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Judicial Corporal Punishment Of Women: Stories And Novels

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The further parts of the punishment for both Isabella and the audience must have been an unforgettable experience. After two weeks, probably not all the wounds on her back have fully healed.
Isabella must have put on quite a show for her audience. The lash hitting the partially-healed wounds, scabbed over but still infected, would have generated intense pain, setting her to singing and to vigorous topless dancing--all in the midst of a Boston winter.
I don't think she'll steal anything else in her life after those floggings. Of course if she survived.
She would probably have been better off had she taken all of her lashes at once on the flogging triangle, a tripod sometimes made from halberds, a type of battle ax, that was used to punish soldiers--and most likely, her husband. But the British Army probably wanted to prolong her agony, publicly humiliate her, and display her as an example of what happens to those who mess with them.
She would probably have been better off had she taken all of her lashes at once on the flogging triangle, a tripod sometimes made from halberds, a type of battle ax, that was used to punish soldiers--and most likely, her husband. But the British Army probably wanted to prolong her agony, publicly humiliate her, and display her as an example of what happens to those who mess with them.
Mentally, I'm sure she would have taken one full punishment better.
I believe the last public whipping of a woman took place in Inverness in 1817,the year that Parliament abolished the practice. The offender was allegedly whipped at the cart`s tail.
She was whipped through the streets, not just once, but THREE TIMES, the second time only a week prior to the third one. Some people don't learn from their punishments. Does this remind anyone of someone here?

Here is the account from The Inverness Journal of March 14, 1817:

Last Friday, a woman of the name of Grant, was flogged through the streets of Inverness, we understand for the third time, (once the previous week,) for intoxication and bad behaviour in the streets. No doubt example is necessary, and was here made with the best intention; yet public and repeated flagellation on the naked body of a woman, is revolting to our general ideas of decency and humanity; it is to be regretted, that some equally effectual punishment could not be fallen upon.

It was the strongest argument in effecting the excellent and salutary change in the discipline of our army, that a soldier once publicly flogged became callous to all future disgrace -- all after hope of reclaiming him was lost, and he became only anxious to make his depravity less conspicuous, by enticing others to participate in it; how much more must this apply to a female?

There is something so repugnant to the usual sentiments of respect and delicacy, with which we are naturally inclined to consider even in [sic] the lowest of the sex, that we doubt whether such an exhibition is calculated to amend our morals: on the unfortunate object in question, (a young and handsome woman) the hardened indifference and audacity with which she bore and ridiculed the punishment, shewed that it failed of that effect -- so much indeed that, notwithstanding this third flagellation, we understand she returned from her "banishment" the same evening.

It may be well to consider the effect of familiarising the public to such sights; and whether hard labour and solitary confinement, would not be a more successful punishment.

The article drew a letter to the Editor, published on March 21:

Sir, - Judicial punishment, in order to answer its legitimate ends, ought to be such as might afford a rational probability of reforming the criminal, and of deterring others from the commission of like offences; it should have no tendency to corrupt, or harden, either the sufferer or the beholders. These are propositions that do not admit of doubt; and it is equally clear, to every humane and considerate person, that the public flagellation of females, a spectacle with which we have of late been so frequently disgusted, is, in many respects, very highly exceptionable.

The few sentences in which you express your opinion on this subject, in the last Journal, must satisfy every unprejudiced mind of the evil effects of this punishment, both on the criminal and the public. It is not, however, my wish to be prolix or censorious. My purpose is merely to express my unqualified approbation of the remedy you propose, and briefly to state in what matter your recommendation might be carried into effect.

If the circumstances of the country could afford the establishment of a regular Bridewell at Inverness, it would undoubtedly be the best expedient. [...]

If the Counties do not approve the measure, it would be wise in [sic] the Magistrates of Inverness to appropriate a part of some of the public buildings [...] to answer, pro tempore, the purpose of a house of correction; or they might rent some part of our unoccupied manufactories for the confinement and employment of our criminals.

I am, Sir, yours, &c.

Inverness, 15th March, 1817.

