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The Misadventures of Barbara Moore.

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After her ordeal in the shower block, Barb was marched back to the dormitory along with her companions. The Barrack Leader, a formidable looking woman by the name of Lexie Glock introduced herself, and in a distinctly threatening and unpleasant tone read Barb a list of does and don`ts, before giving her a close up of the plaited `starter` which was attached to the belt spanning her waist, adding a warning that she would love to find an excuse to use it on Barb`s bare backside.
In fact, she had Barb bend over and grab her ankles, which caused the obscenely short dress to rise up and expose the target area, Barb gritted her teeth in bitter anticipation, but Lexie only took the opportunity to fondle the exposed flesh and lightly run two fingers over the damp, puffy labia and grinning, before allowing her to rise.
Shortly afterwards, two prisoners from the Kitchen detail arrived carrying canteens carrying the evening meals , which although simple, were wholesome and perfectly edible.
Barb was also surprised at the sleeping arrangements, the dormitory was spotlessly clean, each prisoner had a basic, but reasonably comfortable matrass on a solid, if spartan iron bedframe, with a single pillow and blanket. In a foot locker at the base of the bed, there was room for a spare blanket, mug, brush, comb and toothbrush. She had to admit that the Prison Farm was actually quite well run, if the sadistic cruelty could be ignored.
She was also wary that the Barack Leader had absolute authority in the dormitory, and that the prisoners fell into two distinct categories, the tough, dominant streetwise women, and the more refined and nervous white collar types, of which she had to reluctantly admit she was one.
On her admission to Hicks, it had soon become apparent to Barb, that if she adopted her customary aggressive, feisty attitude here, she would be eaten alive, her early encounters with those in authority had quickly confirmed that fact to her.
Her immediate worry however, was being in this dormitory, where she was sure at least fifty per cent of the prisoners were tough, butch and wanted to either hurt her, abuse her sexually, or a combination of both.
Although she only slept fitfully, her imagination fuelled with lurid fears, nothing untoward happened, which, when she reflected on it, brought the chilling thought that she had only been left unharmed because she was `reserved` for Molly Smith, Gretchen Kramer or Joan Tree, or probably all three.
Why had she signed the letter of resignation and the six or eight postcards? That was a mistake, but Gretchen Kramer sending electricity coursing through her genitalia, was impossible to resist. How would they use them? Did they intended to keep her here indefinitely, or somehow make her
disappear? She told herself it was imperative that she tried to find a way of escape, but not before she had chance to familiarise herself much more with the set up and physical lay out of the Farm, but the nagging doubt tormented her, how on earth could she escape dressed in this obscenely short dress with no money, credit cards or even underwear.
Morning wake up call came only too soon, and after a simple but nutritious breakfast, Barb and the rest of her Barack were marched out on work detail by Lexie Glock to the livestock are, which apparently was their responsibility this week.
There ,Sergeant Smith awaited them, and proceeded to allocate the various duties, until only Barb remained without a task.

AH, yes, Moore, today you will be the `Shit Girl`, mucking out the animals, starting with the pigs. So get your nice new dress off and hand it to me. You don`t want to get it covered in pig shit, now, do you?

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"Here we go again," thought Barb as she stooped, crossed her arms and pulled the short uniform over her head and off, before handing it to her tormentor.
Again, the Sergeant was impressed, Moore appeared none the worse for her initiation ordeal. Admittedly, the wet towels had left some red patches evident on her back, buttocks and thighs, and her swollen nipples were still an angry purple, but their size had reduced since yesterday. Almost subconsciously, Smith took each one between a thumb and finger and gently tweaked . Even this gentle pressure was enough to make Barb whinny and dance from foot to foot.

This was the difference between them, thought Molly, Moore was in good shape, her body was toned and beautiful, her arms and legs well defined, her belly flat and the full soft breasts were spectacular, but it had all been produced by a regime designed to produce trophy wives and mistresses, and in reality, in this environment she was a lamb amongst wolves, her basic weakness obvious to those who knew how to spot it.
By contrast, Molly had come up the hard way, in gangs of both sexes, she had done time on numerous occasions, she had pumped iron, she had fought both men and women and had the self confidence that meant she took shit from only a few men and no women.
So to her, dominating Moore was simple beyond belief, it only took a hard look into those doe eyes and Moore`s resolve quickly melted.

"Your first job today, Moore, is to muck out the pig sties, so arm yourself a brush and shovel and get to work."

