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The evolution of ‘justice’… by Tree

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The conclusion…

Brampton, the capital of Eastwick, continued the practice of publicly executing condemned prisoners, hanging the naked women in the town square every market day when there was a woman needing to be executed. This is not to say there wasn’t any progress. A new gallows was erected so more than one prisoner could be hanged at a time.

It made for a great spectacle to watch two women thrash next to each other when they were hanged, but the vendor Tree noticed that whether one or two women were being hanged, the ‘show’ was over about the same time.

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Sure, one would twitch and jerk a little longer than the other but they were both done usually in less than a quarter hour. And the crowd did stick around to gawk at the hanged women for a while, it is hard to sell adult beverages to a crowd that had already left. Tree had a discussion with town’s elders who were unimpressed by his arguments until he mentioned they could collect more rent money from the vendors if the crowd stayed around longer.

Soon it was decided to hang the women one after the other. The first woman criminal hanged would be left hanging by her neck while the second woman was brought to the gallows.

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It made for an intense show as the second condemned woman had the noose placed around her neck as she looked up at the already hanged women criminal.

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As Tree had predicted, the crowd stuck around to watch the second woman hanged. She made a nice contrast to the first woman hanged. While the first woman hung from her noose in lifeless stillness, the second woman would perform that frantic dance as the noose slowly closed around her neck.

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Progress might not have been as rapid back then but even Brampton was not immune to it. No, they did not give up hanging women for their crimes, but they did adopt a gallows that had a trapdoor that would drop the condemned women to hang her by her neck.

To the crowd the first part of the exhibition was the same. The condemned woman still showed the fear of being hanged by her neck.

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But it was a well-received show when the trap opened and she fell a few feet before the noose stopped her fall. Care was taken to not break the woman’s neck and she could suffer the agony of the rope closing around her neck.

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There were other signs of progress. A nun from the Order of Ultimate Reparations would visit the condemned woman as she stood bound and noosed on the gallows.

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She would ask the crowd to pray that the condemned woman would suffer a slow and agonizing death as she strangled while hanged by her neck. The crowd always seemed to agree with her and prayed the condemned woman would suffer a slow and painful death while she hanged.

It also became a tradition to sell chances to be able to stand on the gallows while a condemned woman was hanged.

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The raffle tickets sold well as it seemed everyone wanted to be able to hear the woman’s death rattles as she struggled to take what would be her last breaths.

There were other signs of ‘progress’ in Brampton. Condemned prisoners were eventually brought to gallows wear irons that would later be called handcuffs. They were quite effective at binding the woman’s hands behind her back and unlike the ropes that had tied their hands, the cuffs could be used over again for each condemned woman. And, instead of giving the hangman the raise he requested, he was allowed to grope the naked woman he was about to hang.

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Brampton continue to ignore the international calls to end the capital punishment of women condemned to death for very questionable crimes… but that is for another story…
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