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Now This Just Isn't Funny

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I googled "crucifixion Reno nv" and one of the first hits was this.



"I wanted to get an effect of grandeur as a background to Christ, and none of the Holy Land areas shape up with the excitement of the American southwest,"

It makes me think of that quote by one of the big movie moguls of years past, something like "why only 12 apostles? I want thousands!"

What chance does reality have?

Ouch! I'm returning their engagement present to the store.

And now for something completely different
Saw this strange Barbis
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and thought it was a good idea
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That is perfect. There is a joke in US. Women want to know what men think. Men never want to talk about it. But the truth slipped out. If you see a man thinking, he is thinking three things. I want a beer; I want to watch foorball; I want to see a woman naked!
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