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Florence’s hanging drew a huge crowd. Many had seen a ‘common’ woman hanged but Florence was different. They had never seen an elite woman on the gallows. Though once she was hanged she probably wouldn’t last any longer than any other woman, but this was wealthy woman being executed like any ‘commoner’ would be and no one was going to miss this.

Florence was marched to the gallows being led by a chain locked to the iron collar around her neck and her hands bound behind her. The people were surprised that Florence looked just like they did or had at some time in their lives.

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They gawked at the naked woman bring brought to the gallows. Perhaps it never occurred to them that a rich woman were produced the same as they were.

For Florence the show was an embarrassing event. How dare she be displayed in the flesh before commoners? And how could someone of her upbringing be executed before such lowly trash?

Florence was brought up the stairs to the gallows’ platform. There in black trousers and hood stood the hangman. She would not notice he had washed his outfit especially for her hanging. He wanted to look his best as he hanged her. Florence did all she could not to pee when she was stood facing the noose that would hang her.

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During her stay in jail, Florence had requested a meeting with Archbishop Wragg of the Cruxton Abbey. She knew her father had donated generously to the abbey and hoped that the archbishop would spare her from the noose. She was brought naked but for the irons locked around her wrists. She begged the archbishop to spare her from being hanged. The archbishop solemnly said “The termination of your life is dictated by man’s law. I can assure you I will pray you are granted a blessed afterlife- after you are hanged.”

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He wiped his mouth as he stood flanked by a pair of comely but naked nuns. What he really thought was ‘I cannot wait to see you hanged by your neck and watch those fine tits shake and your ass wiggle while the noose chokes you to death!’

It took the hangman and a Brampton citizen to put the noose around Florences neck, one to steady her while the hangman tightened the noose around her throat.

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That was followed by the reading of the charges Florence had been found guilty of and that she would be hanged by her neck until she was dead.

That was followed by Mrs. Longhymn singing “As we gather at the river”.

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The crowd was invited to sing along and the group managed to do the hymn collectively offkey.

The preface to Florence’s hanging took a half hour. The town’s bell tolled the top of the hour when Florence was hoisted high over the gallows. It seemed like an elite woman kicks as much as a common woman when she is hanged.

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Florence trashed for more than five minutes before the noose sealed her neck.

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A couple minutes later she hanged motionless being the rope’s latest conquest.

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The mortician’s wife leaned against one of the gallows’ uprights and read from a book she had brought.

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She had to wait for the crew to take Florence’s body down because it was the law in Brampton a hanged woman cannot be taken from the gallows for at least an hour after she last kicks. The crowd needed time to gawk at her dead body.
Under the guise of justice being served, Brampton regularly hanged women for crimes they had committed or ‘sins’ against society. There was enough money made from beverage sales there was no need to raise taxes for many years. Great crowds turned out for the women’s executions. Everyone seemed to enjoy watching the naked women being hanged and more so when the charges against her were mostly contrived.

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It was much more entertaining to watch a woman that swore she was innocent be brought to the gallows and hanged. She seemed more animated at she fought being brought to the noose and jerked more enthusiastically as she hanged by neck.

Brampton even upgraded their gallows so the condemned did not have to be hoisted up to be hanged. A trapdoor was installed on the gallows so the condemned could be dropped. Care was taken so she did not fall too far before the noose jerked her to a stop.

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After all, people wanted to see her struggle as the noose choked the life out of her.

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But the state was not the first to use the noose to put people to death. Long ago the Cruxton Abbey would execute monks and sisters who broke their vows of celibacy (this preceded ignore such vows as they currently do). Still, as a memorial to their history, the gallows had been maintained in the courtyard.

There came a day when Sister Angel of the Order of Virgin Martyrs tired of the archbishop screwing every sister any chance he got. She confronted Archbishop Wragg and lifted her gown and told him “You stay faithful to me or you won’t get any of this!”

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The archbishop agreed with Sister Angel’s demands. He certainly did not stop humping the other nuns- he ordered Sister Angel be hanged after that Sunday’s service for putting herself before ‘the needs of the abbey’.

After service, Sister Angel was brought to the courtyard where she would be hanged. Only the monks, the hangman, and the service’s congregation were allowed to witness her execution. Sister Angel looked down at the crowd and scolded them about what a cheating bastard the archbishop was and he deserved to noose more than she did.

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The gathering was unimpressed and wanted to see Sister Angel hanged. Before the congregation Sister Angel’s habit was removed baring her ample figure.

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A monk announced such a sinful nun did not earn the right to be hanged wearing the gown and she must be hanged naked like any other woman. A stool was placed under one of the empty nooses. Sister Angel was made to climb on it and the rope was pulled over her head and tightened around her neck. She felt the coarse finish of the rope against her skin. In little more than a whisper she said “I slept with all of you. How can you do this to me?”

