. This was intended to torment me with when and where the whip would strike my body.

There are no words to describe the pain I felt with that first stroke of the flogger and those that followed Writing of it still is difficult, but for the historical record I feel it must be told.

I felt nothing at the instant the nine thongs of braided leather struck my buttocks. My body was pushed forward and I would have fallen but for the chains binding my arms high to either side.The pain came on suddenly like I had been sat onto the flames of a raging fire and I must have screamed as a curtain of red descended over my eyes and thoughts. This was repeated each time the flogger struck my back, thighs and buttocks.

I was lost in a personal hell of agony as the flames of that fire fanned by the flogger strokes consumed my back flesh. My body swayed and shook danced like a puppet on a string and my legs involuntarily kicked into the air in my futile attempts to escape the stings of a thousand wasps that repeatedly stung my back with red hot venom.

I could hear muffled voices shouting obscenities referring to me as a whore and a slut and the words which I struggle here to transcribe such as "cunt and twat" when my legs opened and my sex was exposed to those ogling lust filled men.
When I had received the first twenty flogger strokes the bag over my head was removed and a cup filled with water was pressed to be lips. I swallowed it down ravenously as my exertions and cries of pain that left me in need of something to revive me for the next half of my sentence.

Wih my back still on fire from the flogging I barely felt the comforting hands once again cup my sex and breasts but when the fingers probed wihin my slit and gentle caress inner folds and passage to my womb I could not resist feeling the ecstatic tingling of sexual desire arise from my loins and sweep away away some of the burning embers still throbbing against my beaten flesh. My nipples hardened as his hand rolled them between thumb and finger. I discovered wihin myself that the sensations of pain and humiliation mixed together with sexual lust would carry me in another world of exquisite womanly fulfilment that I had never believed existed this side of heaven.

Uncaring of the assembled hundreds who had come to witness my chastisment I pulsed my body up and down onto the hand cupping my sex once again coating the fingers of the High Sheriff wih my sexual excretions and moaned and gasped as the wave of excrutiating rapture lifted my very soul to the pinnacle of what it means to be a woman. At the apex it all slipped away once again as the cruel lover removed his hands away and called out "The whore is ready...now bring me the whip."

The bag was not returned over my head and now I had to look at the sight of men gripping themselves between the legs and the cheap whores mingling about offering to satify the mens lust while other men exposed their stiffened manhood towards me. I was not longer embarrassed or shamed by my wanton behavior and stood proud in the chains awaiting the whip.

They had come to see naked women suffer under the whip and they would see my body writhe sensuously and hear me scream in agony as the lash tore open my skin but they could never know the heights of euphoria that I was about to feel as they jerked on their cocks and ejaculated their sperm.

The whip handed to the High Sheriff was thinner and longer that the one that the blacksmith had used to brutally beat the Baroness deLacy. It was long enough to entirely encircle my body and cut the flesh like a knife blade. Yet I was unafraid as the cruel man stepped behind me and far enough to my right side that when turning my head I could see him standing and holding the whip handle in his right fist, smiling as he let it uncoil like a shiny brown snake.

He had turned my back into a blazing inferno with he flogger and brought me to the peak of sexual arousal and now was about to begin anew. By that sly smile I sensed that he knew that I would be experiencing lust filled pleasure as well as pain.

The whip hummed like a swarm of bees as it sliced through the rain dampened air and when it struck me the sound that can only be desribed as a loud crack.The lash crossed the entire length of my battered back and passed under my right side and slashed the side of my breast. My body twisted as the whip fell away and my legs spread wide. The scream it extracted from my throat echoed against the stone ramparts of the grey stones of the cathedral.

Slowly and deliberately the whip sang and cracked against my bare flesh reigniting the flames that the flogger had created and leaving behind crimson trails of rising bloody welts. By the tenth stroke my screams and shrieks had waned to croaking gasps A pause in the whipping began to allow the High Sheriff to imbibe a tankard of ale. Water was denied me but I know longer cared.

Despite the suffering that I was forced to endure or perhaps because of it I had slipped into a trance like state. As the thong had created crimson stripes of fire across my back, sides and breasts the euphoria of pending sexual release overpowered the agony and I was transported into a world of rapturous ecstacy.

Curious minds might ask "Did you not feel the sting of the whip when in the trance like state." The answer is undeniably yes but now in a different way. I did scream as the whipping began anew and slashed me across both of my breasts but it seemed as though another distant woman was crying out when the fire of the lash scalded her flesh leaving scarlet bars across the saggy bags.But that woman was me. They were my breasts and the nipples that felt the flames not a woman in my imagination.