Of course, the British army might have flattened all of their cart wheels, exhausted all of their horses, worn out all of their cat o' nine tails and had most of their men unable to lift their arms before such an insurmountable task could be accomplished. A mere one hundred lashes....not bloody likely :mad:
On January 25, 1725, Sarah Kettleby of Stepney in London was convicted of ‘keeping an ill-govern’d and disorderly room, and receiving and entertaining lewd and disorderly persons, whoring and misbehaving themselves’. Sarah was unable to pay the fine assessed by the court so was sentenced instead to be stripped naked from the neck to the girdle—in the middle of an English winter--and whipped at the cart’s tail.

Her punishment commenced at the Angel & Crown tavern in Crispin Street, Spittlefields. From there, the painful procession moved onto Lamb Street, Red Lion Street and Paternoster Row before making its way back to the Angel & Crown tavern from whence it had begun. By the most direct route this represented a journey of almost 1¼ miles. Even this agony was deemed to be insufficient punishment, as Sarah was further sentenced to two weeks incarceration with hard labour in the house of correction.
On January 25, 1725, Sarah Kettleby of Stepney in London was convicted of ‘keeping an ill-govern’d and disorderly room, and receiving and entertaining lewd and disorderly persons, whoring and misbehaving themselves’. Sarah was unable to pay the fine assessed by the court so was sentenced instead to be stripped naked from the neck to the girdle—in the middle of an English winter--and whipped at the cart’s tail.

Her punishment commenced at the Angel & Crown tavern in Crispin Street, Spittlefields. From there, the painful procession moved onto Lamb Street, Red Lion Street and Paternoster Row before making its way back to the Angel & Crown tavern from whence it had begun. By the most direct route this represented a journey of almost 1¼ miles. Even this agony was deemed to be insufficient punishment, as Sarah was further sentenced to two weeks incarceration with hard labour in the house of correction.
Dura lex, sed lex.
On January 25, 1725, Sarah Kettleby of Stepney in London was convicted of ‘keeping an ill-govern’d and disorderly room, and receiving and entertaining lewd and disorderly persons, whoring and misbehaving themselves’. Sarah was unable to pay the fine assessed by the court so was sentenced instead to be stripped naked from the neck to the girdle—in the middle of an English winter--and whipped at the cart’s tail.

Her punishment commenced at the Angel & Crown tavern in Crispin Street, Spittlefields. From there, the painful procession moved onto Lamb Street, Red Lion Street and Paternoster Row before making its way back to the Angel & Crown tavern from whence it had begun. By the most direct route this represented a journey of almost 1¼ miles. Even this agony was deemed to be insufficient punishment, as Sarah was further sentenced to two weeks incarceration with hard labour in the house of correction.
Well, that's certainly one way of keeping standards up. I expect there might have been fewer spectators than normal, though - unless perhaps she was uncommonly pretty.
I have been referring in the other thread to old French books on flagellation and JCP which are available for download from the Gallica site, the online arm of the Bibliothèque Nationale de France. Leaving aside the illustrations posted in that thread, there are some interesting books, at least for readers of French, for example "Etude sur La Flagellation A Travers Le Monde" by Jean de Villiot (2nd expanded edition, 1901 -- the 1899 first edition is also at Gallica, in better scan quality but not illustrated and with less text):

View attachment 972772View attachment 972773

This book reproduces a lengthy "letter to the editor", supposedly quoted from an English newspaper (but possibly freely invented), which these days would make a natural discussion post in this thread or elsewhere on CF. Here it is in the original French and in English translation (Google Translate with some manual corrections from me):


A MONSIEUR L'ÉDITEUR DE LA «SOCIETY» [Important périodique anglais.]


Les lettres reproduites dans les colonnes de votre journal, me font penser que je pourrais me procurer des renseignements sur quelques célèbres flagellations du passé et aussi dans les pays étrangers, par l'entremise de vos correspondants.

On a quelquefois fouetté des demoiselles d'honneur en France comme en Russie. De quelle manière? Que sait-on spécialement sur la flagellation de Mlle de Lineuil, sous Catherine de Médicis, et de Mlles Elmpt et Buturlin sous Catherine II de Russie? A-t-on fouetté d'autres dames en même temps que Mlle de Limeuil, et a-t-on conservé leurs noms ?

