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The Crucifixion Society (Story)

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Kapitel 5: Verlost

Alina war erleichtert, als sie entgegen ihrer Befürchtungen nicht zurück in die dunkle, stinkende Kellerzelle gebracht wurde. Stattdessen führte Boris sie in einen Raum im dritten Stock, dem höchsten des großen Herrenhauses. Es gab keine Möbel im Raum, abgesehen von einem Tisch mit zwei einfachen Stühlen in der Mitte des Raumes und einem Sessel in einer der Ecken.

„Setz dich hin und mach keinen Ärger“, befahl ihr Boris und deutete auf den Sessel. Alina gehorchte wortlos. Sie war überrascht, dass sie überhaupt in dem Sessel sitzen durfte, anstatt wieder auf den Boden geworfen oder gezwungen zu werden, in der Ecke zu stehen. Es war abgenutzt, aber dennoch bequem. Boris nahm auf einem der Stühle Platz, legte den Taser demonstrativ auf den Tisch und hielt ihn griffbereit, falls er es für nötig halten sollte. Alina enttäuschte ihn, indem sie ihm keinen Grund gab, diese schreckliche Waffe gegen sie einzusetzen.

Den Rest des Morgens verbrachten sie in angespanntem Schweigen. Alina zog sich immer fester in den Bademantel, als wäre es eine kugelsichere Weste, die sie vor all den Demütigungen schützen würde, denen sie ausgesetzt war. Trotz der frühen Uhrzeit war es draußen bereits ein heißer Sommertag. Sie fing sogar an, unter dem dicken Stoff ein wenig zu schwitzen, aber das war ihr egal.

Sie dachte immer wieder daran, was Charlotte ihr über das Leben als Haussklavin und die Strafe bei ihrem Fluchtversuch erzählt hatte. Selbst wenn ihr die Flucht gelang, dachte Alina, wusste sie nicht einmal, wo sie war und wo sie Hilfe holen sollte. Als sie aus den Fenstern schaute, war alles, was sie hinter dem Garten rund um das Herrenhaus sehen konnte, ein dichter Wald, der in einer Bergkette endete, die sie nicht wiedererkannte. Eines war sicher, bei den Bergen in dieser Nähe musste sie mehr als 60 Meilen von ihrer Heimatstadt entfernt sein. Und sie ahnte, dass bei dem, was heute im Garten passieren würde, die nächste Stadt oder das nächste Dorf auch ein gutes Stück entfernt sein musste.

Was sollte schließlich mit ihr geschehen? Charlotte hatte gesagt, dass diese Leute Alina kreuzigen würden. Sie hatte immer noch keine Vorstellung davon, was sie erwarten sollte. Eine Kreuzigung war etwas, das nur vor Tausenden von Jahren geschah. So lange her, dass es fast zu etwas Mythologischem geworden war. Die Berichte aus den Geschichtsbüchern und dem Kirchenunterricht waren immer so surreal gewesen. Nägel wurden durch die Gliedmaßen der Opfer getrieben und dann hingen sie einfach da wie ein nasses Hemd auf einer Leine. Ein dicker Klumpen bildete sich in ihrem Bauch und verbreitete ein unheilvolles Gefühl des Unbehagens, als Alina sich vorstellte, wie ihr nackter Körper für alle sichtbar auf einem Kreuz ausgebreitet war.

Alexej riss sie aus ihren grimmigen Gedanken, als er am Nachmittag zu ihnen ins Zimmer kam. Er trug einen eleganten Anzug und hatte sein Gesicht rasiert. Alina war verblüfft, wie etwas so Einfaches das Aussehen eines Menschen verändern konnte. Alexej war ein starker Kontrast zu seinem Bruder Boris, der immer noch das gleiche verschmutzte (einst weiße, jetzt graue) Hemd und die gleiche zerrissene Jeans trug, die er die ganze Woche getragen hatte. Er setzte sich ebenfalls auf den Tisch, ohne sich um Alina zu kümmern.

