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The Whip Hand

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nice collection, Sympa - I identify with #3,
that could be me dancing vigorously but quite uselessly!
The rough handling in #5 is a scary moment,
when Master makes her turn to take it full-frontal,
that's always a dreadful step up in the agony.
#5 is provocative - seen it before, wondered what she's saying,
she seems to be chattering away quite cheerfully! :p
The Whip Hand

"...And indeed he (O's lover) was the first to point out
that the leather whip, the first they had used on her,
left almost no marks (...)
and thus allowed them to prolong the agony and
follow their fancies in starting and stopping.

He asked them to use only the whip."

tumblr_o3cghuwTcw1u2y9pvo1_500.jpg tumblr_mnfdp1Vkfd1rqwtgfo1_400.jpg tumblr_o11tg05RSo1s39k3wo1_540.jpg.jpeg
crucified-girl;-naked-high-whipped-and-kissed-12.jpg.jpegtumblr_muuyjyNqnv1s33cvuo1_500.jpg tumblr_o1uv9iu2Xb1upura1o1_500.jpg tumblr_nntzmahQp21rmmsmxo1_1280.jpg.jpeg tumblr_ndaawgxlv41rks5xoo1_500.jpg.jpeg
"Very well," said the Master, "fetch me the whip..."
Ego Stipes Ergo Sum
The Whip Hand {2}

"...And indeed he (O's lover) was the first to point out
that the leather whip, the first they had used on her,
left almost no marks (...)
and thus allowed them to prolong the agony and
follow their fancies in starting and stopping.

He asked them to use only the whip."

tumblr_ncmgrcTKVc1u07dblo1_540.jpg.jpeg tumblr_m3x0isI1hj1rrioxmo1_500.png tumblr_mvycxy2aQB1qhi6wuo1_1280.jpg.jpeg
tumblr_nsp6ov69dh1s4jw4io1_1280.jpg.jpeg tumblr_nj0vrlJMKS1tx1yzzo1_500.jpg tumblr_nmltwjjStJ1tezjkso1_500.gif tumblr_nu7swsKut21ub99wpo1_500.jpg tumblr_n4v4lmto2b1tyjgm9o1_500.jpg.jpeg
"Very well," said the Master, "fetch me the whip..."
Ego Stipes Ergo Sum
The Whip Hand

"...And indeed he (O's lover) was the first to point out
that the leather whip, the first they had used on her,
left almost no marks (...)
and thus allowed them to prolong the agony and
follow their fancies in starting and stopping.

He asked them to use only the whip."

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"Very well," said the Master, "fetch me the whip..."
View attachment 353803
Ego Stipes Ergo Sum
love the expression of fear in number 6.
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