Barb reluctantly obeyed, but with the unpleasant smell of the rotting pig manure and her total nudity she displayed little enthusiasm for the task in hand, only half heartedly moving a small amount of the unpleasant ordure.

"Get a move on, you lazy slut, I think you you actually want me to take the skin off that pretty little ass."

After a couple of hours of back breaking labour, Barb had cleaned the pig sty, after a fashion, but Molly was far from pleased.

"Get yourself a barrow, load up that shit and move it to the compost heap."
"When you`ve done that, you can start your real job as `Shit Girl`. Every time one of the teams calls `Shit GIrl` you get over there and take the shit they`ve collected to the compost heap."

Molly chuckled to her self, normally this job was done by a team of three, but she intended that Barb should fail. The only question remaining was what punishment should she inflict for that failure, ideally, ten with the starter would get the slut dancing, but Smith was wary of her own strength, as a Barrack Leader, she had often left women bleeding after only four or five lashes, and Kramer was adamant Moore should not be permanently marked.
What was that all about, in her experience, a scarred ass didn`t impair a gal`s ability to lick pussy, but Smith was still going carefully and had no intention of crossing Kramer, her benefactress.

The cry `Shit Girl` rang out again and again that afternoon, and poor Barb hauled numerous barrow loads to the compost heap. Towards the end of the day, Moore was all but exhausted.
Her arms and legs were splattered with all types of animal manure, her beautiful body bathed in sweat, her sodden hair clinging to her face and her breath coming in the form of short shallow panting until eventually she collapsed in a heap over her barrow.

"Not a very impressive performance, Moore, I don`t think Captain Kramer will be best pleased."

When the time came for the return to their Barack, Barb asked Sergeant Smith if she could have her dress back, but this was denied, and the tired squad marched smartly back, all apart from the bone weary, naked, bedraggled Moore.
Smith wasted no time getting her charges into the showers, and Barb was mortified, when Sergeant Smith summoned the two women who had so brutally bathed her yesterday, to make sure she was thoroughly cleansed. Fortunately, they had no abrasive pads today, but made up for their lack, by making sure that their handling of her breasts and between her legs was both rough and intrusive before she was finally allowed to dry herself and re-dress
More worrying for Barb, however, was what awaited the group in their dormitory, a stern looking Gretchen Kramer carrying the the Prison Strap she had used to such good effect at the intake.
Smith gave the order "Stand by your beds." and all twenty or so women obeyed, standing to attention nervously.

"How are you getting on with your new squad, Sergeant? Do you have any problems?

" In the main, I am happy with their progress, there has been a marked improvement with their discipline with the lamentable exception of Moore whose performance as `Shit Girl` this afternoon lacked enthusiasm and was, to be honest, lamentable."

"Is that so, we cannot allow that. Moore pick up you foot locker and move it into the centre of the room. Good, now strip."

The crestfallen Barb, who had a good idea of what was to follow, reluctantly obeyed, appearing to be on the verge of tears.

"Now, Moore, kneel on your foot locker with you knees apart, and place you palms and forearms flat on the floor."

The helpless woman had no option but to obey, and to her dismay, found that in order to maintain any semblance of balance she had to spread her legs wider, giving the watching audience an uninterrupted view of her shaven genitalia, and raising her vulnerable bare bottom so that it was the highest part of her body.

"Normally, Moore, you would be on report, and receive a public flogging in the square, but as I am here now and have the strap to hand I am going to teach you a summary lesson in front of your comrades. Do you think ten will suffice, Sergeant?"

"Good, then we`ll begin."

Kramer took her time, she knew that this strap was a fearsome implement, which if handled properly, was capable of causing great pain and deep seated bruising without leaving permanent marks.
She took a step back, turned, and using the not insignificant weight of her body, delivered a ferocious blow full across the proffered buttocks. Barb was galvanised by the intense pain and howled like a wounded animal.

"A remarkably effective implement, don`t you think. Sergeant?"

"Indeed, Ma`am."

Kramer laid four more blistering strokes onto the almost virgin flesh, until Moore`s buttocks were bright red from their crown down to six inches below her sulcus. Each lash producing an anguished cry followed by copious tears

"Would you care to give her the last five, Sergeant? Just be careful not to cut her."

"My pleasure, Ma`am."

