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Crucifixion Videos

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how do they do it? she is not really nailed , but how does she stay 0n the cross? the crux women are really tied, allowing them to move a lot. how does she do the act. i like the emphisis on the breathing problem which i think is a major part of the misery of crucifiction. she is exelent and beautiful.
I'm not sure.But look at her right hand, from 2'44. What is this mark on the top of the end ? A beauty spot ? Or a nail's scar of an oldier crucifixion ?
You have good eyes!!
I'm not sure.But look at her right hand, from 2'44. What is this mark on the top of the end ? A beauty spot ? Or a nail's scar of an oldier crucifixion ?

Miraculous stigmata, like St Francis and lots of others -​
she's certainly earned it! ;)
another one, I found on foundation playing on vimeo I like the music
We enacted a female Crucifixion of Christ with not just Jesus but Judas and Pilate as women. Although I am an atheist, from an outsiders view it is still "the greatest story ever told". What is important is its function as a myth and what it can teach us about experiencing our lives. Myths are stories of our search through the ages for truth, for meaning, for our significance.Directed by Ariel Belle. Edited by Paul Hatcher.

Unbelievable! It's so realistic. I'm actually scared it maybe for real??
What is important is its function as a myth
and what it can teach us about experiencing our lives.​
Myths are stories of our search through the ages for truth,​
for meaning, for our significance​
Please I need of free videos of crucified girls with nails... I look in particular for the moment of their crucifixion.....Can you help me?? :(
A production company called "Red Feline Pictures (RFPIX.COM) has a large range of CRUX DVDs (and VOD for Windows only) available. After prolonged scourging and other tortures, nails are used to crucify each female victim to a wooden cross beam which is then raised painfully onto the stipes (upright). Hope this helps as these are quality productions from nice people dedicated to realistic crucifixion scenes.


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