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Art reviews by Zephyros

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I like those very much - why isn't she here on CruxForums? :)

Seriously, I think she does speak in her deceptively simple sketches to something quite deep in me.
Some days ago i discovered in Munich a small gallery for exhibitions of fascinating images and other art works ... and Ina Mar

About Ina Mar
She is a self-taught artist, born in Greece and currently living in Germany / Munich. she tries to depict soul images and the inner truth of human beings, their dreams and fantasies, emotions and irrationalities, fears and hopes, psychological or mental conditions and the search of one's own identity.

Self-taught in painting and digital art
Advanced Piano Diploma
BA in History of Arts
Master in Language Processing

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Time goes by and you're posting themes getting better!

Congratulations on the post!

Kali Bhavatarini (unfinished)

Hindu goddess’ name Kali in fact is a female allusion of the words Kalam or Black and Kala (Shiva) or Time in honor of being the first creation before light itself. Kali or Black refers to her being the entity of time and beyond time. Various cosmologies and Tantric beliefs worship her as the ultimate reality; she is also well-regarded as a redeemer of the universe or Bhavatarini. There are some ambiguous analogies in religious connotations between Christianity and Hinduism. At the time of Crist crucifixion, a person with such qualities as Kali most likely would be crucified as well. Besides, she would be considered as a pagan worshiper too. Even though Kali depicted as gloomy and violent, she is a hero of extermination of evil forces as well. The popular four-armed form and the ten-armed Kali depicted most often, although sometimes, she is having ten heads and ten legs as well. Each of her ten hands is carrying a various identifying weapon or ritual item which represents the power of one of the Hindu.

Kali Bhavatarini.jpeg

And just some more Crucifixae (discovered on old backups) ...

  • A bearer Sculpture by Gary Weisman
  • A Serenade to The Ghost (Crucifixion) Photography by G K Allum
  • Barbie Rubber White Sculpture by Desdemona Varon
  • Blunt. Painting by Sarafina Arthur-Williams
  • Crucifixion Painting by Sigurd Wendland
  • Suffer for your art Drawing by T Aurora Walderhaug
  • Unknow


  • 90 60 90 BEAUTY OBSESSION- BARBIE PREGNANCY CONCRETE SILVER Sculpture by Desdemona Varon.jpg
    90 60 90 BEAUTY OBSESSION- BARBIE PREGNANCY CONCRETE SILVER Sculpture by Desdemona Varon.jpg
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  • A bearer Sculpture by Gary Weisman.jpg
    A bearer Sculpture by Gary Weisman.jpg
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  • A Serenade to The Ghost (Crucifixion) Photography by G K Allum.jpg
    A Serenade to The Ghost (Crucifixion) Photography by G K Allum.jpg
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  • Barbie Rubber White Sculpture by Desdemona Varon.jpg
    Barbie Rubber White Sculpture by Desdemona Varon.jpg
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  • Blunt. Painting by Sarafina Arthur-Williams.jpg
    Blunt. Painting by Sarafina Arthur-Williams.jpg
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  • Crucifixion Painting by Sigurd Wendland.jpg
    Crucifixion Painting by Sigurd Wendland.jpg
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And just some more Crucifixae (discovered on old backups) ...

Wow Zephyros, it's not often that someone posts a set of old crux pics like this that are completely new to me. Some great ones here. A Serenade to The Ghost (Crucifixion) is haunting, the style giving her an oddly beautiful reach that looks like flying as much as crucifixion. A bearer, there is something about this, too, where the cross becomes the weight, suspended on the woman. I wonder what the inspiration for that was? And Crucifixion Painting, there is a lot going on there, a story to be told. The composition reminiscent of an old master, but with more familiar modern figures. Each of these could inspire a story, I'm sure.

Kali, this is Maha Shiva's territory. Pity, as I don't think he's a member here.
Have you noticed the goat near the crucified woman ?
Is it supposed to stand for the Devil ?:oops:
A lot of the modern associations of Satan with goats come from the idea of Baphomet.
Eliphas Lévi (*), undoubtedly influenced by earlier associations of goats with witchcraft, propounded the idea of a goat-headed deity, which he identified with the Baphomet purportedly worshiped by the Templars.
2017-03-13_105805.jpg It is from Levi that we received the most stereotypical satanic goat image, a semi-nude individual with male, female, and goat attributes.
These ideas have had a tremendous influence on modern perception of the devil as possessed of goat attributes.

Goat gods are pretty old beliefs. You find them in almost all cultures spreading everywhere. Celts have Cernunnos. In Norse mythology you have Tanngrisnir and Tanngjostr. In Roman mythology Faunus and Hammon/ In greece Pan. In Sumer there is Dumuzid, the Tammuz of the Bible. As we found cavern drawings of anthropomorphic goats ,it could well be one of the oldest cults. And the bible is very keen to point out the falsehood of other Gods by demonising them.

