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My Titulus

What could be written on your titulus?

  • A criminal?

    Votes: 22 17.5%
  • A traitor, spy, deserter, renegade, war criminal (at the bad side)?

    Votes: 22 17.5%
  • A rebel, a martyr, resisting tyranny or oppression (from the 'good side')?

    Votes: 59 46.8%
  • For ignorance, or failing responsability (e.g. manslaughter)?

    Votes: 11 8.7%
  • Others?

    Votes: 34 27.0%

  • Total voters
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I remember that one well! Welsh Webb drew it in pencil on a pretty large sheet of paper, then scanned it and sent it to me in about a dozen overlapping letter-size scans. I had a method of piecing scans together so as to minimize distortion and mismatches at edges, then enhanced it to bring up the contrast. And voila, what you see there. Welsh did some good work but I think he's moved on to bigger things now.
I remember that one well! Welsh Webb drew it in pencil on a pretty large sheet of paper, then scanned it and sent it to me in about a dozen overlapping letter-size scans. I had a method of piecing scans together so as to minimize distortion and mismatches at edges, then enhanced it to bring up the contrast. And voila, what you see there. Welsh did some good work but I think he's moved on to bigger things now.

Well ... I think it is a classic ;) ... but I never would have imagined that you pieced it together ... what a job! Thank you.
And while we're looking at old drawings, how about some 2004 ones from Yusseby? His "Visual Notes on Roman Crucifixion" showed all of the terminology cartoon-style:


This one's titulus is hard to read, but looks like she was a spammer, definitely an offense deserving of the cross!


And here's what happens when tituli get out of hand:


Cruxintro 2.gif csK001a.gif csK010.gif csK201.gif cxK002a.gif cxK004a.gif cxK005a.gif
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I have a little bit neglected my own thread here.:doh:

Thanks for the contributions so far. Most of the voters prefer the third option : a rebel, a martyr. Definitely a safe choice, which personally fits my distrust against authority too.

As one could probably guess, however, for me, the question is the answer. All options are interesting to explore. But me, a murderer for example? Murder is a very violent and brutal act. Could I go myself so far? Even in fantasy the thought appears repulsive! Nevertheless, let the aversion turn into a challenge. The same for the second option : acting from the bad side, or the fourth one, negligence. How would a ‘normal’ person, ordinary people, turn into a murderer or become a traitor or a spy? How to explain or to justify it for one’s self, once hanging to a cross in face of an angry and revengeful mob and justice? In face of people you knew and who never have considered you capable of doing such things? These are just one of my favorite themes.
All options are interesting to explore.
Often I imagine myself as a kind of sacrifice.
And a lot of fantasies will have me in a position where while I might be sentenced but I'm guilty only in formal, not ethical terms. That's easy!

Nevertheless, let the aversion turn into a challenge.

And sometimes we do like challenges don't we.

So what about real guilt.

Imagining crimes, I'd have to say, I don't see myself as a person who's extremely ambitious or a strong risk-taker.
So I don't see myself realistically either in the role of the rebel fighter with guns blazing, or the renegade bandit, or the daring secret agent for either the 'evil' or the 'good' side, or the slaughtering war criminal.

Treason and espionage, though, are things I might gradually slip into, first just passing on a few observations or scraps of knowledge or giving access to some minor secrets... for whatever reason... and then just a little more is asked for and I am tempted with rewards of recognition or petty revenge or...? Could it happen?

Or could I find myself embeded in some corrupt hierarchy, where I fail to develop the courage to stand up against negligent decisions made for the sake of cost-cutting, which might lead to some evil outcome? We'd of course like to imagine ourself as always acting righteously, and speaking truth to power, but in the end I'd think those would be more likely than the bandit/rebel/murderess...
Often I imagine myself as a kind of sacrifice.
And a lot of fantasies will have me in a position where while I might be sentenced but I'm guilty only in formal, not ethical terms. That's easy!

And sometimes we do like challenges don't we.

So what about real guilt.

Imagining crimes, I'd have to say, I don't see myself as a person who's extremely ambitious or a strong risk-taker.
So I don't see myself realistically either in the role of the rebel fighter with guns blazing, or the renegade bandit, or the daring secret agent for either the 'evil' or the 'good' side, or the slaughtering war criminal.

Treason and espionage, though, are things I might gradually slip into, first just passing on a few observations or scraps of knowledge or giving access to some minor secrets... for whatever reason... and then just a little more is asked for and I am tempted with rewards of recognition or petty revenge or...? Could it happen?

Or could I find myself embeded in some corrupt hierarchy, where I fail to develop the courage to stand up against negligent decisions made for the sake of cost-cutting, which might lead to some evil outcome? We'd of course like to imagine ourself as always acting righteously, and speaking truth to power, but in the end I'd think those would be more likely than the bandit/rebel/murderess...
To the topic though... Tree will crucify for money but will not grace the condemned a titulus. What makes you think you are worth the time or effort?
crux 144 B.jpg
Tree will crucify for money but will not grace the condemned a titulus. What makes you think you are worth the time or effort?

Ahum. The titulus is not so much for me.
I can't see it anyway.
It's for all the others, so they'll know my crime, and understand about the wages of sin, and such.

If you put me up there without a titulus, people might think, what did they have against her?

If it comes to the worst ... they might think me a victim and not a delinquent and you wouldn't want that would you?
oh, good point! I can't have you thought of as victim!!!
Ah, so I get my titulus. So I win. Ummm, apart from being crucified :eek:

But as I said, I can't see it hanging like that.

Will you tell me what's on it?
Or even show it to me before you affix it?

I honestly doubt Tree cares, as long as he gets paid.
He might care about, uuuh, 'client satisfaction' though, to make sure he's not only paid this time, but also gets the next contracts...
Ah, so I get my titulus. So I win. Ummm, apart from being crucified :eek:

But as I said, I can't see it hanging like that.

Will you tell me what's on it?
Or even show it to me before you affix it?

He might care about, uuuh, 'client satisfaction' though, to make sure he's not only paid this time, but also gets the next contracts...
Hmmm... now I might have to do a short story....
Obviously that I have "rebell" ( not martyr, I'm proud !)

I cant imagine myself like a slave, submitted to the Masters'rules ...
I'm an Amazon warrior, I was defeated, I pay tribute to my winners ... :(
But I'm dying like a warrior, in fighting against my fate till my last breast ! :):rolleyes:
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