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Feet Or Wrists First?

Wrists or Feet First?

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Well, yeah. It's a public execution, as an executioner, you're an entertainer, working with the material you've got to both punish the victim and maintain the interest of the audience.

I actually wrote something like this in a story for Damian's "Roman Crucifictions" a long time ago. It was a story about three girls convicted of witchcraft, which I came up with only because in Damian's picture the three girls' tituli all had the Greek word "MAGISSA" or "witch" on them. So to fit the picture, they had to be witches somewhere in the ancient Greek world, but under Roman rule. Here's the picture that inspired the story:

One of the changes I got Damian to make was to have the grass beneath the crosses a bit longer and greener than the surrounding grass, as it would have been fertilized by the rotting bodies of previous victims who hung on those crosses. I really wanted it a deeper green to fit what I wrote about it in the story, but it's a detail no one would notice anyway.

Here's an excerpt from the story:

Antonia continued to struggle as the soldiers came for the horrified Ursula. She collapsed to her knees, and the soldiers had to drag her all the way to her cross. When they turned her around to face the crowd, with her back to her cross, she sought out Carinus and appealed to him as Antonio had done.

“S-sir, p-please, I, c-can I ask one thing?”

“No, you cannot piss either. Crucify her!”

“N-no sir, it’s not that…”

“What, then? Make it quick!”

Ursula sobbed. How hard it was to ask for something that so terrified you when the alternative was even more terrifying! “S-sir, p-please, when my wrists are… nailed and you… you hoist me up on the cross… p-please… oh gods!”

“What?” Carinus asked impatiently.

“P-please don’t… let me hang like H-Helena and Antonia. Please nail my feet… nail my feet to the cross quickly!”​

Carinus stared at the girl and saw desperation in her eyes. For a moment he was dumbfounded. Then he answered her.

“I will grant your request on one condition. When you’ve been hoisted up and you’re hanging there, I will tell you to ready yourself to have your feet nailed. You will pull your feet up so your heels are just below your ass, soles flat against the stipes, side by side. No one will hold your legs. Then you will ask me to nail one of your feet – you choose which one.

“As soon as you do that, I’ll direct Crispus to nail one of your feet to the cross. If you kick or move either of your feet, then you’ll hang just like these other two witches until you’re compliant. If you succeed in keeping still until Crispus finishes, then you may ask me to nail your other foot. I’ll have Crispus do that and we’ll be done crucifying you. Agreed?”

“Y-yes, I agree.”

“Good. We’ll see. Crucify her!”

And so Ursula endured having her wrists nailed and being hoisted up onto her cross. The agony of being suspended by nothing but her nailed wrists was blinding, but when Carinus told her to ready herself, she did manage to pull her feet up, all the way until her heels were pressed against her bare buttocks, just to be sure. She looked at Carinus, but the words wouldn’t come. How do you bring yourself to ask someone to drive a nail through your foot?

She was on the edge of panic, shaking with fear. One foot slipped down the cross, then she gritted her teeth, pulled her foot back up next to the other one, looked down at Carinus and sobbed the words through gritted teeth, “S-sir, p-please… Oh gods! P-please nail m-my right foot to… to the cross!” Then she fixed her eyes on a point above the trees across the busy roadway, waiting, her heart pounding.

“Slide your feet downward a little.”

Ursula looked down through tears at Crispus with his hammer and nails. “Slide your feet down. You have them jammed up against your ass. You’ll be sitting on your heels, can’t have that!”

She let her feet slide down some, braced herself, and looked away again. Her wrists and shoulders screamed with pain. Concentrate. Be still no matter what.

Ursula screamed as the nail tore through her right foot. Somehow she kept her legs locked in place while Crispus hammered the nail home, but she had to fight to remain conscious. She realized that the hammering had stopped. Hurry. Do it now, before the shock wears off. Before the pain gets even worse.

Ursula, unable to focus her eyes through tears of pain, looked down at the shapes of people, sparkles of light in the dark edges of her vision, forced the words out. “Please, sir, n-nail my foot. Please, hurry I can’t h-hold on oh gods it hurts it hurts please hurry…”

Ursula felt the point of the nail against the top of her left foot. It took all of her will to keep still, fighting the stabbing muscle spasms that prodded her to move, made her groan helplessly. She forced herself not to look down. If I see the hammer coming, I’ll jerk my foot away. Her mind rebelled against holding her foot under the nail’s point even though the alternative was worse.

