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To explain a little bit of the philosophical background of this story:

One of the main differences between Roman masters and their slaves, was the ability to feel empathy. Slaves were much more able to put themselves in someone elses shoes, which is why Christianity spread so easily amongst slaves and also women, who were also in a low position. To Christians empathy is the highest virtue. Roman men sometimes knew sympathy, which means they could feel pity, but that was not something they cultivated. On the contrary, it was a stoic conviction that feelings should never be the cause of action and feeling sympathy was something you should keep to yourself. To feel empathy was considered a sign of weakness. Why put yourself in the shoes of a defeated victim? You won, you should celebrate power and strength. Someone with empathy is not fit to be a master.

Maybe Marius will learn this lesson too.
Chapter 12

Later that day, close to the evening, Marius was in the courtyard, sitting on a bench. He had wanted to help the girl in the kitchen as well, but Cornelia had sent him away, saying this was no men’s job. He had helped bringing Julia to the kitchen a little later. She had been more damaged than Amabilia had been, as she had insisted in receiving the full twenty lashes. She was a strong woman. Also with her he had not been allowed to help any further or be present during her treatment, which apparently consisted of cleaning and covering the damaged areas with an ointment of pig fat mixed with herbs. Both women had been taken care off by Cornelia with help of some other women and they had then been brought to a room that was often used as an infirmary. Somebody had told Marius the women were sleeping and they were well, considering the circumstances.

In his mind he kept going over the events, trying to understand what had happened. Why had Domitia exploded like that? Even if Aulus had fucked both women it wasn’t such a big thing, was it? It was his right to do with the slaves as he wished. Though Marius did feel relieved that his former uncle and now father had not fucked Amabilia. There was a sense of jealousy in him just thinking about that. But why punish the girls who only obeyed orders and proved themselves to be good obedient slaves?


As he was thinking these things over, his mind also kept wandering back to the sweet innocent looking Amabilia. Her face haunted him and he got up several times to go to the infirmary and gaze upon her sleeping beauty, but each time he stopped himself to sit down again, sighing to himself. He got an erection when he remembered her beautifully shaped white breasts. Perfectly shaped breasts which in his mind he cupped with his hands, desiring to caress the soft mounts of purity. But each time he thought about that, the vision of the rope striking and cutting that perfect skin came to mind. He had seen it up close, the cruelty, the hideous crime of deformation and spoiling of such beauty. To take that beauty away from him, that was the crime. Now and then he got up and grunted in pain.

Several times one of the household came to ask him if he was alright and he kept sending them away. The young master was ill because of the blow to the head he had suffered, was the rumour that soon went around. He didn’t want to eat or sleep, just wait until the paterfamilias came back from the hunt.

At some point he noticed Domitia visiting the infirmary to check on the girls and see if the damage done was satisfactory. Apparently she was content because moments later she reappeared and went straight back to her quarters, without issuing any further orders.
Chapter 13

Aulus finally arrived back at the domus. It was late in the evening. He had four riders with him: two of the liberti that joined him first in the hunt and also two of the armed men that had joined him later. Their faces looked grim but also satisfied. They had been successful in capturing the culprit and apparently there had been immediate punishment as well, because the prisoner had been beaten and then led by a rope behind the horse of Aulus and when he could not keep up with the horse, he had fallen down and had been dragged all the way back to the villa. The man lay on the ground in the courtyard when Marius was called over to identify him. It was hard to see if the man had indeed been the assailant, as the body of the man was bleeding all over and a lot of skin had been scraped off him, even from his face. But Marius recognized him by his torn clothing, especially his cloak and he also was clearly of the same size as the man who had attacked him.

The verdict of Aulus was immediate. His judgment was that this was a runaway slave that assaulted his son and heir. He also had a bag with him which was obviously the previous possession of a courier, since it contained several letters from officials in Cassinum. For such crimes only death was a suitable punishment. However, they needed to find out what he had done with the courier and also which household he had run away from. His former owner needed to know he was found. This meant the prisoner was not immediately executed but instead he was dragged to a cage in the back of the courtyard that was sometimes used to punish slaves.