The remaining five whip strokes were directed to my belly and the swell of my hair covered woman's mound. The excruciating anguish of these final lashes cannot be described with words. Suffice it to say that the final whip stroke descended between my legs and my mind went red as a wave of the purest agony rose up through my tortured body.

This final whip stroke fueled my body with an overpowering need for sexual release and transported me into a world of heavenly bliss I shrieked out as the waves of ecstacy coursed upward from my loins and I collaped into blackness having been overcome by the pain and emotion of sexual release.

I returned to my world of woe in the hospice of the Prior of St.Clement lying upon a bed of straw. A nun was washing my back with a soothing solution that eased the pain still throbbing throughout my body where the whip and flogger had struck me.
As my eyes opened I saw that the Baroness deLacy lay next me and was also being cleansed of the dried blood from the stripes of scarlet that she bore on her back and buttocks.

I was soon o learn that we would not be returned to the prison cells of Baile Castle but would instead taken to York Castle where we would both be indentured for five years to the High Sheriff of York.
I see - the sentences given before were incomplete. Well, I suppose nothing else about that trial was fair, so why not that...

That said, can it really be seemly to to have done... that sort of thing before a mixed crowd? It's not like he won't get a chance at her later.
Part 3. I will continue if enough readers are interested. Thank you.

I stared out over the mass of humanity gathered to witness my punishment. It was apparent that the men jostling for a view of my nakedness had not had their lust for seeing a woman whipped sated even after Baroness deLacy was carried from the stage.

As the woman before had been fastened so was eye save the ropes at the ankles. I was thus able to keep my legs closed and my womanhood unrevealed. Unlike the baroness after the shackles on my arms and legs were removed and I was taken between the two posts the chains and cuffs on my wrists were adjusted so that I was forced to support my body by the balls and toes of my feet. The sinews and muscles of my arms and legs bulged against my skin with the effort required.

The strain imposed upon my limbs lifted my sagging breasts and my mature women belly firmed which aroused the ogling men beneath me. I was beyond caring of my shameful exposure of my naked body that was forced onto me.

From my position below the platform I had been aware of an elevated wooden dias on which sat a group of six men and four women. The men were dress and adorned with the regalia and heraldry of very high office and the women wrapped in ornate jewel bedecked tiars and ermine trimmed robes. They were drinking from golden goblets and both men aand women seemed to be enjoying the spectacle of women being whipped.

The court official again appeared on the platform and in a loud voice read the warrant for my arrest and the sentence imposed by the judges including the conviction for contempt which added an additional ten lashes. I would soon regret that act of defiance. As the man in robes departed and stood beneath the dias on which the high officials were seated another man arose upon the platfom and it was not the hooded giant.

In his place stood a a shorter and much older man, bald headed with shoulder length fringes of thick grey hair decended to his braod bare shoulders that tapered down to thick hair covered arms. His face was not covered in a mask but instead a thick beard of black hair flecked with grey. With my eyes followed the man as he approached closer I could discern his thick neck was encircled with a thick gold chain and an saucer sized amulet of some high office. A doublet of purple velvet trimmed in gold lace covered his broad chest and protruding belly. A thick black leather belt with heavy brass buckle encircled his waist which served to hold the tight calf skin trousers tucked into polished calf length black boots.

Helplessly bound as I was I had no choice but to stand as he approached me from behind and reaching around with his fleshy arms and cupped my breasts in his two hands and fondled them as though in the act of love. I turned my head as far as my neck muscles would allow but could not see his face but I could hear his heavy breathing and smell his breath against my cheek as he pressed his velvet covered chest up against my bare back. He continued to hold my right breast and lowered his left arm to grip my buttocks and force the two middle fingers of his hand up into my dry sex slit. "Please Sir....do not touch me there." I pleaded but was powerless to stop the penetration of my womanhood.

As he continued to probe my passage the tip of a finger began to caress the hood of skin shielding the appendage resembling a pink worm that grows when a women desires the attentions of a man. "Stop oh please.....stop!" I cried out as the warm tingling feeling in my loins aroused carnal passions which I did not wish to display in the presence of men.

I lost control of my mind and senses to the ministrations of that hand upon my privates and the feel of his hardened phallus pressing through his trousers against my bare buttocks. I became wet between my legs and could feel my woman slime slithering down my inner thighs. I was lost in a world created by heaven as I approached a climax and began to whimper "fuck me...I am your whore...fuck me please."

