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The Time Bible

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The Time Bible
Beth was a bright 19yr old student who was just completing her second year in college. She was not a religious girl, herself, although her parents used to force her to church on a Sunday just the way they had been brought up. As she sat through the services her eyes used to wander around the church and take in all the art work and sculptures that adorned the walls. One sculpture in particular used to have her mesmerized, it was a large wooden crucifixion scene depicting Christ and the two thieves writhing on their crosses. For that reason she joined the church choir much to the pleasure of her parents.
After choir practice, one night, Father John asked her into his office for a chat. "Beth, my dear, it has not escaped my notice that you seem attracted to the church crucifixion sculpture." Beth's face turned red in embarrassment as she had been found out. "You are not the first person to marvel at the splendor of the scene, what attracts you to it?" "I am not sure" responded Beth, "I just find the whole scene kind of erotic and it leaves a tingling in my stomach." Father John smiled and walked over to an old wooden chest from which he removed a very large and dusty book. He fanned through the pages and opened the book to one particular page. He sat the book on Beth's knees and pointed. Beth looked down and gasped as she took in the picture on the page. It was exactly the same as the sculpture on the wall. "I wonder what it was like to have been there and be a part of that tragic event?" "Would you like to find out?" responded Father John. "How?" replied Beth. "Take the book home tonight and leave the page open on the picture, then close your eye's and sleep."
Beth carried the book home that night and hid it under her bed. After dinner she kissed her parents goodnight and retired to her room. She opened the page to the scene and placed it back under her bed. She lay back on the pillow and gently closed her eyes and soon fell asleep.
"Get out the way, come on move it!" bellowed a huge voice. This was followed by a sharp pain in her side from a leather boot. Beth rolled over and opened her eyes and blinked in the bright sunlight, had she slept a long time she wondered? A strong hand grabbed her arm and threw her a fair distance. She stood up and shielded her eyes to get adjusted to the brightness of the sun. She stared in disbelief at what she saw. There were three naked men with arms roped, outstretched, to wooden beams, being whipped along a dusty road. They were covered in sweat and bloody whip marks on their backs and they grunted as they struggled with the unwanted burdens. There were weeping woman and men swearing and goading the prisoners to their impending doom.
Beth followed the procession all the way to the three upright posts sticking out of the granite hill. The group was stopped and held back by a cordon of soldiers as the three men made their way to the summit. Beth had a good view of the procedure to take place, although this was nothing like what she had seen in films. Two of the men were cursing and kicking out at the soldiers in charge but one seemed very calm and resigned to his fate, much to the crowds amusement. A clinking sound could be heard as the bag of spikes was thrown up the waiting soldiers, the crucifixion was about to begin!

To be continued............................
Father John smiled and walked over to an old wooden chest from which he removed a very large and dusty book. He fanned through the pages and opened the book to one particular page. He sat the book on Beth's knees and pointed. Beth looked down and gasped as she took in the picture on the page. It was exactly the same as the sculpture on the wall. "I wonder what it was like to have been there and be a part of that tragic event?" "Would you like to find out?" responded Father John. "How?" replied Beth. "Take the book home tonight and leave the page open on the picture, then close your eye's and sleep."
Whether taking Beth back in time or merely evoking a dream the scene is well set!
Beth stared in disbelief at the drama that was about to unfold right there in front of her. The baying crowds, the tearful women all about to witness the most gruesome of executions devised by man. Suddenly she could hear yelling and screaming from one of the men this, she wondered, could be on of the thieves about to be fixed to the beam. In all the art work, she had seen, the thieves were roped to their crosses but in this instance the struggling naked man was to be nailed.
Beth edged nearer for a better view of the proceedings and knocked into one of the grieving women. The woman was sobbing uncontrollably and kept calling "Dismas, Dismas, my son!" A tall soldier stared at her and smirked "Take a good look at your son and listen to him howl as the spikes are driven". "Clang" the hammer fell and the scream from the man was as expected. "Clang, clang" more blows rang out as the cold iron was driven through the flesh and into the timber below. The man kicked his heels and wailed even louder when his other arm was pinioned to the beam. Beth put her arm on the woman,s shoulder to try and comfort her but this was soon rejected as the woman tried to reach her tortured son before he was erected on the stipe. The mans chest was heaving as he gasped in the never ending pain he was to experience till death.