While all this transpired, Marius waited impatiently to talk with his father about what had happened here at the villa with the slave girls. It was however Gaius who first got a chance to tell the paterfamilias about it and Aulus immediately went to the infirmary to check on the girls. Marius tagged along with him, as well as Gaius. The three men stood silently in the room, watching the women sleeping with uncovered chests. Their breasts were swollen, red, riddled with cuts and completely covered in a thick layer of healing ointment, which made them look even more deformed and damaged. As the girls had been sedated with a herb tea, they didn’t wake up from the silent visit.

Marius watched closely to see how the dominus reacted to this scene, but the man showed no expression. Without a word he turned and left, Gaius following closely. Marius was then also led out by the female slave that kept watch over the two girls. Aulus was going straight into the main villa and as Marius tried to catch up with the man and his personal servant, he noticed how he went to the left side, where the quarters of Domitia were. Marius didn’t join him but watched as the master went in to his wife’s quarters, ignoring the slave that was telling him her mistress was sleeping. Soon there were loud voices coming from Domitia’s quarters and it was apparent to all that a massive argument was taking place there.

Marius went outside again, but even there he could hear the loud voices of Aulus and Domitia as they argued and there was even the crashing sound of some pottery that was apparently used as argument in the debate.
Slaves and liberti looked at each other in silence. The master and mistress were often arguing but never like this and everybody had the sense something horrible was taking place. Marius took it upon himself to speak with some of the people in the courtyard, assuring them it would be alright again the next day, like comforting children when the parents had an argument. But it turned out he was wrong, it was not back to normal the next morning.

In the morning Domitia gathered some of her personal slaves and escorted by two armed men they left in a carriage towards Cassinum, to visit her sister in the city. And later that day Aulus also left for the city, taking Gaius and one armed man with him, to go and report to the legatus about the runaway slave they had captured. He would be staying in the family’s residence in Cassinum. Marius was left in charge of the estate.
Chapter 14

Marius was of course inexperienced in leading an estate, but he didn’t have to do much. Work went on as usual, performed by slaves and led by former slaves in service of the family. One of those liberti was Canus the Grey, an administrator overseeing financial transactions and assigning work orders for the slaves. All Marius had to do was support what was being done and make decisions when there were accidents or transgressions, in which Canus was usually advising him what to do. And even if that went wrong, Marius could always send his former father Verius Lucianus for advice or help.

Peace seemed to have returned to the domus and life went on as usual. But there were rumours whispered and a certain unrest held the household in its grip. First of all people wondered what would happen if Aulus sent Domitia away and broke off their marriage. As such not a problem, as the estate would continue to prosper under his dominion, but Domitia was related, albeit in a very distant way, to the wife of the emperor. The family of Domitia could cause some rough weather for the Lucianus family. A reason for concern, even if this was only speculation and gossip, whispered by worried slaves.

Another rumour that went around - slaves just loved to gossip - concerned the runaway slave in his cage. He was seriously injured and most of the time unconscious, but according to some it wasn’t certain he was indeed a slave. Though his clothes were mostly torn and destroyed, they could tell these were not slave clothes. But then again, he could of course have stolen these clothes to pass as a courier.

The story that went around mostly though, was the tale of what would happen to the slaves of the household where this slave escaped from. According to custom, all the slaves in that household would be crucified, including the women and children. This had been a custom in this region ever since the notorious Spartacus uprising 150 years ago. When a slave came into the Lucianus household by being purchased, they were told to be careful. To remind everyone how serious they took the crime of running away, every five years or so a crucifixion ritual was held. It was both a warning to all the slaves but also a religious ritual as the slave was sacrificed to the gods by being nailed to the tree. According to historians this ritual was a lot older than a slave uprising in the near past – this could well be hundreds of years old.

It had been longer than five years since the last crucifixion was held at the household of Aulus Lucianus. According to some this ritual was to be expected in the near future, especially now a runaway slave from another household had been captured. And of course talk soon revolved around speculations which slave was going to be unfortunate enough to be chosen for a festive crucifixion. It could be anyone of the slaves and soon the tension could be felt all over the estate.

Marius was not aware of any of this. The whole day he lurked around the infirmary to catch a glimpse of Amabilia. He was sick with longing as he could not put Amabilia out of his mind. And though he tried to hide this, people were starting to notice how distracted he was and how often he mentioned her name. This too became a topic for gossip and a reason for concern. It was quite common for a dominus to have affairs with one of the slave women, but not before he was married and had secured his offspring. Of course it went without saying that it was impossible for a dominus to marry a slave.

