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Punishment In Marungia

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We interrupt our programming to bring you the following:

Punishment in Marungia

By Naraku

John Monroe: Welcome back to UBS Morning News. It is now 7:45 here in New York and we are going to interrupt our regular programming for a special report.

The case of Dorothy Brown has drawn international attention in recent weeks. While returning from a trip with friends to Cape Town, Ms Brown had a brief layover in Kumbe, the capital of the East African republic of Marungia. According to witnesses, Ms Brown had several drinks with her friends at the airport lounge. At one point, she excused herself to go to the restroom. On her way either to or from the restroom - the accounts vary on this - she stumbled into a piece of tribal art on display in the lobby, knocking it over and causing it to break. She was confronted by a police officer. The accounts of what ensued are not clear. Ms Brown, who admits being highly intoxicated, denies resisting the officer and claims to have been confused by her inebriation and the officer's poor English. Her friends claim the officer was physically aggressive. The officer claims Ms Brown was hostile and insulting. What is clear is that Ms Brown vomited on the officer.

Ms Brown was arrested and initially charged with vandalism, public intoxication, resisting arrest and assaulting a police officer. The latter two charges were eventually dropped and Ms Brown was convicted of the vandalism and intoxication charges. What would have been a just another sad case of a misbehaving Western tourist running afoul of local law, became a major news event when Ms Brown was sentenced. For more, we go to our International Correspondent, Lisa Haddad on scene in Kumbe. Lisa...

Lisa Haddad: Thank you, John. I'm standing here in Ummagumma Prison just outside of Kumbe. Dorothy Brown's troubles really began two years ago, when former school headmaster Daniel Bombata became Marungia's first democratically elected president in over three decades. One of the promises he made during his campaign - and believed to be the one that got him elected - was to bring the country's escalating crime rate under control. Along with crack downs on urban gangs, drug smugglers, ivory poachers and other criminals, the new government purged the courts, police and penal system of corrupt officials. To date 23 judges, 14 prison officials and over 200 police have been convicted on charges of bribery, extortion, and criminal acts ranging from drug dealing to murder. Even the warden and deputy warden of this very prison were among those convicted. In addition, over 4,000 political prisoners were freed and nearly 2,000 others people had their sentences reduced or overturned.

While these and other acts drew praise from around the world, another of President Bombata's judicial reforms has drawn outrage: the introduction of corporal punishment. Claiming a need to both reduce prison overcrowding and make a more profound impact on lawbreakers; new laws allow judges to impose set number of strokes with the whip, strap or cane.

If convicted of the original charges, Dorothy Brown would have received a very severe sentence that would have included whipping. As it is, she was sentenced to one year in prison, 25 strokes of the strap for public drunkenness and 10 strokes of the cane for vandalism.

John: Lisa, It was my understanding that the prison term was reduced.

Lisa: That's right. The case was appealed and, in exchange for her paying the equivalent of $6,000 to cover the damages to the tribal statue and the police officer's clearing bill, the judge suspended the prison sentence. However, he refused to reduce or drop the corporal punishment. Ms Brown's lawyers appealed the case all the way to the Marungian Supreme Court, which refused to hear the case on the grounds that they had already upheld similar sentences and found the new laws to be constitutional. And, now with her appeals exhausted, Ms Brown is going to receive her punishment in just a few minutes.

John: Well, while her legal appeals may have been exhausted, international pressure certainly hasn't.

Lisa: Yes. There have been protest and appeals to the Marungian government from all over the world; from formal protest by the British government to online petitions. I should say, however, that some people are seeing hypocrisy and racism in protest. They point out that hundreds of native Marungian men and women have received similar or even more severe sentences with hardly a peep from the international community until now and that the current outrage is motivated only by the fact the Ms Brown is a white European. Only Amnesty International has been active in condemning the new laws before now. I should add that that organization has seen an uptick in donations since this story hit the press in the US and the UK.

John: Thank you, Lisa. We'll be back after these messages....
Welcome back. If you're just joining us, we are covering the corporal punishment of British citizen Dorothy Brown in the African nation of Marungia. And with us live from Marungia is Lisa Haddad. Lisa, I think we should let our viewers know that UBS is the only television network being allowed to cover this event.

Lisa: That's right John. The government here agreed to allow one international network to cover this and UBS was the one chosen.

John: And why is that?

Lisa: I...I don't really know, John. I wasn't involved in the negotiations...

John: No. I mean, why did they agree to let a Western news crew cover this at all?