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The monk in charge said “It is the higher one’s directive that you will hang” right before he kicked the stool from beneath her feet.

Sister Angel thrashed as she hanged by the noose. She tried to free her hands but the rope did not fail.

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She hanged in front of a silent crowd. If her eyes hadn’t watered she would be able to see the people were praying. It was not for her soul but that she would last longer before she died. Before she was hanged ten minutes, Sister Angel gave up her fight and died hanging from the noose. The monks standing on the gallows seemed to be praying respectfully for her passing, but in reality they were remembering what a good fuck she had been and hopefully another such woman would come out of the convent.

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“The travesty of justice hanging of women didn’t die in those dark times” Tree explains.

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“We’ll flash forward a few centuries to see how Brampton adjusted to the changing times…”
In the 1960s Brampton still maintained capital punishment for women’s ‘crimes’ against the state. Robyn Wright had been found guilty of promiscuity and tax evasion. Robyn was a prostitute (not a crime on Brampton) but did not pay taxes on her earnings, which earned her a trip to the gallows. She was lounging on her cot in her cell when a shady looking man came to see her.

Robyn looked up at him and said “You are a few days early. They aren’t hanging me till Saturday.”

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The man lit his cigarette and says “I know when they are hanging you and I’ll be there for that. I’m here to interview you. I’m ‘Spike’ Sharp from the Crux Chronicle. We’re going to do an article about your execution and wanted your take on it.”

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“It’s a shame. They make money selling tickets to people that want to watch us die” Robyn says. “They haven’t hanged one of us and my case came up at the wrong time. Usually I’d have to pay the taxes and a fine but they’ll make more money stringing me up so they sentenced me to hang.”

Sharp was too aware how much money Brampton would make. The fees his paper paid for her interview and exclusive coverage of her hanging could break the paper if the issue didn’t sell well. He took a drag on his smoke and asked “So how do you feel about that? …being hanged, I mean.”

“It sucks. I hadn’t planned to die this young” Robyn said. “But it will be a good show. I made good money selling this body and you can’t turn down a trick because he is too gross. So someone makes money over my hanging and I don’t have to fuck anyone.”

“Yeah, but they are going to kill you” ‘Spike’ noted.

“I didn’t say there wasn’t drawbacks” Robyn replied. “Hey, do you have something to smoke besides those Marlboros?”

Spike digs in his pocket and tosses Robyn a half pack of ‘Madame Wu’s’. He said “Keep ‘em and save one for when they bring you to gallows. It will make it easier when they hang you.”

Robyn lit the smoke from a book of matches she had hidden in the bedding. She and Spike talked for almost an hour when a guard yelled out that Spike had five minutes left. Spike told her he would ‘see’ her Saturday when she would be hanged. Robyn asked if he would be recording her hanging, Spike told her he had his motor-drive Nikon and a dozen rolls of film.

“A dozen rolls? That many?” Robyn asked.

“I’m a professional. For you it is your execution. Pictures if you hanging sells copies. Try to look good when your up there” Spike says.

“I’ll be the best looking woman you have ever seen hanged” Robyn proclaimed.

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Spike tips his hat and turns to leave. He wishes he had a dollar for all the women who told him that.

Saturday arrived and Robyn was taken to the gallows just after eleven in the evening. She was marched rather proudly from the back of the hall to the gallows. Except for her hand being bound there was no indication she was being taken to her death… besides the fact she wore nothing else. Robyn climbed the stairs to the gallows platform. She could see the noose waiting for her as she approached the gallows but once she was on the gallows, the noose looked far more threatening. She hesitated at the top of the stairs but the guard pushed her forward.

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“Come on. The crowd is waiting to see you hang from that” the guard growled.

Robyn was pushed forward until the rope danced against her breasts. The hangman grabbed the noose and pulled it over her head.
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Though she had sworn to show no emotions, Robyn winched as the noose was tightened around her throat. She felt the coarse surface of the rope against her skin and the weight of the noose resting on her shoulders. Robyn whimpered “It’s heavy.”

“Has to hold you when we hang you” the hangman replied.

“Does it hurt? Will it last long?”

The hangman adjusted the noose and said “It will be over quick. You won’t remember a thing.”

He did not need to add she would be dead shortly.

There was no escaping being hanged. Robyn prayed they would hang her right away before she lost control of her bladder. But that was not to be. A woman dressed in period clothing stepped onto the platform, opened a scroll and addressed the crowd below them.

“Robyn Wright has been tried and found guilty of promiscuity and tax evasion…”

Robyn crossed her legs and thought ‘Damn it, just hang me before I piss!’