The space of a few heartbeats seemed like an eternity before Crispus delivered the first hammer blow, which drove the nail between the bones of her foot and into the timber, forcing a ragged shriek of agony from her throat. Don’t look no don’t look! Two more blows and it no longer mattered. The nail was already deep in the timber and could not be pulled loose. Ursula risked looking down, had to see. Crispus swung his hammer again, delivered a blow that vibrated the cross, made her breasts quiver as she looked down between them at her bloody feet. She watched, groaning with each of the four additional blows he delivered to drive the nail in until its head was against the top of her foot, solidly locked into the heavy timber. Iron nails through my body. I’m part of the cross now. And I’m dying just a little every moment.

Despite the searing pain when the nail entered her foot, she was relieved that she had avoided the horror she had seen the other two girls endure, what Antonia still endured. But the pain in her feet was growing, throbbing. She needed to push herself up on her nailed feet to relieve the horrible pain in her wrists, shoulders, chest. Although she might have avoided some of the torture that the other two experienced on being crucified, she had no less agony to look forward to as she suffered on her cross.​
Another outstanding, insightful piece of writing, Jedakk.
The idea of my Executioner telling me what to do like that,
speaking in the kind of quiet, matter-of-fact way a doctor might use
sends a much bigger shiver through me than the most brutal abuse and bullying.
I wonder why? I've a hunch some of the ingredients in my fantasies might go back
to suppressed memories of childhood experiences in hospital -
at least, there's a sort of subconscious recognition, a kind of déjà vu sesation...

Yep, it's that soft, subtle, quiet but authoritative approach that can make you wonder :confused:
Another outstanding, insightful piece of writing, Jedakk.
The idea of my Executioner telling me what to do like that,
speaking in the kind of quiet, matter-of-fact way a doctor might use
sends a much bigger shiver through me than the most brutal abuse and bullying.
I wonder why? I've a hunch some of the ingredients in my fantasies might go back
to suppressed memories of childhood experiences in hospital -
at least, there's a sort of subconscious recognition, a kind of déjà vu sesation...

That's very interesting that the executioner's manner strikes such a chord in you. It does make you wonder about the origins of those feelings; something to do with an authority figure, fear and pain.

When I wrote that over ten years ago, like most of my stories I was looking for something a little different, personal rather than impersonal. There was the idea of the victim begging for the nails, of her cooperating with her executioner, and of her obeying the executioner's commands even though by doing so she will suffer great agony. And then there's the executioner's manner of controlled brutality; this is simply what he does, and she is at his mercy.
I actually wrote something like this in a story for Damian's "Roman Crucifictions" a long time ago.
Yes I do remember that, I have the PDF somewhere. Some other very good stuff in there too. This kind of ... turning her (very considerable) willpower to focus on the act of her crucifixion is just enormously powerful, and that it's in a way, a relief in that moment to have the crux completed... until, very soon, she'll forget all execept her everpresent agony...
I've a hunch some of the ingredients in my fantasies might go back to suppressed memories of childhood experiences in hospital
Well I have only one distinct circumstance of that, but it isn't even suppressed. Some of that surely messes with the mind...
Very powerful, the victim colluding in their own torture.
I think it adds enormously to the scene, the willpower required not simply to endure the unavoidable, but to place herself in readiness for the agony.
In this case it was not simply stoic acceptance, but a belief that she gained something from co-operation. But the executioner also gained, he enjoyed manipulating this woman, he had more power over her by giving her this small freedom than if he had simply nailed her feet by sheer physical dominance.
Very interesting, and a classic Damian picture too!
If anyone is interested, here is the full story of "The Three Witches" where that excerpt above came from. It was a part of a collaboration between Damian and me titled "Roman Crucifictions". The version I attached is from my original Word file of the book and is formatted a bit differently than the version that was marketed. This one actually had all of my changes and strike-throughs from ten years ago still in it, so you could see how I developed the story; had to clear all of those out when I sent it into a PDF.


