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Member crucified pics Challenge

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no, only me naked in front of women, for a total humiliation...
Then you surely love like me, the old pic of @phlebas
ph133 copy.jpeg and similar ones.

You must know that in my youth, male nudity even in front of females was considered to be normal. For example males undressed in public in swimming pools and do not forget the nudity in YMCA pools, before my times. Unfortunately that changed, to my surprise, turned back to victorian and even beyond that. I am sad that I presented then not more times myself nude and that there is no pic of that, so we must look at that one

tumblr_m0ycc09r1E1rnqbkno9_1280 copy.jpeg
Females generally remain reserved, apparently.
It is a construction error of the creation, or a programming problem in evolution. Males like to show off and look at nude females, while females (most.....) don't like to watch nude males and also do not like to show off their nude body for males. A good thing would be, if the females would like to see nude males, or females would be eager to undress for the other gender. Considering this, I wonder why humankind is not extinct and why we males, are not all gay.... Moment, one of my friends, ment indeed that all males are homosexually oriented, but not as much as me.... Well let us stop here.

Take 2: hooked to the wall. Fighting gravity
I added face and cornu on your list, was it in or did you pretend so? Anyway, try to show a painful face, remember, although you are probably used to have big dildos in your column, on crux you are supposed to be an anal virgin, else you would be shamed of that---
I added face and cornu on your list, was it in or did you pretend so? Anyway, try to show a painful face, remember, although you are probably used to have big dildos in your column, on crux you are supposed to be an anal virgin, else you would be shamed of that---
Yes, it was in. It helps in maintaining the position
We have now 10 out of 43 with cornu, 18 out of 43 showing some kind of aroussal, while 34 out of 43 are nude. I guess that having a dildo in the ass his still a gay thing, which it isn't. It was (if done, which is in debate) for Romans an humiliation for us it is not in contrary, I recommend to train that muscle. It was also debated if a crucified would show an erection due to the pain of the nails. I personally think that an erection is much more nice to look at than the limb thing. That is also the reason why I prefer circumcised penis.

Is it humiliating to show some kind of sexual body acting? Probably, but also probably not showing an erection might be a sign of erection problems, which is an humiliating diesease (or more the sign of other diseases) for many males and widely distributed in the male population. The advice is, if you don't get a boner, say at morning, or while seeing a beautiful female, check the doctor soon for a general checkup. In my case it is due to diabetes mellitus and probably other diseases that I have no self pics showing an erection. If I can change that, I will send some pics of it here and more on my twitter account.

So let us consider the following situation:
The crucified one is nailed on the cross, he cries painful, the cross is erected and a huge cornu enters is asshole while he can't stop crying. The guards competently watch the situation, see that even after penetration and prostate simulation the crucified one does not show an erection. So they take him down to
hospital to check his health, while the others proudly hang on the cross, showing erections and cuming before they die, Funny fact that a roman citizen would prefer to be among the later...

The last thing is the nude thing... I personally feel that we probably show US to much to be nude on the cross. While most of us like to show off, in general one probably made the crucifixions indeed with clothed peoples and the loincloth is not an invention of the artists making depictions of it to male the paintings usable for the general public.

And the very last thing: Where are the females? There are tons of commercial, porn or art like pics of crucified females. But seeing that of a female one knows is more interesting. It is not only a hetero thing, one just likes to see the other person not only the face but also the rest. And as most males would. show you their penis, it is no problem if we see the vagina or who cares your breasts. It is also not a question of "beauty". Some nudists say "all bodies are beautiful", which is not the case, but many things are not beautiful and are shown anyway, such as your next tax bill (write to the government to stop sending you that perverse stuff, else you go to the police....). Also, most males don't run around looking at females and classify them. We just ain't crazy. Finally, if you think you are fat that could be to your good, if starting some changes in eating and more movements. And if you do more sports, because you want to show me your pussy lips, then they are far more silly motivations.
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