Some of the liberti took it upon themselves to distract the young master by taking him on inspections of the fields and production areas the following days. And they made sure he slept in various locations around the land, so he wouldn’t return to the villa for some time. Maybe that would cure him of his ailment.
Chapter 15

Amabilia had been recovering well. She was a healthy young woman and the excellent care of Cornelia and other women, caused her wounds to heal well. Her chest was still sore for some days but careful application of various ointments made sure she got no scabs and therefor no scars on her breasts. After only a day she was considered fit enough to work and she was put to work tending the geese, since she had been doing that when she was still a child.

The girl was worried what would happen when the mistress returned. Would she be allowed to return to her service? That seemed unlikely. And maybe she didn’t even want that anymore. Being in the fields herding the geese, was very pleasant work and offered little chance of punishments. She took extra care in not losing a single goose, making sure she counted them every day. She was glad she had learned how to count. She also checked their wings regularly, making sure the feathers that had been taken away to prevent the geese from taking flight, were not growing back. She also carried a long stick to ward off any stray dogs or other animals that might try to have a taste of goose, though that was hardly necessary as geese were pretty good at defending themselves. In fact, she had to use the stick once or twice to keep the geese from biting her ankles.

In the meantime Julia had also recovered enough to take up her tasks in the kitchen. If Cornelia was happy about that, she didn’t show it as she was only complaining how tough it had been for her to do everything by herself.

“Don’t even think about doing something this stupid again,” said Cornelia at some point to Julia.

“Yes ma’am,” replied Julia with respect for the older woman, even though she knew all too well she had little choice in what happened to her. In fact, there was still the command of the master to obey to get herself impregnated by a gladiator. She didn’t feel up to it yet, as her chest was still bruised too much. But she knew she could not put this off indefinitely.

That evening Julia went to the gladiator camp, which was adjacent to the villa and could be watched from a balcony on the first floor near the dining room of the master and the mistress. They both liked to watch the gladiators train, one of the rare things they shared with each other, though for different reasons.

Julia didn’t enter the camp but stayed in the porch to watch the men training. She immediately noticed Braxus and still admired him. He was joking a lot, looked really great and she knew he had a kind personality. The other gladiators were not much to her liking.

There were Prixus and Verus, both very skilled with the sword, with athletic bodies and, according to many women, absolutely gorgeous. But they were serious and arrogant to the other slaves, clearly feeling themselves elevated above the others.*

Then there was Felix, the Nubian. He was huge, very muscular and his skin was black as night. He was a cruel man that liked to humiliate his opponent. And he had a nasty habit of insulting women, regarding them as animals.

And finally there was Caturix, the king of battle, the giant Gaul that looked and behaved like a bull. She was actually scared of him.

As she watched the men taking care of themselves after a day filled with training, she was impressed with both their athleticism and grace, as well as their power. Compared to them a woman was really weak and easily subdued. These men really were examples of the natural order of things and Julia could well imagine how many gods appreciated gladiators for their strength. To have a child from one of these mighty men, was really a privilege. And she was glad she already had one gladiator child, even when her son proved of a different nature. She wished though that she could lie with Braxus once more and with a sigh she turned away to take care of her evening tasks.

*Prixus and Verus later became very famous gladiators during the reign of Titus, but in this story they are still relatively unknown, and by that time they were no longer property of House Lucianus. They fought against each other in the arena for a very long time, until both of them succumbed to their many wounds and submitted to each other at the same time. The fight had been so well that the public allowed them both to surive as heroes.

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Chapter 16

It took a few more days before Marius could finally free himself from the fabricated tasks the liberti had been giving him to keep him away from the girl. After inquiring about Amabilia, he found the girl in a field tending to her geese and for a while he was content with just looking at her. Only when she finally spotted him and tried to see who he was by holding a hand over her eyes against the sun, did he advance and walk over to her.

“Dominus,” she said in greeting, bowing for the young man, but he laughed and stepped close, taking her hand and looking into her eyes.