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“…and has been sentenced to be hanged by her neck until she is dead. She will be hanged this Saturday at 11:59 PM. She will be declared dead at that time regardless how long it takes for her to die.”

She turned to Robyn and softly but cruelly said “And I pray you suffer horribly while you die.”

Robyn’s heartbeat raised and the need to relieve herself rose. The minute between the woman stopped speaking and Robyn being dropped seemed to take hours but fleeted like seconds. The lever was pulled and Robyn dropped a couple feet before the noose jerked her fall to a halt. For a moment she hanged stunned by the jolt.

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But Robyn’s drop was well performed by the hangman. She fell about two feet, enough to hang her by her neck but not enough to break her neck or tighten the noose enough to close her throat. The jerk that stunned her quickly was supplanted by her need to breathe. Robyn’s feet swung beneath her as they searched for footing they would not find. Her arms flexed as she tried to reach the rope she hanged by but her hands stayed tied behind her back. In her panic she did not know she pissed a river of urine down her legs.

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Spike Sharp fired off half his rolls of films before Robyn was hanged a full minute. Robyn’s fight to live barely lasted five minutes. Her thrashing slowed to involuntary jerks as she dangled by her neck. Each time the crowd though she was dead she would surprise them with another jerk.

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Though officially declared dead the moment she was hanged it was 12:05 Sunday morning when she twitched the last time.

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Spike Sharp took a half hour to shoot his last roll of film. He packed his camera and headed for the exit. He looked back at Robyn’s body. Softly he said “You done good, Robyn…”
Towards the end of the twentieth century progress made slow inwards in Brampton’s prison system. No, they did not give up capital punishment for women- it was far to profitable selling tickets for the perverts people that wanted to see them hanged. When the weather was pleasant enough, the condemned women could be hanged in the prison’s courtyard. This would allow extra revenue to be made from ‘walk-up’ ticket sales and allow multiple women prisoners to be hanged at the same time. Additional revenue was made selling tickets for close inspection of the condemned women.

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Though their display was hardly welcome, people enjoyed a close-up look at the women who would soon be hanged.

The prisoners would be marched up the gallows’ steps in front of the crowd.

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The rowdy crowd was not shy about yelling crude remarks about the condemned women’s swaying tits and swinging hips as they climbed the steps to be hanged. One could assume the women did not appreciate the crowd’s remarks but after they were hanged to death, none ever complained about it.

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The prison’s warden would join the condemned women on the platform and loudly read the charges they had been found guilty of and sentenced to be hanged for committing.

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It was rare but occasionally a prisoner would act defiant and curse the warden and the crowd beneath her. This did not earn her a reprieve as she was still hanged with the other prisoners sentenced to be hanged.

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In a matter of minutes it would be over. The prisoners paid the price for their crimes with their lives.

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Tree’s concession stand would remain open for several hours before the gawkers left and the women’s bodies removed from the nooses.

In the early 2000s, women had demanded equality. The penal system of Brampton reluctantly hired women to act as hangmen (hang persons?). The first woman to be hanged by the female executions was Margaret Perkins, a woman in her mid-thirties sentenced to death for not marrying not adding to Brampton’s population. She was executed indoors as it was a cool November day.

The crowd was smaller in the gymnasium and generally quieter than usual but Margaret’s executioners made up for lack of jeers coming from below the gallows. As one of the prison’s guards fixed the noose around Margaret’s neck, her supervisor mocked Margaret saying “With little tits like that, it is no wonder you couldn’t land a man.”

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Her gut already tight as she faced her execution, Margaret growled “Even if I were gay, I wouldn’t sleep with any of you!”

The hang(wo)man grabbed the lever and just before she pulled it she said “Any last words, Margaret?”

Margaret took a deep breath and softly said “Just pull the damn thing.”

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The hangman did and Margaret was hanged. With the short drop she lasted almost seven minutes before she succumb to the noose.

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The vendors did a fine business at the concession stand as the spectators filled their drinks and stared up at Margaret’s hanged body.

So progress was (slowly) coming to Brampton. Next the modernization of their police force will be explored.
Brampton had made great progress at the end of the 20th century hiring women to hang their condemned women (no, they did bot end using capital punishment). The condemned prisoners when taken to the gallows to serve their sentences. The condemned women did not seem to appreciate that people of their own sex were earning their living hanging them, but no one appreciates fast-food workers taking care of them, either.

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“But people were still not happy with Brampton putting women to death for real crimes or petty offences. Well, progress takes time and I still needed my job as their Director of Corrections” Dr. Peckerhead exclaims. “So I thought I would make them happy placing Miss Hardnokker in charge of the women’s correctional facility. She is a fair but firm warden over the prison.”

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“She treats the prison women fair but does not take shit off any of them. She had a way of making the convicts know they had crossed her line.”