Y a-t-il quelqu'un parmi les lecteurs qui puisse donner les faits sur la flagellation de Mme de Liancourt par les domestiques de la marquise de Tresnel ? Quel était le nom de demoiselle de cette dame, quel âge avait-elle, et était-ce une aïeule du duc de Liancourt, très connu peu de temps avant la révolution française? Et sur quels faits se base l'histoire de la flagellation de la comtesse de Rosen par les domestiques de Mme Du Barry ?

En France beaucoup de femmes ont été fouettées et marquées au siècle dernier. Au moyen de quel instrument et sur quelle partie du corps leur a-t-on administré des coups de fouet? Sait-on si une autre dame a été punie de cette manière, excepté la Comtesse de la Motte? Et y a-t-il une dame ou femme bien connue qui ait subi cette peine du temps de la révolution, excepté Théroigne de Méricourt ? Les renseignements dans le Registre annuel de 1792, sur le maltraitement que les troupes françaises à Orchies firent subir à Mlle Nash, une anglaise, signifient-ils qu'elle fut fouettée? Qui était Mlle Nash, qu'est-ce qui l'amena à Orchies, et quelle fut son histoire subséquente?

Lorsque Doris Ritter, qu'on croyait être la maîtresse du prince de Prusse (plus tard Frédéric le Grand) fut fouettée en public par ordre du roi, de quelle manière la peine fut-elle infligée ?

Y a-t-il un lecteur qui sache les noms de quelquesunes des dames russes, qui, dit-on, furent fouettées à la manière des écoliers pendant le règne de l'empereur Nicolas? Cooper constate dans son Histoire de la Verge (ouvrage qui paraît être très peu positif) qu'une d'entre elles était une dame appartenant à la noblesse et qu'elle fut fouettée publiquement, mais il n'en donne pas le nom. A-t-on fouetté de cette manière des dames polonaises, et sait-on leurs noms?

Comment Mme Maderspach fut-elle fouettée en Hongrie ou plutôt en Transylvanie, en 1847 ? Et peut on donner quelques renseignements sur une demoiselle, fille d'un surintendant calviniste (appelée, je crois, Hebner ou Hubner) qui fut condamnée à être fouettée publiquement selon l'information que nous donne M. Tissot. De quelle manière s'est-on servi de la canne autrichienne pour fouetter deux jeunes filles (cantatrices), appelées Galli et Conti, qui subirent la peine parce qu'elles avaient causé une émeute à Milan en 1849? Et connaît-on les noms d'autres dames italiennes qui subirent la peine ? Sans doute quelquesunes des victimes vivent encore. Les deux jeunes filles fouettées à Milan ont moins de soixante-dix ans, si elles vivent.

Une bonne, appelée Marie Çadman, qui avait été fouettée comme un écolier par son maître, le révérend Zacharie Brigton, le poursuivit en justice, et l'on dit qu'elle a réussi. Y a-t-il un rapport de ce procès ? Ce fut, je pense, du temps de la république. Quand on fouettait en Angleterre des femmes condamnées, la peine fut-elle toujours infligée au-dessus de la taillé? Et l'a-t-on jamais infligée à des dames ou restreinte à des femmes de basse origine?

Les histoires sur la flagellation comme discipline de pénitence, d'après lesquelles la dame aurait reçu les coups de fouet comme un garçon, sont-elles basées en un cas quelconque sur des preuves réelles?

A quel sujet a-t-on fouetté des femmes en Espagne et dans les Etats espagnols en Amérique? Y a-t-il eu des dames parmi les victimes, ou a-t-on réservé ordinairement à des femmes esclaves la flagellation administrée à la personne exposée? Y avait-il un fond de vérité dans les histoires sur la flagellation de dames chiliennes par les Balmacédistes à l'occasion de la dernière guerre ?

Que sait-on sur la discipline de nos jours dans les écoles de jeunes filles en France et en Allemagne?

[Nos lecteurs verront que presque tous ces points ont été traités dans le présent ouvrage, et dans Curiosités et Anecdotes sur la Flagellation.]


TO THE EDITOR OF "SOCIETY" [Important English periodical.]


The letters reproduced in the columns of your newspaper make me think that I could obtain information on some famous flagellations of the past and also in foreign countries, through your correspondents.