“I am not a dominus yet,” he smiled. She blushed heavily under his gaze and pulled her hand away from him.

“But you are the filius familias,” she blushed.

“That is true,” he said, “well spotted.” She blushed even harder, not because it was a compliment but because she feared he was mocking her.

“How are you doing,” he then asked more seriously. “Have you fully recovered?”

She nodded and assured him she was fully back to health again. Of course her breasts were still sore, but she could not say that.

“Thank you for your help,” she said softly. She had been wanting to give him thanks for some time now, but so far she had not been able to talk with him. It was not a slave’s place to take initiative approaching a master, especially not a female slave. Besides, he had been away for a few days.

“I did what I could,” he answered, “and I am glad to see you recovered. It must have been painful.”

She nodded and looked away, actually hoping he would not talk about the horrible episode any more. And he got the message because he quickly changed the subject.

For a while they talked about the geese and that was something Amabilia didn’t mind talking about. She told Marius about some of the geese and their behaviour, who was the leader of the flock and who was naughty sometimes. She was in the process of giving them names and she told him some of the silly names she had come up with, like Speckle, Dust, Beak and Lord Sleepyhead. She giggled and blushed but since Marius laughed with her, she quickly became more at ease around him.

Since Amabilia had taken some bread and water with her for the entire day in the fields and Marius had brought nothing with him, she offered him her food and water. They sat down in the dried grass and they talked while she watched him eat, without taking anything herself. It would not fit for a slave to eat in her masters presence. Marius tried to get her to eat some as well though and that also caused some hilarious moments. Each time he outstretched his hand with a piece of bread, she shook her head. But he kept doing it, three or four times and each time she shook her head. They both laughed about that and he tried a couple more times, just for fun, but since she kept refusing, he suddenly came forward and tried to push a piece of bread into her mouth. It resulted in a fit of laughter and a mock struggle in which Marius ended half on top of the girl. That was when the laughter stopped and they gazed into each other’s eyes.

“By the gods, you are beautiful,” the young man whispered. She blushed heavily in response, not able to say anything. But Marius could sense she was also entirely under his spell.

He moved his face closer to hers and slowly placed a gently kiss upon her lips. She didn’t pull away but stared at him with wide eyes. It was confusing her. The young master should not behave like this, she felt. But the kiss caused her entire body to tingle and she hoped he would do it again. And he did, this time longer. The girl closed her eyes and shuddered.
Chapter 17

For a while the two young people kissed each other or stared into each other’s eyes. Not a word was spoken. But when Marius shifted himself a little against her body, she clearly felt his erection under his tunica pressing against her leg and suddenly she pulled away from him, wrapping her arms around herself.

“What’s wrong?” he asked, sitting up as well.

“We should not do this,” she whispered.

“Why not?” He reached out to put a hair back in place that had crawled from under her scarf. She glanced back at him but then turned her head to look away.

“I don’t want to be punished again,” she said softly.

“Who is going to punish you?” he said, “you’re with me. I do not have a jealous wife.”

She visibly shivered.

“You should not say that about the mistress,” she said.

“Let’s not talk about her at all,” he said and reaching out for her leg, he caressed her knee under her dress. “Let’s not talk at all,” he added softly. He wanted her so bad, but he didn’t want to force himself upon her. He wanted her to give herself to him.

He moved in closer again and tried to kiss her. She let him and then, with a sigh, she wrapped her arms around his broad shoulders. He also embraced her while they kissed and slowly he made her lean back and lie down again. His hands started to travel over her arms and shoulders, down to her breasts. She whimpered softly, a little bit out of pain and discomfort, but mostly because it made her feel tingling inside. He moved his hand lower, over her stomach and down below, but with a moan she stopped him before he could push his hand between her legs.

“Don’t deny me this,” he groaned, “I am in pain.” She could feel his erection against her leg again and looked up at him.

“Does that hurt?” she asked puzzled. He understood what she meant and smiled.

“Yes, it hurts. My desire for you is a burning ache.”

She bit her lower lip as the tingling sensation in her lower abdomen could also be experienced as a kind of pain. She never felt this longing before.

“I am still a virgin,” she whispered.

“I’ll be careful,” he said.

“Mistress checks regularly if I am still a virgin,” she whispered.