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“Sometimes the women were a bit bullheaded. Take the example of Scarlett O’Malley. She was sort of a rebellious type and had been disciplined numerous types already. Miss Hardnokker called her into her office and explained that Scarlett had pushed her patience about as much as she could take.

“Scarlett unwisely said she couldn’t wait till her sentence of five years hard labor was up and she wouldn’t miss the time she spent in the prison.

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“Scarlett added ‘We are people here and you treat your dog better than us!’ This was not wise. Miss Hardnokker asked Scarlett if she didn’t want to serve her five years. Again foolishly Scarlett said she would do anything to get out early.

“Miss Hardnokker asked if Scarlett meant anything. Scarlett affirmed she would do anything not to serve her five years.

“There are two ways for a prisoner not to serve her entire term. She could be pardoned (though I can’t remember that ever happening) or she could perish. Miss Hardnokker jumped from her desk and grabbed Scarlett by her hair and yelled to the guards ‘We are hanging a couple prisoners this Saturday. Put up a third noose so Miss Scarlett can join the fun’.

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“I must say I have granted Miss Hardnokker such latitude in handling prisoners.”

So Scarlott was sentenced to be hanged that Saturday. As she was being prepared for her execution, the guard holding Scarlett as she was being handcuffed told Scarlett he would certainly miss her after she was hanged. Miss Hardnokker scoffed “There’s over a hundred prisoners here. You’ll find another one to fuck before Sunday is over.”

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He took Scarlett to the auditorium and checked her cuffs before placing the noose around her neck. He tried to comfort her by telling her the hanging wouldn’t take long. Scarlett asked “How long is ‘not long.”

He assured her no one had lasted more than a quarter hour and most were done closer to five minutes. Scarlett snarled “Don’t get a hard-on while I kick.”

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It turns out Scarlett lasted the longest. She twitched her last ten minutes after the three women were hanged. The guard lost his bet she wouldn’t last seven minutes.

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Dr. Peckerhead ordered the women would be hanged using conventional nooses after Scarlett was hanged. It was not recorded whether the condemned women appreciated his directive.

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Miss Hardnokker followed his order but with a twist. She had the noose made with tight knots. She loved telling the condemned prisoners who long she would last as the noose choked the life out of her.

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The final chapters will review what happens when an IMF officer crosses the law…
In the 2010s, Brampton bowed to international pressure (no, they did not give up their persecution of women) and formed the Internal Moral Authority (known as the ‘IMF’). The IMF would arrest women for questionable moral activities. The women were treated like the moral scum Brampton considered them to be.

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Their arrests could be considered almost kind compared to how they were treated once in the Brampton jail. They were stripped of their clothing and tried for their ‘crimes’.

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They were condemned to be hanged in the prison square.

In the meantime, Patricia Goudebody had traveled to a northern blue state in the US where she went to college at the University of the Virgin Martyrs. She studied hard and was the valedictorian of her class, majoring in criminal law.

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Miss Goudebody was heavily recruited but Brampton won her employment. She was the top student at the IMF police academy. The school used pictures of her for recruiting purposes and public relations ads.

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Soon Patricia was on the Prisoner Correction Squad which was tasked with the execution of the condemned women prisoners.

She fit in well with the squad. As an executioner she did not have to do the unpleasant task of preparing the women condemned to be hanged. That was handled by ‘lesser’ staff that had the chore of binding the condemned women and delivering them to the gallows to serve their sentence. Most women were less than cooperative and would offer the staff that they would do even more immoral things than what they were being hanged for doing.


Patricia liked her work. There was something special about putting the noose around the condemned women’s neck. She would watch Archbishop Wragg the Fourteenth stand on the gallows as he said meaningless prayers in Latin. It gave Patricia time to study the women as they stood waiting to be executed.

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She would guess which one would last the longest once they were hanged. She also marveled that not all of them pissed on themselves when they waited for archbishop to finish his jabbering but if they didn’t piss while standing waiting to be hanged, they all did once the trapdoor opened and they dangled by their necks.

But Patricia was hiding something from her days in college.

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She thought she had hidden it well enough but did not know Warden Hardnokker was an avid watcher of those channels most people could not subscribe to…
Patricia Goudebody did not just study criminal law at the university. Although having a full scholarship and her room and board paid, she lived an expensive lifestyle. Miss Goudebody was an attractive woman and used her looks to make extra money.

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She found the adult film industry wanted women of her looks. At first she did short films where she masturbated in front of the camera.

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Later she started doing lesbian films. They sold well as Patricia was quite good at licking pussy.

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Soon she started doing videos where she sucked an actor’s cock.

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She did such a fine job, the money rolled in.

