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Bondage / Captivity / Interrogation / Torture Scenes in Mainstream Movies

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View attachment 699448View attachment 699449View attachment 699450View attachment 699451View attachment 699452View attachment 699453View attachment 699454View attachment 699455View attachment 699457View attachment 699458Of the 'nunsploitation ' genre of the seventies some titles became classic : 'ALUCARDA' (1978) , 'CONVENT OF THE SACRED BEAST' (1974),
'THE ABBESS OF CASTRO' (1973), 'THE NUNS OF SAINT ARCHANGEL'(1973), 'FLAVIA THE HERETIC' (1974), 'THE SINFUL NUNS OF SAINT VALENTINE ' (1974). In each of these movies one or more scenes can be found of nuns (often fully naked) interrogated,whipped,suspended,
racked by Inquisitors beside suffering from various acts of penitence including self-fustigation and wearing beads of thorns on bare skin.
Sex scenes,prevalently lesbian, are constantly shown.
So is there anything about these movies you don't recommend?
Dina Meyer in "Dragonheart" (1996) - https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0116136/

A cruel king rules the land. He raids the surrounding villages for slaves for his quarry. Kara (Meyer) is a young resistance fighter who gets caught while she is trying to help her enslaved father to escape. After a short stay in the dungeon, the king takes her to his bedroom and offers her to marry her. But she is not very happy about the proposal.
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Kara manages to escape the king's castle and wants to warn the other villager's about his cruelty. But they don't listen to her. Instead, they decide to sacrifice her to a dragon who they think wants to destroy their village. The dragon indeed takes Kara with him, but turns out to be a lot more interested in a casual talk than in eating her. He even claims that he only eats people in self defence (and never swallows them).
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This is one of the movies I watched over and over when I was younger while still playing with toy knights. I think, this movie is at least partially responsible for my kink for beautiful women in medieval dungeons.
The night porter   1).pngThe night Porter 2).jpgThe night Porter   3).jpgThe night Porter 4 ).jpgThe night Porter 5).jpgThe night Porter   6).jpgThe night Porter   7).jpgGoing back to 'nazisploitation' movies 'GESTAPO LAST ORGY' (starring Daniela Poggi under the art's name Daniela Levy), though enough representative, is not the top of this genre. In the seventies and the eighties some masterpieces were released by great Directors such as :
- Liliana Cavani : 'THE NIGHT PORTER' 1974
- Tinto Brass: 'SALON KITTY' 1976
- Pier Paolo Pasolini : 'THE 120 DAYS OF SODOM' 1975
These works too include tortures, sexual acts (sometimes of strange revolting nature), abuses and violence, but everything is shown within plots, atmospheres and situations of great impact and symbolism. Every title mentioned deserves a separate account. I will begin with 'THE NIGHT PORTER' (the title symbolizes the intent to preserve an obscure past), here is the story :
-in 1957 a jewish woman, who had survived nazis extermination camp, meets by chance her torturer who is hiding, under false name,
in an hotel in Wien working as a porter. A sado-masochistic relation between them is started. The hotel's atmosphere is dull and reminiscent of times gone by. Actually the hotel is a secret gathering point for nazi criminals of war. The director's efforts to shoot gloomy landscapes of post war Wien, the filming in fading colors, the nostalgic flashbacks of former events, the tragic end of the couple, all contribute to keep vivid in the spectators' memory the images of this film even at distance of years from first vision.
I just stumbled onto this movie: "Dark Crimes," starring Jim Carrey (!) and Charlotte Gainsbourg. The movie was filmed in Poland, and released internationally as "True Crimes" in 2016. It was renamed "Dark Crimes" for its U.S. release in 2018. It involves the murder of a man with some ties to a sadistic sex club called "The Cage." Jim Carrey, sporting a thick beard and a Polish accent, plays an utterly dour, humorless cop by the name of Tadek on the trail of the guy he thinks did it. The movie opens with some of the goings on at the Cage, as the credits role.

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These scenes are shown in quick cuts in the first minute or so of the film! I gotta say, The Cage is a happenin' spot!
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Tadek has some deep, dark issues of his own. He begins a relationship with the suspect's girlfriend, who works at The Cage. She shows him some of the souvenirs of her work at the club. I was quite shocked when I saw her naked. What! No whip cuts on her butt? My high regard for The Cage plummeted.

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I confess I have not watched "Dark Crimes" in its entirety. I wanted to rush these screencaps to the board, because I'm dedicated like that. So I can't give it a thumbs up or down. As I mentioned above, the best scenes occur within the first minute or so. The movie did not get very good reviews, and it does seem very dark and dour throughout, so I'm not sure I really want to slog through it. I did see the ending, and it is a bit of a surprise. I won't give it away, but it did pique my interest to actually watch the thing.
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Those scenes look like a 'noir' version of 120 Days of Sodom.
Charlotte Gainsbourg got herself into quite a lot of 'women in peril' situations, I think.

'Nymphomaniac' volume 1 (2013) and 'Nymphomaniac' Volume 2 (2014) from controversial Danish director/screenwriter Lars von Trier
show Gainsbourg's acting preference of extreme sexual situations.
Both movies show explicit sex as well as bondage and submission situations.
It's a real orgy of violence and killing, with the police always running behind the facts. The movie is now considered symptomatic for Italy's 'Years of Lead' (1968-1988).

Please allow a little digression on italian Police themed movies or 'Poliziotteschi' as they are named in Italy: they were the emphasized
narration of police investigations often based on the chronicles of real criminal episodes at the time. Their purpose was to solicit
common people's criticism and sense of justice. In spite of their dating back to the seventies and eighties, the black period of terrorism in Italy, they had very little to do with it. My collection (not exhaustive of course) includes 31 titles chosen among the most representative of this genre.
I recall that some contain rape, violence and torture scenes. The situations and Actors changed from one movie to another,but substantially
they followed a consolidated narration path. One title I recall as different from the Others is 'La Polizia accusa il Servizio Segreto uccide'
(the Police accuse , the Secret Service kill): ait treats,as indicated by the title, attempts of armed subversion by deviate elements inside
the Secret Service.
Sorry for the stolen time
21 novels written in the sixties by the French couple Anne and Serge Golon have inspired five classic movies based on the adventures of
Angelique Sancé de Monteloup namely the 'Marquise des Anges' (the character is not an historical figure but only an invention) in 17th century France of King Louis XIV. The original titles are :


At the center of all intrigues was the beautiful French actress Michele Mercier who became an icon of her times thanks to her role.
Female whippings, punishments, forced strippings, violence of various kinds were not spared by both the Authors of the saga
and Bernard Borderie the French director of all five movies.
If I understood correctly you indicated the image (second from left to right after 'Angelique' poster) : in this case the figure
with moustaches is a noble French man escorting the Eastern Prince hosted by the French King wearing sumtuous garments
as rank and times prescribed.
Thank the lord I didn't fuck... um.. it...
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