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INTERACTIVE Outlander story Claire Fraser at the mercy of the french King Louis XV

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Understood. Well Claire Fraser still is , and probably always will be my deviant fantasies. I have certainly fantasized about what could happen to her with the arrest and imprisonment in S6. She was charged with hideous murder so the punishment would likely go beyond flogging and branding, her magical medical power may protect her to certain extend, but ultimately only the last minute confession of certain character could save her from doom… anyway I’d love to see what you can create out of her new predicament. Looking forward to it
I'll think of something, unfortunately my partner on the story Jjjack is no longer active, and writing isn't really my thing, but I'll think of something, maybe someone wants to join in? Some excerpts from the 6th volume, Scene 1 when Claire and Jamie are arrested by Richard Brown's men, season 6 ends with Claire in prison.

"What would you offer as a guarantee for the woman's safety?" he asked Brown.

"A dozen barrels of beer and three dozen of my best hides," Brown promptly replied. "Four dozen!"

Greed shone in his eyes, and he only with difficulty prevented his voice from quivering with lust, so eager was he to get hold of me. I suddenly came to the unpleasant conviction that although he ultimately aimed at my death, he was not necessarily thinking of a quick death unless circumstances demanded it.

"It would be worth much more to you than that, a breugaire, to avenge yourself on me by her death," said Jamie equanimously by

Scene 2 Claire as a prisoner of the Governor, who then has to work as his secretary, so to speak, (surely there are other more satisfying jobs) . Claire is still accused of murder, she would get away with branding and flogging, but due to a mix-up with another prisoner she is accused of forging documents, which results in death.

Webb and the governor talked in murmurs, but they talked about things I had no idea about, and their words for the most part washed over me like the sound of the sea, meaningless and soothing. After a while, however, Webb came to me to give me instructions on how to seal and address these letters. I thought of asking him why he didn't help out himself in this emergency, but then I saw his hands - both of which were disfigured by severe arthritis.

'Your handwriting is really neat, Mrs Fraser,' he overcame himself to remark at one point and gave me a brief, winter-cold smile. "What a pity you are the forger of documents, not the murderer."

"Why?", I asked, decidedly astonished.

"Well, you are clearly educated," he said, surprised in turn at my astonishment. "If you are convicted of murder, you can appeal and get away with a public flogging and a burning. Forgery, on the other hand -" He shook his head and pursed his lips.

"Capital offence, no pardon possible. If you are convicted of forgery, Mrs Fraser, you must, I fear, be hanged."

My feelings of gratitude towards Sadie Ferguson underwent an abrupt reassessment.

"Really," I said as coolly as I could, though my heart had done a spasmodic leap and was now trying to burrow itself out of my chest into the open. "Well, let's hope justice is served and I'm acquitted, shall we?"

and some fast manips about a more kinky scenario for ClaireClaire meets her new cellmate.jpgAnother investigator visits Claire in her cell.jpgRichard Brown introduces Claire to his interrogator.jpgClaire gets a visit.jpgForced nude.jpg

