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Sarah of Nazareth and Ponta Pilata - a love story

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Oh no, yet another twisted unbelievable story with a female Christ theme....... :(

This time it is an "alternative history" tale in a parallel universe, it is AD 19 in Roman occupied Palestine. The protagonists are Sarah of Nazareth, a masochistic submissive lesbian healer and prophetess, and Ponta Pilata, the lesbian sadistic dominant Roman provincial Governess.

The first chapter describes Sarah, and her very busy life healing people. Simultaneously, she struggles with her inner demons......
Sarah of Nazareth and Ponta Pilata - A love story

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Chapter one - Sarah of Nazareth

In the heart of the ancient city of Jerusalem, a young woman named Sarah of Nazareth walked with grace through the narrow stone streets. The sun cast a golden glow on her wavy blonde hair that cascaded down her back like a waterfall. Her piercing blue eyes sparkled with an otherworldly light, capturing the attention of all who crossed her path.

"Shalom, Sarah!" called out a merchant from his stall, admiring her beauty as she passed by.

"Shalom," she replied with a warm smile, her cheeks rosy from the heat of the day.

As Sarah continued her journey, the bustling marketplace seemed to vibrate with life and energy. The air was thick with the scent of spices and freshly baked bread, while the chatter of bargaining and gossip filled the atmosphere. It was a time when the city was an important hub for trade, religion, and politics, and its diverse residents thrived in the shadow of the great temple that dominated the skyline.

"Sarah! Just the person I've been looking for," exclaimed a frail old man, emerging from a darkened corner. His hands trembled as he grasped onto her arm for support.

"Yitzhak, you know you can often find me here," she said softly, placing a gentle hand on his shoulder. "What do you need?"

"Please, Sarah, my wife is unwell again. Can you come see her?" he pleaded, desperation clear in the way his voice quivered.

"Of course, Yitzhak. I will be there shortly," she assured him, her compassionate gaze never wavering.

As Yitzhak thanked her and disappeared back into the shadows, Sarah's thoughts drifted to the hidden desires that haunted her dreams.

She envisioned herself, naked and bound tightly to a Roman cross. Her pale white skin was flush with excitement, her nipples erect and pussy dripping in arousal. The rough wood biting into her flesh as she struggled against the restraints and the nails piercing her flesh. Her body writhing in ecstasy as she surrendered herself completely to the pain.

The thought left her breathless, a strange mix of fear and exhilaration coursing through her veins.This was the masochistic dilemma that troubled Sarah's mind day and night.....

"Sarah?" spoke a familiar voice, shaking her from her reverie. It was Leah, a childhood friend who had recently become one of Sarah's most loyal followers. "You seem to be lost in thought. Are you alright?"

Sarah hesitated, the vivid images of herself on the cross still dancing behind her eyes. "Yes, I'm fine," she lied, forcing a smile. "I was just thinking about a sick woman I must visit. Let us go."

As they walked together, Sarah could not forget the weight of her secret masochistic desires. They clung to her like a heavy cloak, threatening to suffocate her with their intensity. But she knew she could never reveal them to anyone, for it would risk alienating those who relied on her divine healing abilities and unwavering faith.

"Tell me, Sarah," Leah asked as they neared their destination, "how do you find the strength to carry on with all the suffering you see each day?"

Sarah looked into her friend's concerned eyes and whispered, "It is my purpose, Leah. I can endure any pain, as long as I know that I am helping others."

Little did Leah know that Sarah's words held more truth than she could ever fathom, as the young prophetess navigated the fine line between her public persona and her private dark yearnings.

The sun was now above the horizon, casting a warm golden hue over the ancient city of Jerusalem. Sarah of Nazareth, her piercing blue eyes reflecting the vibrant colours of the sky, adjusted her simple tunic and prepared for another day filled with missions of tending to the sick and the needy.

"Sarah, there's a man just down the alley who needs your help," called out Leah, her loyal friend and follower, as she pointed towards a hunched figure sitting against a crumbling stone wall.

"Thank you, Leah," replied Sarah softly, her voice resonating with warmth and kindness.

As Sarah approached the man, she could see his body convulsing in pain, sweat dripping from his brow. A foul odor emanated from him, but Sarah's compassionate nature compelled her to draw closer.

"Sir, I am here to help you," she said gently, kneeling beside him. "Please, tell me what ails you."

The man looked up at her through tear-rimmed eyes. "I have been suffering for weeks, unable to find relief from this terrible pain in my stomach. I fear death is near."

"Have faith, dear man. I will do everything in my power to alleviate your suffering," Sarah assured him, laying her hands on his trembling abdomen.

As her fingers pressed into the man's skin, Sarah felt a surge of energy pass between them. His eyes widened in shock as the pain that had tormented him began to subside.

"By the heavens...the pain is gone," he whispered, disbelief etched on his face.

"Your faith has made you whole," Sarah responded with a loving smile, her heart swelling with satisfaction and purpose.

"May the gods bless you, Sarah of Nazareth," the man gasped, tears of gratitude streaming down his cheeks. He reached out and grasped her hand, squeezing it tightly.

"Go now, and live your life in peace," Sarah told him.

As the man stumbled away, his steps now steady and strong, Sarah's thoughts turned inward. She craved for herself a different kind of healing touch – one that would satiate her masochistic desires. But she knew that the same hands that brought comfort to others could not indulge in such carnal acts, lest she risk losing everything she held dear.

"Sarah!" Leah called out again. "There's another person in need of your help."

With a deep breath, Sarah pushed her dark crucifixion desires aside and continued on her path, offering solace and hope to those who needed it most.

As Sarah moved through the crowded streets of Jerusalem, she paused to catch her breath. The sun beat down mercilessly, casting shadows that seemed to dance in tandem with her inner turmoil. She leaned against a cool stone wall, closing her eyes as she took a moment for herself.

"Please, Sarah, help my daughter," pleaded a woman, desperation lacing her words.

Sarah opened her eyes, immediately shifting from her internal thoughts to the needs of others. She approached the woman, whose daughter lay on a makeshift cot, skin flushed and breathing laboured.

"Tell me what ails her," Sarah asked softly, reaching out to place her hand on the girl's forehead.

"High fever, relentless pain… I've tried everything, but nothing helps," the mother replied, tears streaming down her cheeks.

"Let me see what I can do," Sarah murmured, focusing her energy to heal the girl. As she concentrated, her mind wandered to her hidden desires – ones she dared not speak aloud. The thought of being crucified naked, nails driven through her wrists and ankles, sent shivers down her spine. In her fantasies, the pain was both exquisite and unbearable, leaving her breathless in its intensity.

"Thank you, Sarah," the girl whispered, her fever breaking and strength returning as Sarah's healing touch worked its magic.

"Your faith has made you well," Sarah assured her with a warm smile, though her heart raced at the memory of her forbidden desires. "Go now, and live your life in peace."

"May the gods bless you, Sarah of Nazareth," the mother sobbed, her gratitude palpable.

"Thank you," Sarah replied humbly, continuing on her way to the next person in need.

As she walked, her thoughts were consumed with images of her own crucifixion. She imagined the feel of rough wood pressing into her back, the taste of blood in her mouth as she gasped for air. The humiliation of being exposed for all to see only heightened her arousal, the stark contrast between her public persona and private fantasies making it all the more tantalising.

The sun blazed overhead, casting its unrelenting heat upon the bustling streets of ancient Jerusalem. The throngs of people swarmed like bees around a hive, their voices melding into an indecipherable cacophony of chatter and laughter as they bartered in the market, exchanging goods and stories alike.

Sarah of Nazareth walked amongst them, her slender figure weaving gracefully through the crowd. Her piercing blue eyes took in the vibrant colours of fabrics that adorned the stalls, her nostrils flaring as she breathed in the rich scents of spices and freshly baked bread that wafted through the air.

