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A Capital Punishment Trial in Modern Singapore

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“Hello? Is that the office of Justice Betar-Gisber? I represent Montycrusto industries; I wonder if I might interest her worshipfulness in our range of justice aids, including high quality sentencing wheels which take the tedium out of jurisprudence and add a delicious edge of spicy entertainment to any judicial process...” :p :applaudit:

With friends like this, who needs enemies?
Montycrusto: “So Barb, how do you fancy a sjambok?”
@Barbaria1 : “No thanks, just a gin and tonic for me.”
It’s not nice to make fun of my sweet innocence!
Oh Barb, thy demerits are like the sweet dew that droppeth from the bountiful heavens...
What a load of drivel that is, Monty! Geeze
Children! Children! Stop Fighting

Anyway, how can you make fun of something that hasn't existed for over twenty-five years?
Anyway, we should all relax and keep our fingers crossed for Barbara for Tomorrow when the sentence will be announced. Amanda, ever the optimist, has arranged a first class seat, early in the morning on Singapore Airlines to Minneapolis.
Untitled.jpgNote the Riesling!
Let's hope she's right!!
Anyway, we should all relax and keep our fingers crossed for Barbara for Tomorrow when the sentence will be announced. Amanda, ever the optimist, has arranged a first class seat, early in the morning on Singapore Airlines to Minneapolis.
View attachment 844459Note the Riesling!
Let's hope she's right!!
That`s a coincidence,Amanda living in Minneapolis as well!!!
Courtroom, High Court, Monday, March 25th 4:20PM

It took a couple of minutes for Jeffrey to calm Barbara down and get her in her seat. The court was patient in the meantime. Actually, it only when Amanda came around Jeff and patted Barb on the back and told her to cheer up and that it could be worse, that Barb ceased sobbing and gave Amanda a look that could have killed a dozen Roses. Slightly restored, she quieted down, though still whimpering.

Jeffrey rose to his feet and read his prepared recommendation for a verdict of guilty on all counts (the one from the bottom of his pile of possibilities).

“May it please the court. My client appears before you today with a spotless record, devoid of any violent tendencies, before some minor misjudgments and confounding choices brought her to where she is now. She poses no danger to the citizens of Singapore. The moment you release her, she will fly back to the US, never to return.

Therefore, I recommend she be given a corporal punishment of 10 strokes and a prison term not to exceed ten years with potential time off for good behavior.” As Jeffrey said the last phrase, Justice Lin was heard to laugh.

Barbara tugged frantically at his trousers, trying to get his attention. But he ignored her until he sat down.

“Ten strokes! Ten years? Are you insane? Whose lawyer are you anyway?”

“Barb! You’ve been convicted of first-degree murder. They are not going to let you off with a minor reprimand. If I didn’t recommend something they might consider, they would ignore me and go with the prosecutor’s recommendation. Which is bound to be much worse!”

Barb looked shocked. "It couldn't be!" Then twisting her mouth into a pout, "It’s not fair!”

“Mr. Deputy Attorney General?” asked Betar-Gisber. Jeffrey looked over at Leng and prayed to hear some mercy.

“May it please the court. The Attorney-General’s Chambers regard the crime committed here as one of the most severe insults to our laws imaginable. Assault, Battery and Murder, while in Jail, against a potential witness in a drug offense, cannot be excused or coddled. While we acknowledge many of the points made by the Defense, the Attorney-General’s Chambers must stand for the rule of law and the proper enforcement of it. The crime of murder in this Republic commonly carries the death penalty. In this case,” he paused, as if for effect. Those at the defense table (and for that matter, the whole room) held their breath. “we can make no exception. Therefore, we recommend the death penalty.”

Jeffrey’s mouth dropped open. Barbara gasped, “No.” Loud murmurs and gasps ran through the room. Betar-Gisber pounded her gavel and the room fell silent.

Leng continued, “Given not one, but two aggravating circumstances, this case seems to cry out for use of the option of enhanced capital punishment as recently approved in the Republic. However, we are again mindful of the issues raised by the Defense. The offender’s youth, her apparently clean record before coming to Singapore, her being of the gentler sex.”

Several soft chuckles could be heard in the courtroom. It seems that many had an impression of Barb that did not encompass “gentler.” Rut pounded her gavel and gave a sour look that silenced the room. All turned again to the Deputy Attorney-General in anticipation. Would he really recommend the horrifying ‘enhancements?”

“It is the carefully considered recommendation of the Attorney-General’s Chambers that the court add the maximum enhancement to the death sentence.”

There was a collective gasp heard in the courtroom. Many looked at the beautiful young woman with the seductive body, shackled in chains, and imagined (some in horror, some in lust) her suffering a slow death by torment!

Those at the Defense table were stunned at the words. For the prosecution to seriously recommend the most torturous sentence possible seemed out of bounds.

It would be fair to say that few in the room expected the judges to follow the recommendation of the prosecution.

“Thank you, Counsels,” said the presiding judge in a calm, soft voice. “The court is prepared to discuss the sentencing and I believe we can agree expeditiously.” With that, the three judges exited by the door behind them, with Betar-Gisber leading the way.

Jeffrey held Barbara’s hands for reassurance, but found no words to say.
enthralling, nail-biting, edge-of-the-seat stuff, truly awesome!! :applaudit:
a look that could have killed a dozen Roses
Including the one in Barb’s dolcettish demise story? :confused:
Barbara tugged frantically at his trousers
She’s been wanting to do that since she met him!
time off for good behavior.
Hahaha haha haha :meparto:
The court is prepared to discuss the sentencing
SUSPENSE!! .. there’s still time for lightning to strike the court house..:rolleyes:
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