"Piccola ignobile puttana inglese! Come osi fare una cosa simile? - urlò re Luigi - Ti farò strisciare nel fango come il serpente che sei! Ti farò pentire di essere nata!" E così dicendo cominciava a picchiarla selvaggiamente.
Il primo schiaffo e la caduta improvvisa avevano tramortito la povera Claire, che aveva sbatteto con la tempia sul pavimento. Le mancavano le forze e dovette subite per diversi minuti le percosse del re senza poter opporre la minima resistenza.
Louis godeva della sua superiorità fisica e la brutalità che usava sul corpo di Claire compensava la frustrazione di non poterla violentare subito, sia perché faticava a ritrovare l'energia di cui aveva bisogno dopo il meraviglioso pompino appena ricevuto, sia perché il suo pene ferito fa un maschio terribile. Pugni, calci e schiaffi si riversarono come un temporale sul corpo della bella inglese, facendola piangere e urlare. La violenza eccitava Louis che spesso aveva assecondato questa sua perversione con le dame che lo rifiutavano e Claire era ora la vittima ideale, perché colpevole di un attentato alla persona del sovrano, che poteva significare la condanna a morte per il giovane donna straniera. Il suo cazzo, seppur doloroso, si sollevava ad ogni gemito della povera donna ed il ritmo dei colpi del bruto si faceva sempre più rapido ed incalzante. Ma ad un certo punto le forze che lo avevano sostenuto fino a quel momento cominciarono ad abbandonarlo e Claire se ne accorse.
Con un movimento rapido si libererà dalla presa e riuscirò a spingerlo a terra e travolgerlo. Montandogli a cavalcioni, gli puntò alla gola la lama che lei, da buona scozzese d'adozione, tenne sempre nello stivale destro, e Louis giacque a terra furioso ma inerme.
"Lurida strega! La pagherai! Non puoi farmi niente, puttana d'inglese! Non puoi uccidere impunemente il re di Francia! Sai qual è la pena per un simile gesto? Tu verrai trascinata nuda per le strade di Parigi fino a Place Louis XV , lì ti legheranno
braccia e gambe a quattro cavalli da lavoro, che saranno frustrati e incitati fino a fare a pezzi il tuo corpo lurido da troia. E il tuo amato Jamie sarà lì a godersi lo spettacolo, sul patibolo dove salirà dopo che lo avrò castrato ucci!".
"Ignobile tiranno! Sappi che sì, sono una strega, hai ragione, e prevedo il futuro. Tu non sei altro che un nano che non sa guardare oltre il suo naso e le ignobili depravazioni in cui vivi e ti diverti, dando questo multa esempio alla nobiltà di Francia. Questo tuo comportamento sarà la rovina della tua famiglia e del tuo paese. Verrà il giorno in cui il popolo di Parigi invaderà queste belle sale e trascinerà tuo figlio e la sua famiglia in prigione. Nessuno strapperà quella gente quando Luigi XVI sarà messo sul patibolo e gli sarà tagliata la testa! E la stessa sorte toccherà a tutta questa classe corrotta di nobili malvagi. E profetizzo che lo capirai prima di morire e te ne andrai con queste scene di terrore davanti ai tuoi occhi. Dopo di te verrà il Diluvio!"
Louis, sconcertato da quella profezia e terrorizzato dalla lama che gli sfiorava la gola, rimase silenzioso e tremante. Seduta a cavalcioni su di lui, Claire ebbe la prova della resa del re mentre un caldo flusso di urina le scorreva tra le cosce.
"Ora scriverai un lasciapassare per me e un ordine di liberazione per mio marito e lo chiuderai con il tuo sigillo personale, che non ammette alcun contrordine. Poi ti imbavaglierò e ti legherò mani e piedi a questo letto e chiuderò a chiave la porta." porta, dicendo ai tuoi servi che vuoi essere lasciato solo, a dormire per il resto della giornata, così da darmi il tempo di liberare mio marito e scappare con lui.
Non cercare di darci la caccia, schifoso verme, altrimenti renderò pubblico il modo in cui una donna debole ti ha sopraffatto e umiliato, al punto che te ne sei pisciato addosso.. "
Louis tremava e piagnucolava come un bambino. Claire ha fatto un veloce paragone tra questo verme e Jamie: il paragone è stato così umiliante per il marito che la donna si è chiesta come avrebbe potuto prestarsi, se non costretta dalla violenza, a donare il suo corpo a un uomo così nessuno. pronto a picchiare una donna indifesa e nuda, ma debole e codardo quando messo alle strette.

La donna, sicura che non avrebbe tentato alcuna mossa falsa, si sollevò tenendo la lama ben a contatto con la sua gola. Era ancora china su di lui quando una porta dietro di lei si aprì ed entrò gridando un maggiordomo.
"Maestà! Maestà! Notizie dalla Bastiglia! Il prigioniero scozzese è scappato!"
Louis, veloce come un serpente, le afferrò il polso e glielo girò dietro la schiena, finché lei non lasciò cadere l'arma a terra. Poi cominciò a chiamare le guardie con voce isterica. Claire fu prontamente colpita e immobilizzata mentre il re si vestiva e riprendeva il controllo di se stesso e della situazione.
"Così hai provato a scoparmi eh, schifosa spia inglese! Ma adesso sei definitivamente nelle mie mani e rimarrai lì, stai tranquillo! Meriti una punizione adeguata al crimine che hai commesso, ma io sono anche uno statista e uno spirito pratico. Perché è uno spreco un corpo così bello quando può essere utile per soddisfare i miei desideri e quelli dei miei amici tutte le volte che voglio? Perché perdermi lo spettacolo di te gettato nudo in una cella dove si trovano una dozzina di ladri e stupratori rinchiuso in attesa della forca e vedrai cosa faranno al tuo delizioso corpo? E perché privare i parigini del piacere di vedere la bella Claire Beauchamp trascinata nuda per le strade fino a Place Louis XV dove sarai messo alla gogna e frustrata sotto gli occhi di tutti i parigini e poi lasciata in catene tutto il giorno con le cosce spalancate, come si conviene a una puttana come te, affinché chiunque voglia possa prendersi cura dei piaceri che i tuoi numerosi orifizi possono offrire?... Sono sicura che il tuo amato Jamie farà di tutto per liberarti e quindi avrò un modo per catturarlo. Quando sarà definitivamente nelle mie mani e tu sarai la mia puttana personale, potrei venderti al Bey di Algeri o addirittura mandarti nella lontana Louisiana per un lungo viaggio per mare, che ti darà modo di soddisfare le voglie di tutti marinai e, al tuo arrivo, i soldati di alcuni dei miei isolati presidi e le tribù di indiani fedeli alla mia corona. Tu, lurida strega, servirai il tuo re volenti o nolenti, anzi preferisco questa seconda possibilità. E se il mio regno cade, come hai detto tu, non potrai vederlo. Per allora, al massimo, sarai una vecchia strega con la figa grande e flaccida e il culo dopo tante scopate e la tua lingua sarà consumata da migliaia di pompini. "
E, mentre diceva questo, cominciò a frustarle il culo con rinnovato piacere.