Lisa: Oh...Well, I think it may be that they want people in the West to see the reality of the punishment rather than rely on possibly inaccurate accounts. The government is actually quite proud of their achievements and like to point out that, while corporal punishment may seem cruel to outsiders, that it is handled in a professional and...um...non-sadistic manner.

John: And is that why the event is scheduled for this time?

Lisa: Yes. Normally punishments would be carried out at noon local time; but, Ms Brown's has been moved back. It is almost 4 PM here in Kumbe, that's 1 PM in London and 8 AM where you are. If they carried out the punishment on the usual schedule it would be 4 in the morning on the US East coast and live coverage would not have very many viewers.

John: Lisa, can you describe the location you're in?

Lisa: We're in a room that is about the size of small school auditorium. You can see behind me a stage set about two feet high that covers the back side of the auditorium. There is a door there with the two guards beside it that I'm told is the one through which Ms Brown will enter. In the center, that structure is where the punishment will take place. There are those two post, maybe five feet tall and about four feet apart. There are notches in the one side of each post which that pipe that runs between them fits into. The pipe has a thick pad covered in vinyl at its center. The height of the pipe can be adjusted using those notches to allow for the differing heights of prisoners. The prisoner will be positioned so that the pipe is even with their hips and then they would lean across it. There is a smaller post about six feet in front of the center of the pipe with a length of chain that will secure the wrist. I don't know if you can see them on camera, but there are metal rings at the base of each of the taller post for securing the ankles.

Um...Dave, can you get what's on that back table?...No?...I'm sorry, John, we're not allowed on the stage so I'll have to tell you what's on that table. It is the tools that will be used to carry out the punishment. The warden, Mr. Kananga, was kind enough to show them to me before we came on the air. First, there is the strap which looked to me like the thing you'd see in an old fashion barber shop. You know, that the barber sharpens his razor on...

John: A razor strop?

Lisa: Yes, that's it. It's made of a strip of leather about two feet long and maybe three inches wide with a wooden handle at one end. There are also three rattan canes about a yard long. Mr. Kananga told me that, although the sentence only calls for 10 lashes with the cane and one should be enough, three have been prepared in case one should break. He said this has happened in cases of more numerous strokes. Also, there are three of those metal clips mountain climbers use...

John: Carabiner clips?

Lisa: Right. That's the name. I was told they're for securing the wrists and ankles, although I'm not sure how exactly.

John: And what's that thing on the wall above the table?

Lisa: That's a counter. It will display the number of strokes in lights. It's like what you would see on a scoreboard.

John: Is there an audience in the auditorium?

Lisa: Indeed there is, John. The room seats about a hundred and it looks as if there is a full house. Unfortunately, we are prohibited from turning our camera on the audience...For security reasons, I was told...but I can describe them.

The first three rows are all government officials. I recognize a few of them. There's the head of the national police; a number of judges including the one who initially sentenced Ms Brown; quite a few people from the Ministry of Justice. In the rows behind them I see several people from the British Embassy, possibly some from the American Embassy and some other European Embassies...I see a fairly large number of white faces here...I also recognize quite a large number of my fellow journalists. I'm not sure who the majority here are...they appear to be Marungian...I was told this event was something of a "hot ticket", only those who have some sort of "connections" could get in...

John: Is there anyone from Ms Brown's family present?

Lisa: A source told me her husband is in the country, although no one at the Embassy would confirm that. If he is here, I don't know if I would recognize him...Oh, hold on a moment...Excuse me...Mr. Jombi. Lisa Haddad, UBS News...Do you have a moment?

Jombi: Yes...only a moment...

Lisa: John, this is Mr. Rahman Jombi, Assistant Deputy of the Justice Ministry. Mr. Jombi, how do you respond to those who call what is about to happen here barbaric and cruel?

Jombi: I would say to them that the purpose of judicial punishment is to make the criminal pay for their crime and to ensure they do not commit the same crime in the future. What we do here has that desired effect. Although the pain and humiliation is brief, the memory last a life time. We believe this far less cruel and barbaric, as you put it, than what happens in your country; where a person is locked up for years under brutal conditions, surrounded by violence and drugs only to emerge a more bitter and hardened criminal...

Lisa: I'm Canadian.

Jombi: And. I would add, what we do here is much less cruel than what your British Empire did to native people's during the colonial period...

Lisa: My parents emigrated from Lebanon in the 1970s...

