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blayford clinic experimental dep going green

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Of course most of the nurses, doctors and admin had seen the recent television programs on the plastic whale, plastic beaches. Many had even made donations it seemed all they could do.

Until several green and environmental groups contacted the clinic. It was unusual normally left wing groups disliked the important work they doing.

The request wasn’t as strange as it had originally sounded; humans had made the mess could humans clean it up.

With a start of almost a 20 volunteers, from the various groups, the clinic agreed to run tests and try to come up with a viable plan. People could obviously simply pick up plastic, but people were doing that for a few hours a day and it wasn’t making even a tiny difference.

They decided they need something that would continually remove plastic, the beach seemed an easier place to start, as creating ocean mammals took a lot of time to get right, and they would need to alter the basic design so much it would be like going back to square one.

They decided to create a creature that would live on a beach. To keep it low, they removed lower legs and the arms. And eating the plastic seemed the logical way to go. Like a panda it would need to eat all day long, to get any nutrient and so consume large amounts.

They would need to work on the gut to find enzymes to break down the plastics. Plastics were made from crude oil, crude oil was made from the remains of plants and animals which died millions of years ago, so in theory should be edible, if treated correctly.

And by working on the bowel, if they could retrieve pellets of recyclable plastic, that were large enough to be easily picked up and then put back into the chain for further use, it would reduce the need for new plastics and partially fund the project itself.

It was a win, win situation a cleaner world, activists actually doing more than talking, and the clinic got good publicity, for doing the work at cost. Plus if it went well there might even be commercial side to it. Why take out the bins if you had someone to eat all the rubbish packaging and all
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Blayford Clinic Couples Counselling

She’d had a few meeting with the patient’s husbands to help get a clearer understanding of the problem and it was a fairly common one, one she’d had great success with, wives who a few years in to a marriage not being as sexually active in the marriage as their husbands would like them to be, or lost interest in sex completely

She quite enjoyed making the husbands squirm with her questioning but not as much as when she got the her hands on the patient herself, that she considered real doctoring, helping people with their problems.

She enjoyed watching from the observation room as the nurses went through the process of restraining and finally immobilizing the patient in the machine and began the initial steps of aligning up the probes. The first probe was vaginal using a control pad connected to the computer by Wi-Fi buttons would be pushed slowly and the sound of compressed air would hiss through the pipes and the hydraulic jacks would start to lower the entire lower platform until the end of the probe sat fully inside the vagina, numbers would be calculated and feed in to the computer as the first stop point, then with more hisses and whooshes of air they would raise the entire platform until the probe exited the vagina but at a point it would be still sitting carefully between the labia minor, at that point more numbers were fed in to the computer as the second stop point, as the machine lifted and fell at random speeds the probe would easily slid in and out aided by the small jet of lubricant sprayed by a small hose directed at the probe.

With the platform raised to its top stop point and the vaginal probe resting between the patients labia the nurses could start on the oral probe, the bar was loosened and placed on the patients lips and tightened back up the numbers noted and sent again to the computer, then with the slow hiss of air the pole that guided the probe would move forward entering the mouth, slowly until they provoked a slight gagging reaction when its progressed would be stopped and the final number entered in to the computer.

At that point the nurses would give her thumbs up signs and leave the room the last things the patient would have heard were the machine going silent, the nurses chatting jovially amongst themselves and the closing of the door, after that the room would have been silent apart from the patient’s own breathing.

she would enter as only a qualified doctor could in theory push the start button, although many let the nurses do it, that way if there was an error they could remedy it immediately and only visited for a few minutes each day to check on the patients progress and relied more on nurses updates to keep them informed, she preferred to more hands on and never missed the beginning of a treatment.