She took the strap from her superior and eyed the helpless target, the reddened flesh was already starting to bruise, such a shame she couldn`t lay it on with full force, but beggars can`t be choosers. She slowly proceeded to administer the final five strokes to the tortured flesh and even though she had to pull her punches ,she thought it was having the desired effect on Moore.
When she had finished, there were distinct signs of blue and black bruises forming on the whipped posterior, and Moore was wailing pitifully.

"That should ensure the little slut won`t be slacking in future, and by the way, we have something special planned for her tomorrow."

Her arms and legs were splattered with all types of animal manure, her beautiful body bathed in sweat, her sodden hair clinging to her face and her breath coming in the form of short shallow panting until eventually she collapsed in a heap over her barrow.
When I said “oh shit” it wasn’t far from the truth! :confused::(
"Stay in position, Moore, let us have a good look at you."
Kramer and Smith examined the sore looking ass, its whole surface area was now a swollen crimson, the worst affected areas starting to bruise quite noticeably. A closer inspection, revealed a tracery of lines of tiny red marks which had been caused by the saddle stitching, which ran around the outside edges of the strap, and with the glue served to keep the two lengths of leather together, making it heavier and much more painful for the unfortunate who found herself on the receiving end.
Moore was mortified, her position was humiliating in the extreme, she was on display to the whole Barack Room, her beaten flesh throbbing and occasionally twitching in reaction to the fiery pain, she had cried and screamed throughout her punishment, and above all, she was aware that the signs of her arousal were obvious.
Smith traced her index finger down the exposed sex, from the erect clitoris to the perineum, and silently presented the evidence to Kramer.

"Disgusting little slut, isn`t she?" If I had my way, she`d be in the square tomorrow morning getting three dozen with the cane, but as I said,, we have something lined up for her tomorrow, so I need you to make sure she gets a good night`s sleep, so make sure these randy bitches leave her alone or I`ll flog them within an inch of their lives."
"You are dismissed, Moore."
At that, Barb rose from her humiliating position, which wasn`t easy, unaided gathered her truncated uniform, put it on, and returned to stand `At attention` by her bed. Her mind was racing, she was concerned about the `something special` tomorrow, she had no idea what it was, but was certain it would not be a pleasant experience.

A couple of hours later, Kramer met with Joan Tree and her brother over drinks, to discuss developments. The Judge informed them that the `portfolio` circulated on the dark net, had met with an excellent response, and they had received several serious propositions.

"As I told you earlier, Cesar Montego is prepared to take her off our hands, but only at a highly discounted price. There is Isabella Guiterrez who runs a brothel catering for Lesbian sadists in Buenos Aries who is prepared to take at a better price, and then their is this Arabian Emir, who is apparently as rich as Croesus, money is no object, if she takes his fancy. In fact, he is joining us tomorrow with his slave, secretary, concubine or whatever she is, and he wants to see how they make out as a matching pair."

The following morning, Gretchen Kramer was up bright and early, and at the Barack to collect Barb before she was marched away with the rest of the work party. She led the fearful captive back to her own quarters and straight into the luxuriously appointed bathroom.

"Right, Moore, get stripped, and in you go." was the command, and Barb quickly complied, whatever ordeal she was facing, there was no way she would refuse a nice warm shower and the use of Kramer`s luxury toiletries.
For a few moments, Barb was in heaven, leaving the memories of her humiliations and pain behind her, as she gently soaped herself, so much nicer than that horrid carbolic soap. She was blissfully unaware that now, Kramer had also stripped, and in a few seconds, the powerful, dominant captain had her pinned against the shower screen.
Kramer was determined to enjoy Moore again, particularly if there was a likelihood of her being sold into slavery this afternoon. She none too gently cupped the girl`s bruised buttocks making her wince. Such a shame, Kramer thought, she had been looking forward to seeing this masochistic slut`s reactions when she was bent over the punishment frame, and on the receiving end of three dozen with the heavy cane.
No matter, her strong fingers alternated, between gently stimulating the still tender nipples, and thrusting vigorously in and out of the now sopping vagina.
Barb was putty in this woman`s hands, and enjoyed three shattering orgasms, before Kramer snapped, "Make sure that snatch is clean, and get out here."
Barb, regretting her few moments of luxury were over, cleaned and dried herself, wallowing in the soft, absorbent quality of the towels.
She went to replace her uniform, but was greeted with "Leave it, you won`t be needing that."
She stood there, embarrassingly still naked, awaiting further instructions, when her train of thought interrupted by the ringing of the door bell
Kramer answered it and admitted two attractive young ladies carrying large shoulder bags.

