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A special request

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Her twenty-one year old daughter was crying in the passenger seat. Laverne scowled before telling her to stop her sniveling. “But I don’t want to roast over an open fire, mother! Why did he do this to us?”

“Stop your crying, Susan! What’s done is done. There’s nothing we can do about it now. Let’s just go enjoy one last night out on the town before we have to report to the city butcher in the morning, shall we?”

“But why, mother?? Why did he do this to us? He… he adopted me and… and everything!”

Laverne had a good idea why Bob had done this to them. She hadn’t been faithful to him in years. What’s more, her daughter had picked up many of her bad habits. She would have left him long ago were it not for that damned pre-nup… and for the fact he was paying Susan’s tuition.

She knew he’d had a bad heart. She was just hoping the ol’ ticker would have given out sooner rather than later. Then everything would have belonged to her.

She had no idea he’d changed the will. All she knew was that it stipulated they were supposed to report to the city butcher first thing in the morning after the reading of the will. She certainly wasn’t about to subject herself to a live spit-roasting, much less wait to find out how long it would take for her to expire above the flames.

Her daughter finally managed to stop crying. Susan was paying attention enough to notice the route her mother was taking. It had become apparent that plans had abruptly changed.

“Mother?” she asked in confusion. “Aren’t we going to Cyril’s for a last meal?”

“No, Susan; we’re not,” her mom replied grimly. “We’re making a little detour. If I would have told anyone where we were really going, they might have stopped us and put us under house arrest.”

“So where are we going, mother?”

“Just shut up and try to compose yourself; ok?”

Susan winced inwardly. Sometimes she loved her mother. And sometimes she disliked her intensely. This was one of those times. Surely her step-father had turned on them over something her mom had done!

They drove to an unfamiliar part of the city that had some tall buildings. Laverne found an entrance to an indoor parking garage and pulled inside. Susan frowned before asking, “Mother, where are we going?”

“I’m taking us to see Jack; ok? I just pray he’s here tonight.”

“Jack? Who’s Jack?”

Who’s Jack indeed. Did she dare tell her daughter who he was and how she’d come to know him? Perhaps now was not the time.

She reached the sixth floor and drove until she found the lone ramp up to a higher level. The sign said “Do Not Enter”. She took it anyway, knowing where it led.

“Mother, where are we…?”

“Will you just shut your damn mouth and let me think? I’m trying to save your sorry ass from being impaled and spit-roasted. Is that ok with you?”

To be honest, she was trying to spare herself the agony she would have to endure while riding a spit over a blazing fire. This was the only other choice that had presented itself to her. Hell, her daughter was lucky she didn’t drop her off somewhere to suffer riding the spit on her own in the morning.

Susan sniffled again. Supposedly her mother meant what was best for them both. But this seemed totally out of the ordinary, although their current circumstances were just as “out of the ordinary”. All she could do for now was simply put her trust in her. But was that wise?

The narrow lane opened up into a small parking area. Laverne parked in a spot right next to what looked like a door. Then she got out of the car, telling her daughter to hurry up and join her.

They walked up to the sliding door of what looked like a small freight elevator. There was a small panel next to it. Susan watched her mother anxiously push a button. There was no response.

“Damn! He’s got to be here; he’s just got to!”

“Who’s got to be here? Mother, what’s going on?”

“Will you just shut up and let me handle this?” Susan didn’t know whether to cry or holler back at her.

Laverne impatiently pushed it a dozen times. An equally impatient male voice suddenly came out of the nearby speaker. “Who is it?”

“Jack, it’s me… Laverne! I’ve got to talk to you… right now!”

“It’ll have to wait, Laverne. I’ve got company up here.”

Laverne winced inwardly. She’d always known – or at least suspected – Jack was seeing a multitude of women because of his profession. It still stung. But this was not the time to get all butt-hurt over his many conquests.

“Jack, this is an emergency! I’m here with my daughter!”

“I said I’ve got company, Laverne! I’m not interested in a threesome tonight. Come back some other time.”

“Damnit, Jack; I said it was an emergency! I need your other services! And I need them now!”

There was a pause. Then she heard him ask, “My guest gets to watch; right?”