Jombi: Furthermore, we have punished hundreds of criminals in this manner. Only now, when the condemned is a white woman do we start to hear protest from the West...or see a Western journalist attend.

Lisa: On a different subject, sir; I noticed that, while ours is the only television crew present, there are a number of what appear to be web cameras positioned around the stage...

Jombi: Those cameras are strictly for security purposes. There is no truth to the rumor that footage of these punishment sessions is available for purchase at Africascreams.com. Neither does the government receive any money from the videos that can be downloaded for a modest subscription fee from Africascreams.com.

Lisa: Well, thank you for clearing that up, Mr. Jombi.

Jombi: That's Africascreams. All one word.

Lisa: Right. Got it.
John: Lisa, someone has come on stage through the door back there. Is he the executioner?

Lisa: Ah, yes John. They refer to him as a Corporal Punishment Officer. You see him there in his army fatigue pants and white tank-top shirt that shows off his impressive physique...

John: He's wearing a ski mask...

Lisa: Yes. That's not just for dramatic effect. His identity is a closely guarded secret. There are no doubt those that would seek to take revenge against him. I have heard off the record that he is a fitness trainer for the army. Judging by his bulging biceps and rippling pecs and firm build...um...I would say that is a good possibility. He is currently the only Punishment Officer, but I'm told there are others being trained including at least two women who will eventually take over the punishment of female prisoners...Oh, the warden has just entered. I think we're about to begin...Yes, there she is...Ms Dorothy Brown has just been led in with two female guards.

John: What's that thing she's wear? A hospital gown?

Lisa: It's very similar...A plain, sleeveless white gown that ties in the back. She is also wearing leather cuffs with large metal rings on them strapped to her wrist and ankles. I think that may explain those clips I saw earlier.

John: She looks very apprehensive.

Lisa: Yes, I suppose that's understandable...Ah...Warden Kananga is about to speak...

Kananga: The condemned criminal before you, Dorothy Brown, is here to receive her deserved punishment. For the crime of public drunkenness and disorderly conduct, she will be given 25 strokes with the leather strap. For the crime of vandalism of public property, she will be given 10 strokes with the rattan cane. After the corporal punishment has been administered, she will serve one year of probation. Violation of said probation may result in additional punishment. The punishment will now commence.

Lisa: You can now see the guards are undoing the laces at the back of the gown...And they have pulled it off and you can see that she is entirely naked.

John: (Did we know she would be naked?...Well, it's too late now isn't it?)

Lisa: I'm sorry, John, I didn't quite hear that...Nudity is standard procedure in these punishments. As Mr. Jombi pointed out, humiliation is part of the punishment.

The guards are leading Ms Brown to the frame now. I should say she has quite a nice figure for what we would call in the States a "soccer mom". The guards are using the carabiner clips to secure her ankles, connecting the rings on her cuffs to the rings on the post...They are now forcing her to bend forward, over the bar...And they are stretching her arms out in front of her and attaching the wrist cuffs together with a clip to the chain attached to the lower post.

They are now stepping away...Ms Brown is now bend at the hips at about a 90 degree angle, in a sort of sideways L position. This must be very embarrassing for her...Her legs are spread and her private parts quite exposed...Her breasts are dangling down below her...

The execute...I mean, the Punishment Officer is now inspecting the attachments...He has full authority over everything that happens from this point on...I should add that Ms Brown received a thorough medical examination- I believe it was yesterday - and there are medical staff standing by...

John: Lisa, can you tell anything about Ms Brown's demeanor...she seemed rather...I don't know...distressed...when the gown came off.

Lisa: Yes. I think, maybe, she wasn't expecting the stripping to be so abrupt. While she didn't resist the guards, she definitely appeared apprehensive while they were securing her...I can't see her face right now...her hair is hanging down...but, our viewers may be able to perceive that she is trembling...the shaking of her breasts and thighs is most noticeable...I doubt if our mike can pick it up, but I believe I can hear her whimpering, perhaps even sobbing.

The Punishment Officer has completed his inspection and has taken the strap from the table. This will be the first instrument used. It is considered a milder punishment. As you may remember, Ms Brown is going to be given 25...Oh, Jesus!...Sorry...Did you hear that New York?...The first stroke was just struck...Oh, there's the second...Ms Brown cried out quite loudly on the first...There's the third...I think the first one took her by surprise...I know it did me...A fourth, and Ms Brown is squealing with each blow...Each stroke...That's five...Each stroke sounds like a thunder clap here in this hall...That's six...You can see the counter in the back counting off...Seven...The first few blows were on the upper curve of her buttocks, but that one was bit lower...Oh my! That one was right across the crease of her buttocks and thighs and may have...Oh! Yes. Number nine on the same spot and that definitely caught her on the...um...genitals...You could hear her scream quite loudly...Number ten, a bit higher...

