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Crucified males

Go to CruxDreams.com
because i'm 64 years old ....
You may be 64 but your posts are the hottest I've seen. I especially loved this sentencing by the tribunal. I can imagine many of your young rebel followers made to face this court, ordered to STRIP and assume position as the commandant looks up, strokes himself, whispers, "CRUCIFY HIM"

The Nazi affiliation is twisted fantasy only, nothing I approve of.


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Should it be ropes or nails? Thinking this through I can see why ropes alone can work. Simply place the knots where the nails would go (ankles and the carpal and ulnar nerve channel on wrists, never palms of hands!). There are two goals here; to extend the prisoners survival on the cross and try to equal the pain level of nails without loss of blood. The attached link demonstrates how this relatively bloodless crucifixion works. Crucifixions can be bloody as we all know but the key goal is death by slow asphyxiation. Here the prisoner crucified with the legs a bit up, in a bent position. He cannot lock and maintain position and take a full breath. Notice his gasping and the stretching of rib cage. This is the "dance of death", beautiful body movements and his moans and gasps provide the musical back drop. Of course he must be nude, as the bees, flies, and carrion must have full access before he dies. The crowds are allowed access to the prisoner for their enjoyment, but must not draw blood.

An excellent competition would be to rope up three, take bets on which one dies first. Or the executioners wager, that they can executed their prisoner without drawing a drop of blood. Now that is a challenge!

For an execution, where the subject knows for certain that he's going to stay on that cross until he's dead, I think that nails are the only way to go. We'd lose too much by giving up the steady deliberate nailing—one nail at a time, with brief pauses between nails so that the subject can experience the pain of the nails that've been driven thus far, and anticipate the ones yet to come—and so that the subjects who haven't yet been crucified can see what's soon to happen to them.

Moreover, using nails through the ankles allows us to crucify the subject with the knees extended: he can lock his knees and support himself with his legs, but only at the cost of putting his weight on those nails. In the initial stages of the dance, he tries to relieve the pain in the wrists by straightening his knees, but almost instantly feels the burst of agony in the ankles and drops back down.

Some time ago, Jerkbot posted a rendering that included a hybrid: roped wrists, nailed ankles. No complaints, but I'd have preferred nails.
The only time I'd really favor the use of ropes is when the subject is allowed to believe that he might survive. POW's "Double Cross" is a terrific account of an endurance contest in which two young men are crucified with ropes, with death on the cross the penalty for the loser. There're some problems with the mechanisms described in the story, but the writing's superb, and it's a must-read for male-crucifixion enthusiasts.
The Night before the Executions. These three "lucky ones" will be nailed naked to their crosses tomorrow but not before the young centurion guards have their fun. There are three cruel devices here, but of primary concern is the rack. You see the magistrate who sentenced them had them stripped naked in court, then measured. His orders were "I want them the same height for their executions, will entice the curiosity of the crowds".

The poor lad on the rack is about an inch shorter, getting him equal will b e a challenge, and by the way the guards seem to enjoy, a "stimulating" challenge.

Dream Boy Bondage's "Colby: High School Wrestler" includes a crucifixion that many here have enjoyed (HSW, part 9; screen grab below). However, it's also got a racking scene (part 5; second image) that's every bit as good. Even if one's not especially keen on racking, it's easy to re-imagine scenes like this one as a young man nailed to a recumbent cross, fighting to ease the agony in his wrists and ankles, and dreading the elevation of the cross.
Colby-crux-5.jpg Colby-rack-1.jpg
For an execution, where the subject knows for certain that he's going to stay on that cross until he's dead, I think that nails are the only way to go. We'd lose too much by giving up the steady deliberate nailing—one nail at a time, with brief pauses between nails so that the subject can experience the pain of the nails that've been driven thus far, and anticipate the ones yet to come—and so that the subjects who haven't yet been crucified can see what's soon to happen to them.

Moreover, using nails through the ankles allows us to crucify the subject with the knees extended: he can lock his knees and support himself with his legs, but only at the cost of putting his weight on those nails. In the initial stages of the dance, he tries to relieve the pain in the wrists by straightening his knees, but almost instantly feels the burst of agony in the ankles and drops back down.