“Damn you, Jack!” she muttered under her breath. Then she winced inwardly before sighing in resignation. “Ok – ok; she gets to watch! Just let us up already!”

The door suddenly slid open. But her daughter had now become hesitant about stepping inside, considering the conversation she’d just heard between her mom and the disembodied voice.

Her mother grabbed her by the arm. Then she forced her inside the elevator. “Damn you! Don’t you dare ruin this for me!”

“Ruin what, mother? I don’t want to go up!”

But it was too late. The door had already closed on them. A moment later, the elevator started to take them upward.

Susan became quiet as they went up several floors before the elevator came to a halt. The door slid open, revealing a ruggedly handsome man standing there in a dark blue robe. Laverne winced again, having seen him in that same robe so many times before… and under more intimate circumstances.

“What is it?” he asked impatiently.

“The two of us,” she replied icily, motioning at her and her daughter. “It’s got to be done tonight. Otherwise, they’ll be hunting us down to spit-roast us over an open fire tomorrow.”

His eyebrows lifted curiously as his attitude went from impatience to amusement. “Laverne, are you kidding me?”

“That bastard changed the damn will! He keeled over from a heart attack while I was bringing Susan home from the university for semester break. They just read the will this afternoon. Can you believe it? That bastard is handing us over to the city butcher in the morning!”

Jack chuckled as he shook his head. “And I thought you said your husband didn’t have a sense of humor.”

“Jack, it’s not the least bit funny! We’ve got no time for this!” She anxiously looked behind them as though expecting they had been followed. Then she added, “Now will you or won’t you?”

“What makes you think I want to get personally involved in your problems, especially when a will is involved?”

“I’ve got 586,000 reasons why you should. That good enough for you?”

He raised his eyebrows in surprise. “How’d you manage that?”

“I got what I could over the years, and I put it away in a secret account. But I’m sure as hell not going to be able to spend it after tomorrow morning; am I?”

Her daughter was astonished. “Mother, how did you get ahold of that kind of money?”

“Damnit, Susan; don’t question me, not unless you’d rather end up roasting live over an open fire!” Her daughter shook her head as she blinked back the tears that threatened to return.

Jack expectantly stretched out an open hand. Laverne just shook her head. “Hunh-unh. Not until we’re standing on the trap.”

Susan immediately became alarmed. “Trap? Mother, what trap?”

“Honey, will you just shut your damn mouth and let me handle this? I’m trying to spare us from enduring a painful impaling and roasting! Ok?”

Susan nodded submissively. But she was now starting to get a very bad feeling about all this. Worse, she’d just found out her mother had money stashed away but had not contributed a single dime to her education.

Jack looked them both over. “You two look like you’re all dressed up for a night on the town.”

“I didn’t want to raise any suspicions, Jack. I just hope to gawd we weren’t followed. I don’t want to be interrupted, not on this night.”

He shook his head. “If you were being followed, I doubt you would have made it this far. They probably assume you’re going to willingly show up at the city butcher tomorrow morning.” Then he waved them in as he told them, “Ok, c’mon in. Right this way. You know the way.”

“Thanks, Jack.”

Susan was confused. Her mother did not sound all that grateful despite Jack’s willingness to let them in. Just what the hell was this all about anyway??

to be continued
He led them down a hall her mother seemed more than a little familiar with. Then he opened another door into a private residence. A naked redhead was sitting on a couch sipping some red wine. She nodded at them before smiling nervously.


“A pleasure, I’m sure,” Laverne shot back icily. She hated the idea of being watched. But there was nothing she could do about that now, not without risking alienating Jack.

He smiled at his naked guest before motioning at the newcomers. “Corinne, you once said you wanted to watch me at work? Well, here’s your big chance. Help me set up the cameras; ok? I’d better record this so the lawyers will have a record of the event.”

“Really?” she asked with growing excitement as Laverne scowled at her. “You’re going to do them both? And you’re going to record it?”

“It’s to satisfy certain parts of the will,” he replied while looking right at Laverne. Then he told the unhappy mother, “Isn’t that right?”

Laverne glowered at him. Then she reluctantly nodded her head. “Yeah, I suppose you do have to cover your ass on this one.”