"Sarah!" A voice called out, drawing her attention to a hunched old woman, who beckoned her over with a gnarled hand. "Please, help me."

"Of course," Sarah replied, her calm and compassionate demeanour ever-present as she knelt beside the woman, her long, wavy blonde hair falling gently over her shoulders. "What ails you?"

"My back... it hurts so much, dear healer," the old woman groaned, her face etched with lines of pain.

As Sarah placed her hands on the woman's back, she couldn't help but allow her mind to wander to her own hidden desires once more – the craving for suffering that consumed her thoughts when she was alone. She pictured herself again nailed to a cross, her naked body exposed to the leering gazes of those who passed by, the humiliation and pain intertwined in exquisite torment.

"Thank you, dear child," the old woman sighed as her pain dissipated under Sarah's touch, oblivious to the darkness that lurked within the young healer's heart. "Your gifts are truly divine."

"May the blessings of the divine be with you," Sarah responded, forcing a smile as she rose to her feet, her body aching with the yearning for her own twisted salvation.

"Sarah!" Leah, her closest friend and confidant, called from across the street, waving her over. "A man has collapsed just around the corner!"

"Thank you, Leah," Sarah replied, her thoughts shifting to the task at hand as she followed her friend through the throng of people. This was indeed a busy day!

As they reached the fallen man, Sarah's breath hitched in her throat. For a moment, the image before her overlapped with her own fantasies – his body twisted and contorted on the ground, sweat and blood intertwining as he writhed in agony.

"Please... help me," he rasped, his eyes filled with desperation.

"Of course," Sarah murmured, her dedication to her role as a healer and prophetess unwavering as she knelt beside the man. As she worked her healing hands upon him, her mind fought to focus on her faith and commitment to helping others, even as her darkest desires threatened to consume her once more.Soon, Sarah's magic worked once more, the man's agony stopped. It was indeed a busy day for Sarah.

As Sarah continued her journey through the crowded streets, she encountered an old blind beggar slumped against a crumbling wall. His eyes were milky white, and his hands trembled as he held out a begging bowl. "Have mercy, kind lady," he croaked.

"May you find comfort," Sarah said softly, placing a gentle hand on the man's shoulder and willing his sight to return. She felt a shiver of pleasure course through her as she imagined herself in his place – blindfolded, helpless, and exposed to the world.

"Thank you," the man gasped, tears streaming down his face as he saw the world for the first time in years.

"Be well," Sarah whispered, continuing onward with a growing unease.

The weight of her secret desires pressed upon her like a leaden shroud, and she couldn't help but feel that something terrible loomed just beyond the horizon. As night fell over Jerusalem, the shadows seemed to grow darker, more sinister, and Sarah knew that she would soon be forced to confront the twisted yearnings that haunted her dreams.

"Sarah, how much longer can you carry this burden?" she murmured to herself, feeling the cold fingers of dread curling around her heart. "How much longer until your own darkness consumes you?"

And as she walked back home through the dimly lit streets, she could not shake the growing sense of impending doom – the knowledge that her deepest, darkest desires would inevitably lead her down a path from which there could be no return.

Before Sarah arrived back home however, her magic was needed one more time this busy day.

"Sarah!" cried a young woman, rushing forward to embrace her. "I've been searching for you all day!"

"Miriam" Sarah replied, returning the hug warmly. "What is it you need?"

"Please, come quickly. My sister is gravely ill, and no one else can help her."

"Of course," Sarah said, concern etched upon her delicate features. "Lead the way."

As they hurried through the throngs of people, Sarah's thoughts drifted back to her dark desires once more. She imagined herself sprawled naked upon a rough-hewn wooden cross, her body writhing in exquisite agony as her limbs was pierced by cruel nails. A shudder of pleasure rippled through her at the thought, even as shame threatened to suffocate her.

"Here," Miriam said breathlessly, pushing open the door to her family's modest dwelling. "Please, save her."

The sickly girl lay upon a bed of straw, her breath coming in ragged gasps. Sarah knelt beside her, pressing her hands against the feverish skin. Her mind raced, torn between the need to heal and the perverse longing for her own suffering.

"By the grace of the divine," Sarah murmured, her voice trembling. "May this child be made whole once more."

As the girl's fever broke and her breathing steadied, Sarah felt a hollow emptiness gnawing at her core. What kind of person was she? A healer, seeking to ease the pain of others, while secretly wishing for her own torment on a Roman cross?

"Thank you," Miriam whispered, tears streaming down her face. "You've saved her life."

Sarah forced a smile, but it did not reach her eyes. "I'm glad I could help," she replied, haunted by the knowledge that she was a prisoner to her own twisted fantasies.

"Tell me, Sarah," Miriam asked hesitantly, as they stepped back into the crowded streets. "Is there anything I can do to repay your kindness?"

Sarah's heart hammered in her chest, the question echoing through her mind like a siren's call. Dare she ask for what she truly desired? Was it even possible to indulge in her most secret yearnings without losing herself completely?

"Miriam" she began, her voice barely audible above the din of the marketplace. "There is one thing, but I fear it may be too much to ask."

"Anything," Miriam insisted, her eyes shining with gratitude. "I owe you my sister's life."

"Then... take me to the place where criminals are crucified. I want to see a woman being executed on a cross "

The words hung heavy in the air between them, and Sarah felt a shiver of anticipation mixed with dread. As they stood there, locked in a moment of silent understanding, she knew that the line between salvation and damnation had been crossed – and there was no turning back.

Next chapter: Ponta Pilata - Governess of the province of Judea.
Oh no, yet another twisted unbelievable story with a female Christ theme....... :(

This time it is an "alternative history" tale in a parallel universe, it is AD 19 in Roman occupied Palestine. The protagonists are Sarah of Nazareth, a masochistic submissive lesbian healer and prophetess, and Ponta Pilata, the lesbian sadistic dominant Roman provincial Governess.

The first chapter describes Sarah, and her very busy life healing people. Simultaneously, she struggles with her inner demons......
Sarah of Nazareth and Ponta Pilata - A love story

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Chapter one - Sarah of Nazareth

In the heart of the ancient city of Jerusalem, a young woman named Sarah of Nazareth walked with grace through the narrow stone streets. The sun cast a golden glow on her wavy blonde hair that cascaded down her back like a waterfall. Her piercing blue eyes sparkled with an otherworldly light, capturing the attention of all who crossed her path.

"Shalom, Sarah!" called out a merchant from his stall, admiring her beauty as she passed by.

"Shalom," she replied with a warm smile, her cheeks rosy from the heat of the day.

As Sarah continued her journey, the bustling marketplace seemed to vibrate with life and energy. The air was thick with the scent of spices and freshly baked bread, while the chatter of bargaining and gossip filled the atmosphere. It was a time when the city was an important hub for trade, religion, and politics, and its diverse residents thrived in the shadow of the great temple that dominated the skyline.

"Sarah! Just the person I've been looking for," exclaimed a frail old man, emerging from a darkened corner. His hands trembled as he grasped onto her arm for support.

"Yitzhak, you know you can often find me here," she said softly, placing a gentle hand on his shoulder. "What do you need?"

"Please, Sarah, my wife is unwell again. Can you come see her?" he pleaded, desperation clear in the way his voice quivered.

"Of course, Yitzhak. I will be there shortly," she assured him, her compassionate gaze never wavering.

As Yitzhak thanked her and disappeared back into the shadows, Sarah's thoughts drifted to the hidden desires that haunted her dreams.

She envisioned herself, naked and bound tightly to a Roman cross. Her pale white skin was flush with excitement, her nipples erect and pussy dripping in arousal. The rough wood biting into her flesh as she struggled against the restraints and the nails piercing her flesh. Her body writhing in ecstasy as she surrendered herself completely to the pain.

The thought left her breathless, a strange mix of fear and exhilaration coursing through her veins.This was the masochistic dilemma that troubled Sarah's mind day and night.....