Cosa succederà a Claire a questo punto?
a) prigioniera della Bastiglia e violentata dal re e dai suoi amici
b) gettato nella cella con una dozzina di condannati al patibolo come ultima gioia di vivere
c) trascinata nuda per le strade di Parigi, messa alla gogna, frustrata nel culo e poi lasciata tutta la notte per chiunque voglia scoparla
d) trasportati ad Algeri e venduti al mercato degli schiavi Bey
Sicuramente a prescindere da tutto qualcosa si èra mosso in lei durante la scopata forzata..era frastornata perchè nonostante tutto aveva apprezzato la bella nerchia del Re e mentre cavalcava aveva dovuto un pò ripensare anche alle potenzialità sessuali del marito..non c'era niente da fare il Re era un abile scopatore con un bel cazzone..alla fine aveva dovuto ammettere dentro di se che anche se forzata fare un bel paio di corna al marito le era piaciuta
Sicuramente a prescindere da tutto qualcosa si èra mosso in lei durante la scopata forzata..era frastornata perchè nonostante tutto aveva apprezzato la bella nerchia del Re e mentre cavalcava aveva dovuto un pò ripensare anche alle potenzialità sessuali del marito..non c'era niente da fare il Re era un abile scopatore con un bel cazzone..alla fine aveva dovuto ammettere dentro di se che anche se forzata fare un bel paio di corna al marito le era piaciuta
Please use English in this area
Sicuramente a prescindere da qualcosa tutto si èra mosso in lei durante la scopata forzata..era frastornata perchè nonostante tutto aveva apprezzato la bella nerchia del Re e mentre cavalcava aveva dovuto un pò ripensare anche alle potenzialità sessuali del marito..non c'era niente da fare il Re era un abile scopatore con un bel cazzone..alla fine aveva dovuto ammettere dentro di se che anche se forzata fare un bel paio di corna al marito le era piaciuta
Sicuramente nonostante tutto tutto si era mosso in lei durante la scopata forzata... era frastornata perché nonostante tutto aveva apprezzato il bellissimo cazzo del Re e mentre cavalcava aveva dovuto anche riconsiderare un po' il potenziale sessuale di suo marito... ecco non era niente per essere il Re era un abile scopatore con un bel cazzo grosso... alla fine dovette ammettere a se stessa che anche se era costretta a regalare a suo marito un bel paio di cornuti le piaceva
Sicuramente a prescindere da qualcosa tutto si èra mosso in lei durante la scopata forzata..era frastornata perchè nonostante tutto aveva apprezzato la bella nerchia del Re e mentre cavalcava aveva dovuto un pò ripensare anche alle potenzialità sessuali del marito..non c'era niente da fare il Re era un abile scopatore con un bel cazzone..alla fine aveva dovuto ammettere dentro di se che anche se forzata fare un bel paio di corna al marito le era piaciuta
Claire completely undid her bust and loosened the wide skirt of her dress, letting the dress fall around her feet. The sad time had come to pay the shameful price of Jamie's freedom and she would have paid it all the way, but the king's contemptuous smile made a rage and strength build up inside her that she believed she had lost.
“Majesty, I am a married woman. I'll give it to you if you want it but leave me a modicum of dignity. I will be able to satisfy… every desire you wish , but I ask you for the respect that is due to a woman in love with her husband, who sacrifices herself for her sake. At least leave me the comfort of this shirt and I will give myself to you as the most devoted of lovers. "
Louis's contemptuous gaze of hers looked her up and down as she lay on her bed dressed only in a humble shirt that barely covered her crotch. He was unwilling to indulge a whore's whims but he would play with her like cat and mouse before he tasted the fruit of his victory. He walked over to the bed unbuttoning his pants and exposing his semi-erect penis.
"Spread your thighs well, bitch!" he told her as he rubbed his cock on her dry cunt. He tried to widen the neckline of her shirt to still admire her breasts, but Claire writhed under him. Louis gave off a horrible stench, which the French perfumes with which he covered himself every day could not disguise. He had stopped washing for years, and all the French nobility present at Versailles had followed his example. Personal hygiene at the French court had become a ridiculous and vulgar thing, which only the people and the bourgeoisie cared about.
"Please, Majesty, a little delicacy ..." she said, trying to push her disgusted face away while he tried to penetrate her with the brutality of a stable boy. But the king multiplied her brutal insistence.