Corinne’s smile intensified as she looked the two women up and down. “You mean you’re actually going to…?”

“That’s right,” he smiled back at her as he waved at his two guests. “A mother and her daughter. This one’s a special request.”

“Hot damn!” she gasped with delight as she enthusiastically bounced upright off the couch.

“You two can change in here,” Jack instructed.

“Change?” Susan asked nervously as she looked at Jack and then her mother. “Change into what?”

“Ask your mother,” Jack replied with a knowing smile. “Meanwhile, Corinne’s going to come with me to help set things up.”

“I’m sure she’s going to be a big help to you,” Laverne shot back sarcastically, giving the woman a dirty look. Jack just chuckled as he took a naked Corinne with him, leaving both mother and daughter alone in the room.

“Mother?” Susan asked after they had left. “What was that all about? What’s going on?”

“I’ll tell you later. Now get out of that dress.”

“Get out of it? What for?”

“Because I told you to, damnit! It’s how Jack works! But you can keep on the heels, nylons and garter. Jack has a fetish.”

“But why, mother?”

“Do you really want to be impaled and roasted over an open fire tomorrow morning?”

Susan went pale. “Gawd no, mother; of course not!

“Then do as I damn well tell you before you feel the fires of hell well before you actually get there!”

“Yes, mother.”

Both of their dresses came off. “And the bra,” Laverne instructed her daughter as she removed hers.

Normally Susan would not have minded so much. But this time, she balked. Something about all this was definitely not right.

“Mother, I don’t… I mean… do I have to?”

“Take it off, Susan! And the panties! He’s going to want to see all the goodies.”

“But why?”

“He’s doing this as a special favor to me, honey. So we’re going to do what he damn well wants! And if that means he gets to see the goodies, then he damn well gets to see the goodies!”

Susan hesitantly removed her bra and panties. It left her in a garter, black fishnet stockings and heels. Then she looked at her mother questioningly, feeling more vulnerable than she had ever felt before.

Her mom was in nothing more than nylons and heels. She did have a pair of black nylon gloves that went up past her elbows. Apparently she wasn’t the least bit reluctant about getting naked for this man. But that was not unusual for her. It seemed like her mother was naked far more often than she was fully clothed.

Any other time, she would have appreciated looking at her mother’s nudity. Any other time, her mother would have complimented her on her good looks having been passed down to her. But not tonight.

“You look fine, Susan. C’mon – c’mon; let’s go already!” Then she grabbed her daughter’s arm.

“Where are we going, mother?”

“Let’s get going before they break down the damn door and haul our asses away!”

“Mother, who’s going to break down the door?”

“Will you fucking shut up and follow me?”

She led her daughter down a hall she was all too familiar with. It led to a door in the back of the apartment. Laverne opened it up, grabbed her daughter by the arm, and forced her through.

“Mom, we’re going outside?”

“Be thankful it’s a warm night. Now will you get your ass up that stairwell there?”

Their heels clattered as they climbed concrete stairs. They topped out, the path taking them ninety degrees to the left along the side of the structure. Her mother nodded as she told her, “That’s right, honey. This is the way we go.”

When they rounded the corner, Susan saw some sort of elevated wooden platform. But she could not see what was on top of it because of their close proximity to it. Where was her mother taking her?

The man named Jack and his friend Corinne were checking on cameras on tripods aimed at the top of it the wooden structure. Laverne walked her daughter over toward them. “I should have known he was going to record this,” her mother scowled under her breath. “But I suppose it can’t be helped.”

“Record what, mother?”

By then, Jack had looked up and acknowledged their presence. He smiled appreciatively as he lasciviously eyed them both. “Not bad, Laverne; not bad. Your daughter sure inherited your good looks.”

“Thanks,” she replied emotionlessly. Normally she would have gushed over his compliment. But not tonight; not under these circumstances.

Susan appreciated the remark, but only for a moment. Then she looked around in confusion. “We’re at the top of the city? Mother, what are we doing way up here at night in the nude?”

Corinne looked at the daughter in astonishment. “You mean you don’t know?” Susan innocently shook her head.

Corinne pointed. “Turn around and look up there.”

Laverne scowled at the woman as her daughter turned to look. That’s when Susan saw the platform for what it truly was. Two nooses dangled up above.

