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‘Justice’ through the ages

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Perhaps “justice” was seen in strictly a male form of observance. In the 1500s, a woman accused of not ‘serving’ her man adequately would be taken to the woods outside of Brampton and be executed by beheading.

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The private execution was considered the morally correct thing to due to such a woman although there is no recorded history of how the executed women felt about their executions.

In time it was determined the executions occurring in such privacy afforded far too much dignity to the condemned women and the executions were moved to the public square.

The woman would be brought to the square naked but for the ropes binding the wrists and ankles.

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She would be set kneeling with her neck comfortably stretched over the block.

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The executioner would take aim then raise the axe for the fatal blow.

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Then the axe would swing down towards her neck. The fatal slice took but a moment to severe her head.

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While her body still conversed it would be hanged by its ankles and her head would be mounted on a stake, both displayed for the balance of the day.

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It would be that evening before a local pig farmer would claim her remains and take them as feed for his hogs. Such barbaric treatment of women would not stop women from being accused of crimes worthy of beheading.

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Such executions always drew a large, satisfied crowd. But the end of such barbaric executions were just time away.
Beheading of such scandalous women was a popular event in Brampton. Though not recorded how many would turn out for a woman’s execution’ bills were posted advertising a future beheading of the women sentenced to suffer beheading on the block.

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Interesting, some women resisted being brought to the square to be beheaded.

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Others went to the platform with bold defiance, some even cursing the gathered crowd as they were prepared for the block.

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It hardly mattered. The result was always the same. With the swing of the axe the women’s heads were severed from their bodies and displayed to the crowd from Brampton and they would sin no more.

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To increase the revenue beheadings were scheduled for the last Saturday of the month.

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More people would turn out to see several naked women beheaded for their crimes and the vendors sold more adult beverages thus paying greater ‘tributes’ to the town of Brampton.


The crowds became larger as they could see a progression of women brought to the square and lose their heads.

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It was late in the 1600s a woman from France named Mademoiselle Messaline approached the mayor of Brampton with an interesting proposition.

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She offered the city the use of her guillotine constructed of her premium French wood, a heavy but deadly French steel blade, and a premium French rope to release the blade. She generously offered to rent the machine for several gold coins per woman beheaded by the devise.

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She knew the mayor was too cheap to buy her guillotine outright but correctly assumed enough women would suffer beheading she would come out ahead by renting the tool. Her guess was correct and Brampton entered the Years of the Guillotine.

The condemned women would serve their sentence beneath the blade of Messaline’s guillotine.

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There is no recorded records of how the women felt about being beheaded by Messaline’s tool.
At first, beheading women using the guillotine drew large crowds to watch the women have their heads removed.

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The people would come out in droves to see the women brought to the guillotine to see their necks sliced by the falling blade.

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But after a few years, the size of the crowds began to diminish.

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Soon there only a few people showing up to watch the women sentenced to death on the guillotine. The women were often sentenced to the guillotine by their wealthy families. They could afford their own drinks and revenue from the vendors’ sales tanked.

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This hardly sat well with the Brampton leaders nor the archbishop of Brampton (who was funded as much by taxes collected as he was donations from his congregation). The archbishop took matters into his own hands. He immediately summoned Sister Angel, a young, somewhat voluptuous young woman assigned to his castle abbey.

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“Sister Angel, we have been losing large sums of money due to the lack of liquor sales at the monthly beheadings the lack of crowds attending the executions. It seems they have become bored with watching women lose their heads on the guillotine” Archbishop Wragg sighs.

“You excellency, if I may be so bold to say, I don’t go to the executions anymore. Once you have seen a dozen or so women put to death that way, it gets sort of boring after a while” Sister Angel admits. “It is hardly like they do it back in the Vatican!”

“Do explain, Sister Angel” Archbishop Wragg prods with great interest.

“At the Vatican, the condemned prisoners are hanged to death. They can last a few minutes to as much as a half hour! It is quiet exciting” Sister Angel exclaims.

“And they all expire?”

“Everyone that I have seen” she responds enthusiastically.

“Hmm, before I roll this out, I must see how it works. Sister Angel, would you be so kind as to allow me to have you hanged” Archbishop Wragg inquires.

“You mean to hang me until I die?”

“Well, of course, Sister Angel. It would not be much of a demonstration if you survive being hanged” the archbishop notes.

“Well, your excellency, I have always wondered what it would feel like to be hanged. If it will help the church, of course I will allow you to hang me” Sister Angel replies almost in a coo!