Normally she wore flats to work, her day was long and involved a lot of walking but when she worked here she made it a point to wear heels, the door was off to one side and behind the patient would hear the door open and close then the click clack of her heels as she entered the room and slowly walked towards her, it was at this point they all started saying the same thing, barely understandable with the O ring gag they had been fitted with for the oral probe “it’s a mistake, “there’s been an error” “please let me out of here” “I’ll do better” as a doctor she saw no need to reply to such entreaties. She loved when she arrived directly in front of them, although that she wouldn’t ever admit that to anyone, their pleadings always continued and she loved the look of fear on their faces and in their eyes, the way their bodies trembled as she held the remote control that would start the machine.

She knew it was cruel, that the patients on some level knew exactly what was going to happen even if they were in a state of denial and still believed they would be released from the machine, often at that point the pleadings changed there was more begging and offers of money and anything else she might want, if she wasn’t such a contentious doctor who took her oath seriously she could be a lot richer than she already was, she realised it more of a problem of people not medically trained not seeing or understanding the medical benefits of the prescribed treatment and not knowing what was best for them.

She always waited for the patient to calm down before with a flourish she brought down her arm and pushed the green button starting the machine, she never knew if it was in her mind or real how loud the sound of that click was and in a second the computer would come to life fans and hard drives spinning, the machine would start to make noises as compressed air passed in to the hoses and the Solenoid valves began opening and closing with a click directing the air, first thing the machine did was retract a few centimetres the oral probe, something that gave hope to the patient, before the hydraulic jacks began lowering the entire platform forcing the vaginal probe to enter, the computer would run the platform up and down at random speeds and depths for fifteen minutes, before raising the platform, the sound of the compressed air would change as the oral probe edged forward and in to the patients mouth, in and out to the back of the throat to just touching the lips once again on a random fifteen minute cycle, before the computer retracted it and began once again to lower the platform, for another fifteen minute cycle of vaginal probing, then back to the oral probe over and over, the machine was relentless.

As a doctor she’d seen some patients give up fighting the inevitable and orgasmed after only two or three cycles, while it might be pleasant to watch she found the victory to easy it didn’t get her adrenaline flowing, she preferred the more stubborn patients those determined to try and fight the machine against all the odds like this one.

She could see the steely look in the woman’s eyes as she was raised up and down on the vaginal probe, the determination on her face to hold on to control to fight and push down against the sensations coming from below, all the while knowing as the doctor did she would lose the battle. By the fifth cycle her skin was taking on a nice rosy glow, she would be tingling all over her as she tried to force her body not to react to not give those she saw for now as her enemies the satisfaction of giving them what they wanted.

By the sixth cycle the doctor could see her muscles held tight by the restraints start to spasm and the woman’s eyes begin to roll back in to her head, saw the change in breathing and the heard the noises she was starting to make. And then it hit the patient like an earth quake, her body tensed and the orgasm she’d fought broke free from her body, closely followed by several little aftershocks.

For the doctor it was a rewarding experience and knew the next one would come much quicker as would all those that followed, the machine was set to run for thirty days, stopping only for ten minutes once a day to give a nurse time to feed the patient, the first time it stopped a nurse would hang a bag of saline and place a needle in the patients collar, which afterwards would be changed daily, with all the drooling, the natural secretions from the vagina and the occasional squirt it was important to keep the patient hydrated.

By the end of thirty days the patient would crave any form of sexual attention from their husbands as hospital check-ups and the odd home visit confirmed. The only side effect of the treatment seemed to be a constant urge by the patients to masturbate.