Her jaw dropped open as she stared in disbelief. “Mother, he’s… he’s got a gallows up here!”

“He certainly does,” Laverne replied evenly.

“But… but what for?”

“What do you think? He hangs people! And tonight he’s gonna… oh, hell; he’s gonna hang us; ok?”

Susan reacted as though her mother had just slapped her. She blinked in shocked surprise. Then she gasped, “Mother, are you serious??”

“Would you rather be spitted and roasted over an open fire tomorrow morning?”

“No, mother; of course not! But he’s… he’s really going to hang us?? Why didn’t you tell me earlier?”

At that moment, they all picked up the distinct sound of a siren somewhere in the city. Was it coming toward their general direction? Laverne winced inwardly.

Shit! They had to get this show on the road!

She ignored her daughter as she told their host, “C’mon, Jack! Do us now before they get here!”

He suddenly found himself hesitating. “Laverne, now I’m not so sure…”

“Jack, in five minutes you’re going to have a lot of money if you do this. Now let’s get this over with; ok?”

Understanding finally penetrated. Susan was aghast. “Mother, you really w-want him to h-hang us??”

“Damnit, don’t spoil this for me!” Then she angrily grabbed Susan by the elbow before marching her over toward the stairwell to the gallows.

At that moment, her daughter began to wail. Laverne just slapped her. “Stop it, damn you! It’s either this or a live spitting! Now which do you prefer?”

Susan sniffled as she reluctantly began walking up the stairs with her mother. What else could she do??

Jack smiled as he handed Corinne a small length of rope similar to the one he held in his hand. “You might as well join in on the fun.”

Her eyes lit up excitedly as she accepted it from him. Together they headed up the steps behind mother and daughter.

Jack and Corinne had not yet reached the top of the steps behind Laverne and Susan when the siren began to fade. Clearly, it was going somewhere else. Laverne let out a sigh of relief.

However, things were not going so well for her daughter. Susan was starting to go numb, now that shock was setting in. Was it true her mother wanted them both to hang?? She simply could not comprehend it!

Jack smiled as the sound of the siren faded away. “I guess they’re not coming for you after all, Laverne… at least not yet.”

“Then let’s make sure we’re no longer alive when they get here; shall we?”

“Have it your way.”

Susan gasped in alarm at her mother’s words. Then she focused on the two dangling nooses hanging before them. She was still trying to process the fact that her neck was going to be in one of them shortly.

Laverne paused to stare at them as though transfixed. Was this really going to happen?? Never in her wildest dreams had she imagined she would ever be wearing one of Jack’s coils.

She’d previously witnessed a handful of executions, courtesy of Jack. Afterwards, they had fucked like rabbits. Now reality was starting to set in, now that she realized she and her daughter were about to dance together.

2023 (written for “noosegirl” Dec 12 ’23 by riwa. Inspired by her story idea.)

end part 1
Part 2

Mother and daughter stood still, hesitant to move any closer. From behind them, Jack asked, “How about the traditional suck and fuck, Laverne?”

Susan turned and numbly looked at Jack, blinking her eyes in shocked dismay. Was he serious?? This day just kept getting worse and worse.

Laverne turned and told him, “I would, Jack; really I would. But we just don’t have the time. What if they’re coming up the stairs even as we speak?”

“In a hurry to get it over with?”

“You could say that; yes.”

“Fair enough.”

Susan began hyperventilating like crazy as she stared at one of the coils. Jack noticed she was having difficulties. “I’d better take care of your daughter,” he remarked sympathetically. “Corinne here will tie your hands behind your back and noose you up.”

“This is my first time helping Jack!” Corinne gushed excitedly as she stepped forward.

“Really?” Laverne replied sarcastically as she glowered at her. “Then I hope you enjoy the experience.”

“I plan on it,” the excited young woman replied with a smile.

Corinne grabbed Laverne and moved her right in front of the dangling coil. She liked how mother and daughter stood at roughly the same height. This was going to be so terribly exciting.

Next to her, Jack moved her daughter into position. Susan stared at the dangling coil framing her face as though it was a snake about to strike. She whimpered softly, wondering what had happened to their last night out on the town.