“Very well. This Sunday after I celebrate the services, we will hang you in the abbey’s infirmary” the archbishop exclaims.

It is only Wednesday. He has the abbey guards escort Sister Angel to the abbey’s dungeon where she could pray for a merciless death when the archbishop hangs her on Sunday. Dressed only in irons, Sister Angel prays her death would be worthy of the church.

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The only rest she received from her iron bonds was when the guards wanted to use her body.

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They seemed undeterred by Sister Angel’s vow of chastity she made when she became a nun.

Sunday arrives and Sister Angel is brough in irons to the archbishop’s quarters. With only a an hour left before she is to be hanged she makes a request to the archbishop. “Your excellency, if I may be so bold, I wish to be hanged wearing a mask.”

“Of course, Sister Angel. You are to be hanged solely for the church. I would be honored to have you wear a mask when you are hanged” the archbishop replies.

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Sister Angel fails to confess the guards using her or that she had enjoyed their attention. She was brough to the infirmary. With her hands bound behind her back, she stood on the stool as the noose was placed around her neck. As the hood was slipped over her head, the excitement was more than she could stand. She hoped no one would notice her urine trickling down her legs.

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Before a gathering of the archbishop’s invited guests, Sister Angel was hanged by her neck.

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After ten minutes hanged, Sister Angel lost control of her bladder and loudly peed on the floor below her. She would last a few mor minutes before she passed away. Overall, the spectators were very pleased with Angel’s hanging!
Great reads! I’m beginning to notice certain characters appearing in your stories who bare an uncanny resemblance to some prominent cruxforum members!
The imagery of the beheaded girls in particular were lovely.

Still and all, seemed like a waste of a good opportunity for some pre-execution correction.

Loinclothslave feels they all got off remarkably leniently! Suggests Bishop Wragg consider that hours of torture would keep the crowds coming back and staying/paying longer?
“Hmm, before I roll this out, I must see how it works. Sister Angel, would you be so kind as to allow me to have you hanged” Archbishop Wragg inquires.
The risk of proposing a new execution method is that justice wants proof it works!:doh:
It would be a lack of self-confidence in the own genius, if the inventor would not volunteer to demonstrate it personally!:facepalm:
The archbishop of Brampton was very careful about rolling out hanging as a new form of execution. He performed several studies of hanging women after Sister Angel sacrificed her life for the initial hanging. In all, he found all women would succumb to being hanged by their necks, many taking more than a quarter hour to succumb to the noose. This, coupled with radically descending revenues from condemned women sentenced to the guillotine, prompted him to hang the first woman publicly in the very early 1700s.

She was Barbara Moore. A well respected woman about Brampton, Miss Moore made the fatal mistake of refusing to service the archbishop sexually. It seems she had more respect for herself than to succumb to the archbishop’s less than polite advances. As a librarian at the abbey’s vast library, the town was shocked when Miss Moore was arrested though they were quite pleased to hear she would be hanged in the town square after she was found guilty of being detrimental to the abbey’s needs. Needless to say, it was not to be shared with the town folk what the ‘abbey’s needs’ were, only that Barbara Moore would be put to death hanged naked in the town square on the last Saturday of the month.

Barbara would spend her last week alive locked in the abbey’s dungeon to contemplate her fate… and provided services to the dungeon’s guards too aghast to be described here.

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Barb was certain that being hanged would result in her death, she did not fully understand how, never having seen a hanging herself. But the last Saturday of the month arrived and Sister Fornication (the sister in blood to Sister Angel) came to the dungeon to escort the nude Barbara Moore to the square to be hanged.

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The walk to the square was harrowing enough for Barbara. The path was lined with jeering people that had come to see her hanged. Never mind that more than few were people who she considered friends. Their only goal was to watch a naked woman be hanged to death, the hell with any friendship they may have felt!

Barbara was escorted up to the platform where a scruffily dressed man known as ‘Tree’ placed the noose around her neck. She boldly asked him “Are you going to hang me, too?”

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“Nah” Tree replied. “The archbishop is having his men do that.”

Tree was replaced by an abbey guard who tightened the noose only enough that Barbara’s head could not escape the noose.

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Satisfied Barbara was now a prisoner of the rope he said “I tied a fine noose. You should last quite a while before the noose does you in.”

A trio of strong men grabbed the rope. Any one of them could have easily hoisted her up. The three of them had no trouble hoisting her above the stool. As they tied the rope to the gallows’ upright, the crowd began to cheer as Barbara began her frantic search for something to stand on.

