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The Trial Of The Slave Bard

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Melissa was furious! She stormed into the coffee shop and called the police. They were less than helpful, admonishing Melissa for not keeping control of her slave. Besides they had their hands full with traffic accidents caused by the sloppy snow freezing to the roads. Melissa called Tree and told him what was going on.

“You let her get away?” Tree asked.

“NO, she got away” Melissa backed back. Tree said he’d get back to her. He called Gunner and explained the situation. Gunner assured Tree he could take care of the situation. He loaded two of his dogs and drove his Hummer over to the coffee shop. When he got there he opened a bag of Eulalia’s Premium Grind and sent them after her.

Eulalia was nearly delirious from the cold and the fear of her crucifixion. Running naked through the snow covered fields south of the coffee shop she hoped to make it to the river and throw herself in. She knew she was doomed but she had suffered the cross once before and couldn’t face the pain and humiliation of it again. Worse yet she was shamed that she would die as a disobedient slave, unnamed as she would hang from the cross.

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It didn’t take long to find her; the slave bard had only made it half way to the river when she collapsed in the snow. When Gunner got to her she could barely speak with her teeth chattering.

“Gunner, let me die here, please!”

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Effortlessly he scooped her from the snow and whispered “Shhh, baby, you know I can’t do that.”

“I know, but you can’t fault a girl for asking” she said as she curled up against his warm chest. “I’m in a shitload of trouble, Gunner.”

“You even can’t imaging…"

Eulalia felt sick when Gunner brought her back to the coffee shop. Instead of being brutally punished she was placed in a deep tub filled with warm but not hot water. She knew she was being treated for hypothermia and the beginnings of frostbite. She also knew the concern for her health had more to do with the desire she suffered long on the cross than any compassion for her. Once she was stabilized she was brought before Mistresses Melissa and Julie. Uncomfortably unbound she crossed her arms across her chest.

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The warm bath had helped erase the cold from her head and body only to bring to light what she had done. In her years as a slave she, as all slave do, tested the limits of her mistress’ wrath; sometimes to just find what the limits were and sometimes to vie for their attention over other slaves even if it meant well-earned punishment. But she had never broken the first commandment of slave girls before that day: “Thou shall never touch your master or mistress without being ordered to do so.”

Even the first time she was whipped Eul had always prided herself on being a model slave…


…proud to take what punishments earned or abuses to entertain her mistresses that might come her way. Yet the panic had lowered her to that of a common slave.

“Look at yourself” Melissa said accusingly.

“I don’t understand, Mistress” Eul replied.

“Do not call me ‘mistress’ as you are not worthy of being called a ‘slave’. After all the time we spent training you dare to stand before us with your hands crossed over your chest and your hips thrust to a side.”

“I am sorry, Mistress, I have been cold.”

“That is no concern of mine…”

Melissa and Julie sat and glared at their slave bard. Eulalia was out of her ‘comfort zone’ that while naked she was not bound in anyway and her tag had been removed. She had done the unthinkable act of striking her mistress and fleeing.

Julie was on her cell phone and wrapped up the conversation with “Thanks, that’s just fucking great!”

She hung up and threw the phone down. The look in her eyes was beyond contempt. She hissed “Because this bitch was convicted by her peers we can’t whip the living shit out of her before she is crucified.”

Mel reached over and stroked Jul’s hand. “It will be OK; we’ll figure it out.”

“I just talked to Judge Admi and we could lose our slave license because this cunt ran.”

“He won’t do that; he makes too much money off us.”

“She has to be in irons until they assemble the tribunal to see what punishment she gets before she gets crucified.”

“Shit, she’ll only revel in that” Melissa replied…
“I just talked to Judge Admi and we could lose our slave license because this cunt ran.”
“He won’t do that; he makes too much money off us.”

“She has to be in irons until they assemble the tribunal to see what punishment she gets before she gets crucified.”
“Shit, she’ll only revel in that” Melissa replied…
Judge Admi is speechless with amazement, because his purse is always empty when he goes home....................
also who makes money? :D
Admi's 'purse' is always empty because of the bailiff Ulrika

that's another one, but therefore need I emptied that with the money in my money-purse my dear tree
The whipping stock was placed in a heated outbuilding and Eulalia was placed on it again as she had been outdoors. To insure her discomfort a thicker hook was used and waist restraint was tightened so much Eulalia would have to work to breathe. The heat was turned up to 95°F(35°C) and she was left alone to ponder what she had done.

