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BDSM Sessions Of Messaline ...

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In opening this thread, I wish to share some of our bdsm sessions that we can have , Judith and I ...:rolleyes:

Comments are welcome but no pics or photos or manips ...Please ...;)

This last saturday, we had a wonderful whip'session : I tried to replicate it into this little text ...

I mixed the French and the English languages for those who like it ...


Judith se prépare … elle va me faire souffrir …
Judith is dressing herself to make me suffer ...
Judith sait bien comment je dois souffrir …
Judith knows well how I do suffer ...
Judith sait ce qui est bon pour moi …
Judith knows what it is good for me ...

Habituellement, le samedi matin, nous allons au marché …
Currently, on the saturday'morning, we'll go to the market ...
C’est Judith qui souvent décide ce que l’on va manger …
It's judith who decide what we'll eat ...
Judith sait ce qui est bon pour moi …
Judith knows what it is good for me ...

Le samedi après-midi est consacré à ma souffrance …
Saturday'afternoon is devoted to my pain ...
J’aime souffrir pour et par Judith …
I like to suffer for and by Judith ...
Judith sait comment je dois souffrir …
Judith knows how I do suffer ...

Nous allons à la grange et Judith m’attache sur une vieille échelle …
We're coming to the barn and Judith ropes me to an old ladder ...
Elle me met un bandeau sur les yeux …
She puts a blinfold to my eyes ...
Puis, elle va se préparer …
Then, she's going out to prepare herselve ...
Je reste là, seule, et j’écoute les bruits …
I stay alone and I hear the noises ...

Soudain, une course et un petit cri strident …
Suddenly, a little strident scream...
Le chat a attrapé une souris …
The cat get a mouse ...
Dehors, les pigeons roucoulent …Tout est calme …
Outdoor, doves are cooing ... All is calm ...
Un léger saut près de moi … Un ronronnement … C’est le chat …
A light jump near me ... a purring ... it's the cat ...
Je le sens sur mon ventre … il commence à me lécher …
I feel it on my belly ... he's starting to lick me ...
Sa langue rapeuse remonte vers mes seins …
His rough tongue is growing up to my breasts ...
Il lèche mes nichons qui se dressent fièrement …c’est bon !
He's licking my nipples which are proudly erected ... it's good !
Judith veut que je l’attende comme çà …
Judith wants that I wait like this ...
Judith sait ce qui est bon pour moi …
Judith knows what it is good for me ...

Soudain, j’entends le bruit de ses bottes …
Suddenly, I ear the noise of her boots ...
Elle entre dans la grange …
She's entering the barn ...
Elle ne dit rien … mais je sais que je vais enfin souffrir par et pour elle …
She doesn't say anything ... but I know that , at least, I'll suffer by and for her ...
Je suis excitée … Je sens sa main gantée qui me caresse les seins, le ventre , le pubis …
I'm excited ... I feel her gloved hand caressing my breasts, my belly, my pubis ...
C’est bon … Judith sait ce qui est bon pour moi …
It's good ...Judith knows what it is good for me ...

« Messaline, je vais te fouetter ! Ton beau corps portera mes marques ! »
"Messaline, I'm going to whip you! Your nice body will take my marks !"
Je jubile ! Je désire tant la souffrance qu'elle peut provoquer...
I'm so much desiring the pain that she can do ...

Le premier coup est presque doux … Il prépare mon corps à la souffrance …
The first lash is rather soft ... It prepares my body to the pain ...
Puis, l’intensité augmente … Je ne vois rien venir, je ne sais pas où tombera le suivant …J’aime la surprise …
Then, the intensity is growing up ... I dont see anything coming, I dont know where the next one could hurt me ... I like the surprise ...
Notre « dog » lacère mon corps méthodiquement …
Our "dog" (whip) is methodically lacerating my body ...
Je crie souvent … c’est dur mais Judith sait ce qui est bon pour moi …
I often scream ... It's hard but Judith knows what it is good for me ...