"You are so lucky , Moore, these ladies are here to give you the full beauty treatment, hair, manicure, pedicure, massage, Brazilian waxing, the full Monty. Any instructions they give you, you will treat as if they came from me, understood?. So, girls, she`s all yours, go to it."

One of the women placed a protective sheet over Kramer`s bed, and ordered Barb to lie on it. This was going to be a nice change, normally their clients were rich demanding women who could be frightening, but it was obvious from this woman`s submissive demeanour in the presence of Captain Kramer that she would present no problems.

"Right, girl, spread those legs and show me that pussy." Sharply slapping the front of Barb`s left thigh, when she was slow to respond.
"Wow, a Hollywood."
The young woman casually ran her fingers over the shaven mound not bothering to ask Barb for her permission.

"Just a bit of stubble, bum fluff really, but I`m sure we can make it a memorable experience." she cackled.

The two women worked like a well drilled team, affixing linen strips and applying copious amounts of hot wax, probably hotter than it needed to be, to Barb`s most tender and intimate places.
While the wax cooled , they busied themselves with the pedicure and manicures leaving, their client with a set of matching carmine finger and toenails.
When the wax had hardened sufficiently, one of the girls seized Barb`s arms while other gripped the ends of the waxed linen and ripped it off in one savage motion. This produced a pitiful scream and copious tears from the victim.

"There, I told you it would be memorable."

Next came the massage, which Barb found quite relaxing and enjoyable , although she suspected one of the girls was paying rather more attention to her breasts than was strictly necessary.

"On your tummy."

Barb complied, and the more senior of the two said "My, My, looks like someone`s been a naughty girl." as she eyed the bruised buttocks, taking the opportunity to apply a stinging slap to the right one.
When their work was completed, Kramer paid them generously and quickly ushered them outside.
She then addressed the still naked, Moore.

"Time to spell it out, Moore, all this has been for a purpose. We have an Arab gentleman, a prospective purchaser, coming to assess you this afternoon."

"You can`t, slavery is illegal."

"It isn`t in Arabia, and let me warn you, if you don`t cooperate, what will happen. Do you remember that cane the Warden lashed you with at your intake?
Well, if you cause trouble, I will be giving you six dozen with it, while you`re bent naked over the punishment frame on the square. A prospect you don`t even want to contemplate.

With that, Kramer led a miserable Moore to the Warden`s quarters, where they assembled in spacious lounge. Barb was aware of two three feet by two feet platforms in the centre of the room Joan Tree and her brother the Judge, also present was a swarthy Middle Eastern gentleman, dressed in a very smart Savile Row suit but wearing an Arab head dress.
"I am the Emir of al Jabirah, this gentleman is Doctor Ahmed." he pointed to the man standing alongside him "While the woman is my er, erm Factotum, Eulalia." the woman in question was standing respectfully behind the Emir with her eyes lowered.

To Barb, the situation seemed surreal and terrifying at the same time, Kramer wasn`t joking when she had told her she was going to be sold. Here she was, naked, and totally at the mercy of these lunatics, with few, if any, practical prospects of changing anything.

"Ah, right on time, Gretchen. Get Moore up on the left hand platform, in the `present` position, if you please."

"You heard the lady, Moore, mount up."

Reluctantly, Barb stepped up onto the platform and obediently spread her legs and locked her fingers behind her head.

"There you are, Your Excellency, feel free to inspect the merchandise."

The Emir didn`t need a second invitation, he rose slowly and stood in front of the trembling, naked woman. His long bony fingers roamed over the toned, but softly curving flesh, taking time to thoroughly examine the full breasts, which seemed to fascinate him, before rolling each tender nipple between his thumb and forefinger and grinning evilly when Barb could not hide her pain. "Still tender? I did enjoy your two sessions on the treadmill, most entertaining indeed."
Barb was horrified, the bastards had actually filmed her humiliation and shown it to this sadist and God knows who else, but of even more pressing concern, was the cruelty which emanated from the deep black pools of the Emir`s eyes and the knowledge, that barring some unforeseen miracle, she could actually be one of this man`s slaves before the day was out.

"She appears to be as you represented her in you promotional material but I need my Doctor to carry out a thorough examination before I make any decisions."

"He is free to carry out any tests he may wish, short of causing any actual damage. WE must protect our investment after all."