John: Lisa, 25 blows seems very harsh...Wow, he's not letting up, is he?...Is this a standard number for her offense?

Lisa: Yes. I was told this is standard for a first time offender...Jesus...I'm sorry...It's hard to concentrate...Oh! Number 12, again across the lower regions...Um...Sentencing to the strap can range from 5 for minor offenses to up to 200 for major crimes...We're now up to 13...She's just continuously crying now...200 for crimes like drug smuggling...Number 14...I hope the camera can pick up the fact that her cheeks are bright red and some purple is beginning to appear...That was 15...You can see that the counter does go to triple digits...Oh! My!...That one got her across the...you know...again...Ms Brown is really...17...Crying...I can't make out...That was 18?...Yes...She saying something...It's garbled by the sobbing...I think it's "I'm sorry"...He seems to be slowing down...That's number 19...The interval between strokes is getting longer but the intensity doesn't seem to be letting up...Oh! 20!...If anything, he seems to be putting more into it...21...Her cheeks are very purple now. There is serious bruising. Perhaps...Ow! Twenty-two was again across the lower cheeks. That can't be an accident...What was I...Oh, I was saying perhaps we should have gotten a medical expert...Number 23...In studio to give the...um...medical details of what's going on...24...Almost done...I don't think she could take much more of this, John...Here comes the final...Whoa!

John: Lisa, what was that sound?

Lisa: I'm sorry, john. That was some kind of horn that sounded when the counter hit twenty-five. It sounded like the horn at the end of a basketball game, didn't it? I wasn't expecting that.

John: Yes. It was quite startling. Are the strokes with the cane going to be given now?

Lisa: Yes. As soon as the Officer is ready. You can see he's wiping his hands on a handkerchief and one of the guards handed him a bottle of water. No one is offering any assistance to Ms Brown.

John: Lisa, what was the mood of the crowd during all of this?

Lisa: Well, I really wasn't paying attention to the crowd; but, I can say there was absolute silence other than the occasional cough. Ah, the Punishment Office has picked up the cane and is taking position. The counter has returned to zero...And there was the first stroke...I'm sure you heard Ms Brown scream...For the first time she is struggling against her restraints...That's two...The Punishment Officer doesn't seem to be swinging the cane as hard as he did the strap, but, I believe that being...That was three...being a thinner tool it travels faster...Number four...

John: I think that the smaller area would concentrate the impact, too. Lisa, are ten strokes normal?

Lisa: Yes. Again...That's six...For vandalism...For a first time offender, this is a normal punishment...Seven...Serious crimes can get as many as 100...Eight...I can see raised welts and there is some blood...Nine...She's still screaming...Ten...There's the horn...It's over...The Warden is standing up...

Kananga: Ladies and gentlemen, the sentence is now concluded. Thank you very much for your attendance.

Lisa: The guards are now unhooking Ms Brown from the frame. She's trembling...I believe she is sobbing...I can't really see her face...Yes, she is crying...She's quite wobbly on her feet...The guards are helping her through the stage door...They're not putting the gown back on her...I guess there's no point...

John: What is going to happen to her now, Lisa?

Lisa: I'm told she will go to the prison medical facility where she will be examined and her wounds treated. She'll be held overnight to be certain there are no complications and to allow her time to recover. Tomorrow she will be taken to the airport and put on a flight back to the UK. The flight was arraigned by the Embassy.

John: Well, thank you, Lisa, for that very intense report. I'm sure we will be hearing from you later.

Lisa: Thank you, John.

John: That was our foreign correspondent, Lisa Haddad, reporting from Kumbe, Marungia on the corporal punishment of Dorothy Brown.

Coming up in our next half hour: we will be speaking to our own medical expert, Dr Gibbs, on the physical effects of corporal punishment. We will also have the latest news from Hollywood. But, first these messages from our sponsors. You're watching UBS Morning News.
Coming up in our next half hour: we will be speaking to our own medical expert, Dr Gibbs, on the physical effects of corporal punishment. We will also have the latest news from Hollywood. But, first these messages from our sponsors. You're watching UBS Morning News.