(*) Éliphas Lévi (born Alphonse Louis Constant; 8 February 1810 – 31 May 1875), was a French occult author and ceremonial magician.
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Have you noticed the goat near the crucified woman ?
Is it supposed to stand for the Devil ?:oops:
A lot of the modern associations of Satan with goats come from the idea of Baphomet.
Eliphas Lévi (*), undoubtedly influenced by earlier associations of goats with witchcraft, propounded the idea of a goat-headed deity, which he identified with the Baphomet purportedly worshiped by the Templars.
View attachment 478023 It is from Levi that we received the most stereotypical satanic goat image, a semi-nude individual with male, female, and goat attributes.
These ideas have had a tremendous influence on modern perception of the devil as possessed of goat attributes.

Goat gods are pretty old beliefs. You find them in almost all cultures spreading everywhere. Celts have Cernunnos. In Norse mythology you have Tanngrisnir and Tanngjostr. In Roman mythology Faunus and Hammon/ In greece Pan. In Sumer there is Dumuzid, the Tammuz of the Bible. As we found cavern drawings of anthropomorphic goats ,it could well be one of the oldest cults. And the bible is very keen to point out the falsehood of other Gods by demonising them.

(*) Éliphas Lévi (born Alphonse Louis Constant; 8 February 1810 – 31 May 1875), was a French occult author and ceremonial magician.

There's also the scapegoat - the one in Leviticus 16 on which the High Priest placed his hands having confessed the sins of the people, and sent it off into the wilderness. Taken in Christian tradition as a 'type' (symbolic forerunner) of Christ, and that might be the reason for a goat appearing in a Passion scene, though I'm not sure about that one in the Sigurd Wendland painting.


Holman Hunt's version.
Might make a good scene for a crux manip?

A scapegoat is a person or animal which takes on the sins of others, or is unfairly blamed for problems.
Tell me about it :rolleyes:
I didn't know the origin of this Scapegoat ...
"Le bouc émissaire " is well known and Jean de la Fontaine , the famous french poet, wrote a fable about it :

"Les animaux malades de la peste " ...

Un mal qui répand la terreur,
Mal que le ciel en sa fureur
Inventa pour punir les crimes de la terre,
La peste (puisqu'il faut l'appeler par son nom),
Capable d'enrichir en un jour l'Achéron,
Faisait aux animaux la guerre.
Ils ne mouraient pas tous, mais tous étaient frappés:
On n'en voyait point d'occupés
A chercher le soutien d'une mourante vie;
Nul mets n'excitait leur envie,
Ni loups ni renards n'épiaient
La douce et l'innocente proie;
Les tourterelles se fuyaient:
Plus d'amour, partant plus de joie.
Le lion tint conseil, et dit: «Mes chers amis,
Je crois que le Ciel a permis
Pour nos péchés cette infortune;
Que le plus coupable de nous
Se sacrifie aux traits du céleste courroux;
Peut-être il obtiendra la guérison commune.
L'histoire nous apprend qu'en de tels accidents
On fait de pareils dévouements: (1)
Ne nous flattons donc point, voyons sans indulgence
L'état de notre conscience
Pour moi, satisfaisant mes appétits gloutons,
J'ai dévoré force moutons.
Que m'avaient-ils fait? Nulle offense;
Même il m'est arrivé quelquefois de manger
Le berger.
Je me dévouerai donc, s'il le faut: mais je pense
Qu'il est bon que chacun s'accuse ainsi que moi:
Car on doit souhaiter, selon toute justice,
Que le plus coupable périsse.
- Sire, dit le renard, vous êtes trop bon roi;
Vos scrupules font voir trop de délicatesse.
Eh bien! manger moutons, canaille, sotte espèce.
Est-ce un pêché? Non, non. Vous leur fîtes, Seigneur,
En les croquant, beaucoup d'honneur;
Et quant au berger, l'on peut dire
Qu'il était digne de tous maux,
Etant de ces gens-là qui sur les animaux
Se font un chimérique empire.»
Ainsi dit le renard; et flatteurs d'applaudir.

On n'osa trop approfondir
Du tigre, ni de l'ours, ni des autres puissances
Les moins pardonnables offenses:
Tous les gens querelleurs, jusqu'aux simples mâtins,
Au dire de chacun, étaient de petits saints.
L'âne vint à son tour, et dit: «J'ai souvenance
Qu'en un pré de moines passant,
La faim, l'occasion, l'herbe tendre, et, je pense,
Quelque diable aussi me poussant,
Je tondis de ce pré la largeur de ma langue.
Je n'en avais nul droit, puisqu'il faut parler net.»
A ces mots on cria haro sur le baudet.
Un loup, quelque peu clerc, prouva par sa harangue
Qu'il fallait dévouer ce maudit animal,
Ce pelé, ce galeux, d'où venait tout le mal.
Sa peccadille fut jugée un cas pendable.
Manger l'herbe d'autrui! quel crime abominable!
Rien que la mort n'était capable
D'expier son forfait: on le lui fit bien voir.
Selon que vous serez puissant ou misérable,
Les jugements de cour vous rendront blanc ou noir.

Alas, I've not found an english version ; I even dont know if it exists ... if somebody has it .... post it, please;)
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