"Sarah?" spoke a familiar voice, shaking her from her reverie. It was Leah, a childhood friend who had recently become one of Sarah's most loyal followers. "You seem to be lost in thought. Are you alright?"

Sarah hesitated, the vivid images of herself on the cross still dancing behind her eyes. "Yes, I'm fine," she lied, forcing a smile. "I was just thinking about a sick woman I must visit. Let us go."

As they walked together, Sarah could not forget the weight of her secret masochistic desires. They clung to her like a heavy cloak, threatening to suffocate her with their intensity. But she knew she could never reveal them to anyone, for it would risk alienating those who relied on her divine healing abilities and unwavering faith.

"Tell me, Sarah," Leah asked as they neared their destination, "how do you find the strength to carry on with all the suffering you see each day?"

Sarah looked into her friend's concerned eyes and whispered, "It is my purpose, Leah. I can endure any pain, as long as I know that I am helping others."

Little did Leah know that Sarah's words held more truth than she could ever fathom, as the young prophetess navigated the fine line between her public persona and her private dark yearnings.

The sun was now above the horizon, casting a warm golden hue over the ancient city of Jerusalem. Sarah of Nazareth, her piercing blue eyes reflecting the vibrant colours of the sky, adjusted her simple tunic and prepared for another day filled with missions of tending to the sick and the needy.

"Sarah, there's a man just down the alley who needs your help," called out Leah, her loyal friend and follower, as she pointed towards a hunched figure sitting against a crumbling stone wall.

"Thank you, Leah," replied Sarah softly, her voice resonating with warmth and kindness.

As Sarah approached the man, she could see his body convulsing in pain, sweat dripping from his brow. A foul odor emanated from him, but Sarah's compassionate nature compelled her to draw closer.

"Sir, I am here to help you," she said gently, kneeling beside him. "Please, tell me what ails you."

The man looked up at her through tear-rimmed eyes. "I have been suffering for weeks, unable to find relief from this terrible pain in my stomach. I fear death is near."

"Have faith, dear man. I will do everything in my power to alleviate your suffering," Sarah assured him, laying her hands on his trembling abdomen.

As her fingers pressed into the man's skin, Sarah felt a surge of energy pass between them. His eyes widened in shock as the pain that had tormented him began to subside.

"By the heavens...the pain is gone," he whispered, disbelief etched on his face.

"Your faith has made you whole," Sarah responded with a loving smile, her heart swelling with satisfaction and purpose.

"May the gods bless you, Sarah of Nazareth," the man gasped, tears of gratitude streaming down his cheeks. He reached out and grasped her hand, squeezing it tightly.

"Go now, and live your life in peace," Sarah told him.

As the man stumbled away, his steps now steady and strong, Sarah's thoughts turned inward. She craved for herself a different kind of healing touch – one that would satiate her masochistic desires. But she knew that the same hands that brought comfort to others could not indulge in such carnal acts, lest she risk losing everything she held dear.

"Sarah!" Leah called out again. "There's another person in need of your help."

With a deep breath, Sarah pushed her dark crucifixion desires aside and continued on her path, offering solace and hope to those who needed it most.

As Sarah moved through the crowded streets of Jerusalem, she paused to catch her breath. The sun beat down mercilessly, casting shadows that seemed to dance in tandem with her inner turmoil. She leaned against a cool stone wall, closing her eyes as she took a moment for herself.

"Please, Sarah, help my daughter," pleaded a woman, desperation lacing her words.

Sarah opened her eyes, immediately shifting from her internal thoughts to the needs of others. She approached the woman, whose daughter lay on a makeshift cot, skin flushed and breathing laboured.

"Tell me what ails her," Sarah asked softly, reaching out to place her hand on the girl's forehead.

"High fever, relentless pain… I've tried everything, but nothing helps," the mother replied, tears streaming down her cheeks.

"Let me see what I can do," Sarah murmured, focusing her energy to heal the girl. As she concentrated, her mind wandered to her hidden desires – ones she dared not speak aloud. The thought of being crucified naked, nails driven through her wrists and ankles, sent shivers down her spine. In her fantasies, the pain was both exquisite and unbearable, leaving her breathless in its intensity.

"Thank you, Sarah," the girl whispered, her fever breaking and strength returning as Sarah's healing touch worked its magic.

"Your faith has made you well," Sarah assured her with a warm smile, though her heart raced at the memory of her forbidden desires. "Go now, and live your life in peace."

"May the gods bless you, Sarah of Nazareth," the mother sobbed, her gratitude palpable.

"Thank you," Sarah replied humbly, continuing on her way to the next person in need.

As she walked, her thoughts were consumed with images of her own crucifixion. She imagined the feel of rough wood pressing into her back, the taste of blood in her mouth as she gasped for air. The humiliation of being exposed for all to see only heightened her arousal, the stark contrast between her public persona and private fantasies making it all the more tantalising.

The sun blazed overhead, casting its unrelenting heat upon the bustling streets of ancient Jerusalem. The throngs of people swarmed like bees around a hive, their voices melding into an indecipherable cacophony of chatter and laughter as they bartered in the market, exchanging goods and stories alike.

Sarah of Nazareth walked amongst them, her slender figure weaving gracefully through the crowd. Her piercing blue eyes took in the vibrant colours of fabrics that adorned the stalls, her nostrils flaring as she breathed in the rich scents of spices and freshly baked bread that wafted through the air.

"Sarah!" A voice called out, drawing her attention to a hunched old woman, who beckoned her over with a gnarled hand. "Please, help me."

"Of course," Sarah replied, her calm and compassionate demeanour ever-present as she knelt beside the woman, her long, wavy blonde hair falling gently over her shoulders. "What ails you?"

"My back... it hurts so much, dear healer," the old woman groaned, her face etched with lines of pain.

As Sarah placed her hands on the woman's back, she couldn't help but allow her mind to wander to her own hidden desires once more – the craving for suffering that consumed her thoughts when she was alone. She pictured herself again nailed to a cross, her naked body exposed to the leering gazes of those who passed by, the humiliation and pain intertwined in exquisite torment.

"Thank you, dear child," the old woman sighed as her pain dissipated under Sarah's touch, oblivious to the darkness that lurked within the young healer's heart. "Your gifts are truly divine."

"May the blessings of the divine be with you," Sarah responded, forcing a smile as she rose to her feet, her body aching with the yearning for her own twisted salvation.

"Sarah!" Leah, her closest friend and confidant, called from across the street, waving her over. "A man has collapsed just around the corner!"

"Thank you, Leah," Sarah replied, her thoughts shifting to the task at hand as she followed her friend through the throng of people. This was indeed a busy day!

As they reached the fallen man, Sarah's breath hitched in her throat. For a moment, the image before her overlapped with her own fantasies – his body twisted and contorted on the ground, sweat and blood intertwining as he writhed in agony.

"Please... help me," he rasped, his eyes filled with desperation.

"Of course," Sarah murmured, her dedication to her role as a healer and prophetess unwavering as she knelt beside the man. As she worked her healing hands upon him, her mind fought to focus on her faith and commitment to helping others, even as her darkest desires threatened to consume her once more.Soon, Sarah's magic worked once more, the man's agony stopped. It was indeed a busy day for Sarah.

As Sarah continued her journey through the crowded streets, she encountered an old blind beggar slumped against a crumbling wall. His eyes were milky white, and his hands trembled as he held out a begging bowl. "Have mercy, kind lady," he croaked.

"May you find comfort," Sarah said softly, placing a gentle hand on the man's shoulder and willing his sight to return. She felt a shiver of pleasure course through her as she imagined herself in his place – blindfolded, helpless, and exposed to the world.

"Thank you," the man gasped, tears streaming down his face as he saw the world for the first time in years.

"Be well," Sarah whispered, continuing onward with a growing unease.