Doctor Ahmed then rose and stood in front of Moore eyeing her as if she were some prize racing camel. He took a stethoscope from his pocket and checked her heart and lungs then palpated the full breasts.

"I need her to bend forward and place her palms flat on the floor, please."

"Do it, Moore," snapped Kramer, and Barb hesitantly leant forward until her palms were flat on its surface, causing her to widen her stance in order not to fall, and making her realise what a revealing display she was now presenting.
The good doctor donned a pair of rubber gloves and stepped behind the exposed woman, initially, he probed her anus with his index finger and then carried out a very thorough examination of her vagina, before returning to have a conversation with the Emir in Arabic.
The gist of his report was that the prospective slave was not used to anal sex, despite been penetrated recently. That penetration had resulted in a small tear which was now completely healed.
Her healthy, well used vagina confirmed that she was a sexually active woman, and he was concerned with the ease at which she became aroused, adding that she was the type of woman the Emir`s late father would have certainly had circumcised, in addition, he suspected she had masochistic tendencies. Although her papers confirmed that she was forty years old, her biological age was about thirty. In conclusion, there was no physical reason not to purchase her, and in the doctor`s opinion she had the makings of an excellent slave girl.

After taking a few moments to consider the doctor`s report, the Emir rose,

"Allow me to introduce Eulalia, she is a native of Scotland, and probably one of the most erudite and intelligent women on the planet. She helps me to run my Kingdom, manage my various business interests and generally advises me on any matter with which I need help. More importantly though, she is my slave girl, in fact my perfect slave girl, a position she has occupied for almost ten years. You know what you must do now, Eulalia."

The slim, conservatively dressed and ,so far silent woman, got to her feet. She calmly removed the jacket of her business suit then the slim skirt, folding them neatly over the back of the chair on which she had been sitting. She removed the smartly cut white shirt she was wearing, followed by her three inch heels and her lace topped hold ups. Without hesitation, she quickly and efficiently shed the very expensive bra and pants set, and marched briskly to the second platform, mounted it, and adopted the `present` position just like Barb.
This outcome was a shock to everyone but the Emir and his doctor, but Moore was the most concerned, she had immediately noticed the small Arabic word or emblem, which was plainly visible on the girl`s shaven mound exactly halfway between her belly button and the top of her slit.

The Trees and Gretchen Kramer were surprised by this unexpected turn of events, although Gretchen had wondered why the Emir had asked for a second platform to be provided. Well now she had the answer. She prided herself that she was an expert when it came to the assessment of female flesh, and she could not help but be impressed by the Emir`s naked slave girl, so blatantly displayed in front of her. She idly wondered whether His Excellency could be persuaded to leave his prize possession with her at the Prison Farm for thirty days, but before she could develop this idea, the Emir rose to his feet and stood in front of the two naked women.

The Emir slowly moved between the two, surveying each in turn, of course, he was intimately familiar with Eulalia`s every minute detail, so his concentration was mainly focussed on the Moore woman, his prospective purchase.
Firstly, she was exactly the same height as Eulalia, her lustrous brown hair was perhaps a shade lighter, but the difference was marginal. Facially, her classical features might be considered more beautiful than those of Eulalia, whose slightly prominent teeth and snubbed nose, perhaps made her appearance striking rather than beautiful, but beauty was in the eye of the beholder.
When it came to body types, it was easy to deduce that were remarkably similar, both being lithe, slim and toned. Their hairless vaginas were both neat and not too prominent, with small well formed outer labia. The two major differences between the pair became obvious, the first was his crest burned deep into Eulalia`s mound with a hot iron, which now formed a neat white scar tissue which she would carry to the grave. The second was the disparity in the size of their breasts, Eulalia`s were smaller and beautifully formed, topped with small pink nipples and areola, whereas the Moore woman`s were equally beautiful, but fuller and heavier, their areolae much larger, and, even allowing for their present swollen condition, her nipples were naturally much more prominent. Abundant scope there for him to exercise his proclivity for inflicting pain, if he decided to purchase her.

"Eulalia has proved to be an excellent slave girl, and I have not needed to have her chastised for several years, but she harbours nostalgic yearnings for the rigorous discipline and control to which she was subjected in her initial training, and so I have decided to reward her faithful service by purchasing a companion, who can share her experiences.
That, may, or may not, turn out to be this slut, Moore, I believe she is called.
"Warden have you made the preparations which I asked for?"