She would soon be doing racier films. Her Brampton upbring had taught her taking birth control was a ‘sin’. Patricia got around that by doing bondage films, taking an actor’s hard shaft in her ass while tied to a bed.

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Her films made her plenty of money to live the life she craved. After graduation when she went back to Brampton and was hired by the IMF, Patricia gave up her film work. The IMF paid well and starring in porn films would be highly frowned upon. She had been on the force for a few years when she was arrested by the IMF’s Internal Affairs police.

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Patricia wondered why she was arrested. She did not know Miss Hardnokker had seen almost all her videos…
Patricia Goudebody is taken to the Brampton jail. As the guard fixed handcuffs around her wrists and shackles on her ankles, she asks the guard what this was all about. The guard looks up at her and says “You’ll find out tomorrow. I am glad I am not you right now.”

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She is tossed in a cell. Still not convicted of a crime, the guards toss an IMF uniform for her to wear. She spends the night wondering what she had done to deserve to be arrested. She had been the perfect agent for the IMF.

The next day a pair of guards come for her. They cuff her wrists and Patricia asks “Where are you taking me?”

One answers “Questioning” and tosses shackles by her feet and tells her to put them on. She does so and one of the guards says “Let’s go.”

“Let me put my shoes on” Patricia replies as she puts on shoes. She stands and the guards lead her down the dark corridors to the interrogation room.

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Patricia is brought to the room and surrounded by IMF interrogators. They ask her about her lurid activities. Patricia is dumbfounded and insists she has done nothing.

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To her shock, the interrogators pull in a television and show her college videos one after another. The head interrogator leans towards her and asks if it is her in the films. Patricia says “Yes, it is me. But that is from my college days! I haven’t done anything like that in years.”

Patricia is shown her recent bank statements that showed deposits from the film industry. “But you are still profiting from doing so. This will not go well at your trial!”

Patricia’s mug shots are taken and the interrogators do unmentionable things to her before she is brought back to her cell.

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Though not yet tried and convicted, the guards felt they could do whatever they want to this vile woman…
Patricia Goudebody is taken to court to be tried for her immoral behaviors. She is dressed in her ‘casual’ IMF uniform minus any rank maquis or medals she had earned. Only the cuffs binding her hands behind her back gave away she would be the one on trial. Much to her embarrassment, every video she had starred in were shown to the trio of judges (and the citizens packing the court). Patricia’s only defense was the videos were years old and she had become a model citizen and an excellent member of the IMF. The prosecutor shot that argument down, pointing out Patricia was still earning revenue from her films.

The head judge solemnly said “Your past ‘sins’ cannot be forgiven by your status. We expect the highest integrity of IMF employees. Miss Goudebody, we have no choice but to sentence you to death. As a member of the IMF, there will be considerable interest in your execution.”

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Patricia lowered her head as the judge continued. “Patricia Goudebody, you are sentenced to be hanged by your neck until you are dead. Your execution will occur the last Saturday of this month!”

The crowd cheers enthusiastically. They did not know the defendant at all but the IMF was not a popular part of the Brampton government and seeing one of them executed for violating one of their laws was a pleasant surprise.

Patricia was surprised by the verdict and more so by the guards grabbing her uniform and pulling it from her body. “Stop it” she screamed. “Everybody will see me naked!”

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“It is standard dress for a condemned prisoner” one of the guards says as he pulls her panties over her hips.

Patricia is handcuffed and marched the two blocks from the courthouse to the prison. The warm sun lights her nude body as she is led to the prison. Patricia bows her head trying to kept her face obscured as her bare body is photographed hundreds of times.

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Inside the prison, guards take over escorting Patricia. The crowd of civilians no longer can take pictures of her but this did not stop her being photographed. At least a dozen news photographers lit up the hall she was being led through.


Patricia is taken to the prisoner intake room. The head guard frisks her (not difficult as she is naked. As Patricia sits on a chair, the guard says “She seems to be clean. Gentlemen, please inspect her pussy and ass.”

Patricia’s eyes widen.”

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The guards bend Patricia over a table and thoroughly check her ass and pussy.

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She is led by a pair of guards to her cell. They talk about her in third person as if she was not there.

“Won’t she look great when she is hanging by her neck?”

“I can’t wait to see her tits swinging while she chokes on the rope!”

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Alone in her cell, Patricia wonders what it will feel like to have a rope close around her throat. She had seen other prisoners die hanged by their necks.

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Despite knowing what would happen to her, Patricia is strangely excited by the thought of being hanged.
The few weeks between Patricia’s trial and her execution were filled with boring time staring through the bars of her cell but also passed too quickly. It is now only days until she is hanged to death.

Besides the sexual abuse heaped on her by the guards, some of the time was taken by visitors she did not know. A pair of women with heavy French accents can by her cell toting drinks she was not allowed to have.