  • The Three Witches.pdf
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If anyone is interested, here is the full story of "The Three Witches" where that excerpt above came from. It was a part of a collaboration between Damian and me titled "Roman Crucifictions". The version I attached is from my original Word file of the book and is formatted a bit differently than the version that was marketed. This one actually had all of my changes and strike-throughs from ten years ago still in it, so you could see how I developed the story; had to clear all of those out when I sent it into a PDF.

Thank you!
I have always believed that the most painful part is that the nailing of the feet. While nailing the wrists, the victim writhing in pain and inevitably strisiciano feet on the bare earth, we can see it tighten and extend your toes. All uncontrollable movements, beautiful to look at but very painful to bear for those who are convicted. The feet always inciodare last.
We like both, but we vote "feet first"...LoL. We mean, all of us know that the "wrists first" has so many great stories around it, but doesn't mean the "feet first" doesn't have story at all.

~ Just a little example story about the execution progress that we imagine :

Elly's hands tied behind her back, "NO!!! YOU JUST TAKE ALL OF MY JEWELRIES AND STUFFS!!! YOU CAN'T DO THIS TO ME!!! LET ME GO!!! NO!!! NOOOO...!!!!", screaming in terror when she dragged to the lying wooden cross on the ground. Her bare feet trying to hold her ground and kicking those two muscular executioners who dragging her slender body, but her powerless legs couldn't stand against them. Her straight long hair flicking wildly as her body thrashing out. They stopped near the wooden cross as well as another muscular executioners preparing the spikes and hammers.

"...no...no...please...", Elly begging to them sobbing but those executioners remain silent. "...no...NO...AHHH!!!" Elly screaming as an executioner so quickly loosing and pulling down her strapless dress, stripping her. She felt the shame but since her hands tied on her back, she can't cover away her large breasts.

"Oh!" gasp Elly as those executioners then push her body down, lying to the wooden cross. Those executioners holding her knees and feet crossed. One of them carrying a long crucifixion spike with an hammer and kneel down to her feet. Since the executioners only hold her legs, she can sat and twisting a little to left or right, but can't do anything. She see it all so clear and her eyes went bulge open when she see the long spike tip touching her feet, the hammer raise and hitting the spike so hard *CLANG!*. "AHHHHHHHHH....!!!" Elly scream wildly as she saw it clearly how a long spike penetrating both of her crossed feet with one blow. Then another clanking sounds along with her screams made her sweated body twisting and 'sit-ups' so wildly until the spike 'secured' her feet to the ruthless wood.

Elly lied down twisted to the left side of the cross unmoved, trembling. Her small mouth open gasping and her beautiful eyes still wide open because of shocking. Her hands still tied to her back. Elly knew that the crucifixion might be so dreadful but she still hard to believe how painful is it even she experiencing it now. Her consciousness began to fade out as well as she thinks that she just have a nightmare, but back to reality when the executioner grab her shoulder and untie her hands.

The executioner lift her body to adjust her lying straight to the cross. She gasping again as she fell hellish pain to her nailed feet. She looked above her, then she realize that the patibulum is too high from her lying head even her body lying so straightly. "AH!" Elly realize another things. She remember her 'dress' now and quickly cover her breast, but not too long. Two executioners grab each of her hands and so roughly pull them to the patibulum. "A-ah...AH! No..STOP IT!!" Elly's body pulled up until her knees almost straighten. She felt her nailed feet kills her.

"Oh!" the pulls stopped and Elly feels that her hands has touch another wood. Two executioners hold each of her hands to near-tip of the patibulum, made her arm outstretched roughly 80 degrees above her head. Then she saw something unusual. Another two executioners seem has same face, as well as they're twins. Both are same bearded and muscular, and each of them bringing a spike and hammer. One of them walks to her left, and the other walks to her right. Elly start to panic. She realize that those nails will be 'use' for her as well.

Elly's eyes bulge open and she start to thrashing out, but her feet has been 'secured'. "OH!!! NOOOO!!! NOOOO!!! PLEASE!!!" her head turned to the left and right and screamed as well as each of the twin executioner kneeling down to each of her held hands, and she felt the tip of the spike on her wrists. After they found the right spot on her wrists, they raise their hammer up then blow the spikes AT THE SAME TIME. *CLANK!!*

"AHHHHHHHHHHHH.......!!!" *CLANK!!* "AHHHHHHHHHHHH......!!!" *CLANK!!* "AHHHHHHHHHHHH......!!!" Two spikes penetrating her wrist with only one clanking sound, and the clanking sounds continues. Her body twisting and jerking out. Her back arched exposing her uncover large breast to the air along with her screams each clanking sounds.