“I have endured your insolence enough, you filthy English whore! Who do you think you are to give orders to me? Your husband's life is worth less than a gnat's to me, and yours still less. I can lock you in my prisons, in a dungeon with street brigands, thieves and murderers and enjoy the scene of how they will treat you. "
Claire was afraid of those words and she desperately tried to escape that hateful embrace. With the strength of desperation she wriggled under the body of the king, managing to move it and get out of bed. She threw herself on her dress and started to grab it but the voice of the king behind her froze her movements.
“You just signed your husband's death sentence! Today I will do it in the dungeon where I had him locked up and tomorrow someone will find his body in the Seine. But nobody will find your body anymore because I will have you deported to Louisiana as a whore in the service of some border garrison! "
The woman burst into tears. She had done everything possible to resist that man but she hadn't considered that he was actually a hungry beast. He was an absolute king, above the law. She knew that the French Revolution would one day wipe out that form of power but more than forty years would have to pass before then. It was useless to appeal to the law, to morality, to piety. This man was used to getting everything he wanted and destroying everything that bothered him. With her head bowed and her gaze pleading, she turned to the king.
“Forgiveness, Majesty! I adjure you! I'll do anything, Majesty, anything! But don't hurt Jamie!... "
Louis looked at her beaming in her pride. His bitch had finally given in. she was a toy in his hands.
"Take that rag off, you won't need it for the future, bitch!" he said scornfully. Slowly she complied, pulling her shirt off her head and remaining completely naked. “When I fuck a whore I want her naked. What are you? Tell me! "
"I am ... a .. whore ..." Claire muttered under her breath.
"Say it louder!" the king pressed on.
"I AM…. A… .WHOOOO-REEEE !!! " she screamed in a long sob, utterly humiliated and defeated.
“On your knees, bitch! You'll use your cheeky tongue to please your king, ”he told her as he pointed to her his stiff cock.
Her cheeks flushed with shame and streaked with tears, Claire sucked as she had been ordered and gently squeezed the thick rod between her trembling fingers. She struggled to hold back a retch as she brought her lips to the nauseating-smelling penis and she placed her tongue under it, tickling with the tip the big vein that went up from the scrotum to the tip already slimy with humors .
“You have to put in a lot more effort, you filthy little English bitch, if you really want to save your dear husband's life. I've seen peasants and nuns do more exciting things than you do on my cock. Get busy! " and he tugged at her hair mercilessly.
With her thoughts on Jamie and hoping that she would never know what she was doing for him, Claire began to tickle his testicles with slow, gentle movements of the fingers of her right hand while with her left she squeezed the rod and in a slow motion. up and down that accompanied the warm touch of his lips on the sensitive glans.
“Put it in! I want to feel your tongue and lips, bitch! "
And, with a long gasp muffled by the sickening club that invaded her mouth, she humbled herself again and eagerly sucked the sovereign's swollen flesh. Her lips encircled and squeezed the big intruder while her tongue tickled him from underneath: Louis was immediately delighted and moaned excitedly, grabbing the woman's dark curls and driving her mouth to swallow the whole club.
"So! ... So! ... whore !, Now we understand each other !. you're good at sucking cock, huh! You like this thing! And you did a lot prude with me, while instead you are a slut to the core. I should have you whipped and branded as a witch. Swallow it all, you filthy bitch! In the throat! I want to stick it all the way down your throat !! Brava sucks like that! so! the tongue! yes! what a waste of mouth for a damned Scotsman! I had to incarcerate that bastard first! ... "
At those words Claire felt betrayed. It had all been arranged for her to lend herself to that obscene market. That bastard would never free Jamie and would have forced her to indulge all his lewd whims for who knows how long. She felt her overbearing hands grab her hair at the back of her neck and her cock was thrust into her throat just as an unstoppable shudder ran through him. And her mouth and her throat were flooded with a hot, thick jet that made her disgusted with herself at how she had fallen down. In an instinctive reaction, without stopping to think, she gritted her teeth on the quivering flesh of her cock, causing Louis to scream in pain, knocking her to the ground with a slap across the face.