Two soldiers then grabbed the ends of the beam and dragged him back to the waiting stipe. On the command he was lifted firmly and in one movement onto the top of the stipe where it slid down and was wedged firmly in place. The mans feet were thrashing around seeking some kind of purchase to relieve the pain in his wrists. Two soldiers grabbed his legs and positioned his feet against the side of the stipe. Quickly they were roped in place ready to receive the final nails. The nails were placed at the mans heel and several violent hits from the hammer drove the spike through the bone and into the hard wood. More screams from the man as he shook his cross, violently, cursing the soldiers that had put him there.
Beth's mouth was wide open as she took in all the event that she had only seen in films or art. Crucifixion was certainly entertaining from a very gruesome point of view but in a strange kind of way she was enjoying the spectacle. The soldiers were very efficient in their work and had already seized the second prisoner and kicked his legs from under him. He fell heavily on his back and his arms were instantly stretched along the crossbeam. "I don't want to die, I don't want to die!" he screamed, but the soldiers worked efficiently and firm hands held the writhing body in place for the nailing. The soldiers knelt at his wrists and quickly drove the two spikes between the bones and into the beam below. The mans penis rose above his stomach and received the attention of a soldier who kicked it with his boot. How the crowd laughed at this embarrassment but the man was past caring, wrapped up in his own personal agony. Again Beth pushed forward to see the raising of the beam. "Back!" scowled a soldier as the howling man was hauled into the air and on top of the stipe. There he dangled as the soldiers sat on the ground to partake in a drink of wine.
After about ten minutes of merriment the soldiers got up to finish the nailing of the second prisoner. Like the first prisoner his feet were pinned, through his heels, to the side of the stipe. Beth never took her eyes off his face, from the nailing of the wrists, the raising of the beam to the barbaric nailing of his feet. His face contorted on every slight movement which must have sent shooting pains all through his body. Beth sighed and at the same moment felt a hand rest upon her shoulder and shook her violently. "Come on my girl it's time to get up, can't have you hogging the bathroom when I have work to go to." It was the voice of Beth's father.

To be continued.......................
The Nazarene
Beth went to college that day tingling inside at what she had or thought she had witnessed that night. Just when things were getting interesting she was brought back to reality by her bloody father. The day dragged on and Beth hurried home quickly from college. That night she said goodnight to her parents and tucked herself back into bed and soon fell into quite a deep sleep.
Once again the bright light filled her eyes and she had to squint to see what was going on. The noise level had risen to quite a volume, "crucify him, crucify him," the crowd were baying, and soon Beth found herself joining in with the all the excitement.
"You're new here" said a voice, "looks like this is your first crucifixion". Beth turned to see a Rabbi staring right into her face. "Yes it is" she responded, trying not to show that she was getting great pleasure out of watching men suffer so badly. "Are you a follower of the Nazarene?" he asked. Beth flinched at the question and stammered "no, his sort repulses me." "Good" responded the Rabbi, "If I thought you were anything to do with the Christian sect then I would have you nailed up as an agitator!" Beth took a step back and looked around at the hundreds of faces watching the episode unfold.
Just then the last prisoner was hauled to his feet to face the crowd. He was woefully thin and the skin hung in tatters from his back from the severe flogging he had undertaken before the painful walk to crucifixion. His knees were badly grazed where he had fallen on route and his bare feet left red splotches on the stony ground. Beth looked at his face and saw dried blood congealed on his forehead which had been caused by a vicious crown of brambles pushed hard into the scalp. Like the other prisoners he was stark naked and his stubby penis protruded from the matted black pubic hair.
His sentence was read out and the sign proclaiming his crime was held aloft for all to see. It read King of the Jews and produced much clamor from the large crowd. Then there was silence as this prisoner walked over to his crossbeam unaided and lay down on the dirt spreading his arms along the instrument of death in preparation. The soldiers were taken by surprise by this action and quickly took their chance and sat on his arms. A spike was passed to the two soldiers who proceeded to drive them between the nails of the wrists. The prisoner did not scream or howl like the others but just let out a feeble moan. His body shook on each blow as nerves were split and bone splintered. However, he seemed to have a look of calm on his face as the soldiers went about their task with expertise.
The man was raised high and slotted onto the stipe in one quick movement. As he hung there he pulled his legs up and positioned his heels to the side of the cross. The feet were seized and fixed to the sides with long rusty nails and the blood flowed again and pooled on the ground below the crucified.