“Then I won’t touch that,” he replied and he sat up to pull his tunica over his head. He knew of at least two other routes to her heart and he was going to make the most of it.

“Turn over,” he said in a feverish voice, filled with desire. “Lie on your stomach.”

She turned over, holding her arms up and under her and she yelped when he pushed her dress up her legs and over her buttocks.

“What are you doing?” she whimpered.

“Shhh, trust me, I won’t hurt you,” he said while staring at the most beautiful sight he had ever seen. Her buttocks were perfectly shaped and he felt his erection jumping, almost exploding at the sight of such delight. He straddled her legs and put his hands on her buns, gently caressing her, stroking her skin and softly squeezing her smooth backside hills. The girl groaned as she felt a fierce response in her crotch. He used his thumbs to spread her buttocks open, revealing a beautiful little puckered hole, which made him somewhat dizzy with lust. He spat between her buttocks and used his thumbs to spread his saliva over her anus to make her wet. She yelped softly but also groaned and as she hid her face in her hands, she shivered under his touch. Marius then used one hand to keep her buttocks spread while he used his other to aim his erect penis into the crack. He started to gently press his penis against the little puckered hole of her anus. The girl sighed and shivered. It stung a little, but not much when he very carefully pushed her little hole wider open and slowly slid into her. With a groan he then lied down on top of her while he shoved his penis into her rectum. She groaned along with him, filled with lust, but also confusion as she had never expected this to happen. She also never had imagined this could feel so good.

Marius didn’t get very far after that. He buried his face into her neckline, engulfed by her scent, and pushed his penis inward and outward of the girl’s tight ass. But only after three of four thrusts his arousal spiked into the most intense orgasm he had ever experienced.

“Gods…” he groaned as he erupted into the girl’s ass. Amabilia shuddered as she felt the twitching penis in her rectum and some tingling sensation in her bowels. Then she understood what was happening and yelped.

“Please,” she whimpered, “don’t make me pregnant.”

Marius started laughing.

“You cannot get pregnant there,” he laughed and kissed her in the neck. “You can only get pregnant in your front sheath.” He slipped out of her and rolled off her to lie next to her. She turned on her side and looked at him.

“Why did you do that?” she asked, her face red and heated.

“I wanted you,” he sighed. “I have wanted you so bad ever since I first saw you in that kitchen.”

She smiled back at him, blushing and suddenly filled with a happy feeling.

“I want you too,” she said whispering. It felt so weird to say. Slaves were not supposed to want anything and to say it like that, even in a whisper, it was so strange.

“You can have me,” said Marius with a laugh and he turned on his back, hands behind his head. His penis was already becoming hard again and he noticed how she looked at it while she sat next to him on her knees.

“Come, take it,” he said, “it’s all yours. Touch it, rub it, eat it.”

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Chapter 18

Amabilia leaned in closer and carefully took his penis in her hand, using the other to tickle his scrotum, just like Gaius had taught her to do. She gently caressed him, but he told her she could do it more firmly.

“It’s not made of butter,” he said with a smile. She blushed heavily while she used her hand to close more firmly around the shaft, resulting in a jolt going through the penis and now he became fully erect again.

“Take your dress off,” he groaned with satisfaction. She let go of his penis, took her dress off and revealed her full naked form to him.

“Ah,” he said, reaching out to her breasts with his hands. Her breasts showed some bruised areas with feint shades of blue and yellow, and there were a few little spots that were traces of cuts, but her breasts looked mostly unblemished and wonderful. He gently caressed the soft orbs, careful not to hurt her. She gasped and her nipples grew hard under his fingers.

“I want to kiss you,” he said while one hand travelled down her stomach to the small patch of hair covering the lower part of her abdomen.

“I want to kiss you down there,” he added, “climb over me, facing my feet.”

She complied nervously, more than a bit shy to put her crotch above the young man’s face. He pulled her lower and started to kiss her slit and use his tongue on her clitoris. She moaned and shuddered, feeling very aroused.

“Suck on my dick,” he said, sounding a bit muffled with his face buried in her crotch.

She leaned forward, taking his penis in her hand again and she gave the tip a soft kiss. The penis had a strong scent since it had been in her anus just moments ago and it was covered in semen as well. But since Marius was licking her pussy, she felt she could not be too prudish right now and carefully she took the smelly wet penis into her mouth and started to suck on it.