Oarghh you filthy whore, I swear you will pay for this!!!!!View attachment 1001757View attachment 1001758View attachment 1001759View attachment 1001760View attachment 1001761View attachment 1001762View attachment 1001763View attachment 1001764View attachment 1001765

What will the King do with Claire ?
A :The king orders his guards to give Claire to his personal guard as a toy
B: The king orders his guards to hand Claire over to the torturers
C : The king personally beats her
D your choice
After the King made her undress he realized why the courtesan had told him that she would not be disappointed...his Majesty really had a super cock which in an instant he put in her mouth...Claire had to work hard to get it all in but once when she entered she swallowed it all down to the balls, incredibly enjoying that moment... she was incredulous and not and didn't realize... she had to talk to the King to free her beloved husband but she felt great pleasure giving a super blowjob to a guy another man...how was it possible?
So the audience has voted for B, C and D, so this is the next story part, many many thanks to Grexred for his amazing manips, therefor we have even more manips
for this and the next patrts of the story!!!!!

The Marquis de Launay quivered with desire at the thought that the beautiful Claire Beauchamp had spent all her day stuck in the pillory of Place Louis XV completely naked as when she was born and with her legs wide open, showing her delicious femininity exposed to the gaze of all. The position that the Marquis held as head of the royal prison did not allow him to be absent from the fortress except by order of the king and this made him froth with rage, because he had only been able to work with imagination all day and had listened with keen interest the stories of the guards who had taken turns during the day to check the prisoner. He had learned from them that, after receiving her fifty rods on her bare buttocks, the condemned woman had been seen enjoying like a cheap whore under the hands of the executioner, who had caressed her ass and her private parts, and he for a long time had masturbated her under everyone's gaze, penetrating her both in her pussy and in her ass with his filthy fingers, until she screamed with pleasure. Then, Madame Beauchamp gave herself to the audience present in the square, bending her back and spreading her thighs at all corners of the pillory platform and showing everyone present her pussy and asshole, like the most ignoble of the whores of the port of Le Havre. And he had missed the show.
Finally from dusk to dawn, what had once been one of the most admired ladies at Versailles had been fucked in all her orifices by hundreds of thugs and she had certainly enjoyed it, by that whore that she was her. He had allowed himself a secret nocturnal exit through a small door known only to him and of which he was the only one who possessed the key, and had run into the dark semi-deserted square to see his most ill-famed fantasies realized. He hadn't had the courage to get too close and had been hiding in a dark corner while five men simultaneously enjoyed Madame Beauchamp's delicious naked body, one using her mouth, two her hands, one, lying beneath her, fucking her pussy and the last man one, a black with a herculean body, enjoy her asshole. De Launay had seen him lower his trousers and a groan of fear and envy had seized him as he saw the black column rising straight and solid as rock from that ebony body. He imagined the effect of that impressive club in the narrowest and most secret hole of the beautiful English lady and he had enjoyed the loud scream of pain and the long moan that followed when she was raped in the last still untouched hole. De Launay had then heard the woman's moans become lighter and more rhythmic to the rhythm of the vigorous thrusts that the negro gave her until the man exploded in a bestial roar, coming out of the white ass while still squirting his semen on the back of the poor woman condemned. The woman had sobbed in a confused way while her throat was occupied by another big cock: de Launay thought he recognized in that lament a kind of frustration for a perceived but not fully enjoyed enjoyment. The slut had been close to enjoying a cock in her ass and he would soon take care of making her feel this exhilaration, whether she wanted to or not. In the darkness of his hidden corner, the governor of the Bastille had furiously masturbated, imagining himself to be one of the five vile characters who were abusing the body of the beautiful lady trapped in the public pillory. But now The subtle pleasure of his revenge made him feel hard as a bull. He was descending into the dungeon where Madame Beauchamp had been locked up after arriving almost examining from the night spent in the square. The woman could not stand and she had to be dragged by two guards by her arms and shoulders. Her face and her whole body were an obscene mask of dried semen, piss and horse droppings, which had been thrown on her all day. Claire was unconscious as she was dropped from the condemned cart and she was dragged into her cell. De Launay had felt disgust at her only seeing how the beautiful Scottish lady had been reduced: half of Paris had been satisfied by enjoying her splendid body; but now she was completely in his hands and he would shape her to his liking as the most devoted and obedient of the sex slaves in his dreary prison: not the usual slum prostitute but a lady who had lived at court, full of charm and of culture. As he descended the stairs that led him to the dungeons, he already anticipated the pleasure of taming this rebellious prey.