Beth was once again open mouthed, she had been present at the crucifixion of Jesus Christ, how many people could say that? No one would believe what she had witnessed and that she had been part of it. She felt a deep sadness that she had been in the crowd and screamed for him to be crucified, what had she done?
To be continued..........
The following day Beth was full of remorse, how could she have been part of the crucifixion of the saviour of the world. She wondered if she could have done anything to prevent such a terrible event. That evening after dinner she went to the church to see Father John.
Father John had just finished choir practice when Beth turned up. Father John could see, by the look in her eyes, that she was in distress and would require a comforting chat.
"Well my dear what seems to be troubling you this evening?" "Father, I was there, I was actually there when they nailed Jesus to his cross, I was there!" Beth was now sobbing uncontrollably and it took Father John some time to calm her down.
"Beth my dear, there is absolutely nothing you could have done to have prevented the greatest gift to mankind happening. He laid his life down for all of us when he died on that cross." "Yes" stammered Beth, "but I never knew just how barbaric crucifixion was. To hang by those awful nails in your hands and feet and to be naked for all the prying eyes to see. I guess the worst thing for me was to be present and part of the crowd screaming to crucify him, I will never be able to live with that."
Father John pondered for a while and then looked her straight in the eye's. "There may be a way but I am not sure you would want to go through with it." "Anything, I would do anything to explain myself to the Lord on why I acted the way I did."
Father John took her hands in his and spoke softly. "You have to go back, you have to go back to that terrible event but not as yourself." "What do you mean?" responded Beth with a slight tremble in her voice. "You remember in the scriptures the good thief that was crucified next to our Lord?" "Yes" replied Beth, "Well you will have to take his place." Beth's eyes were wide open in disbelief, would she have to endure the pain of a full crucifixion in order to speak with Jesus. "But they used nails and not ropes as the art books show and they were naked as the day they were born." "That maybe the case but that thief made his peace with Jesus and that will be your only way."
Beth gulped in some air and wiped the tears from her eyes. "How do I do it?" she asked. "You must alter the picture in the book by sticking a picture of your face over the face of the thief. Put the book back under your bed and sleep, always remember that you are not really there."
"If that is the case will I feel the pain of the spikes as they enter me?" Father John lowered his head, "I don't know but one thing is for sure it will feel real to you. Beth nodded, gave Father John a hug and left for home.
That night she looked through her photo album for a suitable picture to use and once found she cut out her face and stuck it onto the face of the thief on the cross in the picture. She placed the book under the bed and rested her head on the pillow. She lay there, for sometime, just staring at the crucifix on her wall and wondering if she was strong enough to endure crucifixion.
"Get up you scum, get a fucking move on we don't want to keep the crowds waiting!" There was a swish in the air and suddenly Beth felt the cruel lash on her bare back. She yelped in pain as the whip curled around her body and flicked the tender nipple of her undulating breast. She could not protect herself as her arms were well secured to the log that was resting across her raw shoulders. She could hear the crowds shouting "crucify, crucify." Up ahead she could see the other two victims being led to their impending punishment, both bearing their beams. The sight of the three upright stakes looming in the distance made her pause but this only resulted in a shove in the back. "I said keep moving, we need you hung up quickly as it looks like a storm is approaching and we hate nailing up scum like you in the rain."

The warm afternoon air on her skin brought the thought to her that she was completely naked for all to see. From time to time her bare feet would step on a sharp stone and she would almost fall but to do that would only add the whip to her pains. Now they were approaching the execution site and the preparations were about to begin. She could see the first thief being led in front of the end stipe and the Lord to the center post. Then the awful screams as the hammering of the spikes into the thief's quivering limbs began. It wasn't long before the wretched thief was hauled into the air and fixed to the upright with further spikes.

Then the soldiers turned and looked at Beth, my God it's my turn she thought and she began to weep as the group approached, hammer and nails in hand. Beth was to be crucified!

To Be continued.................
The following day Beth was full of remorse, how could she have been part of the crucifixion of the saviour of the world. She wondered if she could have done anything to prevent such a terrible event. That evening after dinner she went to the church to see Father John.
Father John had just finished choir practice when Beth turned up. Father John could see, by the look in her eyes, that she was in distress and would require a comforting chat.
"Well my dear what seems to be troubling you this evening?" "Father, I was there, I was actually there when they nailed Jesus to his cross, I was there!" Beth was now sobbing uncontrollably and it took Father John some time to calm her down.
