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Rules of Crux Forums

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Poet Laureate
Staff member

Members of this Forum must be 18 years of age or older.

Any individual member may only use one account, one username
(unless special permission has been granted).

The providers ("we", "us", "our") of the service provided by this web site ("Service") are not responsible for any user-generated content ("content"). Any content posted only expresses the views of the author.

You, the user, agree to not use the Service to post or link to any content which: is defamatory, abusive, hateful or threatening, is spam or spam-like, contains personal information about any other person(s), risks copyright infringement, encourages unlawful activity, or may expose the Service to any risk of criminal charges or other legal proceedings.[1]

You should not submit any content that you consider to be private or confidential.

You accept and agree to adhere to our policies as set out below:

Child Pornography

Child pornography is despicable, it could cause our forum to be closed, and it could lead to criminal proceedings against those responsible.

'Child pornography' includes any photos, videos, digital manips, drawings etc. etc. that appear to portray abuse of under-18s, or any sort of sexual activity involving or witnessed by under-18s (whether or not under-18s have actually taken part in the production).

We do NOT tolerate ANY content relating to underage characters engaged in any way with sexual or violent activity - including simply witnessing it. This includes pictures, videos, stories, or links to other sites. Such content will be deleted and those posting it risk a ban, not to mention the fact that you are breaking the law in most countries.

Pestering and Stalking

Pestering of members will not be tolerated. Any member who pesters or stalks another member will be banned.


Pirated copyrighted material could get our site closed, it must not be posted.

Small samples of copyright material or material from pay sites may be permitted, but their source and copyright status must be acknowledged. These may be used as ‘tasters’ to another site, but CruxForums must not be used for free access to material that is under the copyright control of its original author or website. Reproducing a whole series from another website will not be permitted.

We reserve the right to use and publish any content posted on CruxForums within that site as we see fit, so we may copy, move or modify that content at our sole discretion.

If you publish your content on the forum, you grant forum owners rights to this content.


Users from all countries and speakers of all languages are welcome, but the language of the Forums is English. Posts on the public Forums in languages other than English will be deleted.

Policy on political and other irrelevant posts

Arguments about politics and other irrelevant topics have no place on this site, they will just drive people away, so they will be deleted.

Faked porn images of people who are currently well-known and certainly wouldn't want to feature on a site like this (nor would their lawyers and agents be happy about it) are not allowable.

Policies on the portrayal of Crucifixion, other forms of Execution, Torture or ill-treatment, BDSM, and hard-core sadistic pornography.

Our Forums provide a safe place in which adults can enjoy their shared interest in the erotic aspects of Crucifixion etc. We welcome a wide range of photos, videos, imaginative artwork, reproductions of historical documents and artworks, and other visual images on these topics. We welcome discussion of these topics, historical inquiry into them, imaginative stories and poems, jokes and banter.

The wide range of material we welcome is illustrated in the Archive.

But there are certain limits, which must be observed:

First, it should go without saying that any people in photos or videos acting out Crucifixion or taking part in BDSM or similar activities must be freely consenting adults. If Moderators have any doubts about this, the images will be deleted.

We do not allow images or videos which portray real life crux-play using nails, or any content that encourages or assists such activity, which is likely to cause serious, permanent injury or even death, and which could lead to criminal charges.

We do not allow videos or images of real people engaged in forms of so-called BDSM which, even if consensual, are stupid and dangerous, and could well lead to serious injury or death, or to criminal charges, nor do we allow posts that encourage or assist such activities.

We do not allow actual or realistic portrayals of suicide, discussion of methods of suicide, or any subject-matter that might encourage self-harm.

We do not allow photos or videos of real people dying or dead, or of actual atrocities.

We do not allow photos or videos of actual, or apparently actual, cannibalism, bestiality, necrophilia, bodily mutilation, and suchlike activities, nor do we allow discussion that might encourage such conduct in real life.

We do not allow links to, or recommendations for, sites that offer material of kinds not permitted here.

The subject matter of our Forums entails portrayals of cruelty and violence, and the range of acceptable content is wide. We welcome images, stories etc., that present such subject-matter in ways that can reasonably be regarded as ‘erotic art’ or ‘erotic writing’. However, we are not, and do not intend to become, 'open house' for all kinds of hard-core sadistic pornography. So graphic images of gratuitous violence that lack any erotic or artistic quality, and/or are irrelevant to the threads or contexts in which they are posted, do not belong here.

Moderators reserve the right to exercise their judgement, and to delete content that does not seem suitable for the Forums, and would belong better in other types of site.