Claire had regained consciousness after many hours, finding herself locked in a kind of cold, damp and dark hellish cave. The only light that came to her came from a grate on the ceiling of the cell that gave onto a passageway between the cells on the upper floor of the north tower. Her rest had been tormented by the memory and visions of a thousand eyes that spied on her naked, by a thousand voices asking her to show herself in lewd and obscene poses, a thousand hands that groped her in every part, especially between her thighs and on her breasts. Every muscle in her ached terribly and her body smelled like that of an animal. It was the curious snout of a rat that woke her up, sniffing her bare breasts and leaving in disgust. The sight of her cell and her naked, filthy body brought her sadly back to reality. She wrapped her arms around her body trying to get as warm as she could, finding neither a blanket nor a sheet or even a rag with which to cover herself. In that moment of abandonment and despair, Jamie's voice and the caress he had given her after she swallowed his semen came back to her mind and she remembered his promise that he would soon come to free her. She clung to that faint hope like a castaway to a beam in a storm. Jamie, where was she? when would he be back? when this whole nightmare was finally over? Perhaps the thought of her man, perhaps her hands around her body, or her frustration for so many abuses that night made her need a caress that warmed her not only physically but above all humanly. Her hands left her shoulders to go down her hips and lower back, she slowly turned on her back and she caressed her breasts battered by so many brutal hands, making her nipples rise and swell. The prisoner was lost in that subtle secret delight as she felt her breasts become firm and warm, sensitive to the sensual touch of her hands. Her knees lifted and opened, revealing the door to her most secret delight. Her crotch of sex ached terribly but a slight tingling ran through her. A warm fluid began to flow inside her and she felt its source right inside her sex, which now opened at the touch of her fingers. She was dying to give herself to Jamie, even now, even in this hellish dungeon. She whispered to her love, while his fingers slowly probed her wet and slimy vagina, which returned to her delicate touch all the pleasure she had not experienced in a night of brutal abuse. When the tip of her thumb rubbed the sensitive pearl of her clitoris, her buttocks lifted off the ground and her pelvis began to move to meet the fingers that kept moving in and out of the gaping, thirsty vagina, that the female fluids that filled her could not quench her thirst but if anything torment even more. In her semi-dark cell, only the slight movement of the hand that came and went could be perceived, the sinuous movement of the pelvis that accompanied that frantic secret penetration and the slimy noise of the humors that flowed in the sexual channel closed between the wide open thighs.
"Ero sicuro che fossi una puttana insaziabile, Lady Frazer. Capisco perché tuo marito ha fatto di tutto per uscire da queste mura!" La sua voce maschile, ironica e perversa, la colse proprio quando stava per raggiungere l'apice del piacere e fu un gemito di vergogna e non di estasi quello che uscì dalle sue labbra.
Al risveglio dal meraviglioso sogno che stava facendo trovò non il sorriso amorevole di Jamie ma quello perverso e sinistro di de Launay, che si godeva la vista della sua masturbazione dallo spioncino della porta della cella. La chiave girò velocemente nella serratura, il chiavistello venne tolto e l'uomo entrò nella cella impugnando una lunga frusta. Claire immediatamente chiuse le cosce tenendo una mano sul sesso mentre con l'altra copriva come poteva i suoi grandi seni gonfi.
"Vai via! Vai via! Lasciami in pace, per favore!" implorò la donna mentre lui scioglieva la frusta e la schioccava in aria minacciosamente.
"Ho interrotto qualcosa, tesoro? Ti stavi dando piacere, eh? Questo è un pessimo comportamento, che nella mia prigione non è tollerato. Meriti una punizione adeguata per questo. Ma visto che il peccato è già stato commesso, potremmo anche andiamo avanti fino in fondo. Dai, fammi vedere come ti consoli quando non c'è qualche cazzo pronto a scopare! "
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"Nooooo, abbi pietà! Non farmi questo, non umiliarmi così!!!!"
Il carceriere agitò la frusta e colpì con la punta di cuoio il bordo del seno sinistro della povera donna, dove la sua mano non poteva coprirla. Claire urlò di dolore e passando la mano sulla ferita scoprì l'altro seno che venne subito colpito da un lungo graffio della frusta.
“Ti avevo ordinato di continuare a fare quello che stavi facendo! Lurida puttanella, da quando sei entrata nella mia fortezza sei mia, soltanto mia! Insegnerò anche a te, come a tutte le altre donne che ti hanno preceduto, duchesse o ancelle che fossero, qual è il posto della donna in questa prigione. Devi imparare l'obbedienza e il rispetto per gli uomini, devi essere disponibile e pronta a soddisfare ogni mio desiderio, altrimenti ti strappo la pelle! "
Spaventata dalle sue urla e dal modo in cui sapeva usare la frusta, Claire si convinse a non resistere e sollevò nuovamente le ginocchia e le allargò, mostrando al mostro che la guardava tutta la sua femminilità senza veli. Ha poi portato la mano sinistra tra le cosce mentre con la destra lui ha ripreso a massaggiarle i seni, ormai segnati da un paio di colpi di frusta. Odiava ciò che era costretta a fare con lui ma il suo corpo la tradiva quasi immediatamente al primo tocco delle sue dita sul clitoride. Era già eccitata e il suo clitoride era ancora gonfio e sensibile.
"Bene, puttana! muovi quelle bellissime mani sul tuo corpo e dentro la tua figa! Voglio che tu sia pronta e bagnata per quando ti scoperò! Più veloce quelle dita nella tua fessura, ancora più veloce! Ti piace masturbarti davanti a un uomo, vero, troia?"
Al risveglio dal meraviglioso sogno che stava facendo trovò non il sorriso amorevole di Jamie ma quello perverso e sinistro di de Launay, che si godeva la vista della sua masturbazione dallo spioncino della porta della cella. La chiave girò velocemente nella serratura, il chiavistello venne tolto e l'uomo entrò nella cella impugnando una lunga frusta. Claire immediatamente chiuse le cosce tenendo una mano sul sesso mentre con l'altra copriva come poteva i suoi grandi seni gonfi.
"Vai via! Vai via! Lasciami in pace, per favore!" implorò la donna mentre lui scioglieva la frusta e la schioccava in aria minacciosamente.