The weight of her secret desires pressed upon her like a leaden shroud, and she couldn't help but feel that something terrible loomed just beyond the horizon. As night fell over Jerusalem, the shadows seemed to grow darker, more sinister, and Sarah knew that she would soon be forced to confront the twisted yearnings that haunted her dreams.

"Sarah, how much longer can you carry this burden?" she murmured to herself, feeling the cold fingers of dread curling around her heart. "How much longer until your own darkness consumes you?"

And as she walked back home through the dimly lit streets, she could not shake the growing sense of impending doom – the knowledge that her deepest, darkest desires would inevitably lead her down a path from which there could be no return.

Before Sarah arrived back home however, her magic was needed one more time this busy day.

"Sarah!" cried a young woman, rushing forward to embrace her. "I've been searching for you all day!"

"Miriam" Sarah replied, returning the hug warmly. "What is it you need?"

"Please, come quickly. My sister is gravely ill, and no one else can help her."

"Of course," Sarah said, concern etched upon her delicate features. "Lead the way."

As they hurried through the throngs of people, Sarah's thoughts drifted back to her dark desires once more. She imagined herself sprawled naked upon a rough-hewn wooden cross, her body writhing in exquisite agony as her limbs was pierced by cruel nails. A shudder of pleasure rippled through her at the thought, even as shame threatened to suffocate her.

"Here," Miriam said breathlessly, pushing open the door to her family's modest dwelling. "Please, save her."

The sickly girl lay upon a bed of straw, her breath coming in ragged gasps. Sarah knelt beside her, pressing her hands against the feverish skin. Her mind raced, torn between the need to heal and the perverse longing for her own suffering.

"By the grace of the divine," Sarah murmured, her voice trembling. "May this child be made whole once more."

As the girl's fever broke and her breathing steadied, Sarah felt a hollow emptiness gnawing at her core. What kind of person was she? A healer, seeking to ease the pain of others, while secretly wishing for her own torment on a Roman cross?

"Thank you," Miriam whispered, tears streaming down her face. "You've saved her life."

Sarah forced a smile, but it did not reach her eyes. "I'm glad I could help," she replied, haunted by the knowledge that she was a prisoner to her own twisted fantasies.

"Tell me, Sarah," Miriam asked hesitantly, as they stepped back into the crowded streets. "Is there anything I can do to repay your kindness?"

Sarah's heart hammered in her chest, the question echoing through her mind like a siren's call. Dare she ask for what she truly desired? Was it even possible to indulge in her most secret yearnings without losing herself completely?

"Miriam" she began, her voice barely audible above the din of the marketplace. "There is one thing, but I fear it may be too much to ask."

"Anything," Miriam insisted, her eyes shining with gratitude. "I owe you my sister's life."

"Then... take me to the place where criminals are crucified. I want to see a woman being executed on a cross "

The words hung heavy in the air between them, and Sarah felt a shiver of anticipation mixed with dread. As they stood there, locked in a moment of silent understanding, she knew that the line between salvation and damnation had been crossed – and there was no turning back.

Next chapter: Ponta Pilata - Governess of the province of Judea.
This is building up to be a really hot story, so looking forward to the continuation. Seems Sarah wants to get an idea of how she could suffer. Badly I hope.....:)
Chapter two - Ponta Pilata - Governess of the province of Judea

(Ponta and Sarah in their secret sanctuary.)
The sun blazed mercilessly over the ancient city of Jerusalem, casting long shadows over its dusty streets and crowded marketplaces. Roman soldiers in their gleaming armour patrolled the narrow alleys, their boots echoing against the cobblestones as they enforced the iron grip of their empire on the conquered city. Vendors hawked their wares with fervour, the clamour of voices melding into a cacophony of life amidst the oppressive atmosphere.

In a secluded courtyard shielded from the chaos outside, Sarah of Nazareth, the loving healer and prophetess, stood bathed in sunlight, her hands hovering above a man's twisted ankle. Her eyes were closed, a serene expression on her face as she channelled her divine gift through her fingertips. A soft golden glow emanated from her palms, enveloping the injured limb and soothing the pain that contorted the man's features. Yet another day in this remarkable healers life, making people happy, conveying love.

Sarah was a vision of ethereal beauty; her blonde, flowing hair framed an angelic face with full lips that curled into a slight smile as she felt the healing energy course through her. Her simple short tunic accentuated the curve of her hips and the swell of her breasts, hinting at the sensuality hidden beneath the stoic exterior of a prophetess. Men and women alike were drawn to her, captivated by the enigmatic allure that seemed to radiate from her very being.

"By the gods," the man gasped as he felt his ankle mend under Sarah's touch, "I can feel the pain ebbing away."

"Good," she murmured, her voice sultry and soothing, like a balm to the soul. "Let the healing power soothe your wounds and cleanse you of your suffering."

As the crowd around them watched in awe, whispers spread among the onlookers about the mysterious woman whose touch could heal both body and spirit. Sarah revealed in the sensation of power coursing through her, the raw energy of her gift mingling with her own desires and passions, igniting a fire within her that was both sacred and profane.

"Who is she?" someone in the crowd murmured, his voice tinged with wonder.

"Sarah," another answered, her tone hushed and reverent. "A prophetess of great power, touched by the gods themselves."

As Sarah finished the healing session, the man rose to his feet, his ankle now strong and pain-free. He bowed before her, tears of gratitude in his eyes as he whispered, "Thank you, Sarah."

"Go forth and be well," she told him softly, her eyes meeting his for a moment before they flickered away, searching for the next soul in need of her divine touch.

Suddenly, a gust of wind rustled the colourful market stalls as a woman of commanding presence made her way through the throng, escorted by a group of Roman soldiers.Her eyes were an icy blue, piercing through the crowd like daggers, while her raven hair cascaded down her back, adorned with golden ornaments that signified her high status. This was Ponta Pilata, a powerful Roman noblewoman,and also the Governess of the province, feared and admired in equal measure.

"Make way!" barked her aide, limping alongside her with a wound on his thigh, clearly pained by each step. The crowd parted instinctively before her, sensing her authority and the danger she exuded like a wild animal scenting blood.

As Sarah finished healing another man, her eyes were drawn to the beautiful and imposing figure of Ponta, and for a moment, time seemed to stop. Their gazes locked, two celestial bodies caught in a gravitational pull from which neither could escape. Sarah's breath hitched, her heart skipping a beat, as she felt a sudden surge of desire coursing through her veins, mingling with the energy of her divine gift.

"Who is that exquisite creature?" Ponta Pilata asked her aide, her voice low and sultry as her eyes drank in the sight of Sarah's beauty.

"Sarah, the healer and prophetess," he replied, his voice strained with pain. "They say she has been touched by the gods."Some think she might be a danger to the rule of Rome and the Sanhedrin, but I think she is harmless, doing only good.

"Indeed," Ponta murmured, appreciating the tantalising curve of Sarah's lips and the sensual sway of her hips as she moved among the wounded. "I can see the gods have favoured her greatly. Such breasts!"

A shiver of anticipation raced down Sarah's spine as she approached Ponta, feeling the primal urge to submit to this fierce predator who had entered her territory. "My lady," she breathed, her voice husky with arousal. "It appears your aide is in need of my touch."

"Ah, so you are the divine Sarah," Ponta purred, her gaze raking over the prophetess, lingering on her heaving bosom. "I have heard whispers of your miraculous healing abilities."

"I see," Sarah replied, her eyes never leaving Ponta's as she knelt before the aide, placing her hands on his wounded thigh. "But it is not only physical wounds that I can heal.", Sarah said as she finished healing Ponta's aide.

"Is that so?" Ponta asked, a wicked smile playing on her lips. "Perhaps you would be willing to demonstrate your other talents at a more... private location...and then I can also show my gratitude for you curing my aide"

"Your desire is my command, my lady," Sarah whispered, feeling the heat rise between her legs as she imagined the delights that might awaited her lesbian soul.