Je sais que Judith sourit … Je sais qu’elle aime que je tressaille et crie lorsque les cruelles lanières du « dog » viennent lacérer l’intérieur de ma tendre cuisse, tout près de mon sexe !
I know that Judith is smiling ... I know that she likes that I wince and scream when the cruel lashes of the "dog" are coming to strike the tender side of my thigh, near form my sexe !
Puis elles remontent mon ventre et frappent mes seins, le droite, le gauche !
Then, they're growing up to my belly, reaching my breasts, the right one, the left one !
Je me tords sous la souffrance , mais je ne peux l’éviter !
I'm wriggling under the pain but I cant avoid !
Je l’aime cette souffrance … Judith le sais bien...
I love this pain and Judith knows well ...
Peu à peu, un plaisir intense m’envahit …une sorte de "transe "…
Step to step, an intense pleasure is invading me ... a kind of "trance" ...
Je ne sens plus les coups comme avant … Mon corps est brulant, comme habillé par cette souffrance, par ce PLAISIR de souffrir pour elle !
I dont feel the lashes like before ... My body is warming, looking like clothed by this suffering, by this PLEASURE of beeing in pain for her !
Judith le sait bien …
Judith well knows that ...

Alors, elle arrête …Je l’entends qui s’approche …Je sens ses mains douces qui me caressent , qui me réconfortent, qui aiguisent mon plaisir …
Then, she stops... I ear her approching... Ifeel her caressing soft hands , solacing hands, quickenning my pleasure...
Mon clitoris se gorge de sang, je sens la bouche de Judith s’approcher de mon sexe …
My clit is stuffing of blood, I feel the Judith'mouth reaching my pussy ...
Sa langue commence à l’ouvrir délicatement et c’est le jeu final qui débute !
Her tongue is tenderly opening it and it's the final game which is starting !
Cette douce langue se promène sur mes lèvres intimes, les ouvrant, les refermant, les excitant …
This sweet tongue is walking to my intimate lips; opening them, closing them, exciting them ...
Puis, Judith s’allonge près de moi … Sa bouche joue avec la mienne , sa langue avec ma langue …
Then , Judith is lying near me ... Her mouth is playing with mine, her tongue with my tongue ...
Deux doigts s’introduisent dans ma grotte intime …
Two fingers are introduced into my intimate grotto...
Et c’est le début du plaisir, ce plaisir que j’attendais en souffrant, ce plaisir qu’elle sait me donner, ce plaisir qui m’envahira totalement et fera de mon corps une longue vague ondulante , comme un tsunami qui éclatera soudainement et me transformera si totalement que je penserai en mourir !
And it's the start of the pleasure, this pleasure that I was waiting in suffering, this pleasure that she knows to give me, this pleasure which will totally invade me and will make of my body a long undulating wave, like a tsunami which will suddenly flare and which will change me so much totally than if it was looking like a little death ...
Ce sera l’exstase !
It will be the ecstasy !

Je garderai pendant un jour ou deux les traces de ce fouet qui m’a « gentiment » mordu, qui m’a conduit à des sensations que je ne pouvais imaginer, à des plaisirs inconnus, coupables diraient certains, mais merveilleux pour nous …
I'll keep for some days ago these whip'marks which gently bit me, which drove me till sensations that I never could imagine, to some unknown pleasures, guilty some people could tell, but so much wonderful for us ...

Judith sait bien ce qui est bon pour moi …
Judith well knows what it is good for me ...

Messaline – June-09/2018 :bdsm-heart:
You do like my Marie does to me, but you say it in poetry. The French have such a way of turning words into blossoming flowers.
Third session

This Saturday, Judith asks for me: "What would you like for your BDSM session, Messa?"
First, I dare not to answer: usually it is she who has chosen what it is good for me...
Then I saw her impatient look, and I said, "Oh my Judith, you know that I love the whip, especially your big leather whip which wraps me all!"