“Just look at her! Won’t she look divine hanging from my premium French noose?” one of them asks.

“On, Messaline, she will be prefect as the rope closes around her neck. I cannot wait to see her face darken as she cannot breathe anymore and noose seals off her blood!” the other replies.

“I’m sorry, but I don’t know you and what ‘premium French noose’ are you talking about” Patricia asks.

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The blond woman says “How rude of us! I am Messaline and this is my love… my friend Judith. We have donated the noose they will kill… I mean hang you with. After all, they are hanging one of their own and we could not let them do that with any ordinary noose!”

Judith exclaims “You will be the first IMF agent they have ever hanged. With Messaline’s noose you will last longer while you hang and you will hardly chafe you neck as you choke to death!”

Patricia finds little comfort in their remarks.

The next day, a man in shabby clothing shows up at her cell. He casually asks “You the one they are hanging Saturday?”

Huffily Patricia says “I am, and who are you?”

“My name is T. H. Tree, and I came by to see how big you are.”

“Why? So you can guess how long I’ll last” Patricia snarls.

“Here on strictly business. I have to make the casket they are going to dump… I mean… put your body in once you’re… um, done with it” Tree replies.

“Well, this is me. Do you have enough wood?” Patricia asks.

“They will probably pin your hair up so everyone can see your face when they… ah… do it, but I think I bought too much. You are kinda little” Tree says.

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“Hardly worth hanging” Patricia says.

“We’ll know better when they hang you” Tree says as if to reassure her.

The archbishop from Cruxton Abbey comes by to see Patricia. After meeting Tree she is not in a very good mood. She runs her hands over her bare body (as much as her cuffs allow) and says “Do you think I’m too little to hang?”

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Archbishop Wragg hopes his gown hides his erect member and prays his leering eyes don’t give him away. “My child, the Father has graced you with a (he almost says ‘delectable’) divine body. I am sure you will please the people witnessing your execution.”

“I think it’s pretty good” Patricia says looking herself over.

“Trust me they will pay rapt attention when you are hanged tomorrow” the archbishop tells her.

That night, Patricia’s cuffs are removed and she is taken to the visitor’s cell. It is important she is well presented as she is meeting with Professor Moore from the university she had attended. Miss Moore is writing a book on the judicial persecution of women and Brampton wants to show itself in its best light.

Miss Moore looks over Patricia’s naked body and demands “What did you do to get them to hang you?”

“Nothing” Patricia lies. “I think they are executing me because of where I went to school.”

Patricia leaves out her work in porn films while she was a student. Prof. Moore huffs “That is just like men. If they can’t have you, they make up some reason to hang you!”

“Can you do anything to get me out of this” Patricia asks.

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Barbara Moore looks Patricia’s naked body and thinks how good she will look as she’s hanging by her neck. In a faked resigned voice Prof. Moore says “The bastards here want to see you hanged. I can try but I wouldn’t bet you won’t be hanged tomorrow.”

Later that night, the head of the guards comes to see Patricia. Patricia has visions of being hanged naked before a herd of strangers.

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Patricia angrily says “I’ll bet you can’t wait to parade me out naked to be hanged before a pack of maniacs.”

The guard glares at her and says “You will not be naked when we take you to the gallows. You will be in your dress uniform. We want everyone to know we are hanging one of our own!”

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“You mean I won’t be naked? I can wear my uniform?”

“Certainly. We want everyone to know who we are executing” the guard says indignantly.

During the night while alone in her cell, Patricia looks herself over. She still doesn’t think she should be put to death but is grateful she gets to wear her uniform.

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‘At least I won’t go to the gallows naked’ she thinks…
“Can you do anything to get me out of this” Patricia asks.

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Barbara Moore looks Patricia’s naked body and thinks how good she will look as she’s hanging by her neck
This one’s way too dumb to deserve a chapter in my forthcoming book on the judicial persecution of women. I think I’ll just relegate her story to a footnote. Go ahead, Tree, and hang her!
Patricia managed to sleep some the night before her execution. She had horrible dreams of being brought to the gallows naked as she was born. The cruel guard pushed her towards the noose, growling “It is waiting for you, bitch. Don’t keep it waiting!”

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Patricia’s execution day dragged on forever. She sat naked in her cell watching the column of sunlight drift across the cell’s walls.

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Her execution was not scheduled till that evening (television coverage considerations) and every hour that passed, Patricia began doubting the head guard’s promise she would not be taken to the gallows naked. Every woman she helped execute were brought to the gallows and hanged naked. Why should she be any different?

But in the early evening, one of the prison staff brought Patricia one of her uniforms. Patricia put on the white blouse then slipped on the grey outers. The uniform has been stripped of all rank stripes and the medals she had earned were removed. It didn’t matter to Patricia. At least she wouldn’t be brought to the gallows naked.