"Beth my dear, there is absolutely nothing you could have done to have prevented the greatest gift to mankind happening. He laid his life down for all of us when he died on that cross." "Yes" stammered Beth, "but I never knew just how barbaric crucifixion was. To hang by those awful nails in your hands and feet and to be naked for all the prying eyes to see. I guess the worst thing for me was to be present and part of the crowd screaming to crucify him, I will never be able to live with that."
Father John pondered for a while and then looked her straight in the eye's. "There may be a way but I am not sure you would want to go through with it." "Anything, I would do anything to explain myself to the Lord on why I acted the way I did."
Father John took her hands in his and spoke softly. "You have to go back, you have to go back to that terrible event but not as yourself." "What do you mean?" responded Beth with a slight tremble in her voice. "You remember in the scriptures the good thief that was crucified next to our Lord?" "Yes" replied Beth, "Well you will have to take his place." Beth's eyes were wide open in disbelief, would she have to endure the pain of a full crucifixion in order to speak with Jesus. "But they used nails and not ropes as the art books show and they were naked as the day they were born." "That maybe the case but that thief made his peace with Jesus and that will be your only way."
Beth gulped in some air and wiped the tears from her eyes. "How do I do it?" she asked. "You must alter the picture in the book by sticking a picture of your face over the face of the thief. Put the book back under your bed and sleep, always remember that you are not really there."
"If that is the case will I feel the pain of the spikes as they enter me?" Father John lowered his head, "I don't know but one thing is for sure it will feel real to you. Beth nodded, gave Father John a hug and left for home.
That night she looked through her photo album for a suitable picture to use and once found she cut out her face and stuck it onto the face of the thief on the cross in the picture. She placed the book under the bed and rested her head on the pillow. She lay there, for sometime, just staring at the crucifix on her wall and wondering if she was strong enough to endure crucifixion.
"Get up you scum, get a fucking move on we don't want to keep the crowds waiting!" There was a swish in the air and suddenly Beth felt the cruel lash on her bare back. She yelped in pain as the whip curled around her body and flicked the tender nipple of her undulating breast. She could not protect herself as her arms were well secured to the log that was resting across her raw shoulders. She could hear the crowds shouting "crucify, crucify." Up ahead she could see the other two victims being led to their impending punishment, both bearing their beams. The sight of the three upright stakes looming in the distance made her pause but this only resulted in a shove in the back. "I said keep moving, we need you hung up quickly as it looks like a storm is approaching and we hate nailing up scum like you in the rain."

The warm afternoon air on her skin brought the thought to her that she was completely naked for all to see. From time to time her bare feet would step on a sharp stone and she would almost fall but to do that would only add the whip to her pains. Now they were approaching the execution site and the preparations were about to begin. She could see the first thief being led in front of the end stipe and the Lord to the center post. Then the awful screams as the hammering of the spikes into the thief's quivering limbs began. It wasn't long before the wretched thief was hauled into the air and fixed to the upright with further spikes.

Then the soldiers turned and looked at Beth, my God it's my turn she thought and she began to weep as the group approached, hammer and nails in hand. Beth was to be crucified!

To Be continued.................
Brilliant, thanks!
The time arrives
Beth stood rooted to the spot, frozen with fear as the three burly soldiers approached her. Two of them grabbed the ends of the beam while the third kicked her legs from under her and held her crossed feet. She was carried passed the screaming thief who was in the first throes of unbelievable agony as he pushed down on his spiked heels. Then she passed the middle stipe where the Christ was being readied to be crucified. As Beth was dragged passed she looked him straight in the eyes, now's my chance, she thought, but before she could speak she received a heavy blow to the stomach.
When she regained her senses she was laying on her back looking up at the soldiers leaning over her naked nubile body. Unable to free herself she felt hands touch her all over, from her heaving breasts to the tight little hole nestling within her pubic hair. She was not a virgin but screamed at this intrusion and kicked her feet high in the air which brought a cheer from the crowds.
The hammer and nails were dropped close to her head and for the first time she saw the huge spikes that were to make her one with the wood. "Noooo please," she wailed, "Jesus I am so sorry for what I said, please forgive me, don't let them nail me pleeeeease!" Her words were cut short as the hammer fell onto the large head of the spike and sent it on its journey through flesh and bone. "Aaaaargh," she screamed and once again her legs rose high in the air giving the crowd, close enough, a good view of her small hairy cunt. The hammering continued as the spike was driven further into the wood. Her worst fears were realised, she would feel the pain of crucifixion!