Die beiden Brüder begannen, sich auf Russisch zu unterhalten. Alina fragte sich, ob sie darüber sprachen, wie sie heute Abend zur Belustigung von Mistress Amandas Gästen missbraucht werden würde. Erst als sie die Namen einiger berühmter Fußballspieler hörte, verstand sie, dass es in ihrer Unterhaltung um ein viel häufigeres Thema ging. Nicht, dass sie viel über den Sport wüsste oder sich überhaupt darum kümmerte, aber die Jungen an ihrer Schule sprachen ständig darüber. Sie wusste sogar, dass der Besitzer eines bestimmten Namens, Alexej und Boris, immer wieder ein spielentscheidendes Last-Minute-Ergebnis im diesjährigen Meisterschaftsfinale erzielt hatte.

In the late afternoon, Boris left and returned a good hour later. Just like Alexej, he now wore a suit. And he had shaved his face, too. The subliminal stench of sweat and cigarette smoke that usually sorrounded him had been replaced by a penetrating odor of cheap aftershave. It was around the same time when Alina heard cars driving up outside. Moments later, joyful voices from in and out of the house followed them. The noise increased over the next hour, the voices constantly growing in numbers. Music was playing from loudspeakers in the garden.

"Almost 6pm. It's time now", Boris said as he looked at the clock on the wall.

Alexej nodded, stood up and went over to Alina. "Stand up and come with us, little strawberry!", he ordered gently but determined.

Alina complied, her legs shaking. Was it going to happen now? Would they now torture her and then crucify her, like Charlotte had described? As the trio went downstairs, they met Mistress Amanda who was telling off another slave girl just at this moment.

"The maki rolls are hideous! There is way too much wasabi in them! Get them off the buffet immediately and then go into the kitchen and tell Yuna to make new ones!", the Mistress was shouting at the slave girl who let her head hang down in humility, the long black curls falling into her face. "If they are not replaced in thirty minutes, you will spend the next week in the basement!"

"I am looking forward to this! Just imagine how much fun the cane will be on your knockers, Emily!", Boris giggled, leering at the large breasts of the girl that she hid under her work uniform. She returned the stare with large fear filled eyes.

"You will have to get your current job done first, Boris!", Mistress Amanda raged, turning around to Alina and her two guards. Alina could not withstand the ice cold gaze that the Mistress threw upon her and looked down right away.

"Follow me downstairs, and then wait for the cue before you bring her outside", Mistress Amanda commanded the two buffs, her voice having returned to a more professional tone.

They went downstairs together, leaving the scared Emily behind. The minutes passed as Alina stood behind the closed double door that led into the garden. The muffled music that came in through the doors suddenly stopped. Seconds later, Mistress Amanda's voice was heard through the speakers.

"My dear club members and friends, it is an honor for me to welcome you as my guests once again!", she said, her voice friendlier than ever. "Every year, we meet for this occasion to celebrate our secret desires. Every year, we give in to this desires and after that, we keep them alive as lingering memories, in anticipation of the next time. The moment we all aspire is about to come. Behold, and welcome our victim for this year. Alina!"

When the doors opened, it was more than the warm breeze of the summer evening that hit Alina. A stream of adrenaline rushed through her whole body and put her into a strange kind of trance. She did not control her own movements anymore. Her feet walked completely on their own, automatically adjusting their steps to the rythm of the dramatic orchestral score that rumbled from the speakers.

Despite her trance, Alina was able to perceive the whole scene she walked through. The garden was framed by a number of large white canvas pavilions that contained a vast buffet and seatings for the guests. Colorful light chains hung around and between the pavilions. Charlotte and two other slave girls walked around serving champaign, clothed in corsages that left their breasts free and pushed them up almost obscenely.

And then there was the crowd of guests. Alina estimated them to consist of more than one hundred people, the majority of them being men. All of the guests where dressed formally. The men wore spotless black suits and the women wore elegant dresses. The guests seemed to be indeed rich and powerful. Alina recognized high ranking government members, well-known businessmen she knew from the news and some famous athletes, one of them being the football player Alexej and Boris had talked about earlier.

As Alina and her two guards moved through the garden, the crowd slowly formed a passage, although everyone tried to get a good look at her. She saw the greed and the lust in their faces. Some of them even taunted her with indecent comments and rude gestures as she walked past them.

Alina almost felt like a professional fighter on the way boxing ring before the big match. Her fight however would be an uneven one. The passage ended at the base of an improvised stage. Mistress Amanda stood on the stage between something that remembered Alina of a sawhorse and a high and thick post that had shackles dangling from the top. Was she going to be crucified on this post? Alina asked herself this question as she walked up the stairs.