A guard escorts Patricia through the dark corridors of the prison. They take a route Patricia is not familiar with. She asks “Where are we going to?”

“The auditorium. Its raining outside and it is the only place we can hang you and keep the crowd dry” the guard says. “It is the biggest crowd we have ever had for a hanging.”

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“At least I have clothes on” Patricia says in barely a whisper.

“Everyone will recognize the uniform. We sold tickets for twice as much because you are one of ours. They still sold out. Everybody wants to see you hang” the guard brags.

Patricia is led into the auditorium from the main entrance at the rear of the hall. She is led down the center aisle. On both sides of her people commented about her. More than a few noted she wore an IMF uniform while others commented how good she would look hanging by her neck. Patricia wanted to piss but the guard pushed her through the crowd. She and the guard climb the short stairs leading to the raised stage. Patricia looks at the chair sitting under the noose dangling from the rafters.

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The guard says “We couldn’t cut a hole in the stage for a trapdoor so we’ll have to hang you the old-fashioned way and kick the chair from beneath you.”

A male guard is waiting for them. In a calm, almost bored voice, he says “We have to get her ready to be hanged.”

The guard that brought Patricia to the stage pulls a length of rope from her pocket. She says “Take the uniform off” as she grabs her arm.

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The woman guard begins unbuttoning Patricia’s blouse. Patricia looks up at the noose and asks “What are you doing?”

“Getting you ready to be hanged” the woman guard says. “Every criminal is naked when they are hanged.”

Patricia looks up at the noose and desperately squeezes her buns together so she doesn’t shit on the stage.

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The guards unbuttoned Patricia’s blouse. She could only look up at the noose she would soon be hanged with.

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Patricia still looks up at the noose as her breasts are bared.

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The guards peel her blouse and jacket from her shoulders. Patricia glares at the male guard and asks “Is this necessary?”

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He says “Only so you hang naked. Turn you back to me and cross your hands behind you.”

Patricia does as he ordered and he ties the rope around her wrists. With her wrists secured the female guard says “let’s get that skirt off, Patricia.”

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“Oh, you can’t” Patricia says but she felt its zipper being opened…
The female guard says “let’s get that skirt off, Patricia.”

“Oh, you can’t” Patricia says but she felt its zipper being opened. The button was unfastened and the skirt dropped to the floor. Lewd remarks are shouted from the crowd as Patricia’s panties are revealed.

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“Those don’t look like IMF-issued. We got those from your home” the male guard says. “Looks like you haven’t changed your ways.”

“Let’s get you up on the stool and put the noose around your neck” the female guard says. She pulls the noose out of Patricia’s way and the male guard (forces) helps her onto the stool. Her eyes widen as he prepares to pull the noose over her head.

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With the noose around her neck, Patricia says “Just do it, you bastards! Hang me!”

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The female guard looks up at Patricia and says “My, how you forget things. You know prisoners are hanged naked.”

The male guard hooks his fingers into Patricia’s panties and begins to pull them down. “Let’s get these sinful things off you.”

Patricia squealed but that did not stop him.

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Stark naked, her hands bound with the noose secured her neck, Patricia is totally humiliated and frightened. She says “I can’t believe you did this to me!”

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Miss Hardnokker, the women’s prison’s warden, steps up next to Patricia. She looks over her noosed naked body with great approval then addresses them crowd. “Patricia Goudebody has been found guilty of perverse sexual activities. She attempted to conceal those activities so she could gain employment with the IMF. However our internal affairs department discovered her past and she has been condemned to death. She will be hanged to death at the top of the hour.”

Miss Hardnokker looks over Patricia’s body. Her eyes focus on Patricia’s breasts as she takes her last free breaths.

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Softly she says “Enjoy breathing while you can. You are about to find how difficult that will be once you are hanged.”

It is still several minutes before Patricia is hanged. Archbishop Wragg of Cruxton Abbey walks onto the stage and stands next to Patricia. He begins to ramble off something in Latin. Patricia assumes he is giving her his final blessing but he is not.

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When he visited her in the prison, he said he would get her off being hanged if she slept with him and Patricia indignantly refused. Now before the crowd he curses her in Latin, ending his rant with “Arde in infernis, filia Luciferi!” or “Burn in hell, Lucifer's daughter.”

Satisfied with his damnation of Patricia, the archbishop walks to the side of the stage to watch her hanging. The woman guard walks up to Patricia and softly says “It is about a minute till we hang you. Say your prayers if you know any.”

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Patricia closes her eyes and ignores the jeers being yelled up at her. She has seen enough women hanged to know what she is about to experience will be a painful ordeal before she is dead but has no idea what it will feel like.