Judith smiles; I love this smile when we speak BDSM: it is as if it was already to her pleasure to see me suffer for her...
"OK!" She says, "but I warn you, it will be hard! And no question of security word! I'll be the only judge of your limits! »
Although a little worried, I acquiesce because I am convinced that Judith knows well what it is good for me...
In the late afternoon, I get dressed, just a mini thong and a red cape to join our barn...
Inside, Judith is waiting for me: she wears her black leather outfit with her higt boots, black too: she seems cruel...
But this is what I expect : be cruel my Judith, I want to suffer like never, for you, for your pleasure, for your love!
She gets rid of my cape but leaves me my mini thong: I shudder a bit when she attaches the handcuffs to my wrists, but it's good!
Then, she hooks the handcuffs to the chain hanging from the ceiling and connected to a small winch that she can operate with a command held in hands...
The winch works and I feel my arms rise above me until I am practically suspended...
So Judith picks up her whip from the rack and comes to me...

With the handle of the whip, she follows the contours of my body, totally subjected to her desires: the cheek, the breasts, the belly and the pubic; she goes down to my sex that she finds slightly...
She smiled and said to me: "Mmmmm! Messa, are you already wet? I think soon it will be a fountain coming out of here! »
And then she laughs away, taking the right distance to whip me...
She put herself behind me and I can’t see when the lash will arrive ...
A sudden whistle and I feel the sting of cracker on a buttock: she decided to play the wasp with me! The stings follow each other, ten, fifteen, twenty...
And then suddenly the lash wraps my whole body and the cracker comes down forcefully on my left breast... I moan... But I do not have time to comiserate, it is now an avalanche of lacerations followed by the stings which take possession of me!
It's hard, I scream, I cry, but it's good!
Judith knows how much suffering I have to endure for her...

She stops... She is approaching... Her leather’gloves caress me, following the marks on my tender skin...
The handle of the whip suddenly enters my intimate lips and begins to caress my clitoris...
I moan of pleasure, the burn of the whip still occupies all my sensations but, step to step, the pleasure of the orgasm is revealed under the insistence of the whip’handle which now gently penetrates my vagina, insinuating itself as would do a sex of man who would like to take his pleasure into me!
Judith is not a man, her whip is!
I discover this, he slams, submits, takes and leaves his victim in ecstasy: and that's because Judith knows that she knows what's good for me!

Then I ask for flogging again: it arrives, burns me, fires me, takes me to sensations that few women know!
But Judith knows them and is so good in transmitting them to me...
After perhaps a hundred of these “caresses” of the whip, Judith leaves me alone, having placed before me a mirror that allows me to contemplate "the love" that I have for her through these multiple brands which streak my body...
When she comes back, she sets me free, put me on the skins of beasts in front of the chimney that warms me and spreads to me a soothing ointment...

Then, both lost in our love, we enjoy our naked bodies offered to each other and we reach this impression that orgasm brings: "The Little Death"!

Judith is crazy, so am I... so what?
Judith knows so well what it is good........ For us! ...

St Valentin.JPG

Messaline = 01 / 23 / 2019
Third session

This Saturday, Judith asks for me: "What would you like for your BDSM session, Messa?"
First, I dare not to answer: usually it is she who has chosen what it is good for me...
Then I saw her impatient look, and I said, "Oh my Judith, you know that I love the whip, especially your big leather whip which wraps me all!"

Judith smiles; I love this smile when we speak BDSM: it is as if it was already to her pleasure to see me suffer for her...
"OK!" She says, "but I warn you, it will be hard! And no question of security word! I'll be the only judge of your limits! »
Although a little worried, I acquiesce because I am convinced that Judith knows well what it is good for me...
In the late afternoon, I get dressed, just a mini thong and a red cape to join our barn...
Inside, Judith is waiting for me: she wears her black leather outfit with her higt boots, black too: she seems cruel...
But this is what I expect : be cruel my Judith, I want to suffer like never, for you, for your pleasure, for your love!
She gets rid of my cape but leaves me my mini thong: I shudder a bit when she attaches the handcuffs to my wrists, but it's good!
Then, she hooks the handcuffs to the chain hanging from the ceiling and connected to a small winch that she can operate with a command held in hands...
The winch works and I feel my arms rise above me until I am practically suspended...
So Judith picks up her whip from the rack and comes to me...

