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Use a Dog Trainer Hondoboot,it straps between your legs
and has a remote control, give your Goddess the remote
and have fun. i highly recommend you wear it at a
supermarket shop and beside giving you a few tingles
as you shop the checkout is the best , just as you are
pressing in your debit card details she can press and
hold down the button and the check out girl will
get the shock of her life watching you writhe.
Have Fun.
Use a Dog Trainer Hondoboot,it straps between your legs
and has a remote control, give your Goddess the remote
and have fun. i highly recommend you wear it at a
supermarket shop and beside giving you a few tingles
as you shop the checkout is the best , just as you are
pressing in your debit card details she can press and
hold down the button and the check out girl will
get the shock of her life watching you writhe.
Have Fun.
Thank you Dorothy for that suggestion, I thought of that, but I need a shocker device that someone can control via the internet through some app. See, I live in the US, and she lives in Canada. I have found many sex toys that can be controlled through a computer app, mostly anal toys, but no shocker device.
Again, thank you Dorothy!
Use a Dog Trainer Hondoboot,it straps between your legs
and has a remote control, give your Goddess the remote
and have fun. i highly recommend you wear it at a
supermarket shop and beside giving you a few tingles
as you shop the checkout is the best , just as you are
pressing in your debit card details she can press and
hold down the button and the check out girl will
get the shock of her life watching you writhe.
Have Fun.
Dorothy, I've been looking for you. I'm new here. So don't know my way around yet.
I read somewhere that you like traps. So here's a couple of piccy's of my LD gallows.
My artistic partner can sometimes be an old fashioned girl. So I've not done anything with them yet


  • AurelieLD.png
    905.3 KB · Views: 533
  • AurelieLD1.png
    762.4 KB · Views: 573
Dorothy, I've been looking for you. I'm new here. So don't know my way around yet.
I read somewhere that you like traps. So here's a couple of piccy's of my LD gallows.
My artistic partner can sometimes be an old fashioned girl. So I've not done anything with them yet

You have come to the right girl Dazza, i love the idea of standing on a trapdoor
hands tied behind me, noosed and waiting for the trap to open under me, i
try to imagine how i would be feeling and what would i be thinking in
those final few seconds before to trap opened under me and i plunged
to my death, Very erotic , makes me orgasm every time
You have come to the right girl Dazza, i love the idea of standing on a trapdoor
hands tied behind me, noosed and waiting for the trap to open under me, i
try to imagine how i would be feeling and what would i be thinking in
those final few seconds before to trap opened under me and i plunged
to my death, Very erotic , makes me orgasm every time
Yeah, works for me. I've got 14 steps to get to the platform. Imagine the horror of climbing them knowing that in a minute or so, you will be going back down again rather harder and faster. And you've only got your neck for a "break"
(see what I did there) :)
If anyone knows of a shocking device that can be controlled from an app, and controlled long distance via the internet, please PM me. My Goddess wants to connect one to my metal cage, and use it via the internet. I have searched on the internet, but I have come up with nothing. I used to have a shocking device that I connected to my dick & balls that would give you shocks in pulses, and it was incredible:devil:
Surely there has to be an app for this by now...
You do know this is a crucifixion group don`t you Dazza
i am the odd one out so i go for alternate deaths and
tortures, i have only been on the cross once since i came
here but you never know your luck in sites like these
Well yes Dorothy, I think the title of the site - tells it like it is.
I'm into general snuff. I've never done crucifixion as a topic, as I see it as a form of torture rather than execution.
I think Laetitia will bring me round to sticking her on the wood some day. but she loves her neck being squeezed, and I love squeezing it, so that's probably some way further down the road.

You can check out my earlier pre - partnership stuff on imagefap where I go by the name of Zdazza. My earlier stuff was poor. but it will give you a general idea. Should you be interested.
just as you are
pressing in your debit card details she can press and
hold down the button and the check out girl will
get the shock of her life watching you writhe.
And the entire Walmart computer system crashes! :devil:
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