"i Have indeed , your Excellency, we can retire to the barn whenever you are ready."

A few moments later, the Emir and his doctor, the Trees and Gretchen, together with the two naked women, reassembled in the aforementioned barn, a large spacious building, which was interesting enough in itself, but the centre of attraction was a flour grinding mill.

"This mill is a relic from the ante bellum Tree plantation, an historic artefact, indeed, and though it was originally intended to be turned by donkeys, we have had it adapted, as you requested, so that, if they put their backs into it, it can be turned by two women."

"Thank you, Warden, I hope you haven`t made it too easy to turn, I do enjoy seeing naked women toiling and raising a sweat. Will you and Captain Kramer please provide the necessary motivation for the slaves?
But I warn you, Eulalia is very dear to me, and if I am to purchase the Moore slut, it is imperative that they incur no permanent damage."

"That is not a problem your Excellency, as you see, we have armed ourselves with light carbon fibre switches, which I can assure you are cabable os causing severe pain with little attendant damage."

"Good, let`s see how these two slaves can work as a pair."

Barb and Eulalia soon found themselves standing behind the bars of the capstan which would drive the mill, each with her wrists chained firmly in position.
Joan Tree moved up closely behind Barb and whispered menacingly in her ear, "Push that bar with all your might, slut, if you embarrass me, and this sale falls through, I`ll have you flogged within an inch of your life."

Joan looked across to the Emir, who nodded his head in approval, and she snapped, "Move it, Moore." applying a sharp cut of the carbon fibre switch to the already heavily bruised buttocks, while Kramer took great delight in doing the same to the Scots woman`s hitherto unblemished flesh.

It took some moments, and a few more cuts of the switch, before Eulalia and Barb managed to establish a unified pace and drive the mill wheel round at a steady trot, but then, again with the Emir`s approval, the grain was introduced, and suddenly, their task became so much more difficult.
For the next thirty minutes, the air was filled with the sound of the millstone crushing grain, the creaking of the capstan turning, the swish and crack of the switches, the harsh commands of Joan and Gretchen, and above all, the cries of distress from Barb and Eulalia.
Judge Tree, the Emir and Doctor Ahmed were enjoying the highly erotic performance which was unfolding before them, two naked slave girls straining every sinew to turn the capstan, urged on by two merciless mistresses who, relished applying their switches to vulnerable bare flesh.
After half an hour, the Emir had seen enough, both girls were nearing exhaustion and sweating profusely so he indicated that the spectacle should cease.

"If you take another thousand off her price, I will take her, but first, I insist that Doctor Ahmed applies my mark to her. I have taken the precaution of packing the appropriate branding iron. Do you have the facility to make it hot enough?"

"We do. I assume he will apply the brand in the same spot as Eulalia`s? In that case, I suggest we secure her to our traditional breeding frame, a piece of equipment with which she is already familiar."

Barb was horrified at this, the way matters were proceeding, and the callous way they were discussing her torture and disfigurement, as if she was not there.

Nevertheless, she soon found herself back in Joan Tree`s house, strapped immobile to the breeding frame, this time on her back, watching the branding iron becoming ever hotter in its brazier, and conscious that her naked shaven mound was the highest point of her retrained body.
Eventually, Doctor Ahmed was satisfied that the required temperature had been reached, took the glowing iron in his right hand and pressed it firmly int the exposed pubis, exactly halfway between her navel and clitoris.
Barb was immediately aware of the searing agony and the smell of burning flesh, before lapsing into merciful unconsciousness.

She slowly regained consciousness, completely unaware of her surroundings, where was she? Her first reaction was to slide her hand down to her crotch. What was this? Her landing strip was intact and her flesh unblemished, she slid the hand under her butt, again, completely unblemished. It suddenly dawned on her, she was, in fact, in her own bed, her short nightdress was bunched up under her armpits, she, and the bed were soaked with her sweat , and embarrassingly with ample evidence of her arousal.

Had all this been a nightmare or a wonderful fantasy, she was unsure, but while she decided, once again, she allowed her fingers to drift down to her dripping sex.

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The Trees and Gretchen Kramer were surprised by this unexpected turn of events, although Gretchen had wondered why the Emir had asked for a second platform to be provided. Well now she had the answer. She prided herself that she was an expert when it came to the assessment of female flesh, and she could not help but be impressed by the Emir`s naked slave girl, so blatantly displayed in front of her. She idly wondered whether His Excellency could be persuaded to leave his prize possession with her at the Prison Farm for thirty days, but before she could develop this idea, the Emir rose to his feet and stood in front of the two naked women.

