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Great Pics Found By Phlebas And Other

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I can never remember this artist's name, but I've always loved their work. Here's a very interesting one, lots going on. After the raid, the captives loaded onto the boat, one getting some chastisement either for something she did or just for fun. Note the on topic little vignette at the bottom left of the picture.

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I want that on an urn!

Thank you! This is the first time I've seen this image.

By the style, I believe that is an artist who has used the pseudonym "Sue Dun Em" (with a number of variations). They haven't been active for 2 or 3 years now, at least on a couple of artist archives where I first saw their art & visual storytelling. Some of their art shows scenes from a version of the Roman Empire, focusing on the peril-filled lives of slaves.
Three crucified women, by threebuddies

Nice series! :rolleyes:
(but the upside down crucified apparently has a gravity-proof haircut - compare to the pic posted by @Rias just before).:confused:
Yeah, it sorta kills the image. Coulda easily been solved with a bun, no additional posting required but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Yeah, it sorta kills the image. Coulda easily been solved with a bun, no additional posting required but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
For hair hanging down, I used to cut out the hair from the figure in standing up position. Where neccesary, I cut it into smaller locks. With these locks, still in hanging down position, I recreate (copy-paste) the hair of the upside down figure, by adding it to the inverted head. That gave me the best results.
happy tunesday kitsunes-day (with nice rest and laziness lie in basket all day nekos and nice sunny weather and maybe without not that much laziness and without someone dissapspear without neko permission beacouse its not nice) :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :cat:

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She has a great body for the cross. The work of Singing Naturist.

Friday finds

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I regret to say the facial expression and hairstyle remind me of Rory Stewart!
(UK politician, has a good shot to be leader of Tory party, but now expelled)
OK. I had to look that one up. I think you owe that girl an apology. At least she doesn't look like Alfred E Newman's mental impaired cousin.
Seriously, what is the deal with British politicians? Stewart almost makes Boris Johnson look human.
Well, almost.
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