She found herself trying to catch her breath. She simply couldn’t believe this was happening to her! She and her mother had gone from an exciting school break together, to an impending spit-roasting, and now to an abrupt hanging… all within a matter of hours!

“Try to remain calm,” Jack told her kindly as he began securing her wrists behind her back. “It won’t be much longer. Your mother is right. This is probably better than being spitted and roasted alive before you succumb to the flames.”

Susan swallowed hard as she tried to nod that she understood. But she could hardly move. She was barely aware of him making sure her wrists were tied together nice and tight behind her back.

On the other hand, Corinne could not contain her enthusiasm. “Wow!” she gasped as she secured Laverne’s wrists behind her back. “A mother and daughter! I had no idea when I came up here tonight that I was going to get to help Jack with a double-hanging!”

“We’ll try to put on a good show for you,” Laverne replied sarcastically.

“I’m really looking forward to it!”

“Bitch,” Laverne muttered angrily.

Her daughter glanced over and gave her mother a shocked look. How much worse was this night going to get?? She suspected she was just about to find out.

Jack gently looped the noose around Susan’s throat. Then he snugged it up tight. She gasped and jerked in alarm as she started hyperventilating all over again.

“This is my first time noosing someone,” Corinne panted excitedly as she grabbed onto the dangling coil of rope. “Gawd; what a thrill!”

Laverne growled, “I hope someday he hangs the shit out of you.”

Corinne just chuckled. “Your words can’t hurt me, honey. You’re gonna be dead soon. So I don’t give a damn what you say to me.”

“Good. That means I get to call you a bitch, bitch!”

“And that means I get to noose you right up!”

Corinne looped the coil around Laverne’s neck. She followed Jack’s lead by snugging it up extra tight. That’s when the mother gasped as she finally felt her resolve start to falter.

“Now we go down and watch the show,” Jack told Corinne with a smile as they headed for the stairs. “Besides, the view will be much better from down there.”

“You two have a good time watching us swing,” Laverne called out sarcastically. But her voice quivered as she said it. Her confidence was rapidly dwindling.

Susan’s chest rose and fell as she gasped for breath. She turned and blurted out, “Mom? Do we… do we really have to… do this??”

It only took a moment thinking about the prospects of being painfully spitted to bring back some of her resolve. “Damnit, honey; I am not going to roast over an open fire while my heart’s still beating! You got that?” Susan gulped and nodded unhappily.

Jack appeared down below next to the cameras. He checked them to make sure everything was in order. Corinne looked excited as hell, her nipples hard as little pebbles.

Jack finally went over and picked up his iPhone. Then he looked up toward the gallows before calling up to her, “The code, Laverne?”

She felt a brief surge of bravado as she sneered, “What if I don’t give it to you?”

He answered back without missing a beat... “You feel like standing there wearing that noose all night long until the butcher comes and gets you? What if he’ll be here in the next few minutes?”

Susan was horrified as she gasped, “Mother??”

“Damn you, Jack! You would, wouldn’t you! All right, you bastard! Geneva Swiss Bank. It’s under the name Lorraine Costello. Password is LS4918SL609.”

“Give me a minute.”

Jack punched in some numbers. Then he appeared to wait as he watched the screen.

At that moment, they all heard another siren down on the city streets. Again, it sounded like it was coming their way. Laverne stiffened with alarm. Were they coming for them?

Hang or be spitted – those were their only options. Neither sounded as though they would be all that enjoyable. But being spitted and then roasting while she could feel the flames sounded far more painful and humiliating.

Laverne had seen a couple hangings where the women looked like they had orgasmed in the noose. Strangling to death was going to hurt like hell. But maybe she would get a little pleasure out of the deal. It was pitiful comfort, but it was all she had to hold onto.

“Damnit, Jack; hurry up! What if they’re coming to pick us up?”

“Calm down, Laverne! I’m just making sure it’s transferring into my account.”

“Damn you, Jack!”

What if they were coming up to get them? What if they were going to be spitted after all?? Her resolve strengthened a little, even as she found herself panting for breath from what was to come.

Jack slowly walked over to the lever as he kept watching his phone. Corinne panted for breath as she looked at him and then up at the duo on the gallows. She couldn’t believe how aroused she had become!