Her trance ended abruptly when she stood on top and heard the shouts from the crowd: "Strip her! We want to see the bitch naked!" - "Come on, we don't have all evening!" - "I finally want to bury my cock in her cunt!"

Before Alina could react, Boris opened her bathrobe and pulled it from her body in a single quick move. The shock overcame her as she realized that the clapping and the jeering from the crowd was because of her, standing naked in front of all these strangers. She tried to cover herself with her hands, but Alexej and Boris immediately grabbed her, pulled her over to the post and closed the shackles around her wrists. Another warm breeze gave Alina goosebumbs as it caressed her sweaty skin. She lowered her head in the humiliation of being force stripped in public and then tied to a stake with her hands stretched above her head, unable to hide her nudity.

"Look, the little strawberry is blushing again!", Alexej chuckled, grabbing her left nipple, pinching and rolling it between his fingers.

"The skinny bitch has hardly anything to show", Boris whispered so that only his brother and Alina could hear it.

He grabbed Alina's right nipple tight and pulled it up brutally. Alina squealed and cried from the abuse. The crowd approved with more clapping and hooting. The two brutes only left her alone and stepped back when Mistress Amanda came over to their side of the stage. The music stopped again.

"Isn't she a cutie?", the Mistress asked into the microphone, running her free hand through Alina's red hair.

"Yes, my cock is already in love with her!", one of the guests bellowed. The others agreed with scornful laughs.

"I will have to ask you to keep your pants on for another moment, Brad!", Mistress Amanda smiled back. "This is no ordinary girl. Ladies and gentlemen, for the first time in 10 years we have a virgin!"

Excited mumbling arose among the guests as they heard that. "She won't be a virgin much longer!", Brad bawled again. "Come on, my cock wants to impale her!"

"It won't be that simple, my dear friend. This time, we are going to have a little raffle to decide who gets the virgin. When you arrived, each of you was asked to pull a little plastic ball from a bowl. As you may have noticed already, you can open them. You will find a little piece of paper inside. Whoever has the one with the red heart on it, may have the honor."

Alina watched in horror as everyone retrieved their plastic ball from their pockets and tried to open it as fast as possible. Just like the two Russians had gambled over who was allowed to penetrate her butt first, the taking of her vaginal virginity was to be decided by such a trivial thing as picking the right ball.

"Yes, I've got it!", one of the guests rejoiced, stretching his fist into the air. It was the football player.

"Matt", the Mistress smiled. "Join me on the stage!" Mistress Amanda's heartful smile turned into an evil grin as she turned around to Alina. "Prepare yourself for the hammer!"

Matt jumped onto the stage with a few deft paces. Smiling and waving into the crowd like he had just made another game winning score. While making his way to the stage, he had disposed of his jacket and his shirt, showing off his muscular upper body with countless tattoos covering his dark skin. A one-on-one fight between him and Alexej or Boris would have probably been an open match. Alina remembered that 'Matt' was just a nickname that fans and reporters called him by. In reality, he had an almost unpronounceable foreign name.

"Matt, my dear", Mistress Amanda greeted him. "Do you want to take your price right here or do you whish to retreat with her to a more private location?"

The mob in front of the stage answered for him. "Fuck her right there! Give us a good show!"

Matt lächelte nur und zeigte allen seine perfekten weißen Zähne. Dann schnallte er seinen Gürtel ab, zog seine Hose herunter und präsentierte seinen Penis den tobenden Zuschauern. Alina schauderte, als sie sah, was sie erwartete. Obwohl sie immer noch schlaff war, schätzte sie sein Glied auf mindestens 10 Zoll lang und so dick wie ihr eigenes Handgelenk.

„Leg sie dort drüben ab“, befahl Matt und deutete auf den Sägebock.

Fortgesetzt werden.

Ma, naturalmente, mi piacerebbe anche essere torturato a morte sulla croce. L'unico difetto di questa storia è - per me - che Alina non è morta tra dolori atroci, ma con dignità sulla sua croce. Allora questa storia sarebbe stata perfetta. . .

Never! My sense of justice rebels. The end of this story MUST be the shit hole Amanda broken on the wheel near to his fucking father , Boris and Alexej, the two fucking russians. But VERY slowly.
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