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Crucified males

Go to CruxDreams.com
This is horrible. For things like this i decided to remove my stuff from every site and stop sharing on the net. I only ask to stop making manipulations of my pics , at least ask me first and keep my posted stuff only for this site as i cannot delete it. that's all.

Just removed everything from crucifiedslave tumblr
I agree. Porn picture with minors is forbiden
I've been concerned about them, it's the one thing our service provider, XenForo, are strict about
(quite rightly). If they think we're allowing images of under-age subjects, our site will be closed.
Those ones are just on the margin, but be careful.

Also, please post thumbnails, not full-size: one reason is that only registered members can open thumbnails,
anybody can see full-size images without needing to register. Also they use up a lot of our allocation,
which the site owner has to pay for, and some people have still slow or expensive connections.
This is horrible. For things like this i decided to remove my stuff from every site and stop sharing on the net. I only ask to stop making manipulations of my pics , at least ask me first and keep my posted stuff only for this site as i cannot delete it. that's all.

Just removed everything from crucifiedslave tumblr
I don't know what someone did to offend you, but I'm sorry you removed your posts. I enjoyed them.
If someone violated rules or crossed ethical or legal lines, they should be banned!!! You shouldn't have to remove your posts as a result!!!
I'm sorry to be the cause of all this, I did not think of creating a lot of anger.
I apologize humbly.
But if you publish the pictures on a forum, or on multiple forums without a copywrait I have allowed myself to doing a copy / paste of images that I believed public ...

Still a thousand excuses.
Well, to be honest, I think a bit naive is Ulfs position regarding these events. Why did he not think about these possibilities before he decided to post his stuff?
I mean, why does somebody post stuff like this in the firstplace? He wants to get feedback, get likes and attention, maybe even getting "famous" in a certain aspect - and I am sure he got lots of positive feedback for his stuff (including by me), for his courage, for his great body and so on.
That it may be possible, that his stuff is being shared further and other people at "other places" may use it as a base for manipulations or other usage - welcome to the internet! There is no control over stuff you posted on the net. It wont be possible to delete it again or to "un-make" anything that has be done. We are not the first ones to see that.

As far as I have read Ulf is over 20 years old, so that has nothing to do with "minors" or "kids" getting caught in the "dangers of the web".
When somebody at his age decides to do something like that its his full responsibility and he cant blame others for that or what may follow as consequence. "Fame" has always a darker "mirror-site" on the web.

And if I may add that: there have happened far, far worse things to people which shared personal stuff and got involved in ugly flolow-up-events than this little manipulation of a crux pic....

Just my 2 cents...
best regards
Ulf is right and the addition of "childlike" images on his work was wrong and there is no excuse. To blame him for not being "mature" or aware of the web and forums is not correct.
Additionally, since when have web users ever respected a copyright notice?
At least my apologies to Ulf.
The answer is yes. Sometimes a high paying client will go all out, pay for the props and costumes to lend historical context. If the buyer requests, the state execution can be moved to a location of choice if the money provided for the guards and security. In this case the prisoners carefully selected beforehand, the prisoners forced to strip and present themselves in the corridors of death row, measured and selected, the money changing hands then.

Here both the men's and women's prisons provided the human resources or rather the detritus of society. There is a method to the madness of this wealthy sadist; see in providing a variety of body types, ages and gender he will draw a huge crowd of all types of voyeurs, all will be willing to participate in the preparations and actual executions to some extent; and he's going all out, authentic whippings, nails not ropes. The one catch; they must dress up in the uniforms of the Roman period, though during the enjoyment of the proceedings some will strip down. Persons of all inclinations and persuasions come to participate; they will taunt and even torture the dying prisoners but it's hard to say if the guys come to watch the girl, or these other two. It's often a secret they keep to themselves, again lessens the inhibitions. The prisoners are in full view of each other, humiliated, naked and exposed to the sun as the crosses are carefully placed. They will watch each other be tortured, suffer and slowly die. Watchers below will laugh and call out bets as to if the guys will last longer than the girl or vice versa. And, the cameras roll, come in for the close ups, record this all.

You see, snuff films are now legal though filmed under the auspices of the state, the case in point here. Our buyer has invested a lot, but fully realizes the profits to come.

To me, this is an incredible shot. Everything is so real. Does anybody know, how it has been done and who was in charge?
Wow, this is really a very interesting piece of "crucifixion art".

It feels indeed somehow inspired by classic medieval passion depictions and paintings by the great masters, when the crosses were really tall, with huge posts and relative short patibulum (Rubens crucifixion may be the most famous), and the victims are hanging in a very stretched position with arms almost parallel to the pole, not to the patibulum - even if we know today, that the victims would die (suffocate) in this position pretty quickly if they cant pull up somehow.
The details like the people at the base of the crosses remind me of the classics, too.
Other aspects appear more modern or "unusual", like the complete nakedness or the appearance of the victims looking pretty young, almost like boys.
The style and the atmosphere are very unique as is the "reduced" color palette.

A great creation, I would say.
thanks for sharing.

best regards
Thanks, I do think the Rubens had an influence on me and I do prefer artistic interpretations. The posts to DeviantArt.com are inspirational and progressive.
Man castrated andcrucified to the wall (from Spartacus - Blood and Sand)

Spartacus1x08_1369.jpg Spartacus1x08_1372.jpg Spartacus1x08_1373.jpg Spartacus1x08_1374.jpg Spartacus1x08_1375.jpg Spartacus1x08_1376.jpg Spartacus1x08_1377.jpg Spartacus1x08_1378.jpg Spartacus1x08_1379.jpg Spartacus1x08_1382.jpg
I've been concerned about them, it's the one thing our service provider, XenForo, are strict about
(quite rightly). If they think we're allowing images of under-age subjects, our site will be closed.
Those ones are just on the margin, but be careful.

Also, please post thumbnails, not full-size: one reason is that only registered members can open thumbnails,
anybody can see full-size images without needing to register. Also they use up a lot of our allocation,
which the site owner has to pay for, and some people have still slow or expensive connections.
I get it, thumbnails only. Will comply going forward. Storage is very cheap now however.
I get it, thumbnails only. Will comply going forward. Storage is very cheap now however.

Gayboy, that means thumbnails in the post, with a link to the full sized pic. It's not a question of storage but of bandwidth. A full sized pic is downloaded every time the page is loaded. With thumbnails it is only downloaded on request.

Ok, may as well post something while I'm here. I posted this over on Fox's thread, it's a manip of an Oberammergau photo. I felt that the confronting gaze of the crucified man and his nakedness made for a much more powerful scene, but I'm biased!
Yes, upload your pics using 'upload a file' button below the reply box (not 'insert image' above it)
then select 'show as thumbnails', not 'full-size' ;)
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