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Her fight with the noose became more frantic as the noose conspired with her hanged body to slowly squeeze her throat.

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A quarter hour after Barbara was hanged her fight with the noose was losing steam as the rope slowly shut her windpipe.

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The crowd cheered as Barbara’s last pee sprinkled between her legs. It would take more than twenty minutes for Barbara to succumb to the noose.

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The archbishop left her body hanged the rest of the day. The vendors had done very well and would pay the abbey quiet well for their take that day!


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She was Barbara Moore. A well respected woman about Brampton, Miss Moore made the fatal mistake of refusing to service the archbishop sexually.
All I said to him was “I don’t swallow.” :oops:

and provided services to the dungeon’s guards too aghast to be described here.

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Funny ... that’s never stopped you before, Tree. :confused:

Barbara began her frantic search for something to stand on.

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Damnit, Tree! You know perfectly well that view is verboten!!! :spank:

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The crowd cheered as Barbara’s last pee sprinkled between her legs. It would take more than twenty minutes for Barbara to succumb to the noose.

we don’t talk about that either! :spank::spank:
Excuse my absence... no internet yesterday... We continue...

The ‘judicially sentenced hangings’ of young women were a quite popular way to end each month. The crowds turning up bought a lot of liquor were enthused to wrap up the long month by coming to town to watch the women hanged. They seemed unconcerned about the women’s guilt or (claimed) innocence but how good of a show she would present as the rope tightened around her neck! The longer the woman lasted seemed to minimize their concerns of how fair her judgement was.

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Thus, through the 1700s, the hanging of women- regardless of their guilt or innocence- carried on. Not all women went to the gallows willingly. Many needed some persuading.

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A quick if forceful binding of their wrists was often needed.

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And a quick check of their lack of virginity was done.

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Then they were taken to the town square.
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Even at this stage some would fight going to the gallows.

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She would resist being noosed.

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But she would lose to the executioners and find the noose secured around her neck.

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With the noose secured, she waited until her ‘crimes’ were read and the hangmen to hoist her up.

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There is no recorded history of any of the women surviving their time hanged from the gallows.

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But all of them presented a wonderful final show as they fought for the last minutes of their lives.
In the 1900s the penalty of execution died out across the western world. Even the US was reluctant to sentence a criminal to death. Oddly, Brampton followed the western countries and had abandoned hanging women (at least for having vague charges of crime brought against them).

Professor Barbara Moore of the University of the Virgin Martyrs traveled to the Tree estate in Missouri. She had found that one of her ancestors was hanged many years before by one of Tree’s ancestors. In the warm summer of 2104, she sat on the deck with Tree. As she entertained a grass of red wine, she stripped off her blouse and lit up a Madame Wu.

Teasing Tree she purrs “What would you have done to me many years ago if I showed up like this?”

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“Nothing unless the courts found you guilty of provocative behavior” Tree replies.

“And if they did, what then?”

“I’d have hang you like my ancestor did you ol’ lady” Tree replies casually.

“No regrets” Barb asks.

Tree lights up a Marlboro and with a puff of smoke

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He says “For him it was just a job. He didn’t care one way or the other about the woman’s guilt or innocence. Brampton paid him to hang the women and that’s what he did.”

“I wonder how it was for her” Barb sighs.

“It was pretty frightening. She was matched to the gallows and he placed a noose around her neck.”

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“She stood on top of the gallows while the crowd yelled at her and the town crier hollered out her crimes. There was no escape as she was parked on a three-foot tall stool with a premium French noose around her neck. Then Tree licked the stool away. So she was hanged dangling by the neck. Tree watched her struggle alone with Miss Messaline who provided the rope.

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“She lasted quite a while, kicking and dance while she strangled.”

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“She slowed the longer she strangled.”

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“Soon she pissed all over the place as she kicked the bucket.”

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“That is so gross” Barb says with her face scrunched.

“Hey, most people did that when they expire. Anyway, they left her hanging the rest of the day.”

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“It was good for more booze sales having a naked body hanging from the gallows” Tree explains.

“You just made that all up” Barb says accusingly.

“I have his diary. You can read it yourself” Tree replies.

It is 2115. The economy of Brampton is in the tank. It was the great descendant of Archbishop Wragg that determines Brampton must reinstitute the execution of women by hanging them in the town square. This was done despite the public outcry against the barbaric practice. The archbishop had an actress named Alice arrested and brought to Brampton to be tried and sentenced to be hanged.