Susan sniffled as she began to cry softly. A few days ago, she was at the university. Now her young life was about to come to an abrupt end, courtesy of her step-father.

Laverne looked over toward the edge of the building. Was the siren getting closer?? Was this going to fall apart at the very last moment??

“Damnit, Jack; do it now!” She was not looking forward to hanging to death. But she was looking forward to being spitted and roasted alive even less.

“Just a second!”

Susan looked down and saw Jack over by a lever. Corinne was looking up at them while touching herself. Then she looked over at her mom and stammered, “M-m-mother??” It felt like her bladder was about to give way.

Laverne gave her daughter a look of disgust. She didn’t give a damn about the frightened young woman anymore. As an albatross around her neck, she probably should have dropped her off somewhere by the side of the road.

Now they were coming to take them both away. They were going to be spit-roasted despite her best efforts. She blamed it all on the little shit standing right next to her. If only she hadn’t driven to the university to pick her up, things might not have gone this way.

“Got it!” Jack declared triumphantly. Then he dramatically grabbed onto the lever.

Laverne listened for the siren. Then she called out, “Do it, Jack! Hang us already!”

Susan looked at her mother in horror. “Mom, is he… is this really…?”

“What the hell are you looking at? I did what I had to do! Just shut the fuck up and die already! There’s nothing we can do to stop it now!”

Her mother’s words shocked her. Horrified, Susan looked down at Corinne. But she did not appear to be the least bit sympathetic. In fact, the young woman seemed eager to watch them hang.

She looked down at Jack and shook her head as she rasped out, “No!” A sympathetic look flashed in his eyes. Then he looked from her to her mother.

“So long, Laverne. You were a great lay and all. It was fun while it lasted.” Then he pulled the lever.

Despite knowing what was coming, there was no time to prepare themselves. Susan was deep in despair. As for Laverne, she didn’t know whether to be relieved or alarmed.

The trap abruptly folded open below their feet. Mother and daughter dropped right through the opening. A cry of horror was torn from both sets of lips.

They didn’t fall far. Their ropes jerked them up short. But it had the effect of cutting off any further sound coming out of their mouths.

They bounced once… twice… and another little one. It caused their tits to bounce up and down upon their chests. Both nooses reflexively tightened.

Unfortunately, their necks had not broken. Laverne had secretly hoped they would. But she hadn’t asked Jack in advance. And knowing him, he would not have agreed to it. Now they would have to suffer the indignity of strangling to death naked in his nooses.

Both women appeared shocked at the sudden change in their situation. Instinctively, they tried to hang still so it wouldn’t hurt so much. But each one was struggling to get another breath. And that struggle was about to cause their quivering bodies to erupt in open revolt

Corinne stepped forward until she got a great upward view of mother and daughter. They were trying very hard not to kick or move. She could hear faint rasps and grunts as they both tried to force air down their restricted windpipes.

They gently swung back and forth. Like mother, like daughter. But for the moment, there was no dance. She was a bit disappointed.

That would not last long. Their legs were already starting to move, like coiled springs ready to explode. It was only a matter of time until they became animated.
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Laverne immediately wanted to take it all back. This was far, far worse than she had ever thought possible. It was much easier watching women hang to death – and frankly, more enjoyable to watch them suffer. But this felt utterly unbearable!

to be concluded
Part 2

Laverne immediately wanted to take it all back. This was far, far worse than she had ever thought possible. It was much easier watching women hang to death – and frankly, more enjoyable to watch them suffer. But this felt utterly unbearable!

to be concluded
Great story, Riwa!
For the moment, there was no such pleasure as she had witnessed from others dangling in their nooses. Instinctively, she knew kicking would only exacerbate things. But she was already starting to lose control of her legs.

Beside her, Susan was quivering as she struggled to hold her position. It clearly hurt like hell. But now she detected a sexual component to what was happening to her.

Back at the university, she had fucked a number of boys who had choked or strangled her during sex. She had tried to be a people-pleaser rather than fight them over it. As a result, she’d endured some rather amazing orgasms as a result of her breath being cut off.