Noble maidens have sometimes been whipped in France as in Russia. In what way? What do we know especially about the flagellation of Mlle de Lineuil, under Catherine de Medici, and of Mlles Elmpt and Buturlin under Catherine II of Russia? Were other ladies whipped at the same time as Mlle de Limeuil, and have their names been kept?

Is there anyone among the readers who can give the facts about the flogging of Mme de Liancourt by the servants of the Marquise de Tresnel? What was this lady's maiden name, how old was she, and was she a grandmother of the Duke of Liancourt, very well known shortly before the French Revolution? And on what facts is the story of the flogging of the Countess de Rosen by Mme Du Barry's servants based?

In France many women have been whipped and branded in the last century. Using what instrument and on what part of the body were they lashed? Do we know if another lady was punished in this way, except the Comtesse de la Motte? And is there a well-known lady or woman who suffered this pain during the time of the revolution, except Théroigne de Méricourt? Does the information in the Registre annuel of 1792, on the mistreatment that the French troops in Orchies inflicted on Miss Nash, an Englishwoman, do they mean that she was whipped? Who was Miss Nash, what brought her to Orchies, and what was her subsequent story?

When Doris Ritter, believed to be the mistress of the Prince of Prussia (later Frederick the Great) was whipped in public by order of the king, how was the punishment imposed?

Is there a reader who knows the names of some of the Russian ladies, who are said to have been whipped in the manner of schoolchildren during the reign of Emperor Nicholas? Cooper notes in his History of the Rod (a work which seems to be very unsuccessful) that one of them was a lady belonging to the nobility and that she was publicly flogged, but he does not give the name. Have they whipped Polish ladies in this way, and do we know their names?

How was Mrs. Maderspach whipped in Hungary, or rather in Transylvania, in 1847? And can we give some information on a young lady, daughter of a Calvinist superintendent (called, I believe, Hebner or Hubner) who was condemned to be publicly flogged according to the information given to us by Mr. Tissot? How was the Austrian cane used to whip two young girls (singers), named Galli and Conti, who suffered the penalty because they had caused a riot in Milan in 1849? And do we know the names of other Italian ladies who suffered the penalty? No doubt some of the victims are still alive. The two young girls whipped in Milan are under seventy, if they live.

A maiden, called Marie Çadman, who had been whipped like a schoolboy by her teacher, the Rev. Zacharie Brigton, sued him, and is said to have succeeded. Is there a report from this trial? It was, I think, in the days of the republic. When condemned women were whipped in England, was the punishment always inflicted above the waist? And has it ever been inflicted on ladies or restricted to women of low origin?

Are the stories of flogging as a discipline of penance, that the lady was whipped like a boy, in any way based on actual evidence?

On what grounds have women been whipped in Spain and in the Spanish states in America? Were there any ladies among the victims, or was the scourging administered to the exposed person usually reserved for female slaves? Was there any truth to the stories about the Balmacedist flogging of Chilean ladies during the last war?

What do we know about discipline nowadays in schools for young girls in France and Germany?

[Our readers will see that almost all of these points have been covered in this book, and in Curiosités et Anecdotes sur la Flagellation.]

In respect of that final editorial annotation in [ ], the second book referred to is also on Gallica, although I don't think the author is correct that between the two books he has answered all the questions -- nothing but a passing reference to Doris Ritter for example...:

View attachment 972784

The subtitle of this book looks intriguing: "The court martial of Miss Fanny Hayward", although on flicking through the text it seems to be an account of a private orgy in a regiment's officer quarters involving a mock trial and whipping of poor Fanny, rather than an actual formal court martial, as in "Miss Berkeley's Voyage".

There are also at least two on-topic books in English available for download here, both of them containing spanking/corporal punishment fiction rather than historical writing:

View attachment 972786View attachment 972787View attachment 972785

Last but not least, Gallica also have one (and only one) of the innumerable books by Aimé van Rod with the word "fouet" (whip) in the title:

View attachment 972788

I posted a while ago about a letter quoted in "Etude sur La Flagellation A Travers Le Monde" by Jean de Villiot (1901), supposedly taken from an English periodical. Although I still think the bulk of that letter is freely invented, I have just come across an actual letter published by a mainstream English journal in 1890 along much the same lines, which may be the inspiration for the letter quoted by de Villiot.