At the very apex of my climb towards a blissful conclusion the man released his tender grip on my throbbing nipple and pulling his caressing fingers from my oily slit. He placed the fingers sodden with my excretions onto my lips and I dutifully licked the pungent tasting oil until the ring laden fingers were clean.

I cried in frustration "please my Master do not leave me in this carnal state." His answer shattered my desperate need for release when he snarled "Whore, it's time for you to be whipped but we will finish this fucking when you become my indentured serf and personal whore."

Too stunned to speak the man who brought me such passion and disappointment stepped back and was handed a nine thong flogger by an attended who brought it up onto the platform, bowed and said "The flogger for you, my Lord High Sheriff."

I was to be whipped with the infamous and feared nine thong whip which if given forty lashes would amount to three hundred and sixty strikes of leather on my poor body. Dear readers I feared that I would not live to write this account after such a punishment but I did survive only because my body had value as the sex slave of the High Sheriff who ensured that I would live to serve him. He was an experienced torturer could sense the limits of his victims.

A bag made of jute was placed over my head and tied with a twine of hemp around my neck. I was blinded and would have suffocated but for two holes cut in the cloth to allow me to breath. This was intended to torment me with when and where the whip would strike my body.

There are no words to describe the pain I felt with that first stroke of the flogger and those that followed Writing of it still is difficult, but for the historical record I feel it must be told.

I felt nothing at the instant the nine thongs of braided leather struck my buttocks. My body was pushed forward and I would have fallen but for the chains binding my arms high to either side.The pain came on suddenly like I had been sat onto the flames of a raging fire and I must have screamed as a curtain of red descended over my eyes and thoughts. This was repeated each time the flogger struck my back, thighs and buttocks.

I was lost in a personal hell of agony as the flames of that fire fanned by the flogger strokes consumed my back flesh. My body swayed and shook danced like a puppet on a string and my legs involuntarily kicked into the air in my futile attempts to escape the stings of a thousand wasps that repeatedly stung my back with red hot venom.

I could hear muffled voices shouting obscenities referring to me as a whore and a slut and the words which I struggle here to transcribe such as "cunt and twat" when my legs opened and my sex was exposed to those ogling lust filled men.
When I had received the first twenty flogger strokes the bag over my head was removed and a cup filled with water was pressed to be lips. I swallowed it down ravenously as my exertions and cries of pain that left me in need of something to revive me for the next half of my sentence.

Wih my back still on fire from the flogging I barely felt the comforting hands once again cup my sex and breasts but when the fingers probed wihin my slit and gentle caress inner folds and passage to my womb I could not resist feeling the ecstatic tingling of sexual desire arise from my loins and sweep away away some of the burning embers still throbbing against my beaten flesh. My nipples hardened as his hand rolled them between thumb and finger. I discovered wihin myself that the sensations of pain and humiliation mixed together with sexual lust would carry me in another world of exquisite womanly fulfilment that I had never believed existed this side of heaven.

Uncaring of the assembled hundreds who had come to witness my chastisment I pulsed my body up and down onto the hand cupping my sex once again coating the fingers of the High Sheriff wih my sexual excretions and moaned and gasped as the wave of excrutiating rapture lifted my very soul to the pinnacle of what it means to be a woman. At the apex it all slipped away once again as the cruel lover removed his hands away and called out "The whore is ready...now bring me the whip."

The bag was not returned over my head and now I had to look at the sight of men gripping themselves between the legs and the cheap whores mingling about offering to satify the mens lust while other men exposed their stiffened manhood towards me. I was not longer embarrassed or shamed by my wanton behavior and stood proud in the chains awaiting the whip.

They had come to see naked women suffer under the whip and they would see my body writhe sensuously and hear me scream in agony as the lash tore open my skin but they could never know the heights of euphoria that I was about to feel as they jerked on their cocks and ejaculated their sperm.

The whip handed to the High Sheriff was thinner and longer that the one that the blacksmith had used to brutally beat the Baroness deLacy. It was long enough to entirely encircle my body and cut the flesh like a knife blade. Yet I was unafraid as the cruel man stepped behind me and far enough to my right side that when turning my head I could see him standing and holding the whip handle in his right fist, smiling as he let it uncoil like a shiny brown snake.

He had turned my back into a blazing inferno with he flogger and brought me to the peak of sexual arousal and now was about to begin anew. By that sly smile I sensed that he knew that I would be experiencing lust filled pleasure as well as pain.