With the handle of the whip, she follows the contours of my body, totally subjected to her desires: the cheek, the breasts, the belly and the pubic; she goes down to my sex that she finds slightly...
She smiled and said to me: "Mmmmm! Messa, are you already wet? I think soon it will be a fountain coming out of here! »
And then she laughs away, taking the right distance to whip me...
She put herself behind me and I can’t see when the lash will arrive ...
A sudden whistle and I feel the sting of cracker on a buttock: she decided to play the wasp with me! The stings follow each other, ten, fifteen, twenty...
And then suddenly the lash wraps my whole body and the cracker comes down forcefully on my left breast... I moan... But I do not have time to comiserate, it is now an avalanche of lacerations followed by the stings which take possession of me!
It's hard, I scream, I cry, but it's good!
Judith knows how much suffering I have to endure for her...

She stops... She is approaching... Her leather’gloves caress me, following the marks on my tender skin...
The handle of the whip suddenly enters my intimate lips and begins to caress my clitoris...
I moan of pleasure, the burn of the whip still occupies all my sensations but, step to step, the pleasure of the orgasm is revealed under the insistence of the whip’handle which now gently penetrates my vagina, insinuating itself as would do a sex of man who would like to take his pleasure into me!
Judith is not a man, her whip is!
I discover this, he slams, submits, takes and leaves his victim in ecstasy: and that's because Judith knows that she knows what's good for me!

Then I ask for flogging again: it arrives, burns me, fires me, takes me to sensations that few women know!
But Judith knows them and is so good in transmitting them to me...
After perhaps a hundred of these “caresses” of the whip, Judith leaves me alone, having placed before me a mirror that allows me to contemplate "the love" that I have for her through these multiple brands which streak my body...
When she comes back, she sets me free, put me on the skins of beasts in front of the chimney that warms me and spreads to me a soothing ointment...

Then, both lost in our love, we enjoy our naked bodies offered to each other and we reach this impression that orgasm brings: "The Little Death"!

Judith is crazy, so am I... so what?
Judith knows so well what it is good........ For us! ...

Messaline = 01 / 23 / 2019
Judith reminds me of my Marie. And your story made me wet. I have been taking Zygasm capsules and I am just a constantly horny old broad. Thanks for the turn on
Mmmm ! Cynthia , I'm so much glad that it could please to you ... Have you, by the past, practised these kinds of BDSM'sessions ?
For Judith and I, being lesbians is not suffiscient : we need of BDSM to share these so great moments of our love !
...rich in sensation...

I try to share my deep sensations about our BDSM'sessions which are, for us, a kind of Love'sessions where we're so much sharing both ... a delice , for us and for you, I hope ...
My English is perhaps not "à la hauteur" and it's why I write them in French first and use of a translator ...
Do you think that it's good enough ?
For those who could be interested , here is the French version :

Troisième session

Ce samedi , Judith me demande : “Qu’aimerais-tu pour ta BDSM session , Messa ?”
D’abord, je n’ose répondre : d’habitude, c’est elle qui choisit ce qui est bon pour moi …
Puis voyant son air impatient, je lui réponds : « Oh ma Judith, tu sais bien que j’adore le fouet , surtout ton grand fouet en cuir qui m’envelope toute entière ! »
Judith sourit ; j’aime ce sourire quand on parle BDSM : c’est comme si elle était déjà à son plaisir de me voir souffrir pour elle …
« OK ! « répond-t-elle « Mais je te préviens, ce sera dur ! Et pas question de mot de sécurité ! Je serai seule juge de tes limites ! »
Bien que un peu inquiète , j’aquiesce car je suis persuadée que Judith sait bien ce qui est bon pour moi …
En fin d’après-midi, je m’habille , juste un mini string et une cape rouge pour rejoindre notre grange …
A l’intérieur , Judith m’attend : elle porte sa tenue en cuir noir avec ses grandes bottes , noires également : elle parait cruelle …
Mais c’est ce que j’attends : soit cruelle ma Judith, je veux souffrir comme jamais, pour toi, pour ton plaisir, pour ton amour !
Elle me débarasse de ma cape mais me laisse mon mini string : je frissonne un peu lorsqu’elle m’attache les menottes aux poignets , mais c’est bon !
Puis, elle accroche les menottes à la chaine pendue au plafond et reliée à un petit treuil qu’elle peut actionner avec une commande tenue en mains …
Le treuil fonctionne et je sens mes bras s’élever au-dessus de moi jusqu’à ce que je sois pratiquement suspendue …
Alors Judith décroche son fouet du ratelier et vient à moi …
Avec le manche du fouet, elle suit les contours de mon corps, totalement soumis à ses désirs : la joue, les seins, le ventre et le pubis ; elle descend vers mon sexe qu’elle entrouve légèrement …
Elle sourit et me dit : « Mmmmm ! Messa, tu es déjà mouillée ? Je pense que bientôt, ce sera une fontaine qui sortira d’ici ! »
Et puis elle s’écarte en riant , prenant la bonne distance pour me fouetter …
Elle s’est mise d’abord derrière moi et je ne peux pas voir quand la lanière arrivera …
Un sifflement soudain et je sens la piqure du cracker sur une fesse : elle a décidé de jouer à la guêpe avec moi ! Les piqures se succèdent,dix, quinze, vingt …
Et puis soudain, la lanière envelope tout mon corps et le cracker vient s’abattre avec force sur mon sein gauche … Je gémis … Mais je n’ai pas le temps de m’appitoyer, c’est maintenant une avalanche de lacérations suivies des piqures qui prend possession de moi !
C’est dur, je crie, je pleure , mais c’est bon !
Judith sait bien quel degré de souffrance je dois subir pour elle …