"Then let us meet soon," Ponta commanded, her eyes smouldering with lust. "For I cannot wait much longer to taste the divine comfort that only you seem able to provide."

As they locked eyes once more, the air between them seemed to crackle with electricity, heralding the beginning of a passionate love affair that would set their world ablaze and threaten to destroy all that they both held dear.

"Meet me at the old temple ruins tomorrow, at the edge of town," Ponta whispered to Sarah, her eyes gleaming with a mixture of excitement and apprehension. "There's a hidden chamber beneath the stone floor – perfect for our... private discussions......"

"Very well," replied Sarah, an excited smile spreading across her face. "Tomorrow ,I'll be there, ready to discuss the challenges of life with you"

Sarah's heart raced as she walked away from Ponta, the anticipation of their upcoming rendezvous building within her. The thought of exploring their shared desires in secret, beneath the ancient temple walls, sent shivers down her spine. She couldn't shake the feeling that they were about to embark on a journey of sensual discovery, one that would push the boundaries of pleasure and pain.She,the submissive masochist, Ponta the dominant powerful woman.Sarah sensed however, that Ponta, deep inside of her, had the ability to love. Sarah stopped and went behind a tree, hiding. She could not stop thinking about Ponta, so she started to masturbate until she finally came and screamed Ponta's name!

Tomorrow arrived, and Sarah approached the crumbling temple ruins. Her heart pounded in her chest, both from the thrill of their clandestine meeting and from the fear of being discovered. The stakes were high, but the allure of Ponta's commanding presence and their mutual attraction that they felt on their first encounter was impossible to resist.

As she descended the hidden staircase beneath the temple floor, Sarah found herself in a small, dimly lit chamber. The air was damp and heavy with the scent of earth and age-old secrets. Flickering candles cast eerie shadows on the rough stone walls, creating an atmosphere of forbidden sensuality.

"Ah, there you are," Ponta's voice echoed through the chamber, sending a shiver down Sarah's spine. "I must say, you look lovely, sweet prophetess..."

"I only want to look my the best for you, my lady," Sarah replied, her voice tinged with anticipation. In the dancing candlelight, she took a moment to admire Ponta's figure, clad in a revealing, dark gown that left little to the imagination.

"Shall we begin?" Ponta asked, her eyes filled with a predatory hunger. "I'm eager to explore the depths of your... talents." Take of your clothes prophetess, then undress me.

With trembling hands, Sarah slowly began to undress. Her heart raced as Ponta's eyes devoured her body with a hunger that was both intimidating and thrilling. She felt completely exposed, vulnerable and yet oddly liberated in the presence of Ponta's powerful energy.Was this how it felt to undress before being crucified, Sarah wondered.

When Sarah had finished undressing, her breathing had deepened and her skin was tingling with anticipation. She stood before Ponta, a naked offering of submission, awaiting the woman's next command.

Ponta stepped towards Sarah, her gaze never leaving the younger woman's body. She gripped Sarah's shoulders firmly and leaned in close so that their lips were almost touching. "Now," she whispered, her voice heavy with promise "undress me."

Sarah felt a thrill run through her body as she complied with Ponta's request. Her fingers trembled slightly as they fumbled with the clasps of Ponta's attire until finally it fell away to reveal her beautiful form beneath. In that moment it seemed to Sarah as if there was no one else in the world but them; teasing and exploring each other without inhibition or fear of judgement.

As they stood face-to-face, naked, the air between them crackled with tension,each knew that their passionate encounter was a dangerous game, one that could have dire consequences if discovered. But for now, they revealed in the moment, consumed by their desire for each other and the anticipation of what was to come.

Sarah's heart raced as she reached for Ponta, her fingers trembling with anticipation. The dimly lit chamber seemed to vibrate with the energy of their longing, and she couldn't hold back any longer.

"Touch me," Sarah whispered, her voice barely audible over the sound of her own desire. "Like no one has ever touched me before. Be rough!"

Ponta smiled wickedly, her eyes locked on Sarah's as she wrapped her hand around the prophetess' throat. The pressure was firm but gentle, a tantalising tease that sent shivers down Sarah's spine.

"Is this what you want?" Ponta asked, tightening her grip just enough to make Sarah gasp.

"More," Sarah pleaded, her breath hitching as pleasure mingled with pain. She revealed in the sensation, intoxicated by the rawness of Ponta's touch.

Slowly, Ponta released her grip and trailed her fingers down the inside of Sarah's arm. She paused to pinch and twist her nipples between two fingertips. The soft flesh quivered at the sensation. Sarah whimpered at the sensation, feeling her arousal build even further. Her heart raced in time with the throbbing beat, a primal rhythm that brought back memories she had thought long forgotten.

Ponta smiled, sensing Sarah's pleasure. She kissed her deeply, exploring the depths of her mouth with a mastery that made Sarah feel weak in the knees. As their tongues intertwined, Ponta shifted her body onto Sarah's and ever-so-slowly began to move against hers.

The heat of their bodies mingled together to create an almost unbearable sensation as they moved together in perfect harmony. Pleasure surged through Sarah's body in wave after wave and it seemed like time had stopped as they lost themselves in each other.

Finally, when they were both breathless from desire, Ponta reached between them and with one deft movement brought them both to a powerful climax that left them trembling in its wake.

Sarah lay there afterwards, completely spent but feeling strangely satisfied as she looked up into Ponta's eyes. For now at least, all was right in the world

"Tell me your darkest fantasies," Ponta commanded after a while,her voice low and seductive. "Share them with me, and I'll make them a reality." Sarah hesitated, but then said in a very low voice: "Governess, I am a pain craving masochist, that is my darkest secret. I am sexually turned on by pain, I need it.

I even sometimes envision myself crucified naked, suffering and exposed to all spectators.When I fantasise about myself being crucified,my pussy becomes wet like the river Jordan.

Ponta's eyes glowed with excitement as Sarah revealed her deepest, darkest secret. She moved closer and caressed Sarah's face gently, before leaning in to whisper into her ear.

"Let me show you the path to your true desires," she said, her voice low and seductive. "Let me take you there, no matter what it takes."

Sarah nodded, feeling her heart race with anticipation. She had no idea what Ponta had planned for her but a part of her was eager to find out.

Slowly, Ponta began to kiss Sarah's body again, starting at her lips and working her way down until she reached between Sarah's legs. Sarah gasped in pleasure as Ponta licked and teased her sensitive flesh and soon found herself lost in a lustful haze. She closed her eyes and let herself drift away on wave after wave of pure bliss until eventually Ponta stopped and pulled away.

When Sarah opened her eyes again she found herself bound to a wooden cross stark naked except for a leather harness which encircled both wrists and ankles. The sensation was strangely satisfying for Sarah, who felt liberated in a way she never had before or since.

Ponta stood before her with a whip in one hand and a flogger in the other; ready to unleash all the desires that lay hidden deep within Sarah's soul. With each stroke of the whip or flick of the flogger, waves of pleasure flooded through every inch of Sarah's being until finally she surrendered completely to the exquisite torture that Ponta inflicted upon her.

The intensity increased with every second until finally Sarah found herself at the very peak of pleasure-pain before coming crashing down into an abyss of utter ecstasy that left them both panting for breath.

When it was over, Ponta unwound the bindings from around Sarah's wrists and ankles while gently stroking her hair back from her face. They then lay there together afterwards lost in each other's arms.

As they later continued exploring each other's bodies and desires, Sarah and Ponta found themselves drawn into a world where pain and pleasure coexisted. With every touch, every bite, every slap, they discovered new depths to their passion, pushing the boundaries of trust and intimacy. Before parting for the day, Ponta says:"Sarah,my beautiful little lamb: 'Let's go to Golgotha. I sentenced a young woman, a thief, to be crucified this morning. Let's go and watch her crucifixion before going back to our daily duties".

Sarah felt deeply shaken by Ponta's words, but she could not resist her masochistic urge. So, they both dressed, then Sarah steeled her nerve and followed Ponta out into the light of the sun.