Marius groaned when he felt her soft warm mouth covering his penis. He responded by flicking his tongue repeatedly through her slit, which caused her to moan and shudder. It aroused her so much, she even forgot sucking on his penis, though she still held him in her mouth.

The taste of his penis was overwhelming to Amabilia. It tasted so bitter and salty, but not as bad as she had feared. The tongue of Marius made her quiver and she forgot to move her mouth. And when he put his lips against her clitoris and sucked on it she suddenly pulled her head up with a loud cry, her body convulsing in the first orgasm she ever experienced in her life. It was very short, but fierce, a sharp contraction of her lower body. Her thighs trembled and for a moment she just sat there, confused and overwhelmed.

“Lie down on the grass,” said Marius and when the girl complied, still trembling all over, he knelt down near her head. He looked down in her eyes, put his hands gently at the sides of her face and carefully moved her head backward. With his penis now in front of her mouth, he told her to open up.

“Remember to keep breathing,” he whispered.

Amabilia trembled as she opened her mouth for his waiting penis and when he slowly slipped into her mouth, she groaned. Deeper still he slid into her, all the way to the back of her mouth. She convulsed a little as she gagged. He put a hand on her throat and held still.

“Shhh,” he said, “just relax and swallow.”

Amabilia swallowed and tried to relax, but she kept getting a gag reflex each time he pushed against her uvula. Marius decided to wait and let her adjust for a bit.

“Come, lift your legs up,” he said and while she did with first one leg, he caught her ankle and pulled her higher up. With the other leg added as well, he could lift her knees against his shoulders and then he slipped his hands behind her buttocks to pull her bottom up further. As he bent forward to face her uplifted pelvis, he buried his face into her crotch again.

The girl gave a muffled moan when she felt his tongue on her slit a second time. Her position was one of being completely caught under him, bent and held up by his strong hands, while her face was caught between his spread thighs with his penis buried deep in her mouth.

Marius groaned and started moving his hips while he licked the girl’s slit with ferocity, making her groan and yelp repeatedly. His gladius slipped even deeper into her groaning mouth, until he felt the crown of his penis get engulfed into the tight restriction of her throat. The girl gagged again, but as he held still, she stopped gagging and while she panted he slowly pressed on, sliding into her narrow throat.

The girl was trembling, overwhelming as this position was to her. The stimulation of her slit made her mad with lust. But coping with the large penis burrowing into her throat, made her feel anxious at the same time. Marius could sense her tensing up and lifting his mouth from her slit he urged her to trust him and relax. Amabilia trusted the young master and gave herself over to him.

Marius groaned again when he sensed his penis was dug completely into her mouth and he felt himself twitch inside that narrow passage of her throat. He put his mouth on her slit again and started sucking on her clit, while his hips started to move his penis in and out of her throat. He started trembling with lust and his penis grew to a hardness he had never felt before.

Amabilia was fighting for air, but as she had given herself over to him, she kept trying to relax and panted heavily through her nose. She had taken her hands away from him and instead had put her hands behind her knees to help keep her legs up.

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The penis moved faster as Marius got more aroused and slowly he started to fuck her throat, like he had fucked her anus before, with quick and deep thrusts. This time he lasted much longer, even though this was even more arousing for him. The young man was trembling all over and he clutched his arms around her pelvis, pulling her as close to him as he could while his mouth covered her vulva and his tongue flicked her clitoris with speed. Amabilia gave muffled cries, feeling dizzy and overwhelmed, feeling his balls slap against her nose, sensing how his entire penis was being driven repeatedly into her mouth and throat. Her eyes were closed, her toes curled and slowly she felt her body getting more and more aroused.

Suddenly the young man tensed up and he drove his penis all the way into the girl’s mouth, reaching deep into her throat. His penis twitched, swelled up and grew even hotter than before. A heavy load of semen erupted into the girls gullet, too fast to go down easily. The semen also shot back into her mouth and out through her nose. At the same time Marius grunted loud and he bit into the girl’s vulva with his teeth. That sent the girl over the top and with a loud muffled cry she too started to orgasm. Wave after wave tore through her body, making her convulse and shudder.

