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Captured in the rain
capt bdr4.jpg

Staying warm
capt bdsmlr-5809-UPnVqyaPX3.jpg

cow pokes?

Injun in trouble
capt MV5BMjQyNzhmYWItMGZmYi00NGY5LWEwOGItN2NmY2ZiZTg5YjJhXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMjUyNDk2ODc@._V1_UY12...jpg

A good haul
This mattress really stinks. How about a little sanitation in this place! How about it, huh? Can anyone hear me? I said my mattress smells!
Hmm ... well what I'm smelling is the cacao that was in these sacks, makes me want CHOCOLATE!
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