Minutes passed and the second spike had been driven into the remaining wrist. Beth was gasping and twisting violently in extreme agony. She had peed herself but was past caring as the worst bit was yet to come. "Lift her up," came the command and hands quickly grabbed the ends of the beam and pulled the young girl to the waiting stipe. Her heels dragged in the dirt but then the skin was torn from them when she was getting nearer to the stake and the granite ground.
"Come on my beauty let's get you nailed up before the rain comes, steady men, steady" The crossbeam dropped down onto the stipe and with it the body of a young women. The drop nearly knocked the wind out of her and her shoulders were very near to dislocation. The thief on the left turned his head in her direction, "Hey you little cunt, look what I have for you if we ever get off these cursed crosses." Beth looked and saw that he was sporting a huge erection with a large purple head. This was not unusual as crucified victims nearly always became aroused when they first mount the cross.
Beth could feel rough hands holding her feet to the sides of the stipe. She felt a sharp prick, from the spike, just below her little ankle, she knew what was coming. "Get a good grip on her heel and toes as I don't want to screw this up". "Thwack!" the nail head was firmly hit, Beth howled at the top of her lungs. She begged Jesus to save her from all this pain but there was no help to be given. The blows stopped and Beth looked down at the bloody state of her feet.
The soldiers had stepped away and were completing the preparations for the crucifixion of the Nazarene. Jesus was laid on his back and a spike was driven through both his tender wrists. Beth noticed that even his penis was growing with every strike of the mallet but there was no screaming. As his still and sweaty body was lifted onto the upright he even forgave the soldiers for carrying out their grisly task. Within a short space of time his ankles were fixed to the stipe and the soldiers withdrew to allow the crowds a better view of the scene.
The air was filled with the moans of the crucified, people walked up to each cross, took a long look and then moved on. The crowds soon dispersed as the threat of a heavy storm put even the most hardy spectator off. The three crosses stood out on the hill with only one guard on duty to stop the bodies being removed. Beth took a deep breath and pushed on the feet. The small bones began to crack from the pressure but she continued her upward journey in order to breathe. When she was as high as the spikes in her heels would allow her she spoke in short gasps to Jesus. "Jesus, please forgive me and remember me when you enter your kingdom." The Saviour looked in her direction and spoke in a calm but gasping voice. "My dear I know what you are doing, I know why you are here." "How do you know" croaked Beth from her bruised chapped lips. "I know that you have committed no crime, you are suffering because of your own shame, but you have nothing to be forgiven for. Close your eyes and the pain will leave your body."
The soldier slapped Beth on her leg with his spear, "Shut the fuck up you two or I will make your lives more of a misery than you already are feeling." Beth groaned and once again she slumped back down and felt the grating of the nails against the bones in her wrists. Blood ran down her arms and from the nails in her feet off her dainty toes. Wild dogs had gathered and were licking at the pools of blood and jumping up for the thieves genitals but were beaten back by the soldier. Beth closed her eyes and her chin rested on her chest, she sighed and made one last plea for forgiveness and then just peaceful blackness.
Beth passed away, in her sleep, from heart failure. Father John conducted the service and consoled her parents that Beth was with Jesus now. Only Father John knew the true reason for her death and, for that reason, the book was destroyed never to be seen again.
The End
The time arrives
Beth stood rooted to the spot, frozen with fear as the three burly soldiers approached her. Two of them grabbed the ends of the beam while the third kicked her legs from under her and held her crossed feet. She was carried passed the screaming thief who was in the first throes of unbelievable agony as he pushed down on his spiked heels. Then she passed the middle stipe where the Christ was being readied to be crucified. As Beth was dragged passed she looked him straight in the eyes, now's my chance, she thought, but before she could speak she received a heavy blow to the stomach.
When she regained her senses she was laying on her back looking up at the soldiers leaning over her naked nubile body. Unable to free herself she felt hands touch her all over, from her heaving breasts to the tight little hole nestling within her pubic hair. She was not a virgin but screamed at this intrusion and kicked her feet high in the air which brought a cheer from the crowds.