Elle arrête … Elle s’approche … Sa main gantée de cuir me caresse , suit les marques laissées sur ma tendre peau …
Le manche du fouet s’introduit soudain entre mes lèvres intimes et commence à caresser mon clitoris …
Je gémis de plaisir, la brulure du fouet occupe encore toutes mes sensations mais , petit à petit, le plaisir de l’orgasme se dévoile sous l’insistance du manche du fouet qui maintenant pénètre doucement mon vagin , s’insinuant comme le ferait un sexe d’homme qui voudrait prendre son plaisir en moi !
Judith n’est pas un homme, son fouet l’est !
Je découvre çà , il claque, soumet, prend et laisse sa victime dans l’extase : et c’est parce que Judith sait çà qu’elle sait ce qui est bon pour moi !
Puis, je demande encore de la flagellation : elle arrive , me brule, m’incendie , m’emporte vers des sensations que peu de femmes connaissent !
Mais Judith les connait et sait si bien me les transmettre …
Après peut-être une centaine de ces caresse du fouet, Judith me laisse seule, ayant placé devant moi un miroir qui me permet de contempler « l’Amour » que j’ai pour elle au travers de ces multiples marques qui zèbrent mon corps …
Quand elle revient, elle me détache, me couche sur les peaux de bêtes devant la cheminée qui me réchauffe et me passe sur le corps une pommade apaisante …
Puis, toutes les deux perdues dans notre amour, nous jouissons de nos corps nus offerts l’une à l’autre et nous atteignons cette impression que l’orgasme apporte : « la petite mort » !
Judith est folle, moi aussi … et alors ?
Judith sait si bien ce qui est bon …….. pour nous ! …
I try to share my deep sensations about our BDSM'sessions which are, for us, a kind of Love'sessions where we're so much sharing both ... a delice , for us and for you, I hope ...
My English is perhaps not "à la hauteur" and it's why I write them in French first and use of a translator ...
Do you think that it's good enough ?
For those who could be interested , here is the French version :