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Blayford Clinic Fanny Fish
Normally the protocols for any new trial, test or experiment had to reach certain criteria and be beneficial in the long run to the patients, the Clinic and the wider medical community, but most of the doctors and researchers knew how to get around that, you just found out what the hot button topic was the board were interested in submit a very vague paper that touched on the subject, made some long term conclusions without making any promises about results and keep the funding request within reasonable limits, you could always ask for more when whatever you were doing was up and running and some results and data had been produced, allowing them to study what they wanted or at times just have some fun and make something decorative to cheer up what could be a pretty bleak work space.
The idea to make the aquarium had originally been just a fun exercise to brighten the place up by a group of doctors, the creation of human fish wasn’t new the clinic had spent years on the project for the navy and finally succeeded. The lungs were partially filled and coated with a slurry of microorganisms who could take the oxygen from the water or air if their heads were above water allowing the small blood vessels lining the walls of the lungs to be oxygenated, by constructing a one way valve from tissue, when the fish inhaled water or air would rush in to the lungs, once they had inhaled the valve would close exhaling would force the waste co2 out through a series of small tubes to the the gills cut in to the fishes neck, it when needed closed its breathing down like a normal person in order to eat the small fish it was fed on, a tried and tested system, but the doctors wanted to go one better and improve on the design. They had more than enough material to choose from, the clinic funded orphanages, they had patients whose bills hadn’t been paid and guardianship transferred to the clinic, people died and pets needed rehousing and the clinic ran animal shelters to take them in till new homes could be found, and a new problem pets when young kittens and puppies were adored and treasured but as they grew weren’t so soft and cuddly anymore they took up more space and cost more to fed and in vet bills.
Once they had their test subjects safely squirreled away It was up to them really what they did and as yet no one had transformed a female in to something resembling a male human fish it seemed a worthwhile challenge to the assembled team, plans were drawn up different designs before one was finally chosen.
the main topic of discussion at the beginning had been the size and shape of the penis and whether it was worth their time making live and capable of erection and ejaculation, Preferring the female form aesthetically those chose to keep the male in female form and to enhance the females to create a bigger difference in the species, they all in the end voted for functioning, it would involve a lot of work but both in surgery and in the labs splicing and combining DNA from the original patient and Rhincodon typus commonly called the whale shark solely because of its size. They would need to gut for want of a better word the entire female reproductive system of the one chosen to be male to make space for the large fish testes and prostate they would need to install.
And it was decided if they were taking the already accepted method and enhancing it, then a standard male penis would be taking a short cut, it had been done on all types of animal they created out of their patients, they wanted something new and revolutionary and came up with a whole new idea, they would use two tentacles it would mean more lab time and the tentacles would need altering. But if everything connected up correctly the tentacles could be folded up inside the vaginal vault, and over time as the testes produce semen the tentacles would begin to fill, with the suckers replaced by little sphincters the tentacles would as they filled begin to unravel and when the pressure reached its maximum they would push out of the vagina and the sphincters begin releasing a cloud of semen, once empty if all went well they would once again curl up and disappear.
The female fish would have their ovaries replaced with female fish ovaries, but they soon spotted a problem would the cloud of semen be able to penetrate their vaginas or simply be washed away and sucked of out the tank with the filtration system, the idea they came up was new untried and tested, as far as they knew never even been thought of before. They knew they would need the female fish to retain their reproductive organs for any hope of live births; the idea was to give them second vaginas grown in the labs and grafted on their faces to be used to funnel part of the cloud of semen down inside their throats.
At that point they needed to do a lot more work on the throat, it couldn’t simply be used for breathing and eating now it would need a third partition and tubing that would take the flow of semen infested water all the way down through their bodies and wash over any eggs produced by the ovaries that had descended in to the fallopian tubes before reaching the uterus. There wasn’t much they could do except almost lobotomise the female fish to three basic tenants of survival, breath, eat and procreate and hope the female fish would on some level realise what to do.
Once the work was complete and the aquarium up and running all they could do was watch and for six months were disappointed, it seemed all they had created were more fish even with all the extra work they had put it, and then one of the secretaries it was a placed people went to have their breaks and drink coffee noticed some of the fish were getting fatter, which with their carefully controlled diet seemed implausible, and then one of the doctors involved when checking up on their progress noticed one of the female fish as it was swimming dropping what appeared to be lots of quite large fish eggs and then the other fish swimming in and eating them as the floated down to the floor of the tank.
It was decided to drain the tank and examine the fish and a simple sonogram showed her uterus lined with hundreds of eggs of four different sizes, the only conclusion they could draw was that the eggs she’d just laid were most likely the oldest and falling off to give space to the newer eggs meaning that this fish had been impregnated five times now, the system they had devised was working, before the tank was refilled all the females were checked and all were carrying eggs, some their first others three or four, the fish had adapted and worked out how to mate, it was a break through, their research started as joke had had some ground breaking results, they would need to collect all their data and notes and submit it to the board, it obviously had uses just what they weren’t quite sure for now.
Once cameras were installed they saw a pattern start to emerge, the male fishes tentacles roughly every four weeks due to the internal pressure shot out releasing a cloud of semen that the female fish went crazy for diving and swooping almost fighting each other to reach and swallow the cloud, and slightly before that time the females dropped fertilized eggs, many the scientists managed to scoop out of the tanks with nets and examine under a microscope, others were put in to a separate tank to see if they would grow, most died but one or two started to grow in to things that reminded them of a human tadpole, they had a human body arms and legs but the skin was more scaly and slimy they breathed under water and above, and they scientist knew it would be years of study, crossing the offspring with each other and watching which traits became dominant and others were lost during their evolution. It was also noted by the marketing department that the eggs looked like caviar when amassed in to a large amount and quite tasty
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Blayford Clinic Going Green