This is from "Notes & Queries", issue of 7 January 1890, written by "Emily Millar":

PUNISHMENTS INFLICTED ON LADIES. -- I should feel much obliged if any of your readers could refer me to the original sources of information as to the punishment of the following ladies : Mlle. De Limeuil (maid of honour in France), Madame De Linncourt, Madame De Biron, Madame Lamothe, Mlle. Theroigne de Mericourt, Mlle. Duinont, Madame Lapouchin, Madame Bestuschen, Countess Orloff, Madame Remuth and her friends, Mlle. Bogdanow (or Bogdanova), Madame De Maderspach, Mlle. Doris Ritter (friend of Frederick the Great. Is there any account of the execution of her sentence, or was it remitted ?), Miss Anne Burden (Quakeress), Miss Nash, Mrs. Twitchell, and Miss Josephine Foster (of Cambridge, U.S.). EMILY MILLAR.

I attach the page of the journal on which this letter appeared. Clearly, prurient interest in flogging of respectable ladies was as prevalent in Victorian times as it is now, although getting answers was a bit more laborious in those pre-internet days. I wonder if Emily Millar was a pseudonym for a gentleman who didn't want to appear too creepy...

No answers in the subsequent issues of "Notes & Queries", sadly -- Miss (or Mrs?) Millar needed to check out the CF forums!


  • Notes & Queries.pdf
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Little judicial caning theme I picked up from the internet.
It's got a gif attached to it.
Original text in Korean, used Watson Language Translator and edited some weird parts myself.
There are other great works from the original site too. I'm sure some of you might have seen some already, but I'll share someday.

chebeolsil (Korean)






"Oak! Aaaah!"

"Thirty six!"

A naked girl, who appeared to be a teenager, was wearing a ball with his hands and feet tied to the mold.

It was a punishment that was very similar to that often seen in historical dramas.

The girl's cheeks were so generous that she was covered with blood, and every time she touched it, it was a cruel scene with blood splattering everywhere.

The execution officer, who is wearing a hawk, was also executing the punishment as if he had no feelings.

The girl tried hard to pull out her arms and legs, but her wrists and ankles were stripped of her skin.


"Aaaah! Aak! Help me!"

"40!" "





"Avery ..."



"Nook ..."




"The sinners fainted."

The girl's head, who was unable to beat the media, stretched out without power.

In the area around the mold, the bloodstains showed the cruelty of the fetus.

The executive officer, who was counting the number, brought a bucket of water to the girl's head.

Oh, my God!

"Ugh ... it's black ... black ... man, please save me ... if I am beaten, I will die ..."

" If you do something wrong, you get punished. I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I'm sorry.

"Dark ... black ..."


"Cucliac! Aaaah!"


A new punishment has begun.

There was another girl who was trembling with her hands tied behind her back, waiting for her turn, with her hands tied behind her back.

The woman, who was sentenced to 100 stroke Tae-hyeong, felt that her head was in her head when she was wearing a bloody faint, even though she was not fit for her 50-strokes.


"Oh, my God."

"Sheen! Jung Hyun-ju's execution is complete!"

The girl named Hyeon-ju once again bowed out as soon as she was beaten up by her fifties.

The executors lifted the rope tied with her hands and feet, filled the handcuffs behind the back, dragged them to the side of the mold, and threw it at random.

"It's your turn."

When the execution officer stood in front of the other girl, the girl did not dare to look straight at the execution officer, and she shied away.

"Please save me ... if I get 100, I will die ..."

" You're being punished for doing the wrong thing. You should be grateful for not being sentenced to death."

"Mmm ... please ..."

The two executors grabbed her and dragged her to the bloody frame.

The girl was in a hurry, but she could not win the power of the two men.

In an instant, the girl was tied down with her hands and feet.

"From now on, I will enforce the execution of 100 strokes!"

"Please forgive me! Please!"

"I'll start."


"Aaaah! Aak!"


When the thick and silent hawk, which was wielded by muscular rigidity, touched the ball, she screamed as she was born and felt the crazy pain she felt for the first time.