Very well done. You might possibly have interpolated a "Breaking News!!" cut-in every two minutes or so. ;-)

And where is Sanjay Gupta when we need him?
Very interesting!
There is a good basis for the continuation. Maybe someone in Marungia really could receive 200 strokes, it is worth of description! ))
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John: Lisa, someone has come on stage through the door back there. Is he the executioner?

Lisa: Ah, yes John. They refer to him as a Corporal Punishment Officer. You see him there in his army fatigue pants and white tank-top shirt that shows off his impressive physique...

John: He's wearing a ski mask...

Lisa: Yes. That's not just for dramatic effect. His identity is a closely guarded secret. There are no doubt those that would seek to take revenge against him. I have heard off the record that he is a fitness trainer for the army. Judging by his bulging biceps and rippling pecs and firm build...um...I would say that is a good possibility. He is currently the only Punishment Officer, but I'm told there are others being trained including at least two women who will eventually take over the punishment of female prisoners...Oh, the warden has just entered. I think we're about to begin...Yes, there she is...Ms Dorothy Brown has just been led in with two female guards.

John: What's that thing she's wear? A hospital gown?

Lisa: It's very similar...A plain, sleeveless white gown that ties in the back. She is also wearing leather cuffs with large metal rings on them strapped to her wrist and ankles. I think that may explain those clips I saw earlier.

John: She looks very apprehensive.

Lisa: Yes, I suppose that's understandable...Ah...Warden Kananga is about to speak...

Kananga: The condemned criminal before you, Dorothy Brown, is here to receive her deserved punishment. For the crime of public drunkenness and disorderly conduct, she will be given 25 strokes with the leather strap. For the crime of vandalism of public property, she will be given 10 strokes with the rattan cane. After the corporal punishment has been administered, she will serve one year of probation. Violation of said probation may result in additional punishment. The punishment will now commence.

Lisa: You can now see the guards are undoing the laces at the back of the gown...And they have pulled it off and you can see that she is entirely naked.

John: (Did we know she would be naked?...Well, it's too late now isn't it?)

Lisa: I'm sorry, John, I didn't quite hear that...Nudity is standard procedure in these punishments. As Mr. Jombi pointed out, humiliation is part of the punishment.

The guards are leading Ms Brown to the frame now. I should say she has quite a nice figure for what we would call in the States a "soccer mom". The guards are using the carabiner clips to secure her ankles, connecting the rings on her cuffs to the rings on the post...They are now forcing her to bend forward, over the bar...And they are stretching her arms out in front of her and attaching the wrist cuffs together with a clip to the chain attached to the lower post.

They are now stepping away...Ms Brown is now bend at the hips at about a 90 degree angle, in a sort of sideways L position. This must be very embarrassing for her...Her legs are spread and her private parts quite exposed...Her breasts are dangling down below her...

The execute...I mean, the Punishment Officer is now inspecting the attachments...He has full authority over everything that happens from this point on...I should add that Ms Brown received a thorough medical examination- I believe it was yesterday - and there are medical staff standing by...

John: Lisa, can you tell anything about Ms Brown's demeanor...she seemed rather...I don't know...distressed...when the gown came off.

Lisa: Yes. I think, maybe, she wasn't expecting the stripping to be so abrupt. While she didn't resist the guards, she definitely appeared apprehensive while they were securing her...I can't see her face right now...her hair is hanging down...but, our viewers may be able to perceive that she is trembling...the shaking of her breasts and thighs is most noticeable...I doubt if our mike can pick it up, but I believe I can hear her whimpering, perhaps even sobbing.

The Punishment Officer has completed his inspection and has taken the strap from the table. This will be the first instrument used. It is considered a milder punishment. As you may remember, Ms Brown is going to be given 25...Oh, Jesus!...Sorry...Did you hear that New York?...The first stroke was just struck...Oh, there's the second...Ms Brown cried out quite loudly on the first...There's the third...I think the first one took her by surprise...I know it did me...A fourth, and Ms Brown is squealing with each blow...Each stroke...That's five...Each stroke sounds like a thunder clap here in this hall...That's six...You can see the counter in the back counting off...Seven...The first few blows were on the upper curve of her buttocks, but that one was bit lower...Oh my! That one was right across the crease of her buttocks and thighs and may have...Oh! Yes. Number nine on the same spot and that definitely caught her on the...um...genitals...You could hear her scream quite loudly...Number ten, a bit higher...

John: Lisa, 25 blows seems very harsh...Wow, he's not letting up, is he?...Is this a standard number for her offense?