Troisième session

Ce samedi , Judith me demande : “Qu’aimerais-tu pour ta BDSM session , Messa ?”
D’abord, je n’ose répondre : d’habitude, c’est elle qui choisit ce qui est bon pour moi …
Puis voyant son air impatient, je lui réponds : « Oh ma Judith, tu sais bien que j’adore le fouet , surtout ton grand fouet en cuir qui m’envelope toute entière ! »
Judith sourit ; j’aime ce sourire quand on parle BDSM : c’est comme si elle était déjà à son plaisir de me voir souffrir pour elle …
« OK ! « répond-t-elle « Mais je te préviens, ce sera dur ! Et pas question de mot de sécurité ! Je serai seule juge de tes limites ! »
Bien que un peu inquiète , j’aquiesce car je suis persuadée que Judith sait bien ce qui est bon pour moi …
En fin d’après-midi, je m’habille , juste un mini string et une cape rouge pour rejoindre notre grange …
A l’intérieur , Judith m’attend : elle porte sa tenue en cuir noir avec ses grandes bottes , noires également : elle parait cruelle …
Mais c’est ce que j’attends : soit cruelle ma Judith, je veux souffrir comme jamais, pour toi, pour ton plaisir, pour ton amour !
Elle me débarasse de ma cape mais me laisse mon mini string : je frissonne un peu lorsqu’elle m’attache les menottes aux poignets , mais c’est bon !
Puis, elle accroche les menottes à la chaine pendue au plafond et reliée à un petit treuil qu’elle peut actionner avec une commande tenue en mains …
Le treuil fonctionne et je sens mes bras s’élever au-dessus de moi jusqu’à ce que je sois pratiquement suspendue …
Alors Judith décroche son fouet du ratelier et vient à moi …
Avec le manche du fouet, elle suit les contours de mon corps, totalement soumis à ses désirs : la joue, les seins, le ventre et le pubis ; elle descend vers mon sexe qu’elle entrouve légèrement …
Elle sourit et me dit : « Mmmmm ! Messa, tu es déjà mouillée ? Je pense que bientôt, ce sera une fontaine qui sortira d’ici ! »
Et puis elle s’écarte en riant , prenant la bonne distance pour me fouetter …
Elle s’est mise d’abord derrière moi et je ne peux pas voir quand la lanière arrivera …
Un sifflement soudain et je sens la piqure du cracker sur une fesse : elle a décidé de jouer à la guêpe avec moi ! Les piqures se succèdent,dix, quinze, vingt …
Et puis soudain, la lanière envelope tout mon corps et le cracker vient s’abattre avec force sur mon sein gauche … Je gémis … Mais je n’ai pas le temps de m’appitoyer, c’est maintenant une avalanche de lacérations suivies des piqures qui prend possession de moi !
C’est dur, je crie, je pleure , mais c’est bon !
Judith sait bien quel degré de souffrance je dois subir pour elle …

Elle arrête … Elle s’approche … Sa main gantée de cuir me caresse , suit les marques laissées sur ma tendre peau …
Le manche du fouet s’introduit soudain entre mes lèvres intimes et commence à caresser mon clitoris …
Je gémis de plaisir, la brulure du fouet occupe encore toutes mes sensations mais , petit à petit, le plaisir de l’orgasme se dévoile sous l’insistance du manche du fouet qui maintenant pénètre doucement mon vagin , s’insinuant comme le ferait un sexe d’homme qui voudrait prendre son plaisir en moi !
Judith n’est pas un homme, son fouet l’est !
Je découvre çà , il claque, soumet, prend et laisse sa victime dans l’extase : et c’est parce que Judith sait çà qu’elle sait ce qui est bon pour moi !
Puis, je demande encore de la flagellation : elle arrive , me brule, m’incendie , m’emporte vers des sensations que peu de femmes connaissent !
Mais Judith les connait et sait si bien me les transmettre …
Après peut-être une centaine de ces caresse du fouet, Judith me laisse seule, ayant placé devant moi un miroir qui me permet de contempler « l’Amour » que j’ai pour elle au travers de ces multiples marques qui zèbrent mon corps …
Quand elle revient, elle me détache, me couche sur les peaux de bêtes devant la cheminée qui me réchauffe et me passe sur le corps une pommade apaisante …
Puis, toutes les deux perdues dans notre amour, nous jouissons de nos corps nus offerts l’une à l’autre et nous atteignons cette impression que l’orgasme apporte : « la petite mort » !
Judith est folle, moi aussi … et alors ?
Judith sait si bien ce qui est bon …….. pour nous ! …
What a beautiful language!
We have been doing BDSM for a long time. We have even introduced it to some local college girls.
My French is good enough to read slowly. I was raised in a small town with many French Canadiens. We are not into crux, but this site has much more to offer than just crux. I am fascinated by it but Marie is not. She is catholic and it goes against her religious beliefs.. I enjoy your writing. There are so many talented people on this site
Third session

This Saturday, Judith asks for me: "What would you like for your BDSM session, Messa?"
First, I dare not to answer: usually it is she who has chosen what it is good for me...
Then I saw her impatient look, and I said, "Oh my Judith, you know that I love the whip, especially your big leather whip which wraps me all!"

