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Kathy on her cross.

Go to CruxDreams.com
True as usual

In a way, I think it's much more terrifying to not know why myself or another is being crucified. The soldiers were just bored and needed something to do between conquests, so they grabbed the most beautiful woman they could find, had some fun with her, and then nailed her to a cross so they could watch her writhe and wriggle in the baking heat for a while.
No wonder I am in so much pain.

Look, if your carnifex wasn’t so obsessed with size he’d realize normal nails are perfectly adequate.


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They fit , he made sure I am not going any where.

They always fit, but they are not always comfortable eh Kathy?

Now you have to fit yourself around this steel, this wood, part of you now and there is no escaping it. How did you get here? Foolishness, bad luck, crime, who knows. Maybe it will come back to you. For now, your job is to endure, to hang in front of these people and fight the fight of your life. Make it good, they are hoping for an entertaining spectacle. Breath as deeply as you are able, yes of course they can see your breasts, they can see everything, that is no longer important. Stretch, move, breath, endure.

You look so lovely up there!
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