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Roman Crucifixion

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Has anyone fantasies of being a slave at Roman times? Sentenced to crucifixion, and before whipped publicly chained at a whipping post with nipples attached with chain and nailed at the post. Whipped with whip which has nails at the edges till bleeding. How many lashes? I say 200-300....i would orgasm during the whipping. Then crusified with ropes of course.....do you think nails are possible?
Also have the nipples pierced with needles.
What other torture do you propose?
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Whipped with whip which has nails at the edges till bleeding. How many lashes? I say 200-300
So many lashes? Don't think the victim will survive that long as you will completely strip the skin and all muscles from the bones.
Massive bloodloss-> death
¿Tantas pestañas? No crea que la víctima sobrevivirá tanto tiempo si le quita por completo la piel y todos los músculos de los huesos.
Pérdida de sangre masiva-> muerte
You couldn't exactly reach the cross with so many lashes, it would be better to carry the cross and on the way you would be given more lashes. Better as an exemplary punishment would be 60 lashes with different flagella, spiked whip, leather whip and wooden rods.
You couldn't exactly reach the cross with so many lashes, it would be better to carry the cross and on the way you would be given more lashes. Better as an exemplary punishment would be 60 lashes with different flagella, spiked whip, leather whip and wooden rods.
Maybe you are right. I am a masochist pain slut whore and I beg for extreme pain to satisfy my needs. Also before crusified I must be fucked by men and women..
Do you think that a form of nailing can be done?.... I dream about it....
Also propose any other kind of extreme humiliation or torture.... I already said about piercing my nipples... and labia

This conversation has taken place more times on these forums than I can count, but to sum them all up there is no safe way to perform crucifixion using nails in real life. Dream about it all you like, gaze longingly upon images such as @mp5stab's excellent Bethany series to your heart's content, but do not suggest attempting actually using nails. It is stupid, could lead to a fatal infection such as septicaemia, will lead to long-term tendon or nerve damage,and last but by no means least, it is specifically prohibited in the forum rules.
Maybe you are right. I am a masochist pain slut whore and I beg for extreme pain to satisfy my needs. Also before crusified I must be fucked by men and women..
Must? What’s this “must” slave… you’ll take the whipping and raping we give you, but there is no “must”

Perhaps we should spread your deserved torture over time? We will enjoy spreading 500 lashes over a few days, then a couple of weeks in the dungeon to recover! Then we’ll brand you on your face with thee letter T for Traitor. Soon giving you your patibulum encouraging you with flagrums. On the way stopping at street corners to chain you to a post so the peasantry can use you as their sexual toilet. We brand you again with a W for whore and decided to let you recover again so back to the dungeon you go! fed bland nutritious cruel and given water while chained in your cell - used by the guards and always given mild torture like pins into your toenails and standard slave whipping…

You have become their torture slave, and suffer even now in their dungeon, awaiting a new torture each week and begging for the sweet mercy of the crucifixion which will never come!
So many lashes? Don't think the victim will survive that long as you will completely strip the skin and all muscles from the bones.
Massive bloodloss-> death
200-300 lashes doesn’t have to be like that, a cat made from rope would make a bit of a mess with a lot of pain but doesn’t cause the huge blood loss you mentioned. In convict times here, such a whipping wasn’t unheard of and the men survived.

As always it depends on what is used and how hard it’s laid in. Obviously 200 with a scourge is likely to be fatal, for example

Perhaps the Romans like 39 lashes oh the Scourge because it was a sweet spot of additional pain and humiliation without too high a cost of shortening the crucifixion. After all, a day or so is enough, that’s time enough for the leg breaking to occur - crucifiers might be busy to wait 4 days for a completely healthy slave to linger? :azote: :roflmao::azote:
This is how I want to suffer.... Whipped, crusified...no mercy.. I must suffer for the joy and pleasure of the crowd
The cruel sadist in me :devil: will then come up with the idea, to have you crucified all alone, on a lonely place, no crowd, no rape, no whipping!:roto2cafe:
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