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Broken On The Wheel

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Mind you English executions could be brutal too, see https://www.historyhit.com/day-killers-charles-i-executed/
Those who signed King Charles the first's death warrant did not get off easy.
(nor did anyone convicted of "coining" i.e making counterfeit money. And women coiners were burned at the stake. AS would be the fate of a woman who murdered her husband or a servant girl who murdered her master or mistress.)
BTW I said English advisedly as I believe that ,in those days, the law in Scotland and Ireland might have been different, though probably no kinder to the condemned.
Charles II desire for revenge wasn't confined to the living. The bodies of Oliver Cromwell, two other Parliamentarian military leaders and the judge who presided over Charles I's trial were exhumed and "executed". Cromwell's body was hanged in chains at Tyburn then beheaded, The head was displayed on a pole outside Westminster Hall until 1685. After passing through several hands, it was buried beneath of the chapel at Sidney Sussex College in Cambridge.
"Victorian" prudery at work again, methinks.
No doubt the executioners made sure she Did say something blasphemous.
One of the Heretical acts Joan was charged with was wearing men's clothing. After she recanted and was sent back to prison, she continued to wear men's clothing because she could fasten her trunk hose to her tunic to make it more difficult to be raped. The guards also took her female clothing away leaving her no other option. This was used to as proof she had relapsed into heresy and could be executed.
Did that sort of thing really happen to girls?
Yup, it also happened to girls.
Some regions spared women the shame of being publicly stripped and broken on the wheel: See Geoffrey Abbott book 'Execution': "...she was executed wearing a jacket and pantaloons of white satin...'
There is a quite graphic description in German language of the murderess Dorothea Goetterich who was executed in 1770: 'It had taken 15 minutes to secure her in the position for the execution (usually naked spreadeagled) and place the wooden wedges under her limbs where to be broken. She only cried out loud in pain when the first limb was broken. Apparently her face showed the pain while the other limbs and feet bones were smashed but she did not scream any further...' I want to spare the details, but she suffered a lot before finally passing away
Yup, it also happened to girls.
Some regions spared women the shame of being publicly stripped and broken on the wheel: See Geoffrey Abbott book 'Execution': "...she was executed wearing a jacket and pantaloons of white satin...'
There is a quite graphic description in German language of the murderess Dorothea Goetterich who was executed in 1770: 'It had taken 15 minutes to secure her in the position for the execution (usually naked spreadeagled) and place the wooden wedges under her limbs where to be broken. She only cried out loud in pain when the first limb was broken. Apparently her face showed the pain while the other limbs and feet bones were smashed but she did not scream any further...' I want to spare the details, but she suffered a lot before finally passing away
You want to spare the details?

In this forum????
You want to spare the details?

In this forum????
Well, as you wish ;)

After the prescribed blows onto her limbs the executioner tried to finish the execution with blows to her chest. Whether it be her being "severely breasted" - guess means having bigger tits, or the executioner not strong enough, she survived the blows. To save her from her agony it was decided to give her blows onto the neck. Her arms and legs were untied and the rope which had been secured around her chest released, upon which she found the strength to sit up despite her broken limbs. She was laid onto the floor face down and the executioner hit first her shoulder and then her neck five to six times. As this did not kill her her was turned around for further blows o to the chest and then again around for further blows onto the neck. Still she was alive and by now it was decided that she had suffered enough so the executioner was ordered to hammer the nail which was supposed to secure her head to the pole after the initial part of the execution into her head. The nail was driven into her head and to the amazement of the audience she still moved and even tried to remove the nail out of her head. Driven by the pain she flung the lower arms with such a force that the smashed upper arms flung up and her hands could touch the nail. Despite all her broken limbs she managed to raise her head and then cleaned the blood which oozed out of her open mouth with one hand. The executioner gave her more blows onto the chest... and still she was alive. With further hammer blows the nail was driven deeper into her head until the tip emerged close to her throat. Her face color faded and it was assumed that finally she was dead... but while the priest read the eulogy it was discovered that she still moved and her heart was still beating. Still they dragged her body to the pole and chained her broken limbs to the wheel to be displayed. It is not noted how much longer she suffered... although I guess she perished soon after.
I especially like the two women observing and indulging the torture -- of whom? a former friend?

Two spectator girls are the slaves of the woman broken in the wheel. They hate her for being a cruel patricia and so they have denounced her for having murdered her husband, the senator (He was unfaithful to his wife with the slave girls). What they don't know is that, before being executed, the woman has written a letter to the magistrate in which she sells two slave girls for the games in honor of her husband. The two slaves will be tortured full naked in arena for the crowd fun. They will be submerged in a big cauldron in boiling water for a few minutes, then crucified and finally flayed alive with rakes. Of course they smile because they don't know their creepy fate.
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This comic has posted here with a diferent end


I prefer this one but anyway in Zionezo´s story is not clear why the busty noble woman is condemned to be humiliated in front of the crowd and finally to die broken in the wheel.

That is the reason why I imagine my own story:

Through an anonymous letter the woman has denounced herself of practicing black magic. She knew that this was the only way for a noble woman to be treated as a low-class woman and suffer the torture and rape in the dungeons for weeks and then the ordeal of the public rape and whipping in front of the crowd. Maybe she wished that......
..........................but she didn't realize that in her execution she wasn't going to be beheaded as a noble woman but that she was going to die broken in the wheel in a longer and certainly painful way.