After the nailing finished, the executioners stands up and preparing next job. Elly body still arching back awhile with her eyes and mouth wide open. Then her body lies limply with panting breaths. Blood spilling from her wounds. "...w-why you do this to me....?" sob Elly. Her long hair messed up. Her sweaty body made her bright skin looks more beautiful. "I didn't do anything wrong....why you hurting me....?" but no one answer her. One of the executioner before go to her. "...what are you doing? ...do you want to molesting me...?" Elly asking him, but he answer with kneels, grab her head, and...smoothing her long hair to her back with his hands, full exposing her front body from her long hair. Then the executioner laughing then standing up, and call all other executioners.

"W-what are you doing...?" aghast Elly. The executioners held her cross "...o-oh..!!! OH...!!!". The executioners raising the cross, erecting it slowly. "NO!!! NO!!! STOP IT!!! NO!!! DON'T RAISE ME UP!!! AH!! AHHHHHHH!!!!" Elly feel hellish pain from her wounds because all of her weight only held by the spikes. Her cross then slipped to special hole that would made the cross stand erected. "AHHHHHHH!!!! AHHHHHHHH!!!!" Elly scream again wildly as the hellish pain is more and more worst. "KILL ME!!! I CAN'T STAND IT!!! KILL ME!!! PLEASE!!!!" her cross now fully stand erected.

Her cross height after erected is not so high, just only 2 meters. Elly's tiptoes only several centimeters above the ground. Elly wants to 'stand' on the ground but couldn't touch it. Elly exhausted after her screams and start to 'dancing' just for breathing. The executioner who stand beside her cross walk behind her to rest a while. Elly start to losing her energy and her consciousness. Elly looked up to the sky. She still hard to believing everything that happened to her. She just wants to have married life and bear children with her husband, but she must die before her dreams come true.

"O-oh!! Ah!! Ahh...!!" suddenly Elly's eyes wide open and she looking down. The executioner has returned and he groping Elly's breasts with his hands from behind her cross. Then Elly's head start tilting erratically and her eyes closed, "...no...s-stop...stop it...ahhhhh ~ ♥...." moan Elly trembling. His left hand groping Elly's left breast expertly as his right hand groping Elly's right breast, and his fingers playing her nipples. Other executioners laugh for watching it. The executioner laughing and leaves Elly after Elly's breasts harden and her nipples erected. Elly's breath became uncontrollable and made her death would be more and more faster.

~ We know that our english isn't good enough, and we know that we don't have enough skills to write a good story. This story is just an example, so please don't hate us ~ *salute*
We like both, but we vote "feet first"...LoL. We mean, all of us know that the "wrists first" has so many great stories around it, but doesn't mean the "feet first" doesn't have story at all.

~ Just a little example story about the execution progress that we imagine :

Elly's hands tied behind her back, "NO!!! YOU JUST TAKE ALL OF MY JEWELRIES AND STUFFS!!! YOU CAN'T DO THIS TO ME!!! LET ME GO!!! NO!!! NOOOO...!!!!", screaming in terror when she dragged to the lying wooden cross on the ground. Her bare feet trying to hold her ground and kicking those two muscular executioners who dragging her slender body, but her powerless legs couldn't stand against them. Her straight long hair flicking wildly as her body thrashing out. They stopped near the wooden cross as well as another muscular executioners preparing the spikes and hammers.

"...no...no...please...", Elly begging to them sobbing but those executioners remain silent. "...no...NO...AHHH!!!" Elly screaming as an executioner so quickly loosing and pulling down her strapless dress, stripping her. She felt the shame but since her hands tied on her back, she can't cover away her large breasts.