The hammer and nails were dropped close to her head and for the first time she saw the huge spikes that were to make her one with the wood. "Noooo please," she wailed, "Jesus I am so sorry for what I said, please forgive me, don't let them nail me pleeeeease!" Her words were cut short as the hammer fell onto the large head of the spike and sent it on its journey through flesh and bone. "Aaaaargh," she screamed and once again her legs rose high in the air giving the crowd, close enough, a good view of her small hairy cunt. The hammering continued as the spike was driven further into the wood. Her worst fears were realised, she would feel the pain of crucifixion!
Minutes passed and the second spike had been driven into the remaining wrist. Beth was gasping and twisting violently in extreme agony. She had peed herself but was past caring as the worst bit was yet to come. "Lift her up," came the command and hands quickly grabbed the ends of the beam and pulled the young girl to the waiting stipe. Her heels dragged in the dirt but then the skin was torn from them when she was getting nearer to the stake and the granite ground.
"Come on my beauty let's get you nailed up before the rain comes, steady men, steady" The crossbeam dropped down onto the stipe and with it the body of a young women. The drop nearly knocked the wind out of her and her shoulders were very near to dislocation. The thief on the left turned his head in her direction, "Hey you little cunt, look what I have for you if we ever get off these cursed crosses." Beth looked and saw that he was sporting a huge erection with a large purple head. This was not unusual as crucified victims nearly always became aroused when they first mount the cross.
Beth could feel rough hands holding her feet to the sides of the stipe. She felt a sharp prick, from the spike, just below her little ankle, she knew what was coming. "Get a good grip on her heel and toes as I don't want to screw this up". "Thwack!" the nail head was firmly hit, Beth howled at the top of her lungs. She begged Jesus to save her from all this pain but there was no help to be given. The blows stopped and Beth looked down at the bloody state of her feet.
The soldiers had stepped away and were completing the preparations for the crucifixion of the Nazarene. Jesus was laid on his back and a spike was driven through both his tender wrists. Beth noticed that even his penis was growing with every strike of the mallet but there was no screaming. As his still and sweaty body was lifted onto the upright he even forgave the soldiers for carrying out their grisly task. Within a short space of time his ankles were fixed to the stipe and the soldiers withdrew to allow the crowds a better view of the scene.
The air was filled with the moans of the crucified, people walked up to each cross, took a long look and then moved on. The crowds soon dispersed as the threat of a heavy storm put even the most hardy spectator off. The three crosses stood out on the hill with only one guard on duty to stop the bodies being removed. Beth took a deep breath and pushed on the feet. The small bones began to crack from the pressure but she continued her upward journey in order to breathe. When she was as high as the spikes in her heels would allow her she spoke in short gasps to Jesus. "Jesus, please forgive me and remember me when you enter your kingdom." The Saviour looked in her direction and spoke in a calm but gasping voice. "My dear I know what you are doing, I know why you are here." "How do you know" croaked Beth from her bruised chapped lips. "I know that you have committed no crime, you are suffering because of your own shame, but you have nothing to be forgiven for. Close your eyes and the pain will leave your body."
The soldier slapped Beth on her leg with his spear, "Shut the fuck up you two or I will make your lives more of a misery than you already are feeling." Beth groaned and once again she slumped back down and felt the grating of the nails against the bones in her wrists. Blood ran down her arms and from the nails in her feet off her dainty toes. Wild dogs had gathered and were licking at the pools of blood and jumping up for the thieves genitals but were beaten back by the soldier. Beth closed her eyes and her chin rested on her chest, she sighed and made one last plea for forgiveness and then just peaceful blackness.
Beth passed away, in her sleep, from heart failure. Father John conducted the service and consoled her parents that Beth was with Jesus now. Only Father John knew the true reason for her death and, for that reason, the book was destroyed never to be seen again.
The End
Tragic End.
Beth passed away, in her sleep, from heart failure. Father John conducted the service and consoled her parents that Beth was with Jesus now. Only Father John knew the true reason for her death and, for that reason, the book was destroyed never to be seen again.
Nicely done - a nice "Twilight Zone" ending. I can't help feel a little like the good Father had some idea that this might happen, though.
The time arrives
Beth stood rooted to the spot, frozen with fear as the three burly soldiers approached her. Two of them grabbed the ends of the beam while the third kicked her legs from under her and held her crossed feet. She was carried passed the screaming thief who was in the first throes of unbelievable agony as he pushed down on his spiked heels. Then she passed the middle stipe where the Christ was being readied to be crucified. As Beth was dragged passed she looked him straight in the eyes, now's my chance, she thought, but before she could speak she received a heavy blow to the stomach.