Now her body was responding as it had so many times before. There was the familiar pain of asphyxiation. But there was also an accompanying surge of pleasure which threatened to blossom within her.

Clearly, there was no cock inside her. But it sure felt as though she was being fucked and strangled. Susan tried to focus on those sensations as her face turned red.

Laverne got a brief glance at her daughter. Was the little shit actually handling it better than she was?? That didn’t seem possible!

She’d certainly seen women orgasm in the noose. And she wanted one for herself. So why the hell did it hurt so damned bad??
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Almost as one, their legs became animated. They started pedaling in an effort to loosen their nooses from around their throats. But it wasn’t working. If anything, their struggles were making it even harder to breathe.

Mother and daughter soon began kicking it up. Knees jerked upwards as they began to swing back and forth. It was clear from the start just how much they were suffering.

Corinne noticed right away how the nipples on both sets of tits had hardened right up. And both faces were darkening. But there was that familiar flush of arousal on each upper chest. Clearly they were experiencing something profoundly erotic.

She didn’t even bother glancing over to see Jack stroking his cock beneath his robe. She was too busy watching them swing. And she didn’t want to miss a moment.

Right away, she thought she noticed a difference in their performances. The mother was wincing and kicking as though desperate to make it stop. She looked like she was suffering… gawd; how she was suffering!

Corinne was not at all sympathetic to her plight. She really wanted the woman to suffer. The bitch deserved it, especially after the way she had so cruelly reacted to her… and of course, to the way she had treated her daughter.

As for Susan? Oh, she was suffering too. But her dance seemed to be much more intimate.

Her labia were swollen and puffy. Then her thighs came together as her legs kicked. A moment later, her knees came up as though she was trying to initiate some sort of contact with her swollen nub.

Susan’s pussy looked red and inflamed. Corinne had seen that in other women when they were being fucked. Then the young woman rasped as she crossed her thighs while humping the air. Gawd; she looked like she was cumming in her noose!
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Was she really seeing what she thought she was seeing?? Corinne couldn’t be sure. But it sure as hell looked like the daughter was trying to work some sort of pleasure out of the experience.

As for Laverne? Corinne thought she looked panicked as she fought her noose. Did she want to live longer, now that it was too late?

She felt no sympathy whatsoever toward her. In fact, she found herself mentally taunting the woman… ‘Kick, you bitch! You wanted to hang? Now you can suffer for it!’ And with that, Corinne rubbed herself even more. She was thrilled at being able to watch a mother-daughter hanging, especially the way they danced differently, yet similarly.

As for Laverne? This was wrong; it was all so wrong! Now she wanted to live! This hurt too much; she wanted the pain to end!

She desperately wanted to experience every last second of life. That would mean being spitted and roasted over an open fire tomorrow morning while she was still alive. But she wanted those precious minutes, even knowing how painful and humiliating that final experience would be. But now it was never going to happen. Jack had seen to that.

As for her daughter? She glanced over and noticed Susan’s dance was much more sublime. Was she getting to experience the pleasure that was being denied to her??

It was obvious how much her daughter was suffering. Her face was a dark red. But her dance seemed erotic… almost masturbatory in nature. Laverne was jealous as hell, causing her to become all the more hateful.
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Susan reached her objective despite the pain… or because of it? She actually squirted from the orgasm that totally enveloped her. It gave her the briefest of respites.

She looked down and saw Corinne shamelessly masturbating. She’d once participated in an orgy where women had cum while watching her being fucked. Back then, it had been so incredibly arousing that she’d cum right then and there.

She locked eyes with Corinne and immediately understood the woman was masturbating to her suffering and humiliation. Susan involuntarily shimmied in Corinne’s direction. That’s when she felt another warm flush of pleasure go through her. She was almost certain Corinne had cum as well.

She twisted until she got a look at her mother suffering in the noose beside her. That’s when she remembered all the times her mom had belittled or mistreated her. There had been so many.

The bitch had shown absolutely no compassion during their trip up here. She hadn’t bothered to reveal her true intent until it was much too late to turn back. Now her mother appeared to be absolutely terrified… and suffering horribly.

Her throat was virtually closed off. So she could no longer speak to her mom. But her thoughts came freely and unbidden…

‘What’s the matter, mother? Didn’t this turn out the way you thought it would? I’m suffering over here hanging to death… but all you ever cared about was yourself!’