The Emir slowly moved between the two, surveying each in turn, of course, he was intimately familiar with Eulalia`s every minute detail, so his concentration was mainly focussed on the Moore woman, his prospective purchase.
Firstly, she was exactly the same height as Eulalia, her lustrous brown hair was perhaps a shade lighter, but the difference was marginal. Facially, her classical features might be considered more beautiful than those of Eulalia, whose slightly prominent teeth and snubbed nose, perhaps made her appearance striking rather than beautiful, but beauty was in the eye of the beholder.
When it came to body types, it was easy to deduce that were remarkably similar, both being lithe, slim and toned. Their hairless vaginas were both neat and not too prominent, with small well formed outer labia. The two major differences between the pair became obvious, the first was his crest burned deep into Eulalia`s mound with a hot iron, which now formed a neat white scar tissue which she would carry to the grave. The second was the disparity in the size of their breasts, Eulalia`s were smaller and beautifully formed, topped with small pink nipples and areola, whereas the Moore woman`s were equally beautiful, but fuller and heavier, their areolae much larger, and, even allowing for their present swollen condition, her nipples were naturally much more prominent. Abundant scope there for him to exercise his proclivity for inflicting pain, if he decided to purchase her.

"Eulalia has proved to be an excellent slave girl, and I have not needed to have her chastised for several years, but she harbours nostalgic yearnings for the rigorous discipline and control to which she was subjected in her initial training, and so I have decided to reward her faithful service by purchasing a companion, who can share her experiences.
That, may, or may not, turn out to be this slut, Moore, I believe she is called.
"Warden have you made the preparations which I asked for?"

"i Have indeed , your Excellency, we can retire to the barn whenever you are ready."

A few moments later, the Emir and his doctor, the Trees and Gretchen, together with the two naked women, reassembled in the aforementioned barn, a large spacious building, which was interesting enough in itself, but the centre of attraction was a flour grinding mill.

"This mill is a relic from the ante bellum Tree plantation, an historic artefact, indeed, and though it was originally intended to be turned by donkeys, we have had it adapted, as you requested, so that, if they put their backs into it, it can be turned by two women."

"Thank you, Warden, I hope you haven`t made it too easy to turn, I do enjoy seeing naked women toiling and raising a sweat. Will you and Captain Kramer please provide the necessary motivation for the slaves?
But I warn you, Eulalia is very dear to me, and if I am to purchase the Moore slut, it is imperative that they incur no permanent damage."

"That is not a problem your Excellency, as you see, we have armed ourselves with light carbon fibre switches, which I can assure you are cabable os causing severe pain with little attendant damage."

"Good, let`s see how these two slaves can work as a pair."

Barb and Eulalia soon found themselves standing behind the bars of the capstan which would drive the mill, each with her wrists chained firmly in position.
Joan Tree moved up closely behind Barb and whispered menacingly in her ear, "Push that bar with all your might, slut, if you embarrass me, and this sale falls through, I`ll have you flogged within an inch of your life."

Joan looked across to the Emir, who nodded his head in approval, and she snapped, "Move it, Moore." applying a sharp cut of the carbon fibre switch to the already heavily bruised buttocks, while Kramer took great delight in doing the same to the Scots woman`s hitherto unblemished flesh.

It took some moments, and a few more cuts of the switch, before Eulalia and Barb managed to establish a unified pace and drive the mill wheel round at a steady trot, but then, again with the Emir`s approval, the grain was introduced, and suddenly, their task became so much more difficult.
For the next thirty minutes, the air was filled with the sound of the millstone crushing grain, the creaking of the capstan turning, the swish and crack of the switches, the harsh commands of Joan and Gretchen, and above all, the cries of distress from Barb and Eulalia.
Judge Tree, the Emir and Doctor Ahmed were enjoying the highly erotic performance which was unfolding before them, two naked slave girls straining every sinew to turn the capstan, urged on by two merciless mistresses who, relished applying their switches to vulnerable bare flesh.
After half an hour, the Emir had seen enough, both girls were nearing exhaustion and sweating profusely so he indicated that the spectacle should cease.

"If you take another thousand off her price, I will take her, but first, I insist that Doctor Ahmed applies my mark to her. I have taken the precaution of packing the appropriate branding iron. Do you have the facility to make it hot enough?"