The journey to Golgotha was a short one, but it felt like an eternity for Sarah. When they arrived, what Sarah saw made her blood run cold and hot: there was a woman nailed naked to a cross, her skin already turning pale from all pain. Sarah couldn't help but feel a deep sorrow as she watched the poor soul die slowly on the cross, unable to do anything about it. Deep inside Sarah's soul however,she envisioned herself on the cross, a thought that turned her on sexually.

Ponta then stepped forward and began to speak to the spectators in a loud voice: "Citizens of Jerusalem: Today we witness justice being served - this woman is paying for her crimes with her own life. Let this be a lesson for all criminals: crime will not be tolerated and justice will be served!"

The crowd roared their approval of Ponta's words, and Sarah felt a searing heat spike between her legs. The sight of the woman crucified on the cross only heightened her arousal; watching someone suffer such torture stirred something deep inside her. She imagined herself in the woman's place, imagining how it would feel to be nailed like that for all eternity...and she longed for it.

Once the execution was over, Ponta turned back to Sarah with an expression of satisfaction on her face. She said: "My little lamb - let us go back to our homes now."

Sarah nodded silently as Ponta walked away from Golgotha,back to her fortress of Antonia. Sarah, was feeling heavy-hearted but also excited at what she had witnessed at Golgotha. The two women walked back towards their daily lives. Sarah could not help but wonder if things would ever change so that people would no longer have to suffer such cruel fates as crucifixion in real life....that it would only exist as twisted fantasies in perverted minds like her own.

(Part 2 / chapter 2 continues in next post.)
(Part 2 / chapter 2 continuation)

Sarah's and Ponta's secret meetings continued the weeks that followed,and their connection only deepened. They shared not only their bodies but also their hearts and souls, revealing vulnerabilities and fears that had never been spoken aloud.

One evening, as they lay entwined in each other's arms, Sarah traced the scars that marred Ponta's skin, a testament to the battles she had fought and won, thus making it possible for her to become a Governess, despite her sex.

"Every mark tells a story," Ponta murmured, her eyes closed as she savoured the tenderness of Sarah's touch. "They are a reminder of my strength, but also of my weaknesses."

"Your strength is what drew me to you," Sarah confessed, her voice filled with emotion. "But it's your vulnerability that truly captured my heart."

In that moment, the power dynamic shifted and Ponta allowed herself to be vulnerable before Sarah, trusting in her partner to take control. Their love became one of mutual submission, a dance between dominance and surrender.

As they continued to explore their desires, Sarah and Ponta found solace in each other's arms. They were bound together by a passion that defied explanation, a connection that transcended the physical realm and echoed through the very fabric of their souls.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, painting the sky a brilliant spectrum of reds and oranges, Sarah and Ponta lay entwined in their hidden sanctuary. Their bodies glistened with sweat, evidence of the passionate encounter that had just transpired between them. The scent of their mingled desire permeated the air, a heady aroma that intoxicated their senses.

"Sarah," Ponta panted, tracing her fingers along the curve of Sarah's naked hip. "We cannot continue like this. If we are discovered...I risk loosing my position or worse, having a love affair with a simple Jewish girl, coming from a people I am supposed to rule....that would not be accepted by my superiors. Our relationship will also be seen as a threat by the Sanhedrin to their existing power if we are discovered. I guess the Sanhedrin would try and eliminate us, and they would use our forbidden lesbian relation to put pressure on me. As Governess, I must uphold my duties, keeping the peace and stability in the province. I would not be able to save you my love, despite my position.On the contrary,the Sanhedrin would maybe try and force me to make an example of you Sarah.Maybe I would have to sentence you to the cross."

Ponta's voice trailed off, the unspoken threats hanging heavily in the air between them. They both knew the consequences all too well.Their love had to be kept a secret.

"Then what do you suggest?" Sarah asked, her frustration evident.

"Perhaps there is another way," Ponta mused, her mind working furiously to come up with a solution. "If we were to be more... discreet in our rendezvous, we might be able to avoid detection."

"Discreet?" Sarah scoffed. "How can we hide such a powerful connection? It burns within us, an inferno that threatens to consume us whole."

"Trust me," Ponta pleaded, her gaze locked onto Sarah's. "I will find a way to keep us safe while we continue to explore the depths of our desires."

The urgency in Ponta's voice sent a shiver down Sarah's spine, and she knew that her lover was serious. The risk of discovery loomed over them like a shadow, threatening to snuff out the flickering flame of their love.

"Very well," Sarah acquiesced, the weight of their situation settling on her shoulders like a heavy cloak. "I trust you, Ponta."

Ponta then murmured an eager command as she pinned Sarah's wrists above her head, like if Sarah was crucified. Ponta captured her lips in a cruel, demanding kiss and Sarah gasped against her nips. Ponta ran the back of her hand down Sarah's body, reveling in all the curves and tautness that was uniquely Sarah's before dipping her fingers inside of her flooding pussy . Ponta's touch sent sharp shocks through Sarah, sending moans echoing off the walls. But every time it seemed like they would reach their peak, Ponta sadistically backed off again until Sarah was begging for more, wanting to get her sexual release. As Sarah writhed under Ponta's mastery, everything else faded eventually away until there was only them, alight with unbridled pleasure.They reached climax simultaneously, screaming each others names!

Afterwards, they felt the danger growing ever closer. Sarah's and Ponta's love was a ticking time bomb, a secret that threatened to destroy them both. And yet, neither could resist the allure of the other, they were drawn together by a force more powerful than any they had ever known.

As the night drew to a close, Sarah and Ponta reluctantly disentangled themselves from one another, knowing that they must part ways for now. They exchanged one last lingering kiss, their lips clinging to each other as if trying to hold onto the fleeting connection that bound them.

"Until our next rendezvous," Ponta whispered, her eyes shining with unshed tears.

"Until then," Sarah echoed, her heart heavy with longing as she watched Ponta disappear into the darkness, swallowed by the shadows that seemed to echo the danger that now surrounded them.

Chapter 3 - trouble begins (part 1)

The months passed. Sarah and Ponta were swept away in a passionate whirlwind of love and lust. When they met, they always fell into each other's arms with insatiable hunger, their hands exploring the treasures of each other's naked bodies as they writhed on their bed. The smell of sex was sweet in the air, and they reveled in how they tasted on each other's tongues, nipples and pussies. They explored each other deeply - sharing stories about life and love, laughing and teasing each other, indulging in intense sexual encounters filled with games of loving sadism and masochism. They often played games where Ponta mock-crucified Sarah naked and then licked her pussy to make her cum, as Sarah hung on the cross.

Every moment together was like blissful heaven, as if they had been made for each other. Their friendship quickly blossomed into something more, the connection between them growing deeper and more profound every time they met. They shared secrets no one else knew, wrapped together in a cocoon of love and trust that seemed to strengthen with each passionate embrace. A perfect match, the loving sadist and the submissive masochist.

The intensity of their love made them fearless - they felt no shame, no guilt, no fear of the world outside of their own little bubble. And yet, every time when they parted, they were both filled with a sense of worry and a longing for the next time they could be together again. They also knew of course the risks involved, if their forbidden and unbelievable relationship was discovered. It would probably have very grave consequences.

Ponta would most likely loose her position as Governess, perhaps she would be exiled for life. For Sarah it could mean execution on the cross, a simple Jewish girl infiltrating Roman power structures, that would not be tolerated.

So, the long-term perspective of Ponta's and Sarah's love affair was gloomy.

Happiness seldom lasts. One fateful morning, disaster struck!

The pale rays of morning light could barely pierce through the thick veil of morning fog that had descended upon the ancient city of Jerusalem. The air was heavy and oppressive, as if a storm were about to break. In the early gloom Sarah of Nazareth trudged down the cobblestone streets, her hands and feet bound in unyielding iron shackles. Her captors,temple guards, shouted threats and taunted her from behind as they drove her towards the looming fortress of Antonia. With each laboured step she felt the weight of her impending doom crushing her spirit.