The Blayford wasn’t only known for its advances in medicine and technical skill in transforming young healthy women and girls in to animal form; it was known for having its finger on the pulse of new trends and fashions and adapting more quickly than many other large companies.

it had had its scientist and researchers looking in to climate change and global warming and they had come up with the same answers as DR James Hanson the creator of global warming, that if they couldn’t predict the start finish and severity of an el nino or el nina every two years then they couldn’t make accurate predictions fifty years ahead, they thought the Vanuatu collapsed trial put rising tides to bed.

They had for once missed the fact it wasn’t important if it was true or false, the public had latched on to the idea in a form of mass hysteria and politicians of all parties trying gain and keep voters were repeating the slogans back and enforcing the idea.

The clinic was for once late to the game, talks took place between senior management, proposals read and rejected; but their public relations department kept pushing the idea of at least green washing , plant some trees, make statements about cutting waste, recycling, cutting down on their energy usage .

And that one struck a chord, not all wards had heating and lighting yet still every two months the electric and feel bills for the 104 clinics spread out around the world was enormous and a brief sent out to find ways of making savings; if the solution was green so much the better.

And when the answer came it was simple, the average human, at rest, produced heat around 356 BTU’s an hour around 100 watts of power Over periods of a few minutes, humans could comfortably sustain 300-400 watts; and in the case of very short bursts of energy, such as sprinting, some humans can output over 2,000 watts. The clinic had orphanages and guardianship over the 1000’s of girls in them, they had patients with unpaid bills plus the animal shelters they ran for unwanted human pets, the girls they housed were completely under their control who could be used as the fuel rods.

It would involve some expense at the beginning, building the machines nicknamed spinners, and an evacuation system for the heat and the restraints, the computers and software, and they would have to rebuild a room with thick insulation

Each room would be large enough to hold 8 groups of three women or young girls who would be fixed in to place to receive the tail end of the spinner. It would need mains power to get it started, but would switch off as soon as the turbines kicked in when the steam and heat created by the women funnelled from the room by large vacuum pumps built high enough to create enough electricity to run itself. At that point the heat and steam created fed in to the turbine would start filling massive batteries which could then be channelled around the hospital taking them off the national grid, creating a massive saving.

The room was always very hot; at times you could see the steam coming off the women’s behinds as the spinners after landing continued their path, the leather belts running down over the vaginal area becoming soaked in the women and girls own secretions and smearing it over the area on their next turn landing on the red hot area of their buttocks turning it to steam immediately; also the room was noisy the screams of the women, the hum of the spinners and the sound of the vacuum pumps sucking out the super charged air required noise cancelling headphones for the staff working there.