She saw her mother violently kick it up. She appeared to be panicked and in utter desperate. ‘What’s the matter, mother? I thought this was what you wanted!’

Laverne screamed in her mind as she fought like hell. She suddenly felt all alone in the world. Her bitch daughter seemed to be looking at her with disdain. Even Jack down there and that bitch Corinne were both using her suffering for their entertainment.

At that moment, Susan lost all love and sympathy for her mother. She could only watch helplessly as her mom suffered. That’s when something previously buried came rushing to the fore…

‘Fight it, bitch!’ she thought bitterly. ‘Fight it and die! This is what you get for letting Jack hang us like this!’

A couple times, she had witnessed other girls being choked and strangled during sex. Back then, she had imagined her mother in their place, suffering for all the many times she’d emotionally abused her. She’d even mentally cheered on their torment, wishing it was happening to her mom.

When the deserving bitches had climaxed, she had climaxed too. Afterwards, she had felt a little guilty thinking of her mother like that. Now, it was happening all over again. Only this time, she was not the least bit sympathetic…

‘Fight that noose, mom! Fight it for my sake! Fight it and suffer, you fucking slut!’

She caught a glimpse of Jack and Corinne looking up at them. Both were furiously masturbating. Strangely, it turned her on knowing they were getting off to her suffering. But more importantly, they were getting off to her mother’s suffering. And shamefully, that pleased her greatly.

She saw her mom start to shudder painfully in the noose. She had seen her cum a few times during perverse moments in their relationship. So she recognized it now. However, it only made her feel even more sadistic…

‘What’s the matter, mother? Does it really hurt this time? Cum for me and die, you fucking slut! Daddy must have known what a whore you were. Now cum and die like a whore one last time for dear ol’ daddy!’

At the moment, Corinne couldn’t believe it! Laverne looked like she was orgasming painfully. But her daughter looked like she was watching her as though she was getting off on it despite her own agony! It was so arousing that she climaxed like crazy.

Laverne had finally cum. But it had hurt like hell. Now she couldn’t breathe… and she could feel death closing in.

She was all alone… alone and suffering. She tried to beg and plead for mercy. But there was none forthcoming as she lost feeling in her toes… and then her legs.

Her daughter was looking away. Susan wasn’t looking at her any more. Was she ashamed of her??

Laverne went into agonal spasms as she felt organs dying inside her. She screamed in her mind as her vision began to fade… “No – no – NO – NO!”

Somehow, Susan’s naked body had turned away from her mother. She couldn’t breathe at all… and she was utterly exhausted. She had experienced an orgasm or two. But now it felt like this was the end.

She looked down and saw Corinne looking up at them, an expression of rapture in her features. Even Jack looked blissful. But she felt no animosity toward them. Strangely, she hoped they had enjoyed themselves… and that somewhere, her step-father was looking down and enjoying seeing her and her mother get what they clearly deserved.
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Laverne’s finally bladder gave way. It was quickly followed by her daughter’s. Both women gently swung back and forth, their ropes creaking.

Corinne felt one more orgasmic ripple quiver through her. She sighed with pleasure, unable to believe how erotic it had been. The daughter had proved to be a hell of a lot more entertaining that the mother… although that bitch had certainly been entertaining in her own right.

She looked over at Jack. He hefted a finger to his lips. Then he pointed at the cameras. She nodded with understanding.

He quietly escorted her back down to his apartment where they fucked like rabbits. An hour later, he received a call. A lawyer wanted to know whether Laverne and Susan had shown up there.

He asked what would happen if they had. The lawyer replied there had been a stipulation in the will which had not been read in public. It said conditions of the will would be met if the mother and daughter ended up hanging at the hands of the man the mother was having an affair with. If that was the case, he would send a truck over to pick up the bodies so they could be processed with the city butcher.

Jack figured the jig was up. So he told him to send the truck over. The lawyer said he’d make sure no charges would be brought up against him because enough of the will had been satisfied. Then the call ended.

2023 (written for “noosegirl” Dec 12 ’23 by riwa. Inspired by her renders and her story idea.)
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