Sarah stumbled, but managed to maintain her footing as she continued her slow march forward. A small crowd that had gathered to witness her journey hurled insults and accusations at her, their faces twisted into grotesque masks of hatred. It seemed like all of Jerusalem had turned against her! Yesterday she was a beloved prophetess and healer, now she was reviled as a dangerous rebel and heretic.What has happened? Sarah, knew the answer, her popularity among the poor masses of the people had increased so much that the existing religious leaders feared loosing their power and influence.They had secretly started plotting against Sarah and spreading rumours among the people that earlier had Sarah's attention.

Despite the very real terror that gripped her heart, Sarah could not deny the strange thrill that coursed through her masochistic body. For years, she had harboured secret fantasies of being crucified naked, the ultimate act of submission and surrender to a higher power. As she felt the cold iron from her shackles biting into her flesh, she couldn't help but wonder if her darkest masochistic dreams were about to become reality.For a short moment a faint smile lit up Sarah's face.

"Look at her," sneered a woman in the crowd, pointing at the wetness that had soaked through Sarah's thin tunic, between her legs, betraying her arousal. "She's a sick and twisted creature, like our priests said, deserving nothing less but pain and suffering!"How could we have listened to this crazy woman! Look, her nipples are stiff!

As the guards and Sarah continued their slow march toward the Antonia fortress, Sarah's mind raced with conflicting emotions – fear and anticipation, pain and pleasure, all intertwined in a tangled web that threatened to consume her. Would she indeed find herself being sentenced to the cross and hung naked for all to see? And if so, could she truly bear the weight of such a fate, both physically and spiritually? Fantasy is one thing, the horrors of a real crucifixion something completely different. "Only time will tell," she whispered to herself, steeling her resolve as the heavy gates to the fortress loomed before her, a gateway into either salvation or damnation.

The temple guards, the leader of the Sanhedrin, Caiaphas, and Sarah were allowed in to the fortress courtyard. Roman soldiers joined them, taking over responsibility for the prisoner. A Roman aide went into Ponta's private chamber. He said:"excuse me your highness,a delegation from the Sanhedrin is here to see you. They say it is very urgent. They have brought a prisoner that they want you to try as Governess, under Roman law." Ponta sighed. "what can be so important this early", Ponta thought for herself. Ponta knew however, that the Sanhedrin were important for the Romans in order to keep the peace and stability in the province, so Ponta had no choice but to receive the delegation.

Sarah, the priests, guards and soldiers were let in to the fortress hall. Sarah, her wrists bound in chains, was led into the vast and dimly-lit hall by the Roman soldiers. The air, heavy with tension and anticipation, seemed to constrict around her as she stood before the Sanhedrin priests, their cold and unyielding gazes scrutinising her every move. Ponta, dressed in her official Roman dress, was shocked at the sight before her when she made her entrance into the fortress hall!

The Sanhedrin had arrested Sarah, her love, and now they would for sure want me to try her according to Roman law. By the Gods, was this a nightmare? How should I play this game, for both mine and Sarah's sake, Ponta thought. She could not admit knowing Sarah to anyone, that would mean trouble for both of them. Ponta's mind raced as she tried to think of different solutions, that would save them and their love. Ponta noticed a wicked grin on Caiaphas face.Did he know about them? Ponta shuddered has she sat down on her chair,taking on her official role as a roman ruler and judge.

Ponta loved Sarah deeply, but she couldn't seem to overcome her darker sadistic side. On one hand, she longed to keep Sarah safe and sound in the warmth of her embrace. But at the same time, she felt a perverse pleasure imagining her love nailed on a Roman cross, writhing with pain and suffering. Ponta's thoughts were interrupted as Caiaphas begun to speak:

"Behold, Ponta Pilata, esteemed Governess! We bring before you Sarah of Nazareth, a seditionist and blasphemer" declared the lead priest, his voice echoing throughout the chamber.

Ponta realised that she must play this game like she did not know Sarah. She steeled herself for what was to come. "Sarah of Nazareth," Ponta began, her voice strong and unwavering. "You stand accused of crimes against Rome.What do you say in your defence?"

Sarah's heart raced as she looked into Ponta's eyes, feeling both fear and arousal at the prospect of submitting to her secret powerful lover. Sarah's body still betrayed her desires, and she knew that her wetness between her legs was still visible through her clothing. And yet, she had to speak her truth about her teachings and she did not want to harm Ponta's position by showing that she knew her..her Ponta, her love......

"Your Excellency," Sarah said softly, "I have always sought to heal and comfort those in need. My faith guides me, and I only wish to serve a higher purpose. I have never plotted against Rome."

Ponta's gaze lingered on Sarah's body, taking in the evidence of her arousal. She could not resist to put on a faint predatory smile played at the corner of her lips,despite the gravity of the situation. Ponta replied: "Yet Sarah of Nazareth, you stand before me in chains, accused of crimes that warrant the harshest of punishments."

"Your Excellency," Sarah pleaded, the anticipation of her masochistic fantasy mingling with her genuine terror, "I am just a humble servant. I beseech you to consider my actions in context."

Ponta's eyes never left Sarah's, and for a moment, their connection deepened, as if both women understood the unspoken desires that lay beneath the surface. The air between them crackled with intensity, a palpable tension that threatened to consume them both.

"Very well," Ponta said at last, breaking the charged silence. "I shall consider your words, Sarah of Nazareth".

As these words hung heavy in the air, Sarah felt exposed and vulnerable under Ponta's gaze. Her body ached for the touch of this powerful woman, even as she knew it would might bring pain and suffering. Her heart pounded and her breath quickened with anticipation, unsure of what fate awaited her at the hands of this court. Ponta Pilata noticed that also Caiaphas was aroused.

The lead priest of the Sanhedrin stepped forward, his voice booming as he addressed Ponta Pilata. "Your Excellency,"the prisoners words and actions have incited rebellion and unrest within our people," the priest continued. "She has claimed to speak for a God that is not our own, leading others astray with false teachings and perverse desires." Despite her soft words of love, the consequences of her actions are unrest among the people. She must be stopped Governess!

Sarah's heart pounded in her chest, her breathing ragged as fear threatened to overwhelm her. But beyond the terror, her masochistic nature also tingled at the thought of being punished for her actions. She fought to maintain her composure, knowing she must defend herself and her beliefs in this crucial moment.

"Your Excellency," Sarah began, her voice steady despite the whirlwind of emotions swirling within her, "I have only ever sought to heal and provide comfort to those in need. My faith is my guiding light, and my love is boundless, extending even to those who would see me suffer."

"Love? Even for those who want you to suffer?" Ponta's eyes narrowed, her love for Sarah growing because of her choice of words.

"Indeed," Sarah continued, her loving gaze never wavering from Ponta's as she spoke, "I believe that through forgiveness, even if it means our own suffering, we can find a deeper understanding of ourselves and our connection to the divine. I embrace pain willingly if needed, knowing that it can bring about growth and transformation."

The room fell silent for a moment as the weight of Sarah's words settled upon those present.

Ponta studied Sarah carefully, her eyes lingering on the delicate curve of her neck, the flush of her cheeks, and the barely disguised desire that shimmered within her azure gaze. The Governess of Palestine was no stranger to the darker corners of human nature, and she recognised the hunger that lay at Sarah's heart. Ponta struggled with her emotions, mixed with her love for Sarah, the thoughts of her duties as Governess and her sadistic nature.

"Your words are intriguing, Sarah of Nazareth," Ponta mused, her voice low and velvety. "But they do not absolve you of the charges against you."

"Your Excellency, I am aware of the gravity of my situation," Sarah admitted, her throat tightening as she spoke. "I only ask that you consider my actions in light of my faith and good intentions."