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Patricia prays she will die quickly…
The woman guard softly says to Patricia “It is about a minute till we hang you. Say your prayers if you know any.”

It is both the longest and shortest minute in Patricia’s life. She sees the crowd yelling for them to hang her, but her mind blocks the noise. Her stomach churns and her bladder aches to empty. Pictures of the women she has hanged runs through her head. Their faces reflected the pain they suffered before the noose killed them. Patricia prays she won’t suffer like they did.

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Suddenly she feels the stool move beneath her feet. She looks down and sees the back of the black hood of the hangman reaching for the stool she stands on. Her hands want to reach for the noose around her neck but the rope holds them fast behind her back. In desperation, Patricia screams “DON’T DO THAT! DON’T HANG ME!”

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But he ignores Patricia’s plea and pulls the stool from beneath her. She free-falls a half foot and the noose tightens around her neck allowing a bit more. It silences Patricia’s scream. The noose slams the side of her head, knocking the pins loose holding her hair up.

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Patricia is stunned. She had seen women hanged but never felt being hanged by her neck. Surprisingly clearly she thinks ‘I can’t breathe.”

It is much more difficult but fall was not enough to close the loop around her throat. A combination of her body’s weight and her own struggles would do that in the following minutes. Patricia doesn’t feel the stream of her urine running down her thighs though the guard looks down and smiles at her discharge. For almost a half-minute, Patricia hangs near motionless. If the crowd was disappointed, they cheer loudly as her legs begin to buck.

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Patricia could breathe but each breath was more work than the last. Patricia begins flailing about trying to escape the noose she is hanged by. She does know and probably would care if her motions only tightened the rope around her neck.

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Her body is well lit by the stage lights and a spotlight highlighting every move she makes.

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From the side of the stage, Tree looks up at the analog wall clock. ‘Seven minutes’ he thinks. ‘I didn’t think she’d last that long.’

He turns to Messaline standing next to him and says “It’s taking a while to kill her.”

“Of course it is. That’s my premium French noose she is hanging from!”

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Next to Messaline, Prof. Moore from the University of the Virgin Martyrs mutters something about how barbaric Patricia’s hanging is without adding how wonderful Patricia’ naked body looks as it thrashes from the noose.

Her motions slowing, the IMF guards gather closer to her naked body. Her gasps are silenced as the rope has closed her windpipe. Patricia’s body twitches with involuntary bucks as darkness fills her eyes.

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Patricia kicks a few more times before she hangs limp from the noose.

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Next to Messaline, Prof. Moore from the University of the Virgin Martyrs mutters something about how barbaric Patricia’s hanging is without adding how wonderful Patricia’ naked body looks as it thrashes from the noose.
I may be an academic but that doesn’t mean I have to let on to every thought that crosses my mind. But when Tree writes a story he most certainly does … and then some.
Patricia Goudebody, the disgraced IMF agent quit moving before being hanged. The crowd became quiet.

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It was hardly out of respect. The citizens of Brampton universally despised the IMF and seeing one of theirs hanged to death was an appreciated happening. Their revelry would quickly return when the concession stands were reopened after Patricia became still as she hanged by her neck. The crowd refilled their drinks and toured around her hanged body. The crowd was dispersed before the nine o’clock hour and she was left hanged till ten in the evening.

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A doctor was escorted into the auditorium by officers of the IMF. He pulled out a stethoscope and listened for any sign of a heartbeat. One of the officers asked “Is she dead?”

“She has been hanged by her neck over three hours. What do you think” the doctor snapped.

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A few years later, Dr. Peckerhead was interviewed by CCN (Crux Chronicle News). The topic of Miss Goudebody’s execution came up and it still hackled Dr. Peckerhead. Mr. Spike Sharp conducted the interview.

Spike (SS)- “Dr. Peckerhead, a few years ago you hanged our of your own, agent Patricia Goudebody. Would you explain why you executed her?”

Dr. Peckerhead (DP)- “Miss Goudebody was an excellent agent. Unfortunately she had a sordid past that she lingered to, as we had to strip her obscene red underwear from her as she was on the gallows. You understand being an IMF agent does not lift you above the law!”

SS- “I understand that and you should be commended for executing an agent of yours in compliance with the court’s sentence. But I am curious why Miss Goudebody was allowed a proper, formal burial.”

DP- “That was because of Mister Tree. The son of a bitch went to court to get her such a burial. He said because she was still on our rolls, she should get a proper burial.”

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SS- “Patricia was still on your payroll when you hanged her?”

DP- “It was a technicality. She had to be or the press would have had a field day saying she was an ex-IMF member. But we gave her a proper layout, naked with the noose still around her neck…

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“And we were able to show Tree made the damn casket too big!”

The end except for the conclusion of this tale…
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