Lisa: Yes. I was told this is standard for a first time offender...Jesus...I'm sorry...It's hard to concentrate...Oh! Number 12, again across the lower regions...Um...Sentencing to the strap can range from 5 for minor offenses to up to 200 for major crimes...We're now up to 13...She's just continuously crying now...200 for crimes like drug smuggling...Number 14...I hope the camera can pick up the fact that her cheeks are bright red and some purple is beginning to appear...That was 15...You can see that the counter does go to triple digits...Oh! My!...That one got her across the...you know...again...Ms Brown is really...17...Crying...I can't make out...That was 18?...Yes...She saying something...It's garbled by the sobbing...I think it's "I'm sorry"...He seems to be slowing down...That's number 19...The interval between strokes is getting longer but the intensity doesn't seem to be letting up...Oh! 20!...If anything, he seems to be putting more into it...21...Her cheeks are very purple now. There is serious bruising. Perhaps...Ow! Twenty-two was again across the lower cheeks. That can't be an accident...What was I...Oh, I was saying perhaps we should have gotten a medical expert...Number 23...In studio to give the...um...medical details of what's going on...24...Almost done...I don't think she could take much more of this, John...Here comes the final...Whoa!

John: Lisa, what was that sound?

Lisa: I'm sorry, john. That was some kind of horn that sounded when the counter hit twenty-five. It sounded like the horn at the end of a basketball game, didn't it? I wasn't expecting that.

John: Yes. It was quite startling. Are the strokes with the cane going to be given now?

Lisa: Yes. As soon as the Officer is ready. You can see he's wiping his hands on a handkerchief and one of the guards handed him a bottle of water. No one is offering any assistance to Ms Brown.

John: Lisa, what was the mood of the crowd during all of this?

Lisa: Well, I really wasn't paying attention to the crowd; but, I can say there was absolute silence other than the occasional cough. Ah, the Punishment Office has picked up the cane and is taking position. The counter has returned to zero...And there was the first stroke...I'm sure you heard Ms Brown scream...For the first time she is struggling against her restraints...That's two...The Punishment Officer doesn't seem to be swinging the cane as hard as he did the strap, but, I believe that being...That was three...being a thinner tool it travels faster...Number four...

John: I think that the smaller area would concentrate the impact, too. Lisa, are ten strokes normal?

Lisa: Yes. Again...That's six...For vandalism...For a first time offender, this is a normal punishment...Seven...Serious crimes can get as many as 100...Eight...I can see raised welts and there is some blood...Nine...She's still screaming...Ten...There's the horn...It's over...The Warden is standing up...

Kananga: Ladies and gentlemen, the sentence is now concluded. Thank you very much for your attendance.

Lisa: The guards are now unhooking Ms Brown from the frame. She's trembling...I believe she is sobbing...I can't really see her face...Yes, she is crying...She's quite wobbly on her feet...The guards are helping her through the stage door...They're not putting the gown back on her...I guess there's no point...

John: What is going to happen to her now, Lisa?

Lisa: I'm told she will go to the prison medical facility where she will be examined and her wounds treated. She'll be held overnight to be certain there are no complications and to allow her time to recover. Tomorrow she will be taken to the airport and put on a flight back to the UK. The flight was arraigned by the Embassy.

John: Well, thank you, Lisa, for that very intense report. I'm sure we will be hearing from you later.

Lisa: Thank you, John.

John: That was our foreign correspondent, Lisa Haddad, reporting from Kumbe, Marungia on the corporal punishment of Dorothy Brown.

Coming up in our next half hour: we will be speaking to our own medical expert, Dr Gibbs, on the physical effects of corporal punishment. We will also have the latest news from Hollywood. But, first these messages from our sponsors. You're watching UBS Morning News.
Insert in the next Cruxer's Digest now. Coming more?
This story has a good concept, the punishment described from the viewpoint of a TV-coverage. It gives the story a 'direct' style and it is well written. I enjoyed the straighforward description of the execution, without many procedures. Just an act of justice : condemned is brought in, stripped, restrained and the punishment is administered. :clapping::clapping::clapping:
Very well done! Good thing you had a news crew on the scene! I'm sure, being highly competent journalists, they would have gotten interviews not only with the medical expert the commentator mentions, but with Dorothy Brown both before and after punishment so we could get a truly in depth account. Such reportage might not make it to the mainstream news cycle, but I'd definitely watch it as a special edition of "Locked Up Abroad" (or is it "Locked Up--A Broad?")
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