Anyway I love this comic. It is a pity that Zionezo has not made more than three or four stories some without end.
In this image by Orionartist "The martyrdom of Saint Catherine of Alexandria" the frustrated torture of the saint is represented in an unusually realistic way. In my opinion artists do not usually understand what her martyrdom consisted of

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Here are some examples to illustrate what I say. The saint is finally beheaded by the breakage of the wheel but the artists do not understand what this torment consists of and for example they put blades on the wheels.

This is surprising especially when the broken wheel was a widespread torture throughout Europe until the nineteenth century.
In this image by Orionartist "The martyrdom of Saint Catherine of Alexandria" the frustrated torture of the saint is represented in an unusually realistic way. In my opinion artists do not usually understand what her martyrdom consisted of
It is an interesting image, to be sure, and captures the drama and trauma of the event quite well. On an amusing note (since my mind tends to go there), the torturers do seem to be rather more interested in breaking the actual wheel, rather than the girl on it, but perhaps I'm missing the point there. :eusa_doh::nusee:
View attachment 800236
In this image by Orionartist "The martyrdom of Saint Catherine of Alexandria" the frustrated torture of the saint is represented in an unusually realistic way. In my opinion artists do not usually understand what her martyrdom consisted of

View attachment 800238View attachment 800239View attachment 800240

Here are some examples to illustrate what I say. The saint is finally beheaded by the breakage of the wheel but the artists do not understand what this torment consists of and for example they put blades on the wheels.

This is surprising especially when the broken wheel was a widespread torture throughout Europe until the nineteenth century.
I think they tried to depict a torture different from breaking on the wheel, which hadn't been a legal punishment in Ancient Rome.
It is an interesting image, to be sure, and captures the drama and trauma of the event quite well. On an amusing note (since my mind tends to go there), the torturers do seem to be rather more interested in breaking the actual wheel, rather than the girl on it, but perhaps I'm missing the point there. :eusa_doh::nusee:
In the legend, the wheel does indeed fly apart and kills the torturers.
I don't think any artist or hagiographer (writer of saints' lives)
has ever had much idea how Catherine's wheel was supposed to work,
which has allowed free rein to a great many ingenious fantasies,
including my dystopian version: http://www.cruxforums.com/xf/threads/the-wheel.1289/
In the legend, the wheel does indeed fly apart and kills the torturers.
I don't think any artist or hagiographer (writer of saints' lives)
has ever had much idea how Catherine's wheel was supposed to work,
which has allowed free rein to a great many ingenious fantasies,
including my dystopian version: http://www.cruxforums.com/xf/threads/the-wheel.1289/
Been a while since I read that. Thanks for the reminder. It's a stirring poem - like a saga. :)
In the legend, the wheel does indeed fly apart and kills the torturers.
I don't think any artist or hagiographer (writer of saints' lives)
has ever had much idea how Catherine's wheel was supposed to work,
which has allowed free rein to a great many ingenious fantasies,
including my dystopian version: http://www.cruxforums.com/xf/threads/the-wheel.1289/
I think I'll provide a link to Gallonio's account of how wheels could've been used. Much of it is speculation, but he likely saw similar devices in action.
The comic "Mistress and Servant" (or Slave) by Mathew Hopkins in my opinion is one that shows the torture of the wheel in a more crude and realistic way.


The difference between the almost childish aesthetics of the drawings and the sadistic story it tells is shocking.



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The victim is an upper class woman and when arrive to gallows island she thinks she will have a relatively quick death by hanging. However, after nude her and by removing the sack from her head, she realizes that fate awaits her is a thousand times worse.

The author does not hide us any details of the terrible ordeal and shows us how the bones are breaking one by one and how he twists her arms and legs between among the spokes of the wheel.

You can almost hear how the bones break and the screams of the poor woman during the slow torture. The cruel executioner takes his time and before breaking her right leg he twists her left, causing her to suffer as much as possible.

Finally, when the woman is fully enroded and still alive, her nipples are supossed to be teared and the executioner rapes her with the club he has used to break her limbs.

In any case, the worst awaits the woman at the end when the author shows us how the birds devour her body little by little while her screams show that she is still alive but defenseless.
As the author does not draw it, we can imagine how the birds take their eyes off with their sharp beaks and then they tear away pieces of meat and skin until they reach her guts. I don't think ling chi is worse than this.


The woman next to the victim during her ordeal is the spirit of Magda, a gypsy girl who suffers torture as cruel as she is, because the executioner cuts her to little pieces throughout the night in the dungeon..

The first time I saw this comic I was very impressed.

Torturetunnel by Silvio Dante

Two women travel in time and have the bad luck of falling into the hands of the inquisition that takes them as witches. Two unfortunates suffer a rosary of cruel tortures and one of them ends up being subjected to the broken wheel.

It is interesting to use wooden wedges to break the bones. Only then executioner deposits the body on the wheel
A suitable punishment for rebels and traitors, especially if one has no wild beasts to feed them to. Of course, women who join such treacherous conspiracies must not be given any special mercy either. Only one problem really - it 's not the quickest method, and rebels generally come in clumps. But I suppose having enouh of them languishing in one's dungeon for weekly shows will help discourage any ot her would-be revolutionaries for quite some time.
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