Within a few weeks as the technicians learned more about the system, they found the could regulate the electrical output; in off peak hours when the hospital was mainly at rest they could slow the spinners down while keeping the batteries fully charged, and when the hospital needed extra power they could simply speed the spinners up, the only downside they hadn’t yet worked out was keeping the women hydrated enough to secrete, which at the moment was being done manually and needed to be automated as when a woman passed out changing out and installing a new fuel rod was time consuming
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Blayford Clinic Turbines

The clinic didn’t just employ doctors and nurses, they had a large support team in R&D, chemists, physicists and biologists and computer experts, they also had a small manufacturing building at the sites, where they could build anything from prosthetics to the machines they needed in house helping to keep prices down, they still needed to buy in basics like nuts and bolts the metal and wood, springs, small items that would simply cost too much to make.

Normally from conception of an idea up until inception the teams would have had time to build prototypes and figure what worked, what didn’t and how to improve the design before building an object. But the Blayford clean green energy program had moved at such a speed as to leave gaps in the technology. The green rooms which created the heat and steam using the spinners and women had been built from stretch in a couple months moving faster than anyone had expected requiring the clinic to buy in the turbines from outside to convert the power generated in to storable electricity.

Every clinic was wired with bought turbines as was the large power plant they had built to sell electricity to the national grid just outside the capital as were the small and some large businesses that had bought the system, if they could build their own turbines it would reduce their costs and raise profits, and they had an almost endless supply of young women and girls from the orphanages they funded, unwanted pets and patients with unpaid bills they could use.

The first step had been to take apart one of the turbines and see how it worked, for practical reasons the first one built was large and cumbersome, once a design was settled on the could easily reduce its size by using younger girls inside the machine. The idea seemed simple enough attach women to the blades inside the machine which would as the super-heated air and steam that through a series of pipes had been put under tremendous pressure entered the room would start to cool making parts of the air heavier and drop to the bottom and start turning the blades, then the circulating hot air would begin them spinning faster and faster the different air temperatures circulated around the room.

The room, the air feed from the green rooms and blades were simple enough to create as was the software for allowing in the right heat and temperature at the right pressure in to spin the blades, the trial runs seemed to work, now came the more difficult part actually wiring the whole thing up and catching the electricity, the wires would need to turn with the blades and yet not immediately become twisted and snap, it took a while to figure out alternators in the support beams for the blades could be installed and they being stationary would be wired instead.

Which meant for the female elements that apart from being merely ballast; giving some weight and friction to the air currents increasing the electrical output. They themselves could be used to create extra power, by fixing a double dildo pump that ran off the same circuit penetrating them continuously would create orgasms and an electrical current that could be tapped by copper electrical coils fixed to the tongues and nipples and directed in to the blade, every watt of power was important. The next step which wasn’t beyond their reach would making the women self-cleaning and feeding, because at the moment although they had two built working in tandem during the test runs they had to keep shutting one down once a day for servicing and when that was up and running again shut the second one down which simply wasn’t satisfactory for the perfectionist at the clinic