"Oh!" gasp Elly as those executioners then push her body down, lying to the wooden cross. Those executioners holding her knees and feet crossed. One of them carrying a long crucifixion spike with an hammer and kneel down to her feet. Since the executioners only hold her legs, she can sat and twisting a little to left or right, but can't do anything. She see it all so clear and her eyes went bulge open when she see the long spike tip touching her feet, the hammer raise and hitting the spike so hard *CLANG!*. "AHHHHHHHHH....!!!" Elly scream wildly as she saw it clearly how a long spike penetrating both of her crossed feet with one blow. Then another clanking sounds along with her screams made her sweated body twisting and 'sit-ups' so wildly until the spike 'secured' her feet to the ruthless wood.

Elly lied down twisted to the left side of the cross unmoved, trembling. Her small mouth open gasping and her beautiful eyes still wide open because of shocking. Her hands still tied to her back. Elly knew that the crucifixion might be so dreadful but she still hard to believe how painful is it even she experiencing it now. Her consciousness began to fade out as well as she thinks that she just have a nightmare, but back to reality when the executioner grab her shoulder and untie her hands.

The executioner lift her body to adjust her lying straight to the cross. She gasping again as she fell hellish pain to her nailed feet. She looked above her, then she realize that the patibulum is too high from her lying head even her body lying so straightly. "AH!" Elly realize another things. She remember her 'dress' now and quickly cover her breast, but not too long. Two executioners grab each of her hands and so roughly pull them to the patibulum. "A-ah...AH! No..STOP IT!!" Elly's body pulled up until her knees almost straighten. She felt her nailed feet kills her.

"Oh!" the pulls stopped and Elly feels that her hands has touch another wood. Two executioners hold each of her hands to near-tip of the patibulum, made her arm outstretched roughly 80 degrees above her head. Then she saw something unusual. Another two executioners seem has same face, as well as they're twins. Both are same bearded and muscular, and each of them bringing a spike and hammer. One of them walks to her left, and the other walks to her right. Elly start to panic. She realize that those nails will be 'use' for her as well.

Elly's eyes bulge open and she start to thrashing out, but her feet has been 'secured'. "OH!!! NOOOO!!! NOOOO!!! PLEASE!!!" her head turned to the left and right and screamed as well as each of the twin executioner kneeling down to each of her held hands, and she felt the tip of the spike on her wrists. After they found the right spot on her wrists, they raise their hammer up then blow the spikes AT THE SAME TIME. *CLANK!!*

"AHHHHHHHHHHHH.......!!!" *CLANK!!* "AHHHHHHHHHHHH......!!!" *CLANK!!* "AHHHHHHHHHHHH......!!!" Two spikes penetrating her wrist with only one clanking sound, and the clanking sounds continues. Her body twisting and jerking out. Her back arched exposing her uncover large breast to the air along with her screams each clanking sounds.

After the nailing finished, the executioners stands up and preparing next job. Elly body still arching back awhile with her eyes and mouth wide open. Then her body lies limply with panting breaths. Blood spilling from her wounds. "...w-why you do this to me....?" sob Elly. Her long hair messed up. Her sweaty body made her bright skin looks more beautiful. "I didn't do anything wrong....why you hurting me....?" but no one answer her. One of the executioner before go to her. "...what are you doing? ...do you want to molesting me...?" Elly asking him, but he answer with kneels, grab her head, and...smoothing her long hair to her back with his hands, full exposing her front body from her long hair. Then the executioner laughing then standing up, and call all other executioners.

"W-what are you doing...?" aghast Elly. The executioners held her cross "...o-oh..!!! OH...!!!". The executioners raising the cross, erecting it slowly. "NO!!! NO!!! STOP IT!!! NO!!! DON'T RAISE ME UP!!! AH!! AHHHHHHH!!!!" Elly feel hellish pain from her wounds because all of her weight only held by the spikes. Her cross then slipped to special hole that would made the cross stand erected. "AHHHHHHH!!!! AHHHHHHHH!!!!" Elly scream again wildly as the hellish pain is more and more worst. "KILL ME!!! I CAN'T STAND IT!!! KILL ME!!! PLEASE!!!!" her cross now fully stand erected.

Her cross height after erected is not so high, just only 2 meters. Elly's tiptoes only several centimeters above the ground. Elly wants to 'stand' on the ground but couldn't touch it. Elly exhausted after her screams and start to 'dancing' just for breathing. The executioner who stand beside her cross walk behind her to rest a while. Elly start to losing her energy and her consciousness. Elly looked up to the sky. She still hard to believing everything that happened to her. She just wants to have married life and bear children with her husband, but she must die before her dreams come true.