The whip hummed like a swarm of bees as it sliced through the rain dampened air and when it struck me the sound that can only be desribed as a loud crack.The lash crossed the entire length of my battered back and passed under my right side and slashed the side of my breast. My body twisted as the whip fell away and my legs spread wide. The scream it extracted from my throat echoed against the stone ramparts of the grey stones of the cathedral.

Slowly and deliberately the whip sang and cracked against my bare flesh reigniting the flames that the flogger had created and leaving behind crimson trails of rising bloody welts. By the tenth stroke my screams and shrieks had waned to croaking gasps A pause in the whipping began to allow the High Sheriff to imbibe a tankard of ale. Water was denied me but I know longer cared.

Despite the suffering that I was forced to endure or perhaps because of it I had slipped into a trance like state. As the thong had created crimson stripes of fire across my back, sides and breasts the euphoria of pending sexual release overpowered the agony and I was transported into a world of rapturous ecstacy.

Curious minds might ask "Did you not feel the sting of the whip when in the trance like state." The answer is undeniably yes but now in a different way. I did scream as the whipping began anew and slashed me across both of my breasts but it seemed as though another distant woman was crying out when the fire of the lash scalded her flesh leaving scarlet bars across the saggy bags.But that woman was me. They were my breasts and the nipples that felt the flames not a woman in my imagination.

The remaining five whip strokes were directed to my belly and the swell of my hair covered woman's mound. The excruciating anguish of these final lashes cannot be described with words. Suffice it to say that the final whip stroke descended between my legs and my mind went red as a wave of the purest agony rose up through my tortured body.

This final whip stroke fueled my body with an overpowering need for sexual release and transported me into a world of heavenly bliss I shrieked out as the waves of ecstacy coursed upward from my loins and I collaped into blackness having been overcome by the pain and emotion of sexual release.

I returned to my world of woe in the hospice of the Prior of St.Clement lying upon a bed of straw. A nun was washing my back with a soothing solution that eased the pain still throbbing throughout my body where the whip and flogger had struck me.
As my eyes opened I saw that the Baroness deLacy lay next me and was also being cleansed of the dried blood from the stripes of scarlet that she bore on her back and buttocks.

I was soon o learn that we would not be returned to the prison cells of Baile Castle but would instead taken to York Castle where we would both be indentured for five years to the High Sheriff of York.
I would like to be at her place, I am a masochist whore like Lady Agetha. To be a sex slave of Sheriff, to be whipped daily and serve him as a whore... Omg... what a pleasure
I see - the sentences given before were incomplete. Well, I suppose nothing else about that trial was fair, so why not that...

That said, can it really be seemly to to have done... that sort of thing before a mixed crowd? It's not like he won't get a chance at her later.
The High Sheriff had a strong influence on the court and didn't wanted both the Baroness and Lady Agetha to be sex slaves. He didn't want the merchandise permanently damaged or dead. Why does he like older women? That's anyone guess but they do make better lovers.
The High Sheriff had a strong influence on the court and didn't wanted both the Baroness and Lady Agetha to be sex slaves. He didn't want the merchandise permanently damaged or dead. Why does he like older women? That's anyone guess but they do make better lovers.
But you wrote that both will belong to the sheriff as whore slaves. Yes the older women are experienced lovers with no limits at deprevations and like to explore new paths for lust and pleasure. They submit as sex slaves and offer their bodies in extreme torture and whippings. A masochist woman like me doesn't have any limits, at whipping or scourging... Only seeking lust... Whipped to the end, dying in lust and orgasm. Maybe lady Agetha must be crusified,... It's my dream
But you wrote that both will belong to the sheriff as whore slaves. Yes the older women are experienced lovers with no limits at deprevations and like to explore new paths for lust and pleasure. They submit as sex slaves and offer their bodies in extreme torture and whippings. A masochist woman like me doesn't have any limits, at whipping or scourging... Only seeking lust... Whipped to the end, dying in lust and orgasm. Maybe lady Agetha must be crusified,... It's my dream
Both women will be used as whores to earn their keep in addition to forced hard labour as serfs. Punishments will be severe if cock sucking and fucking are unsatisfactory.
Both women will be used as whores to earn their keep in addition to forced hard labour as serfs. Punishments will be severe if cock sucking and fucking are unsatisfactory.
Omg... Please put me in the place of them. Hard labour under the lash, raped, gangbangs, cocksucking, bestiality sex with dogs and horses and of course daily whippings...
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