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Blayford Clinic centipede at home part 2
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Having his daughter and grandchildren home after all the time they had spent at the clinic came with some mixed feelings, he’d heard the Blayford was the best, after some research he’d found out they were the only ones who undertook this kind of procedure, maybe as a scientist and entomologist he was just being a pit picky and finding fault where there wasn’t any, it wasn’t as if they could have cut of the granddaughters heads, or even put the whole head inside without the risk of suffocation, he would just have preferred if somehow the shoulders had joined the buttocks without seeing the heads, but they had done what he’d asked for and the price for a full size model for his research had been reasonable.
He’d had the enclosure ready for their return, the fence went as far underground as it stood above and had a wire floor he couldn’t risk them getting out, a normal size centipede bite hurt enough, this loose in society would be a real danger, he would have felt safer with concrete underground but that would stop the worms and other bugs keeping the soil fresh, the wire above ground was high tensile steel he hoped capable of withstanding his daughters pincers, while with large enough spacing between the mesh to allow small rodents and other animas in to the enclosure for his daughter and grandchildren to hunt and feed themselves.
From the first day he would sit for hours with a note book in hand and a camera by his feet next to his cooler, eating sandwiches and drinking just watching them adapting to their new environment, it seemed obvious to him at the clinic they had been kept indoors in some sort of room and fed live animals from their style of hunting, backing their prey in to a corner of a room worked, here it simply allowed the animal to escape through the mesh, it had taken two days to his knowledge for them to finally catch something and eat, now he rarely watched at night.
They did behave somewhat differently than he’d expected, they never stopped moving and were now behaving as if the sense of self had gone and they had become a single entity, sensing movement and moving smoothly instead of being pulled individually to follow the head and he noticed his youngest grandchild when her antennae detected something she was able to move all the segments to put her mother on the right track as if the parts were communicating with each other, it was a large step forward.
He had also expected when it was tired it would simply spread its stumps and lie flat on the ground in a line, but he’d noticed when the night was closing in all though he doubted the could tell the difference between light and dark he presumed it felt the air becoming cooler.
When it stopped to rest the head would fold its stumps and arms underneath itself and start to turn on its side allowing the eldest daughter to twist her neck and torso to begin folding in on its mother till they were almost side by side, the next in line would do the same wrapping its torso around its mothers head and lay alongside, the youngest by then would be wrapping herself around her eldest sister almost forming ball, fascinatingly even asleep the antennae at both ends would continue to twitch and move on their own, even asleep it was dangerous and could unwrap itself in seconds and begin hunting if prey strayed to close it.
The only time he saw it actually laid out in a line was when the weather turned nasty and the head would scrape away soil from under and the side of the rotting log and make a small trench, starting at one end, as she would dig the segments followed until the tail had a space at that point stumps were spread and the animal rested in the hole somewhat protected from the worse of the storm, surprisingly when the weather passed the head would begin filling in the trench, he hadn’t yet worked out why but wondered if that was because small prey might be able to hide in it or simply to hide their presence, they left very tracks and their odour now blended in to the containment area, a mouldy earthy smell.
He was a leading expert in the field and thought he’d known what there was to know, but because of his failing eyesight had wanted a large scale model, except this animal didn’t behave as he expected, there some many unanswered question so much to learn, he knew he would be watching, studying and researching his daughter and grandchildren for years.
Of course once he had learned all he could, he could see and monitor behaviour and external changes but until the dissection he wouldn’t know the internal changes and just how the animal functioned as an entity, a day he was looking forward to, when he finally published his paper he’d even more famous than he was now in the field