When she regained her senses she was laying on her back looking up at the soldiers leaning over her naked nubile body. Unable to free herself she felt hands touch her all over, from her heaving breasts to the tight little hole nestling within her pubic hair. She was not a virgin but screamed at this intrusion and kicked her feet high in the air which brought a cheer from the crowds.
The hammer and nails were dropped close to her head and for the first time she saw the huge spikes that were to make her one with the wood. "Noooo please," she wailed, "Jesus I am so sorry for what I said, please forgive me, don't let them nail me pleeeeease!" Her words were cut short as the hammer fell onto the large head of the spike and sent it on its journey through flesh and bone. "Aaaaargh," she screamed and once again her legs rose high in the air giving the crowd, close enough, a good view of her small hairy cunt. The hammering continued as the spike was driven further into the wood. Her worst fears were realised, she would feel the pain of crucifixion!
Minutes passed and the second spike had been driven into the remaining wrist. Beth was gasping and twisting violently in extreme agony. She had peed herself but was past caring as the worst bit was yet to come. "Lift her up," came the command and hands quickly grabbed the ends of the beam and pulled the young girl to the waiting stipe. Her heels dragged in the dirt but then the skin was torn from them when she was getting nearer to the stake and the granite ground.
"Come on my beauty let's get you nailed up before the rain comes, steady men, steady" The crossbeam dropped down onto the stipe and with it the body of a young women. The drop nearly knocked the wind out of her and her shoulders were very near to dislocation. The thief on the left turned his head in her direction, "Hey you little cunt, look what I have for you if we ever get off these cursed crosses." Beth looked and saw that he was sporting a huge erection with a large purple head. This was not unusual as crucified victims nearly always became aroused when they first mount the cross.
Beth could feel rough hands holding her feet to the sides of the stipe. She felt a sharp prick, from the spike, just below her little ankle, she knew what was coming. "Get a good grip on her heel and toes as I don't want to screw this up". "Thwack!" the nail head was firmly hit, Beth howled at the top of her lungs. She begged Jesus to save her from all this pain but there was no help to be given. The blows stopped and Beth looked down at the bloody state of her feet.
The soldiers had stepped away and were completing the preparations for the crucifixion of the Nazarene. Jesus was laid on his back and a spike was driven through both his tender wrists. Beth noticed that even his penis was growing with every strike of the mallet but there was no screaming. As his still and sweaty body was lifted onto the upright he even forgave the soldiers for carrying out their grisly task. Within a short space of time his ankles were fixed to the stipe and the soldiers withdrew to allow the crowds a better view of the scene.
The air was filled with the moans of the crucified, people walked up to each cross, took a long look and then moved on. The crowds soon dispersed as the threat of a heavy storm put even the most hardy spectator off. The three crosses stood out on the hill with only one guard on duty to stop the bodies being removed. Beth took a deep breath and pushed on the feet. The small bones began to crack from the pressure but she continued her upward journey in order to breathe. When she was as high as the spikes in her heels would allow her she spoke in short gasps to Jesus. "Jesus, please forgive me and remember me when you enter your kingdom." The Saviour looked in her direction and spoke in a calm but gasping voice. "My dear I know what you are doing, I know why you are here." "How do you know" croaked Beth from her bruised chapped lips. "I know that you have committed no crime, you are suffering because of your own shame, but you have nothing to be forgiven for. Close your eyes and the pain will leave your body."
The soldier slapped Beth on her leg with his spear, "Shut the fuck up you two or I will make your lives more of a misery than you already are feeling." Beth groaned and once again she slumped back down and felt the grating of the nails against the bones in her wrists. Blood ran down her arms and from the nails in her feet off her dainty toes. Wild dogs had gathered and were licking at the pools of blood and jumping up for the thieves genitals but were beaten back by the soldier. Beth closed her eyes and her chin rested on her chest, she sighed and made one last plea for forgiveness and then just peaceful blackness.
Beth passed away, in her sleep, from heart failure. Father John conducted the service and consoled her parents that Beth was with Jesus now. Only Father John knew the true reason for her death and, for that reason, the book was destroyed never to be seen again.
The End
Thanks for this story, I really enjoyed reading it!
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