"Ho interrotto qualcosa, tesoro? Ti stavi dando piacere, eh? Questo è un pessimo comportamento, che nella mia prigione non è tollerato. Meriti una punizione adeguata per questo. Ma visto che il peccato è già stato commesso, potremmo anche andiamo avanti fino in fondo. Dai, fammi vedere come ti consoli quando non c'è qualche cazzo pronto a scopare! "
"Nooooo, abbi pietà! Non farmi questo, non umiliarmi così!!!!"
Il carceriere agitò la frusta e colpì con la punta di cuoio il bordo del seno sinistro della povera donna, dove la sua mano non poteva coprirla. Claire urlò di dolore e passando la mano sulla ferita scoprì l'altro seno che venne subito colpito da un lungo graffio della frusta.
“Ti avevo ordinato di continuare a fare quello che stavi facendo! Lurida puttanella, da quando sei entrata nella mia fortezza sei mia, soltanto mia! Insegnerò anche a te, come a tutte le altre donne che ti hanno preceduto, duchesse o ancelle che fossero, qual è il posto della donna in questa prigione. Devi imparare l'obbedienza e il rispetto per gli uomini, devi essere disponibile e pronta a soddisfare ogni mio desiderio, altrimenti ti strappo la pelle! "
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Spaventata dalle sue urla e dal modo in cui sapeva usare la frusta, Claire si convinse a non resistere e sollevò nuovamente le ginocchia e le allargò, mostrando al mostro che la guardava tutta la sua femminilità senza veli. Ha poi portato la mano sinistra tra le cosce mentre con la destra lui ha ripreso a massaggiarle i seni, ormai segnati da un paio di colpi di frusta. Odiava ciò che era costretta a fare con lui ma il suo corpo la tradiva quasi immediatamente al primo tocco delle sue dita sul clitoride. Era già eccitata e il suo clitoride era ancora gonfio e sensibile.
"Bene, puttana! muovi quelle bellissime mani sul tuo corpo e dentro la tua figa! Voglio che tu sia pronta e bagnata per quando ti scoperò! Più veloce quelle dita nella tua fessura, ancora più veloce! Ti piace masturbarti davanti a un uomo, vero, troia?"
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Mentre veniva messa seminuda in cella dopo essere stata con il Re ebbe una crisi con se stessa ripensando a come si era divertita a fare il mega pompino al super cazzo di Sua Maestà e alla successiva super scopata e a come era impazzita di piacere sapendo che Jamie lo stava facendo cornuto...non se lo sarebbe mai aspettato
"So, Madame, do you like your lovers? Do you want to stay with them for the rest of the evening?"
"Nooooo…. Nooo-oooo-oooo!!!! Uuhhaaaa !!! Mmmhuuummm !!!"
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"You don't talk with your mouth full, Madame, haven't the nuns of your college taught you that? ... Ah! Ah! Ah I see that you are an excellent rider, even if I imagined that you would prefer to ride as amazon, but I was wrong ,. It is evident that rather than riding you like to be ridden by talented studs! "
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"Enough, I beg youuuuuuu! EEEEnough! I can't take it anymore! I can't take it anymore ... MMMHHUUMMMM !!!"
"You are a bit too greedy, Madame, and you don't know how to taste what you take. Hey you over there! A bottle of cognac to whoever will make her scream with pleasure!
The convicts seemed to go mad at the prospect of a sip of cognac in addition to the beautiful woman everyone had by now fucked in one way or another. The rapist who was beating her kidneys from below began to move more slowly and deeply. He knew from experience that somewhere well hidden inside her sexual channel the woman had a secret point which, when properly stimulated by him, would make her scream with ecstasy. Even the one who buggered her did not want to be outdone and his lunges took the same rhythm as those of her partner.
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His cock came out almost entirely from the anus with each slow retreat and then sink again and entirely inside the rectum and going to rub against the solid and turgid presence of the cock that fucked the vagina, separated only by a slight internal wall of the body of the woman. Claire moaned harder and harder as she realized that the combined efforts of the two rapists were about to bring her down. Until now she had suffered for every abuse she had suffered and this, beyond the suffering, had been of minimal comfort, because the memory of the pleasure linked to her embraces with her beloved Jamie protected her from collapsing into the abyss of the squalor of the fate of her. But now her body rebelled against her decision and after so much suffering she demanded the satisfaction that the continuous stimulation of his sensitive areas of her imposed on her. With horror, Claire felt her vagina getting wet and contracting around the rod as it plowed her at an increasing rate. But the horror grew when the anus also began to tighten around the big cock that penetrated her from behind and that part of the rectum, on which the penis rubbed to and fro and which was in direct contact with the vagina, began to clench like a fist around the big intruder. The man noticed this and multiplied his pressure on the lower part of the anal gut, which was getting tighter and warmer. A faint meow came from the lips set between the young woman's teeth, and slowly became a growing moan and finally a desperate cry, overwhelmed by the laughter of the twelve brutes and those of the Marquis de Launay.
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The men, however, did not stop pumping their virility into the violated body of the English noblewoman, who she resumed moaning relentlessly and without restraint, now won on all fronts.
"Ohh, I beg youuuu, uuuuhhmmm…. Yes! Yes! Yeeeeesssss !!! Again! AGAIIIINNN!!!!"
The two rapists exploded which simultaneously inside her and lifted the woman who was now semi-conscious given the violence of her double vaginal and anal orgasm, which she had never experienced before. From the two violated holes came a cascade of thick sperm together with a clear and limpid stream, which for the first time in her life the woman had produced on the occasion of that brutal orgasm.