Moments later they lay panting in the grass, completely spent, covered in the juices of their passion. Marius was next to her, with still one leg over her body. She was down on her back, arms and legs spread out, panting, semen still bubbling from her mouth and running down her face. Marius laughed, an uncontrollable happiness filling him from head to toes.

“Gods, I love to come inside of you!” he exclaimed.

The girls smiled happily but didn’t respond with words.
Chapter 19

Julia had gathered her courage and when the work was done in the kitchen, she went to the gladiator training yard. At the gate she approached Ligus, the guard. He was mostly there for formal reasons as he wouldn’t stand a chance against the gladiators. But there was no danger of them running away or rise up against the family. They had nowhere to go and besides, it was too honourable and lucrative being a gladiator slave instead of a common slave or a runaway slave. The gladiators had a lot of privileges and they were held in high esteem by the nobles and the people in the city. Like heroes they were adored and displayed at celebrations, they were fed well and then there were of course women, too many to count.

Julia told Ligus why she was here and he told her to wait while he fetched Regalus, the head of the gladiator school. Well, school was a big word as there were only five gladiators here and honestly, Regalus was hardly a trainer. The old former gladiator was drunk most of the time, or he was asleep. The only reason why he was never sold off, was the fact that he was worthless. And he wasn’t killed because of his long service to the family. And instead of buying a better trainer, Aulus had purchased the Nubian, who he had renamed Felix for good luck.

Braxus was training with one of the wooden dummies. He wasn’t a famous or very strong gladiator, but he was trained with all sorts of weapons and he was often used in the arena to fight untrained slaves as a butcher. People loved to see a real slaughter in the theatre. That was far better than just stories. Braxus was fine with it. He was trained to make the executions as bloody as possible, while at the same time showing mercy to the poor bastards he killed by making their end swift and probably painless. How much pain could someone feel when their head was cut off their body, right?

Sweat was dripping from his brow and he waited a second to wipe his face. Then he saw Julia at the gate with Regalus and she was kneeling down in the sand. That was the pose of a slave girl offering herself to the gladiators.

As he watched the woman, Braxus groaned inwardly and remembered her well. A couple of years ago he had been at a party in the city. They had travelled there in a cart with some of the slave women. They were supposed to be entertainment for the nobles of Cassinum. While the party went on, with lots of food and drinks, the gladiators were standing around like statues, well oiled, fully adorned, like living gods. The guest would admire their bodies, their musculature, their penises – which they could also touch whenever they wanted. And they were touched, both by men and women. Then they had watched Braxus while he fucked Julia in public as a show, to have them all witness how he impregnated her, or at least tried two times. And with success, as she had a child nine months later.

But that was five years ago and though he had sometimes spoken with Julia, he had never fucked her again. He had longed to see her again though, but gladiators were not allowed to have wives or lovers. And they certainly could not choose themselves. They needed to remain available for the noble women that sometimes visited to be fucked by a gladiator, who believed it brought them luck to be fucked by a living god. Those women were crazy, Braxus thought. They even drank gladiator blood and sweat, believing it was a good aphrodisiac.

Braxus watched the woman. She had matured and in his eyes she had become even more beautiful than he remembered. He sighed and stepped forward, but so did the other gladiators.

“What is this?” asked Felix while he rolled his shoulders. “Do we get a treat today?” His accent was still heavy as he had been born and raised in Afrika before he became a slave and learned a more civilised language.

“Julia is here to be impregnated,” said Regalus, who had exchanged a word with her just moments ago. He was standing close by, in the shadow, holding a pitcher with wine. The old lame man was drunk as usual, but he was still their boss of course. He limped forward, meeting the gladiators that approached.

“Anyone interested impregnating her?” he asked, his blurred eyes going from one to the other. Braxus resented him for this question. He was the only one who remembered the party in the past as the rest of the gladiators had all been replaced since then. He should be the one to impregnate Julia, he felt.

Both Prixus and Verus shook their heads. They had all they wanted and they had no lust for the woman kneeling in the sand, who was only a lowly slave.

Braxus however nodded and said “I should do it.” He almost added ‘again’.

Jullia looked up at him with some hope in her eyes. But Felix laughed and removed his codpiece to reveal his immense cock.