"Very well," Ponta conceded, her eyes never leaving Sarah's. "I shall consider your words and the situation carefully.

As the air between them crackled with tension, Sarah's pulse raced, her body aching with anticipation for whatever punishment Ponta Pilata would deem fitting. She knew it could bring pain and death. Despite this she could not deny the dark thrill that coursed through her at the thought of submitting to the powerful woman before her, her secret lover. Sarah's dark masochistic nature began to take control of her mind. She could not let go of her masochistic crucifixion desires, even if she tried to do so.

Ponta Pilata's dark eyes were locked on Sarah, her gaze intense and piercing. The air between them was thick with a potent mix of desire, fear,love and hunger that could not be ignored. Sarah felt a magnetic pull towards Ponta, like an undertow threatening to drag her under. Her heart pounded in her chest, her breaths shallow and quick.

"Your faith in your teachings is strong,I will give you that," Ponta murmured, her voice husky and seductive as she leaned in closer. "But I wonder … is your faith strong enough to endure what the Roman law might have in store for you?" "The penalty for sedition is crucifixion young lady!"

Sarah's body shuddered with pleasure and fear at the sound of Ponta's threatening words. Sarah felt a hot quiver deep in her belly and a sensation spread quickly across her chest,effecting her breasts.Her nipples puckered and peaked, erect against the fabric of her dress which had become suddenly tight and constricting as if it was having difficulties containing her arousal. She could feel the dripping wetness between her legs that betrayed her even more than her trembling body. The fabric of her tunic was soaked at the area covering her tight pussy. Suppressing a moan, Sarah forced herself to breathe evenly and keep her composure.

Ponta grinned, her lips curling into a predatory smile. She reached out, letting her fingertips graze lightly over Sarah's exposed collarbone, down the curve of her neck, and finally resting on her shoulder. The touch was electric, sending a shudder down Sarah's spine.

As they stood there, in the center of the hall, Sarah felt herself begin to break beneath the weight of Ponta's gaze. Ponta held her life in her hands, yet all Sarah could focus on was the masochistic fire and her love for Ponta that burned within her.Sarah began to think less of arguing for her defence.
----------------------- continues in part 2


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------------------- part 2, continuation chapter 3
To the frustration of the Sanhedrin and Caiaphas, Ponta then decided that she wanted to take a break in the court proceedings, and "interrogate" the prisoner privately.

"Guards," Ponta called out, not looking at Sarah. "Take the prisoner away to my private chambers, I need to question the prisoner alone. I will decide her fate soon enough."

As Sarah was dragged away by the Roman guards, her eyes locked onto Ponta's. In that instant, both women understood the gravity of what lay before them, and the inevitable collision of their desires. Like two celestial bodies hurtling through space, drawn together by a force neither could resist, they knew their destinies would converge, regardless of the destruction it may cause.

Moments later, Ponta and Sarah met privately in Ponta's bedroom.

Ponta looked at Sarah with eyes full of fear and love. She knew what was coming, and she wished she could do something to change it, but she didn't see how.

"My dearest Sarah, my love! I'm afraid we are in a tight spot", Ponta explained. The Sanhedrin has more information about us than they have revealed yet. If I don't full-fill Caiaphas wishes, I am sure he will reveal our relation - And he won't settle for less than having me sentence you to the cross. I will be nothing more than an instrument of his will, powerless to intervene. If I don't comply with their wishes, who knows what the Emperor might do? "Oh Sarah, I can't bear the thought of losing the only true love of my life, you!" "There seems to be no way out of this horrible situation." "Please forgive me - let's make love!" Both women started crying, tears of despair and love.

Ponta's lips then curved into a smile as she pulled Sarah closer with one hand and used the other to cup her cheek. She brushed her thumb back and forth across Sarah's full bottom lip, eyes blazing with desire and tears as she leaned in for a kiss.

Sarah tingled all over from Ponta's touch, her heart hammering in her chest as their lips met. She felt herself melt into the kiss, pleasure radiating outward from deep within her core, her pussy flooding. Ponta licked and nipped at Sarah's mouth, exploring every inch of her flesh with expert precision. As the intensity grew, Ponta began to trail kisses down Sarah's neck, relishing in the soft moan that escaped Sara's trembling lips with each stroke of her tongue.

Ponta pulled away just a little from Sarah's mouth. "Tell me how you want me," Ponta demanded, her breath hot on Sarah's neck.

"I want you everywhere," Sarah breathed out, her voice thick with desire. "Touch me like you own me."

A pleased chuckle escaped Ponta as she obliged, tracing paths of fire across Sarah's body with her hands. She pushed past the fabric that covered the prophetess curves, eager to feel the warmth of her exposed flesh beneath hers. Her fingers delved deep into Sarah's hair, tugging sharply before soothingly caressing the strands.

Ponta slanted her mouth over Sarah's, exploring hungrily while ignoring any protests or hesitations. Their tongues eagerly roamed and entwined together as they lost themselves in pleasure. Soon enough, Ponta had moved them both to the floor where she straddled Sarah's hips and kept their connection strong with an unrelenting grip on her waist.

Ponta continued to lavish Sarah with passionate kisses as she worked her way lower and lower until she reached between Sarah's legs and spread them apart without hesitation. She made sure to pay homage to every part of Sarah's body and pussy as she explored it thoroughly with her fingertips and tongue. Sarah gasped and moaned through every sensation, clinging onto Ponta as they rode wave after wave of pleasure together.

Eventually the intensity built up too much for either of them to handle and they both shattered into a million pieces at once, screaming out each others names in euphoria until there was nothing but blissful exhaustion left.

Ponta could sense Sarah's inner turmoil, as they lay exhausted after their love making. "Your deepest fantasies – a body subjected to torture and eventually to death. Would that bring you peace? my love. I am afraid that is how it will end anyway my love, regardless what I do." Dubious, but captivated by the idea, Sarah peered into Ponta's sorrowful gaze.

"Let me suffer on the cross," She finally exhaled in an almost reverential whisper. That demand hurt her heavily, as if it was tearing her soul apart.

Ponta looked at Sarah with a mix of affection and desolation, knowing that the only thing she could do was to grant her lovers wish. But by doing so, it would destroy them both, not just physically but spiritually as well.

“Then let it be done. I will make your darkest dreams come true - although I have no choice.I love you Sarah!"

Ponta called for her guards to take Sarah away, back to the court room."Remember this moment, Sarah of Nazareth,this is where our cravings brought us: to the abyss of shadows and pain. Pray for us both."

As Sarah was dragged back to the courtroom, Sarah felt that she had just sealed her fate, her heart heavy with the knowledge of what most likely awaited her, the cross. Yet, despite the dread that consumed her, she couldn't silence the small, insidious voice inside her that whispered: this is what you've always wanted, Sarah.

Ponta and Sarah returned to the courtroom, and the trial was ready to start again. The Sanhedrin priests looked very grim and determined.

Just as Ponta was about to re-open the court proceedings, a sudden commotion outside the room caused both women to freeze. The door burst open, and a group of soldiers rushed in, their expressions grim.

"Apologies, Governess," one of the soldiers said, his voice strained. "There's been an incident... We need you immediately."

Ponta's eyes narrowed as she assessed the situation, clearly annoyed by the interruption. She turned to Sarah and the Sanhedrin:"This court will take another short break".

Ponta departed with the soldiers, leaving Sarah alone with the priests and her guards.

Sarah couldn't help thinking about what she had done. Is their still another way, could she be free if she repented her alleged crimes in public?
Would the Sanhedrin accept that? What about if she also promised to stop her activities as a healer and Prophetess? Would that be enough, would it make it possible for her and Ponta to continue their secret love affair? Or is my crucifixion the only way? These thoughts occupied Sarah's mind as she once more stood in chains in the fortress hall. And despite the fear that gripped her heart, a shiver of masochistic anticipation ran down her spine at the thought of what lay ahead.
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