Neanderthal he may well be, but the 'hairy Ainu' are the indigenous people of the far north of Japan -
unlike the Japanese, the men do grow impressive beards - not that they look much like Santa,or anyone else on that cover
it's interesting, though sad, to see Japanese racist stereotypes exported to American pulps
You mean as opposed to us creating our own? The Japanese are perfectly capable of growing beards, where the Ainu tend to be hairier is on their bodies like Caucasians. Despite what the Japanese think they aren't native to the islands just as homo sapiens are not native to the Americas.
Let's face it, those "pulps" are ALL about stereotypes. As was most of the pop-culture in that time period. Not meaning to offend anyone but Japanese where "Japs", the Chinese were "Chinks", my Italian ancestors were "Whops" and I was a "goiem" (non-Jew) to the mother of a Jewish boy I dated when I was all of 13.
One of the interesting things is that there are 20,000 year old Caucasian graves in northern China. Caucasians have Neanderthal genes and some Asian (and maybe Caucasians) may also have Denisovan genetic material in them.
We've been wandering around this planet for a long long time and it seems sex is one thing we have been enjoying with each other for quite awhile.
And let's also be honest with ourselves, there was a time in our existence that "different" really did mean "dangerous" and all cultures created stereotypes to make that which was dangerous be non-appealing so that we wouldn't mingle with or trust that which was "dangerous".
It was how we were, it served a valuable purpose when existence was tenuous at best and now we have gotten past that (I hope). That's civilization as it progresses folks.
Let's not be to quick to judge those who came way before us because we really don't know what their lives were like. And let's hope those who follow us aren't too quick in pointing their fingers back at us tsk-tsking about what moral Neanderthals we were just because they are more enlightened (remember ALL morals are relevant not absolute).