Judith smiles; I love this smile when we speak BDSM: it is as if it was already to her pleasure to see me suffer for her...
"OK!" She says, "but I warn you, it will be hard! And no question of security word! I'll be the only judge of your limits! »
Although a little worried, I acquiesce because I am convinced that Judith knows well what it is good for me...
In the late afternoon, I get dressed, just a mini thong and a red cape to join our barn...
Inside, Judith is waiting for me: she wears her black leather outfit with her higt boots, black too: she seems cruel...
But this is what I expect : be cruel my Judith, I want to suffer like never, for you, for your pleasure, for your love!
She gets rid of my cape but leaves me my mini thong: I shudder a bit when she attaches the handcuffs to my wrists, but it's good!
Then, she hooks the handcuffs to the chain hanging from the ceiling and connected to a small winch that she can operate with a command held in hands...
The winch works and I feel my arms rise above me until I am practically suspended...
So Judith picks up her whip from the rack and comes to me...

With the handle of the whip, she follows the contours of my body, totally subjected to her desires: the cheek, the breasts, the belly and the pubic; she goes down to my sex that she finds slightly...
She smiled and said to me: "Mmmmm! Messa, are you already wet? I think soon it will be a fountain coming out of here! »
And then she laughs away, taking the right distance to whip me...
She put herself behind me and I can’t see when the lash will arrive ...
A sudden whistle and I feel the sting of cracker on a buttock: she decided to play the wasp with me! The stings follow each other, ten, fifteen, twenty...
And then suddenly the lash wraps my whole body and the cracker comes down forcefully on my left breast... I moan... But I do not have time to comiserate, it is now an avalanche of lacerations followed by the stings which take possession of me!
It's hard, I scream, I cry, but it's good!
Judith knows how much suffering I have to endure for her...

She stops... She is approaching... Her leather’gloves caress me, following the marks on my tender skin...
The handle of the whip suddenly enters my intimate lips and begins to caress my clitoris...
I moan of pleasure, the burn of the whip still occupies all my sensations but, step to step, the pleasure of the orgasm is revealed under the insistence of the whip’handle which now gently penetrates my vagina, insinuating itself as would do a sex of man who would like to take his pleasure into me!
Judith is not a man, her whip is!
I discover this, he slams, submits, takes and leaves his victim in ecstasy: and that's because Judith knows that she knows what's good for me!

Then I ask for flogging again: it arrives, burns me, fires me, takes me to sensations that few women know!
But Judith knows them and is so good in transmitting them to me...
After perhaps a hundred of these “caresses” of the whip, Judith leaves me alone, having placed before me a mirror that allows me to contemplate "the love" that I have for her through these multiple brands which streak my body...
When she comes back, she sets me free, put me on the skins of beasts in front of the chimney that warms me and spreads to me a soothing ointment...

Then, both lost in our love, we enjoy our naked bodies offered to each other and we reach this impression that orgasm brings: "The Little Death"!

Judith is crazy, so am I... so what?
Judith knows so well what it is good........ For us! ...

Messaline = 01 / 23 / 2019
You are lovely ladies and much younger than Marie and I. We find the local college girls keep us feeling young and they are eager to experiment. I really believe most women are potentially lesbian or bisexual given the proper indoctrination and a little wine.
Hello Messaline!
My compliments for your ability in description. Please allow me to quote a few lines of your text "..the pleasure of the orgasm is revealed under the insistence of the whip's handle which now gently penetrates my vagina, insinuating itself as would do a sex of a man who would like to take his pleasure into me" While reading these lines I have got the feeling (but may be I am wrong) that love of a man would not displease you as well.
Please answer if you want ,but if you keep silent on this intimate detail I will thoroughly understand your intent to protect your privacy.
All the best to you, Bye (Aurevoir)
I loved it !
A remark : "session" in French is an anglicism. "Séance" is more appropriate
But your English is by far better than mine : I can't write a history in English
One more ?