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Snake House
Over the years she had worked for a lot of rich men and they all had their own quirks and they were all collectors of something, whether paintings fast cars or beautiful women, so when he said he collected snakes she hadn’t batted an eyelid, the pay was good and the uniform not as ridiculous as some she had been made to wear.
But in her wildest dreams, she wouldn’t have guessed when he said snakes he meant young women who obviously had had their arms amputated before being sewn into a snake skin, she could still see the stitches around their heads and breasts and when they climbed the log she noticed also around their genitalia, but as long as it was legal and he said he had the paperwork to prove it she wasn’t about to jeopardise her new position.
Once her duties were explained she was grateful that she wouldn’t have much to with looking after the snakes, she would have to hose out the enclosure every two days, as for feeding them; that was something she could see he took pleasure from once a day he would open one of the windows and drop in live mice, he enjoyed watching them scurry and run away as the snakes began to take notice food was available and start slithering and hunting their prey, it seemed a miracle to her they could even move being so tightly stitched into the skins, but by raising their torsos bending their legs and pushing they could move quite smoothly over the muddy wet terrain.
Her only other interaction with the snakes was an hour before feeding time she had to go to the enclosure and open the valve on a large tank for ten minutes to let what at first she presumed was oxygen into the sealed tank the snakes inhabited. She heard the hiss of the gas and saw a mist start to form at the open end of the pipe.
If she hadn’t seen it with her own eyes she wouldn’t have believed what she was seeing, she had looking at them presumed all four were female, when one of the snakes became agitated at the small of the gas she was looking quite closely as it hung from the log in the enclosure to her disbelief she saw something growing, pushing forward and exiting what she had thought was the snake's vagina, it was some very weirdly deformed phallic shape, she only caught a glimpse of its full size and shape as the snake dropped from the log onto the ground.
The snake was twisting and turning, biting the air, its tongue searching for something in the air lurching upwards and sideways showing what had to be its penis; it began moving quicker than she’d seen the snakes move previously. She had to force herself to look away and at the other snakes who as far as she could tell didn’t seem affected by the gas, apart from shifting slowly from side to side to move their weight, with their tongues flicking out of their mouths which they all did all the time anyway nothing in their behaviour seemed to have changed.
The male snake was looking side to side and up and down, starting in one direction then turning in another seemingly trying to decide something and then it simply made a beeline for the nearest snake and in seconds was climbing on top, she could plainly see the ‘female’ snake trying to get out from underneath and attempting to wriggle away, but the ‘male’ snake was using its weight and tail to hold it in place, there was hardly a sound but she knew the male snake had put whatever hung between its legs into the female snake and from the snake's expression it wasn’t a pleasant experience, it seemed almost in pain.
And she understood while the snake’s genitalia hadn’t been hidden away in the snakeskin that held the women, this was supposed to happen, checking her watch she still had almost seven more minutes before she could turn off the gas that had started the rape or at least forced sex of one of the snakes. Over the weeks it became a normal sight watching the male snake using one or more of the females and knew it was because her employer liked the snakes engaged in sex when he fed them, it made the feeding more entertaining, and the unused females as soon as one was being used would associate that with food and start hunting but the male when he was using a female would have to make a choice between carrying on or stopping for food and even she could see that was often a dilemma for the male snake.


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Blayford Breast Enhancement

there is a story with this that explains what's going on, on my sites


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or my new site www.subscribestar.com/puppyowner for more exotic images every day and the female fighting

The whole thing from an ethical standpoint when the clinic first opened its doors was to give young women and girls what they needed to make them the best they could be and in any form that took, at the beginning with the high cost of female human to animal transformations being so expensive that made it a reserve of the rich, which is why they did so much pro bono work to bring the benefits of transformations to a wider public.

With the success and growth of the clinic, costs had fallen dramatically while improving all the time, more species more breeds, more extensive research on work relating to women’s problems and sexual health, but still at times the cost was too high especially when interest rates rose and inflation peaked, which is why they had developed cheaper versions of treatments for the less well off, if a complete hair transplant was out of reach a full body tattoo would often suffice and save the person footing the bill for the patient a lot of money, it didn’t quite have the same look or appeal but when times were hard and a daughter, wife or girlfriend needed treatment, then what could a caring loving parent, guardian, husband or boyfriend do


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    Screenshot 2023-08-22 100347.jpg
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Blayford rabbits
if you like my stuff why not support me on patreon/Puppyowner for naked females fighting new every day + links to the images I can't show there
or my new site subscribestar/puppyowner for more exotic images every day and the female fighting
the story is on the site


  • Screenshot 2023-11-13 105727.png
    Screenshot 2023-11-13 105727.png
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Blayford rabbits
if you like my stuff why not support me on patreon/Puppyowner for naked females fighting new every day + links to the images I can't show there
or my new site subscribestar/puppyowner for more exotic images every day and the female fighting
the story is on the site
In the future, please put such posts in the 'link to paysites' section...
if you like my stuff why not support me on patreon/Puppyowner for naked females fighting new every day + links to the images I can't show there
or my new site subscribestar/puppyowner for more exotic images every day and the female fighting

It would have been a triumph for the Blayford ornithological department; other species all mammals had been bred, creating a way to create eggs for offspring had been met with many challenges, and as far as they knew so far they had failed


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