It was her first time in school, but it was the first time that she was so sick that she had a lot of hips with her teachers.

I only hit one, but I was so sick that I had a convulsion.

When he thought it was obvious that he would be disabled even if he was beaten to death, he fell into a deep sense of despair.

But before he felt such a sense of hopelessness, the second hawk took her bower.





"Oak! Aaaah!"


It was only three generations, but the skin of the hip was torn and the blood began to form.

"Aaaah! Help me!"

In the basement, there was only a sound of the screaming sound and the sound of the medium.
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Another work by the same writer(artist)
Same details with different story and drawing.







" Aak! Please help me!



The muscular officer, who wore a black mask, was able to see a girl tied to the cross frame without mercy.

The girl's bowls were full of marks, and there was no place to see them, and every time they were hit, the red blood was splattering everywhere.

She resisted by vating her body, but her hands and feet were firmly secured in the mold, so she couldn't move.


"Oak! Aak!"



Next to the shape of the sentence, two of the naked girls, who had already been covered with blood, were lying on their stomach, and in front of the frame, two naked girls knelt down and waited for them to greet each other, but they were trembling as if they were trembling with fear.











The girl, who was beaten to death, was unable to overcome the severe strokes and fainted

She was sentenced to 100 Tae-hyeong, but she did not fit in her 50 strokes, but she threw a bucket into the face of a girl with a bucket full of water, as if she was annoyed by the execution officer.

"Ugh ... publer ..."

"Are you crazy now?"

"Black ... black ..."

He said, "We're still in our 60s, and we can't do that."

"Please forgive me ... please forgive me ..."

"You should be punished for doing the wrong thing, don't you?"

"Mmm ... please ..."





The sound of the sound of the sound and the pain of the girl in the dark basement was full.
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Same artist, Same Source.
chebeolsil (Korean)
<Ooops something went wrong posting here other than the illustration thread. I'll just post another story translated from the site here in this post>






"Ak! Please spare me!"






"Aak! Please forgive me!"


"Fat! Please."


"Aak! Ahh ..."



Let's take a look at a man with a length of more than a meter long and brutally blow up a woman tied to his frame.

The woman screamed out of her body.

She tried to endure a lot of pain and looked at it and looked at the sound of a whale, but the pain from the bottom was a terrible thing to feel for the first time.

She knew that it was useless, but a woman who could not endure the pain began to beg her to ask for forgiveness and save her life.

However, the executive officer continued his mother-in-law without blink to such an orphanage.










"Aaaah! Evil!"

The woman's buttocks were so generous that she could not be called the skin of a person, and every time she touched it, she was hurt every time.

It was a very brutal scene, but the executive officer was still in the media as if he had no feelings.

The women, who were waiting for their turn to greet each other, were watching the scene.

There was a woman who was in vain due to fear, and there was a woman who had to pee.








"Tsut...um ..."







A woman who failed to beat a brutal medium was bleeding to death.

However, after being sentenced to 100 Tae-hyeong, she was only about half of the time.

The officer brought the bucket, which he had prepared in advance, and poured water into her.

"Mer ..."

"Are you crazy?"

"Ew ... live ... live ... all those 100 are dead ..."

"If you did the wrong thing, you get punished! We'll start again."







The sound of the medium in the dark cellar and the sound of the woman who was beaten up again was filled.

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Another story, same artist(writer) / used Watson translator and edited some really weird ones myself. Still weird now, but hope it's understandable enough.
chebeolsil (Korean)


15. Caned Ji-yeon

Ji-yeon was dragged into the mold and was tied up in the mold. The whole body was tied tightly to the shape of how tightly tied her arms were tied up, and the tie was so severe that it was so painful that the prisoner was completely blocked when he was in a severe medium. When the delay was fully tied, an execution officer pulled out a bunch of clubs to do the medium and pulled out one of them. It was a club with a thickness of about three centimeters in length, about three centimeters long. It wasn't hard to know exactly how much it was, but it wasn't hard to know exactly how big the club was for BDSM. It was clear that if you hit the ball with a club full swing, the buttocks would be torn apart. The execution officer, who would execute the penalty for the delay, took over the club and was at the back of the delay, and he was a very big, muscular man who seemed to be very powerful.