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Even with the public outrage, the square is filled with paying customers to watch Alice’s hanging. To prove such a lynching would be performed humanely, the abbey nurse accompanied Alice to the gallows to insure her hanging would be as merciful as such an execution could be done.

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The nurse cooed at Alice as Alice’s hand were bound behind her back saying “It won’t take you much mor than a quarter hour to die.”

With her hands tied behind her back and the thick noose placed around her neck, Alice yelled at the hangman “Do your job, you son of a bitch!”

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The hangman shrugged and kicked the stool from under Alice’s feet. At twelve-fifteen Alice is hanged. For almost twenty minutes she struggled to escape the noose closing around her neck.

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Soon Alice hanged quite dead.

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By the archbishop’s orders, Alice is left hanged by her neck until after the sun set that evening. The vendors did a fine business for the return of women hanged in the square.
In the warm summer of 2104, she sat on the deck with Tree. As she entertained a grass of red wine, she stripped off her blouse and lit up a Madame Wu.
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In your dreams. Tree! :tits:

Tree lights up a Marlboro and with a puff of smoke

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May I remind you of what the Surgeon General says about that filthy habit? ;)

“You just made that all up” Barb says accusingly.

Well he does. He makes these things up all the time. Then he posts them as stories on CruxForums. And believe it or not, some people outside of Arkansas actually even read them! :rolleyes:

Such barbaric treatment of women would not stop women from being accused of crimes worthy of beheading.
Quite the opposite, I would think. If all you have to do is accuse her of not "doing her duty" you'd likely see a bit of an uptick in accusations.

Another fine yarn on the way from Tree's pen. :)
Interesting, some women resisted being brought to the square to be beheaded.
You'd think that would be normal, but okay, interesting. :D

She offered the city the use of her guillotine constructed of her premium French wood, a heavy but deadly French steel blade, and a premium French rope to release the blade.
Everything is better if it's French. You know, the French coffee press was actually an Italian invention, but it sounds better if it's French. That's odd, because you don't drink French cappuccino. But I digress.

revenue from the vendors’ sales tanked.
Considering that the only industry in Brampton appears to be the execution of women, this is a bit of an economic crisis.

“Hmm, before I roll this out, I must see how it works. Sister Angel, would you be so kind as to allow me to have you hanged” Archbishop Wragg inquires.

“You mean to hang me until I die?”

“Well, of course, Sister Angel.
Archbishop Wragg is almost entirely evil, but he's well versed in the scientific method of inquiry. Always test your hypotheses, especially when it goes so well with being totally and completely evil.

This, coupled with radically descending revenues from condemned women sentenced to the guillotine, prompted him to hang the first woman publicly in the very early 1700s.

She was Barbara Moore. A well respected woman about Brampton, Miss Moore made the fatal mistake of refusing to service the archbishop sexually.
There are so many fatal mistakes one can make as a woman in Brampton. It's a wonder there are any women left there at all.
It was the great descendant of Archbishop Wragg that determines Brampton must reinstitute the execution of women by hanging them in the town square. This was done despite the public outcry against the barbaric practice. The archbishop had an actress named Alice arrested and brought to Brampton to be tried and sentenced to be hanged.
It is reassuring to find that these hereditary Archbishops seem to think and behave in a consistent manner... :confused:

Alice yelled at the hangman “Do your job, you son of a bitch!”

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And so the final curtain falls on another throat-clenching exploration of the history of justice in Little Brampton. But with a surprise twist in the hemp for those who believed Alice was crucified, at least repeatedly between 2007 and 2021. In fact, she will be hung (I hesitate to say 'hanged' in the technical sense) by the neck, for twenty minutes initially, and so on for however long it takes until the sun sets on a day in the year 2115. It seems that life, or indeed the absence thereof, will continue to be unpredictable... :confused: Well done, Tree! :D
It is reassuring to find that these hereditary Archbishops seem to think and behave in a consistent manner... :confused:

And so the final curtain falls on another throat-clenching exploration of the history of justice in Little Brampton. But with a surprise twist in the hemp for those who believed Alice was crucified, at least repeatedly between 2007 and 2021. In fact, she will be hung (I hesitate to say 'hanged' in the technical sense) by the neck, for twenty minutes initially, and so on for however long it takes until the sun sets on a day in the year 2115. It seems that life, or indeed the absence thereof, will continue to be unpredictable... :confused: Well done, Tree! :D
If this is the Alice who’s always in Trouble, who are we going to sell for next month’s web services payment????
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