Members are advised to familiarise themselves with the law in their country of residence relating to pornographic material.

Rights and duties of Staff Members/ Moderators.

All Content you submit or upload may be reviewed by staff members. We reserve the right to remove or modify any content without explanation. It is the duty of Moderators to ensure that these Rules and Conditions are observed, and the standards and quality of the site maintained. Moderators will therefore warn you if you are infringing, or are close to infringing, these Rules, and remove or modify any Content which, in their judgement, is in breach of the rules.

Content once posted on the site may only be deleted by Moderators. Any request from a user to delete his/ her own content will be dealt with by Moderators at their sole discretion.

Banning users.

The Moderators' decisions are final.
Whatever the 'rights and wrongs' in any case, abusive language directed at other members, or at staff, will not be tolerated. We reserve the right to take action against any account with the Service at any time. You will be banned and barred from access to the site if you:
  • flagrantly break any rule (e.g. by posting child pornography), ·
  • persistently attempt to post content in breach of the Rules, ·
  • provoke quarrels, engage in public dispute with Moderators, or act in ways which spoil others' enjoyment of the site.

Spamming and Scamming

Users who seek to join or use CruxForums for purposes of freely promoting or advertising goods, services, or material without the permission of CruxForums staff, or who seek to target the members in order to defraud or mislead them will be banned or refused admission.

Posting images and videos

To limit our site's costs, we have to enforce these rules:
  • a limit of 5 image posts per person per day per thread. Exceptions: Illustrated stories which can contain up to 10 images per post but only one such post per thread per day and limit each pic to 400KB. The 400 KB limit now applies to AI generated images. However artists may incorporate AI generated elements into their creations which come under the 2MB limit.Gifs but no larger than 2MB. No more than 1 per thread per day.
  • Image sizes no larger than 400Kb. Exceptions: PNGs in the CMCK thread (Crucifixion Manipulation Construction Kit) and original work by member artists where the limit will be 2 Mb for a max of 5 pics. Any image hosted externally.
  • Images must be uploaded as thumbnails, not full-size.
  • No videos to be uploaded. Exceptions. Videos hosted externally on sites such as IMGUR.
  • Members should try to avoid posting images that they find elsewhere on CruxForums, or repeating images in the same thread.
We do allow full-size images that are hosted on other servers, as these incur no usage charges to the site. However,
  • the source of linked material should be stated, and the artist/ author credited;
  • members must make sure not to post links to sites that may introduce pop-ups, illegal content, or malware, adware etc.
  • images or texts containing links to paysites must only be posted in the 'Links to Paysites' section.
Members are welcome to post images that are not their own work if they are relevant to our themes of Crux, BDSM and erotic Fantasy. These may illustrate stories, contribute to discussions, inspire or amuse fellow members. However, members have the responsibility:
  • to ensure that content posted will not attract unwanted attention, or risk legal proceedings or other action against the site.
  • to make a reasonable effort to identify and credit the artist/ source of any images sourced from the internet.
'Curated collections' of good-quality images relevant to our themes are welcome, but bulk uploading of miscellaneous , uncredited material is not acceptable.

URL links to other sites:

  • links to paysites may only be posted in the Links to Paysites section;
  • Links to other sites may not be included in members' signature strips;
  • occasional links to 'safe' sites that are of genuine, relevant interest may be permitted, but the Forums are not to be used as a platform for persistent, repeated posting of links to other sites;
  • Moderators reserve the right to delete any links to sites that may introduce pop-ups, illegal content, or malware, adware etc.
Videos can also incur substantial excess usage costs. While short videos and clips may be uploaded, links to YouTube or other sites where they can be viewed are preferable. Videos may be streamed from other sites (if not in breach of copyright), but the above provisions apply to videos as to images.

CruxForums is not a site for hosting videos, or links to videos, on mainline porn sites. Occasionally a link to a video on such a site may be acceptable in context, e.g. contributing to a discussion, but even then there is no need to upload it.

Moderators reserve their rights:
  • to withhold approval, close threads or delete content if in their judgement these standards are not met.
  • to down-size or remove images that make excessive demands on site usage, or take up disproportionate space within threads, and to remove links to sites that may introduce content that is unacceptable on this site, or may introduce threats to members' devices.

Any of the above Rules may be changed at any time.
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Hi folks. Just to clarify/emphasise a few points in our Rules especially for the benefit of our newer members.

1. Please use English only on all public threads.

2. Do not open multiple accounts. They may all get deleted.

3. Do not place links to such sites as Subscribestar, Patreon etc in your post including your signature on public threads.

4. Be aware of our file size limits when uploading. You can find them
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