Meanwhile Admi, Tree, and MermaidHunter gathered at the coffee shop to determine what punishment would be suitable for the condemned slave bard, well aware of her ‘enjoyment’ of certain painful activity. As they debated what to do to Eulalia, the slave Messaline served drinks of their choice. An argument ensued as Julie wanted to whip Eul to a bloody pulp while Tree accused her and Melissa of being soft on Eul.

Messaline cleared her throat and with her head bowed said “If I may be so bold, I have an idea that would both punish and shame her.”

Melissa sighed “You may speak.”

With a wicked smile and hate in her eyes Messa “She should be branded with the ‘CS’ of a condemned slave…”

“We’ve already discussed that. She’d probably enjoy that in a perverse way” ‘Hunter replied.

“In a perverse way she would, I’m sure, if for no other reason but for the experience. But instead of just branding her ass, it is allowed to brand her breast, although it is rarely done.”

“I like that” Tree said.

“If I may be so bold, there is more. The slave dreaded not being marked in anyway and would consider the brands a badge of honor. After the pain of having the letters burned into her flesh she will not want to experience branding again. But once she has had time to cope with the pain she would be branded again, this time with a large ‘X’ over the ‘S’.”

“Ex-slave… I like it” Melissa said. “She will be mortified crucified an ex-slave.”

“If I may there is more. Have her make coffee.”

“As let her feel the whip again?” Julie asked.

“Forgive me mistress, but I did not say ‘grind coffee’; I said make coffee! Use her as a civet and feed her coffee beans so she can produce a human Kopi Luwak.”

“Would that taste any good?” Tree asked.

“No worse than your coffee after you use Seagram’s as your ‘half-and-half’” Melissa snarled.

“This is all well and good” Admi said “and slave Messaline if there is such a thing as slave anger management classes I think you should go…”

Tree, Admi, and MermaidHunter went out to the out building to deliver the news to Eulalia… at least part of it; they left out a few details. Admi pontificated that the condemned slave would be branded and force to make coffee for a week thus delaying her date with the cross. Tree lit a Marlboro and handed his drink to MermaidHunter, asking him to hold for a moment. He grunted as he pulled his wheezer out.

“Tree, what are you doing?” Admi asked.

“I’ve got to take a leak and I just found the toilet” he said as he pissed on Eul’s head. That night Eul was taken off the whipping stock and taken to the subbasement beneath the grinding room she had toiled for years. Above her she could hear Bleater trudging in circles and the carefully measured whipping that Melissa and Julie administered. Through the gaps in the heavy plank floor Eul could hear them berate the new grinding slave.

Next to her was a heavy wheel. Eul looked at it and wished she would be broken on it instead of facing the cross again. She could feel hulls and coffee bean waste fall on her back from above. Her despair was tempered only by the knowledge she would be branded a slave and feel the whip again! She smiled when she heard Mistress Melissa yell “You are not doing it right!”

“No one can do it like I” Eul thought…

Looks can be deceiving, and if you see the fire in those eyes you know she wants the slave bard Eulalia to suffer and die a horrible death...


...in this thread, at least...
I f*ing forgot the picture!!!!
eul's plea.jpgNext to her was a heavy wheel. Eul looked at it and wished she would be broken on it instead of facing the cross again. She could feel hulls and coffee bean waste fall on her back from above. Her despair was tempered only by the knowledge she would be branded a slave and feel the whip again!
Just when things seemed settled, a stay of execution was placed by the High Court of Slaves. Its concern was not that Eulalia was to be crucified but that for striking her mistress and fleeing death was insufficient punishment. Admi and Tree appeared before the magistrate to argue torturing Eul would only entertain her perverse desires. They also laid out the plans that the slave Messaline had presented. The magistrate was impressed and approved the plan but ordered in addition Eul must suffer physical abuse prior to being crucified, remanding her to a month of torture prior to her execution…
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sometimes forgotting or you do it twice...........................
I f*ing forgot the picture!!!!
View attachment 67099Next to her was a heavy wheel. Eul looked at it and wished she would be broken on it instead of facing the cross again. She could feel hulls and coffee bean waste fall on her back from above. Her despair was tempered only by the knowledge she would be branded a slave and feel the whip again!
great image, Tree, I've copied in the text that goes with it.​
I'm almost tempted to use it for a new avatar - perhaps a bit dark for that?​
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