“You don’t have what it takes,” he said to Braxus. “Let a real man do her.”

Julia almost fainted when she saw his penis having a length of her underarm. And he wasn’t even stiff yet.

“We will have a fight then,” said Regalus decisive. “With wooden swords. The winner gets to impregnate her.”

“If fight, then me fuck,” sounded the heavy voice of Caturix, who was such a brute, he could not even speak in a civilised manner, let alone act like that. He grabbed Braxus from behind, being a head taller than the man and a lot wider as well, and he lifted the man off the sand and tossed him aside. Braxus fell down hard and though not injured, he knew he was beaten before the fight even started. He had a small chance against Felix, but no chance whatsoever against Caturix, who was simply too strong for him. The fight for Julia would be between the Panther and the Bull.
This is where I want to give my readers a choice. Which gladiator is going to win and who will end up fucking Julia to impregnate her.

A. Felix the Black Panther from Nubia will win and fuck her.
B. Caturix the Bull will win and fuck her.
C. It will be a draw and both will fuck her.
D. It will be a draw and Braxus will get to fuck her after all.

This is where I want to give my readers a choice. Which gladiator is going to win and who will end up fucking Julia to impregnate her.

A. Felix the Black Panther from Nubia will win and fuck her.
B. Caturix the Bull will win and fuck her.
C. It will be a draw and both will fuck her.
D. It will be a draw and Braxus will get to fuck her after all.

B, please. :)
Hang in, didn’t Aulus want to mix Roman blood with Gaul blood?

Indeed and this is not the way to get that. But I'm sure he will pick that up when other things are taken care of.

I have to be careful with my planning as a writer though - I can't crucify pregnant women.
Two votes for the Gaul and one vote for the Nubian so far. But the crowd seems distracted. Maybe they think there will be blood and sex no matter the vote and they may very well be right. But an artist needs motivation, a crowd, cheering. If I fall asleep while writing this, the outcome will be a disappointment. ;)
Since it doesn't appear any more votes are coming, I continued the story past the impregnation scene. Then I wrote this scene and it didn't work with the Gaul winning this. So after a few rewrites, I decided the Nubian had to win this after all, despite the votes cast. Just halt your rotten tomatoes for a while, you'll see I made the right choice when you read further. ;)
Chapter 20

Felix was annoyed. Fighting to have sex with a woman? How silly was that. You simply took a woman or another one if it came to pass. And he certainly would never fight to impregnate a woman. Who needed children? Fuck all that. But Caturix ruined it all by wanting to fight over this and now he too had no choice. He had his honour to defend. Fuck all this, he thought while he gritted his teeth and clutched his wooden sword.

Julia watched as the two giants circled around each other in the sand and she shivered. To be fucked by either of them was going to be hell. But at the same time she did see the beauty of this competition. Felix was tall, slender and muscular and moved almost like a cat. Caturix was a brute with immense power.

“Me fight, me fuck,” bellowed Caturix as he stormed forward and tried to maul his opponent with his wooden sword, followed by a swing with his other hand. Felix ducked and barely avoided the heavy blows. He rolled past the brute, then pushed off in opposite direction to bring the bull out of balance from behind, but it felt like hitting a wall and he himself tumbled on his ass instead. Caturix cried victory and tried to stomp Felix’s head into the ground, but again the black panther was swift and rolled out of the way just in time. He also quickly got back on his feet and again they circled around each other.

Julia wrapped her arms around herself and shivered. Even the smallest attack by these brutes would be enough to do her in. Their strength was amazing. She began to understand why the master wanted her to breed with these half-gods. And in some peculiar way she felt honoured.

Several times they attacked each other. Felix was quick but his attacks were less powerful. Caturix was slow but when he hit, he sent the tall gladiator reeling into the sand. It soon appeared the Nubian was losing, since his face was bleeding and he developed a limp after having been kicked in the thigh. That however proved a ruse and it worked as it lured Caturix into a storming headbutt that Felix easily dodged since he wasn’t limping when it mattered. And this time he managed to trip the tall brute, make him go smack face down in the sand, after which Felix jumped on him and started to bash his head with the back of his wooden sword. That was when Regalus intervened and declared the Nubian victor.
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