"We do. I assume he will apply the brand in the same spot as Eulalia`s? In that case, I suggest we secure her to our traditional breeding frame, a piece of equipment with which she is already familiar."

Barb was horrified at this, the way matters were proceeding, and the callous way they were discussing her torture and disfigurement, as if she was not there.

Nevertheless, she soon found herself back in Joan Tree`s house, strapped immobile to the breeding frame, this time on her back, watching the branding iron becoming ever hotter in its brazier, and conscious that her naked shaven mound was the highest point of her retrained body.
Eventually, Doctor Ahmed was satisfied that the required temperature had been reached, took the glowing iron in his right hand and pressed it firmly int the exposed pubis, exactly halfway between her navel and clitoris.
Barb was immediately aware of the searing agony and the smell of burning flesh, before lapsing into merciful unconsciousness.

She slowly regained consciousness, completely unaware of her surroundings, where was she? Her first reaction was to slide her hand down to her crotch. What was this? Her landing strip was intact and her flesh unblemished, she slid the hand under her butt, again, completely unblemished. It suddenly dawned on her, she was, in fact, in her own bed, her short nightdress was bunched up under her armpits, she, and the bed were soaked with her sweat , and embarrassingly with ample evidence of her arousal.

Had all this been a nightmare or a wonderful fantasy, she was unsure, but while she decided, once again, she allowed her fingers to drift down to her dripping sex.

Wow. Quite an arousing story. Some truth to that last paragraph I dare say, and I suspect some diligent research on what was once long ago revealed physically about both of us in another thread. Great fun, Twonines. I think it’s a story worth @Madiosi ’s consideration for the archive.
Wow. Quite an arousing story. Some truth to that last paragraph I dare say, and I suspect some diligent research on what was once long ago revealed physically about both of us in another thread. Great fun, Twonines. I think it’s a story worth @Madiosi ’s consideration for the archive.
Those are compliments indeed, especially coming from the Mistress of the genre. After all, you created the fabulous Barbara Moore character, the feisty, quick witted, rebellious ,sharp tongued, sexy masochist we all love. I am conscious that I just `borrowed` her, and may be guilty of over emphasising certain of her traits.
Wow. Quite an arousing story. Some truth to that last paragraph I dare say, and I suspect some diligent research on what was once long ago revealed physically about both of us in another thread. Great fun, Twonines. I think it’s a story worth @Madiosi ’s consideration for the archive.
Thank you for the hint!
LIMERICUS certainly dose give us some wonderful erotic a masochistic material to go to bed with, I just don’t get wet so easy, but I had my moment of dampness with this one, and as for my clitti, that can still be very much stimulated by my minds intake, and all so far from 99 twonines LIMERICUS really hits the spot.

I have been reading this one all over Easter (24), I had to wait a touch until Monday for the end, but as I made my way through the tail I have slept well, as once in bed with a finger or two inside my pussy, and thinking of Barbs, at the mercy of her corrupt captors, I soon fall into deep sleep. I was so apprehensive about how things were going to end for her, but at least my mind was on track, and put to rest, and she is still with us for another one of her erotic masochistic adventure.


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LIMERICUS certainly dose give us some wonderful erotic a masochistic material to go to bed with, I just don’t get wet so easy, but I had my moment of dampness with this one, and as for my clitti, that can still be very much stimulated by my minds intake, and all so far from 99 twonines LIMERICUS really hits the spot.

I have been reading this one all over Easter (24), I had to wait a touch until Monday for the end, but as I made my way through the tail I have slept well, as once in bed with a finger or two inside my pussy, and thinking of Barbs, at the mercy of her corrupt captors, I soon fall into deep sleep. I was so apprehensive about how things were going to end for her, but at least my mind was on track, and put to rest, and she is still with us for another one of her erotic masochistic adventure.
Hey Pippa welcome back!
Thanks for being such a good sport. I have included Barb in my ramblings previously, and was pretty confident how far I could go, but it was a risk including you without warning, so I am mightily relieved.. Thanks, again.
fear not, Twonines, you'll be surprised how far you can go! :devil2:
"We do. I assume he will apply the brand in the same spot as Eulalia`s? In that case, I suggest we secure her to our traditional breeding frame, a piece of equipment with which she is already familiar."

Just something I am so fascinated by and need know, just what does a breeding Frame look like ??
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