Fourth session

"Godzilla" ! I call it like that, you'll see later why ...

That Saturday, I was kneeling in our barn/dungeon, in one of the horse boxes, naked, wearing a heavy oak shackle that would enstuke my neck and my wrists ...
My feet were equipped with iron collars, connected by a large and short chain ...
My head, my beautiful blond hair, were completely covered by a kind of black hood, tight at the neck with just two holes for the eyes and one for the mouth ...
After perhaps an hour of waiting in this position, two men suddenly appeared, made me rise unceremoniously although, ankilosed, I did not hold too well ...
They led me into the central room where some of our friends were present and connected the shackle to the central pole that supports the center beam of the frame ...
My legs were tied at the bottom of this post, but with a very short chain, so I could just arch my body, but no more!
Suddenly I saw Judith: she was crying (or simulating?) in a corner and approaching me, she stroked my naked body; I shuddered at this touch; she said to me, "Messa, I am giving you today to the lubricity of "Godzilla" and to the other spectators, but I will remain in thought with you! Be proud to turn yourself in to this executioner and suffer for me!"
It was then that a drum was heard in the garden and "Godzilla" appeared in the entrance of the barn!
He was a huge monkey, like gorilla (actually one of our friends disguised of course!)
He was naked and you could see, between the hairs of the top of his thighs, his erect sex on which some of our friends'girls rushed to start licking him, which put him "in a trance"! He roared, brandishing his hands holding two beautiful bananas; he brushed aside his admirers and slowly walked towards me...
Suddenly once again soft, he laid down his bananas and began to caress me with his hairy hands, which, you can imagine, was not indifferent to me! Although I am a lesbian, the gentle caresses coming from anyone, always give me pleasure ...
But it didn't last! He uttered a hoarse cry, grabbed a banana, peeled it and began to bring it into my anus! I am not usually very connected to this penetration, but here I must admit that it was rather sweet and that it brought me a feeling of being possessed, of being totally subjected to this filthy being ...
That's when he stepped back a little to judge the result, then he grabbed the other banana that he began to peel slowly...
I knew right away what it would be used for!
In fact, opening my vagina with his fingers, he turned to the others and said in a loud voice: "She wets!"
People were chanting, "She's wet! It wets!" as he slowly introduced the fruit ...
Judith then walked up to us, handed out our "dog" (short-thong whip (40 to 50cms) dividing into two and which, well handled, slashed the skin rather hard but without hurting) and handed it to "Godzilla" ...
This one, happy with the power she had given him, stroked me with the handle, took a step back and carried me the first blow on the stomach ... I uttered a muffled cry, but I wanted to hold out, for Judith, for her love!
The blows followed, the thighs, the breasts and then, suddenly, my pussy !
There I screamed, looking for Judith with her eyes: she was there, deep down, crying but trying to support me with her beautiful look ...
"Godzilla" laughed, so did the others! No pity on their part, they wanted it full of eyes!
Suddenly the torment stopped; the bananas inserted in my intimate enters began to flow along my thighs, mixed with my intimate secretions ...
"Godzilla" then introduced the handle of the whip into my tender cave and began, with a back-and-forth movement, to bring me to orgasm, which came, deep, powerful, invading my whole body like a kind of tsunami!
I shouted, "Judith, I love you!"
"Me too!" she replied, rushing towards me, greedyly taking my lips with her mouth, covering my tortured body with tender kisses, licking it to soothe the pain...
Everyone then began to applaud us, "Godzilla" too who had taken off his mask and in which I recognized Sebastian, one of our two best gay friends who help us for the crucifixions ...
I was detached from the torture post, covered with a blanket of wool, and, while everyone was partying (gateaux, champagne ...), they let judith and I lie down in a corner where, after she had covered me with calming ointment, we could give each other, totally, deeply, pulling from our two bodies.
After that, having joined our friends, the evening ended in calm ...
I saw well that, in the eyes of some of the present girls , a certain desire to know such love, such a fusion was present ...
I love you so much, Judith!
You know so well what is good for me, for us ... !!!

Messaline July 08, 2020
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