I will not be posting latter this week, so I'll add a few before then.
Interview room #1, Central Station Holding Facility, Sunday March 9, 6:18 PM
As the time passed slowly, Barb pondered how she should tell her story when she was interviewed. She would listen to advice from Jeffrey, but she felt he didn’t understand how to deal with police any better than she. Of course, she would start by denying everything.
Even as she created a good story to tell the cops, Barbara was getting more and more angry at the delay. Sitting uncomfortably in her chains, on her still very tender ass, she fumed at the unfairness of it all. The lack of proper consideration and respect had her anger overflowing!
Her thoughts were interrupted as the door opened and four men entered, two Anglos, a Tamil, and the Chinese police attorney, William Koh.
A feeble attempt at diversity, she thought, ethnic and sexual orientation, but where was the female to be on her side? The thought of that unfairness riled her even more.
Koh, the older Anglo, and the Tamil went to the other side of the table, while the other Anglo took a digital video camera and tripod out of his case, stepped to the end of the room to set it up and began recording the whole scene.
Her impatience and fear got the better of her and she shouted out her emotion.
“What the fuck took so long?” she said at Koh. “I’ve been in this stinkin’ room for hours with no hint of what is going on! Where, in the name of God, have you been? Out cruising the ga…the bars? Get your perverted head out of your ass and remove these stupid cuffs and chains at once! I demand to know what the hell is happening! I don’t have to put up with this shit! Geeze, what a bunch of fucking amateurs. Who the hell are these men? How is Rose? Where is my damn lawyer? I need to catch a flight in less than 24 hours. You stupid bastards are going to be in a load of shit when my lawyer gets through with you! I’ll have you disbarred, you friggin' idiot! I have my rights, you dickhead! Let me the hell out of this place!”
When Koh just stood and stared at her, Barb’s anger drove her to call him names she’d learned while studying abroad in Germany: Scheißkopf, Wichser, Arschgesicht, and even Arschgefickten, Handballer, and Schwanzlutscher! The terms went over Koh’s head since he didn’t speak German, but Frost did.