" From now on, we will be able to execute 100 strokes Tae-hyeong.

The execution officer picked up a club and went back to the back of the game, and the delay was followed by a full swing.

"Fat!" "Oh, my God!" "One!"

The face of the hawk was so red that the skin was ripped up, and the skin was torn, and there was no way of feeling the pain of the first feeling of pain. I never imagined that I could feel this enormous pain from the hip. I felt like I had a steel bar on my hip. On her side, a little bit of a courteous execution officer was counting the price of a hawk.

"Crack!" "Aak!" Two!

"Fat!" " Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no

"Crack!" "ak!" Net!

There was only four of them, but the hips of the delay began to explode and the blood began to grow. The execution officer, who saw the blood, smiled and corrected the club, but started to play the medium with a quick tempo, although it was the same intensity.

"Crack!" "Aw!" Five!

"Fly!" "Fly!" "Six!"

"Crack!" "Let's go!" Seven!

"Crack!" "Aak!" eight!

"Crack!" "ak! Aak!" Nine!

"Crack!" "Aaaak Aak!"

Every time a club hit the butt of the delay, the red blood splattered everywhere. It was not right out of the heat, but her buttocks were torn apart and covered in blood. If it was all 100, it was clear that the delay would be either dead or cripple. She couldn't do anything except to scream whenever she touched it. She was also not able to do anything except for the adrenaline rush before the execution of the punishment, so she could endure all the pain during the 100-strokes. There was no escape.

"Fat!" "Fly!" Five!

"Crack!" "Aaaaaah!"

There was a lot of pain in the pain, but I could hardly move because of the fact that the rope tied up with the arms tied up in the arms of the limbs, the more the rope tied to the limbs penetrated the skin and the blood was flowing out.

"Fly!" "Ugh!" "Thirty-seven!"

"Crack!" "ak! Save it ..." thirty eight!

"Crack!" " Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.

"Tuck!" "Ugh ..." "..." "..." ... "I'm going to save you," he said, " I'm envious of the hawk, so I'm not going to be able to do it.

It was strong and thick, but it was broken into a heavy medium. The execution officer picked up a new one, and then the delay began standing behind.

"Crack!" "Aak!" 40!

"Crack!" "Cucliac!" 41

Half of them didn't fit, but their hips were so miserable that they were hard to look at. The skin of the hip was torn apart, and the muscles of the red ball underneath it were torn apart. But the execution officer continued to continue the media without caring.

"Fly!" "Fly," "Black ..." ... 77!"

The delay was not faint, but it was felt that her life was going off.
It was a difficult punishment for a 18-year-old high school girl.

"Crack!" "Ugh!"

"Crack!" "..."

Despite the adrenaline rush, the delay, which was unbearable, ended in a faint. Her cheeks were full of blood, and the blood continued to flow. Because of the splendor of the splendor, there was a lot of blood. An execution officer came up with a bucket of water and threw it on the delay, but she didn't get up. The execution officer, who felt that it was impossible to execute the punishment, decided to postpone the execution until the delay was broken. In principle, it was forbidden to punish a prisoner who had fainted in principle, not for them, but because all the bees had to wake up and feel the pain alive. It was what was happening here. The men unwound the delay and threw it back into the prison. When she came to her senses, she was set to start the rest of her body. If she was a 18-year-old little girl, she wouldn't fit in her teens, and she would have been fainted. It was a cruel punishment, but due to the adrenaline injection, the delay was not enough to match the 70-strokes.
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Well, that's certainly one way of keeping standards up. I expect there might have been fewer spectators than normal, though - unless perhaps she was uncommonly pretty.
Any woman sentenced to the lash would have drawn spectators, as she would have been stripped to the waist and indecently exposed, then stimulated to do an erotic dance as the whip drew red lines across her bare flesh.
Any woman sentenced to the lash would have drawn spectators, as she would have been stripped to the waist and indecently exposed, then stimulated to do an erotic dance as the whip drew red lines across her bare flesh.
Oh, you'd get some for sure, but probably not as much as in a warmer season. Although I suppose unlike her, spectators could bundle up...
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