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Soemes: Poor Murray. I haven't seen him so sad before. All he's been doing is standing at that window dusting his dildoes, all day.

Chisel: Well, since the Mayor issued that anti-smut ordinance, shops like his have been shutting down all over town., and they posted a condemnation notice on his window yesterday.

Soemes: Ah, the poor bloke. He'll be ruined.

Chisel: Yeah, and where's we supposed to get our smut, now?


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Soemes: Hey, Chisel, who's that hot broad with the gams that got out the car, out front?

Chisel: I think that's the Mayor's own daughter, Ms. Pennywhistle.

Soemes: You think Murray sees her? She's walking right up to the store.

Chisel: I think he sees her, yeah. Can't you hear him growling?


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Ms. Pennywhistle: Mr. Murray, I'm the Mayor's daughter, Victoria Pennywhistle. It is my duty and absolute pleasure to let you know the timeline for the closure of your disgusting store has been moved up. You need to be out by tomorrow, or the sheriff will be here to remove your property.

Murray: What? You can't do this? You've already ruined me, now what will I do with the inventory?

Ms. Pennywhistle: Oh, you needn't worry about this muck. It will be burned for all the public to witness.


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Murray: You listen here, young lady. If you were my daughter, I'd put you over my knee...

Ms. Pennywhistle: If I were your daughter, I'd have been molested and then sent to an institution a long time ago. The whole town knows the story.

Soemes: Uh oh.

Chisel: She shouldn't have said that.

Murray: CUNT! Shut your bitch mouth!


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Ms. Pennywhistle: Help me! You two, do something! He's mad! Help me!

Chisel: Heh, heh. You really fucked up, lady.

Soemes: Yeah, yous should'na said that about his daugher.

Murray: Grrrrrrr


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Ms. Pennywhistle spies the duster discarded on the ground., just within reach. It's her only chance.

Soemes: Watch out Murray, she's grabbin for somefin down there.

Chisel: Oh, NO!, right in his twig and berries!


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Ms. Pennywhistle: I've been taking self defense classes. The best money can buy. Now, I'll make you pay for your insolence. Creep.

Chisel: Here Murray, have some courage water. Then beat this whore into a bloody mess.

Soemes: Let me ice you down there. Poor Murray.


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Ms. Pennywhistle: You are as slow as you are fat.


Soemes: Oh, no, remember to duck, Murray!

Ms. Pennywhistle: And even uglier than you are fat. You low-class degenerate.


Chisel: She knocked his wig off!


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Ms. Pennywhistle: HA HA HA HA HA.... You pitiful old man, can't even beat a girl. Old enough to be my grandfather, spending your life peddling pornography to losers and freaks. I bet your dick is as tiny as your brain.



Ms. Pennywhistle: AAAAAHHHHH!


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