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"Our lady is now really naked! - said de Launay with a grin - You are no longer the devoted Madame Frazer, madly in love with her dear hubby! You are a filthy whore, worse than a street harlot! You enjoy cocks pounding your pussy and ass like a bitch in heat. Confess it! I want to hear you scream now! You fellows, make her talk bad or good! No punches though, I don't want her to be ruined! A few slaps and a good spanking will be enough to convince Madame of the importance of sincerity, isn't it? "
De Launay's fantasy also tickled the dirty dozen brutes who now, after enjoying Claire's body, wanted to enjoy her transformation from a refined noblewoman to a sex slave of the same unspeakable desires as her. Her gang leader grabbed her arm and forced her to kneel. Then, with a slap across the face, he gave her the next order.
"Down, on your hands and knees! Like that bitch you are!"
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Claire was crying and pleading, but after the third or fourth slap she gave up and took the humiliating position that had been ordered.
"Spread your knees wide, bitch! I want to be able to see that precious noble cunt you hold between her thighs!". And full of embarrassment, Claire still obeys.
"She Lifts her ass! And she starts wagging her tail like a happy bitch!"
A shameful cry was heard in her cell as she dropped her shoulders a little, lifted her buttocks and began to move her butt sensually in front of the snickering men.
"Come on, you heard what the Marquis said. Tell us what you are, you filthy bitch! Tell us what you like!" and to better convince her he gave her a loud spanking on her buttocks offered on top of her. Claire screamed and cried and it amused the gang so much that another and then another slapped her on the ass, until everyone was competing to see who would hit her with the loudest and most painful spank.
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Claire pianse e strillò ad ogni colpo ma resistette tenacemente all'intenzione di umiliarsi finché non riconobbe che godeva di quelle brutali attenzioni, finché non riconobbe che il suo corpo ormai la tradiva in ogni occasione, scuotendola con brividi di piacere che non c'entravano nulla. con la sua precedente esperienza. Quando alle sculacciate si accompagnavano le famigerate carezze del sesso scoperto ed esposto o qualsiasi profanazione, che il capobanda cominciava a farle mentre gli altri compari continuavano a picchiarla, allora ogni freno cadeva e Claire cominciava a muovere il bacino sul dita brutali che la maltrattavano e lei sollevava di più il sedere per offrire un bersaglio migliore agli schiaffi che avevano già reso le sue natiche di un colore rosso vivo.
"Che cosa siete, signora? Diteci la verità!..."
"Sono... una... troia..." confessò Claire a bassa voce, dimenando di più il sedere e strofinando la fica e il clitoride sulla mano callosa del suo capobranco.
"Dillo più forte! Nessuno ti ha sentito!"
"Sono una troia! UNA SLUUUUUTTT!!!"
"E cosa vuoi fare adesso?"
"Voglio fare l'amore…"
Le sue due dita che stuzzicavano il clitoride entrarono nella sua viscida vagina di sperma e umori femminili, e iniziarono a sondarla con odiosa insistenza mentre le sue natiche erano ancora calde sotto i sonori schiaffi degli altri uomini.
"Una puttana non fa l'amore, una puttana vuole solo farsi scopare e divertirsi!"
Claire singhiozzava e gemeva mentre la sua fica non rispondeva più ai suoi desideri e al suo autocontrollo e si stringeva attorno alle sue dita indagatrici.
"Io... io... voglio... divertirmi... voglio essere... scopata come una cagna! Una cagna in calore! SI! SI! YEEEEESSSS!!! O MIO DIO! O MIO DIO! MIO GOOOD !!!UUUUUHAAHHAAAAAA!”
E urlando a squarciagola gettò dalla fica martoriata da dita insistenti e brutali un nuovo getto caldo e limpido di linfa sessuale.
Quello stupro di gruppo l'aveva infatti trasformata in una creatura ignobile, nella quale non si riconosceva più.
Il rumore della chiave che girava nella serratura e il frastuono delle guardie che entravano nella sua cella per salvarla dai desideri della mandria la riportarono alla triste realtà del suo prossimo incontro con il marchese de Launay.
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In cella pensava sempre a suo marito e a quanto lo amava ma ormai probabilmente c'era un fattore decisivo nella sua vita... si rese conto che aveva a che fare con cazzi super sia in termini di dimensioni che di resistenza... il suo il marito aveva un cazzo normalissimo che cedeva in brevissimo tempo, dandogli solo un pizzicotto quando tutto andava bene..but her total collapse occurred when once three jailers made her experience the extreme enjoyment of anal fucking with their big cocks... after having properly licked Claire's asshole, sending her completely out of control, they took turns inserting their cocks into her his asshole which slowly opened up to an incredible width, causing him several orgasms... at that moment he felt truly slutty and understood that although his jealous husband loved him, it was right for him to be cuckolded
In cella pensava sempre a suo marito e a quanto lo amava ma ormai probabilmente c'era un fattore decisivo nella sua vita... si rese conto che aveva a che fare con cazzi super sia in termini di dimensioni che di resistenza... il suo il marito aveva un cazzo normalissimo che cedeva in brevissimo tempo, dandogli solo un pizzicotto quando tutto andava bene..but her total collapse occurred when once three jailers made her experience the extreme enjoyment of anal fucking with their big cocks... after having properly licked Claire's asshole, sending her completely out of control, they took turns inserting their cocks into her his asshole which slowly opened up to an incredible width, causing him several orgasms... at that moment he felt truly slutty and understood that although his jealous husband loved him, it was right for him to be cuckolded
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Claire brought to dungeon.jpgClaire forced by Louis.jpgClaire forced in front of the king.jpgLois visits Claire in the dungeon Kopie.jpg
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