"O-oh!! Ah!! Ahh...!!" suddenly Elly's eyes wide open and she looking down. The executioner has returned and he groping Elly's breasts with his hands from behind her cross. Then Elly's head start tilting erratically and her eyes closed, "...no...s-stop...stop it...ahhhhh ~ ♥...." moan Elly trembling. His left hand groping Elly's left breast expertly as his right hand groping Elly's right breast, and his fingers playing her nipples. Other executioners laugh for watching it. The executioner laughing and leaves Elly after Elly's breasts harden and her nipples erected. Elly's breath became uncontrollable and made her death would be more and more faster.

~ We know that our english isn't good enough, and we know that we don't have enough skills to write a good story. This story is just an example, so please don't hate us ~ *salute*
A good, lively piece of writing Cavalera, I like it -
hope you'll let us have more :)
Well, personally (and I know this isn't traditional) if it were just a "pleasure" crucifixion and nails were to be used, I would only let my feet be nailed. Hands are too dangerous and I'm not willing to risk paralysis there. But I think the practical thing would be to nail the wrists/hands first, then the feet.
Wrists first, allowing her to watch the beginning of her execution. A knee on each arm and a man sat an her legs to keep her under control while the nail is carefully placed on the first wrist. After nailing her wrists, three assistants are now available to bend the legs to the desired angle so she can dance on the cross and maxamise her suffering, once her feet are nailed painfully into place. The croud now await her to be stripped and raised, to enjoy the results.
Well, personally (and I know this isn't traditional) if it were just a "pleasure" crucifixion and nails were to be used, I would only let my feet be nailed. Hands are too dangerous and I'm not willing to risk paralysis there. But I think the practical thing would be to nail the wrists/hands first, then the feet.
Well there could be a pain/pleasure crux for master&slave that's intended not to be an execution.

Or some ritual that's intended to be, literally, ex-cruciating but not lethal, some rite of passage or ceremonial penance or such.

And of course it's a principle here to not suggest any use of nails in real life, regardless for what purpose!

But if you were imagining a nailed crux that's not supposed to be either deadly or crippling, the most important things to be would be to keep no weight supported by the nails, and avoid crushing nerves or delicate joints. So that would mean nails through the palms (with the weight held by ropes, otherwise the nails would probably... tear out...) and carefully placed nails in feet or heels, probably with some amount of additional support by footrest and/or ropes. Some amount of weight can be safely supported by a nail going through the calcaneus (heel-bone).

Such an imagination would picture smooth nails of round cross-section and sharper tips, that will go through easily without too much destruction, instead of the bloody and blunt, rough and rusty, infectious iron spikes used in most fantasies...
My fantasy has me nailed by my wrists to the patibulum. Then pulled to my feet and with ropes having the patibulum hsuled up the vertical stipes my feet scrabbling to find some grip to ease agony of my nailed wrists. All thoughts of modesty completely gone my legs spread wide as I desperately try to find grip on the rough wood with my feet. With the executioners and spectators shouting encouragement I am left like this for a couple of minutes finding little support but picking up plenty of unfelt splinters in my toes and soles. Finally the executioner grabs my left ankle and positions my foot where he wishes to nail it. Delirious with the pain in my wrists I welcome the support afforded by his hands until agony explodes in my foot as the nail is driven through and secures it in its final position. Only my right foot remains free to try and ease the agonies created by the 3 nails bearing my weight. For another few minutes I struggle to gain any sort of support with my free foot until it is grabbed again. Even tje knowledge of what is to come doesnt diminish the luxury of being able to use his strength to take the strain as I use my right leg to take weight from my wrists and left foot until... The final nail is driven through and the agony will now never end till I take my final breathe.
I desperately try to find grip on the rough wood with my feet. ...I am left like this for a couple of minutes finding little support
Well then Jedakk's story of the three witches, revisited here in this thread, could be just right, they're done much like that, one of them helps a bit with her own proceedings...
No one will hold your legs. Then you will ask me to nail one of your feet – you choose which one
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