Some time ago, Jerkbot posted a rendering that included a hybrid: roped wrists, nailed ankles. No complaints, but I'd have preferred nails.
View attachment 538683
The only time I'd really favor the use of ropes is when the subject is allowed to believe that he might survive. POW's "Double Cross" is a terrific account of an endurance contest in which two young men are crucified with ropes, with death on the cross the penalty for the loser. There're some problems with the mechanisms described in the story, but the writing's superb, and it's a must-read for male-crucifixion enthusiasts.
I agree, "Double Cross" is a great story. I think though I understand the hybrid crucifixion of Jerkboot. Crucifixion guards and executioners were sometimes lowly paid, any opportunity for extra money was seldom evaded. Case in point here, it is a younger lad being crucified, a prime target for the lascivious waiting sadists, who take advantage of the situation when the mourning sympathizers(if there are any) leave, or are asked to leave by the guards. Then the money changes hands, some extra torture for the boy, burning splinters into his nipples and balls, up his urethra, anything to make him scream and wither on the cross. The objective here is to prolong, the longer the lad stays alive, the more get to torture him.
Attached is a story with illustrations, my take on the ropes vs. nails controversy. The resolution may surprise you.


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Some time ago, Jerkbot posted a rendering that included a hybrid: roped wrists, nailed ankles. No complaints, but I'd have preferred nails.
View attachment 538683

That's a very tough position. Once those ankles are fixed above the level of the knees then using the legs to rise is much, much harder to manage, the leverage is all wrong and with the added stress from those nails. The only plus here is that he can put more weight on his arms and shoulders as his wrists are not nailed.
I'm in Charlotte and sometimes in Chapel Hill. The "scene" should involve full nudity, shaming--both on and off the cross--and preliminary whipping. Although I'd be the one to be crucified, I wouldn't mind "hanging" with other dudes.
I am looking for gay guys willing to be crucified on my cross
I'm in Charlotte and sometimes in Chapel Hill. The "scene" should involve full nudity, shaming--both on and off the cross--and preliminary whipping. Although I'd be the one to be crucified, I wouldn't mind "hanging" with other dudes.
I'm in Charlotte and sometimes in Chapel Hill. The "scene" should involve full nudity, shaming--both on and off the cross--and preliminary whipping. Although I'd be the one to be crucified, I wouldn't mind "hanging" with other dudes.
Hi dismasdolben, seven times the same post is nearly spam. Please made a end with that!
Should it be ropes or nails? Thinking this through I can see why ropes alone can work. Simply place the knots where the nails would go (ankles and the carpal and ulnar nerve channel on wrists, never palms of hands!). There are two goals here; to extend the prisoners survival on the cross and try to equal the pain level of nails without loss of blood. The attached link demonstrates how this relatively bloodless crucifixion works. Crucifixions can be bloody as we all know but the key goal is death by slow asphyxiation. Here the prisoner crucified with the legs a bit up, in a bent position. He cannot lock and maintain position and take a full breath. Notice his gasping and the stretching of rib cage. This is the "dance of death", beautiful body movements and his moans and gasps provide the musical back drop. Of course he must be nude, as the bees, flies, and carrion must have full access before he dies. The crowds are allowed access to the prisoner for their enjoyment, but must not draw blood.

An excellent competition would be to rope up three, take bets on which one dies first. Or the executioners wager, that they can executed their prisoner without drawing a drop of blood. Now that is a challenge!

I would love to take the place of the man on the cross here!!
Should it be ropes or nails? Thinking this through I can see why ropes alone can work. Simply place the knots where the nails would go (ankles and the carpal and ulnar nerve channel on wrists, never palms of hands!). There are two goals here; to extend the prisoners survival on the cross and try to equal the pain level of nails without loss of blood. The attached link demonstrates how this relatively bloodless crucifixion works. Crucifixions can be bloody as we all know but the key goal is death by slow asphyxiation. Here the prisoner crucified with the legs a bit up, in a bent position. He cannot lock and maintain position and take a full breath. Notice his gasping and the stretching of rib cage. This is the "dance of death", beautiful body movements and his moans and gasps provide the musical back drop. Of course he must be nude, as the bees, flies, and carrion must have full access before he dies. The crowds are allowed access to the prisoner for their enjoyment, but must not draw blood.

An excellent competition would be to rope up three, take bets on which one dies first. Or the executioners wager, that they can executed their prisoner without drawing a drop of blood. Now that is a challenge!

MAN, the best part of this was watching the executioner walk away!
Some inspiring pictures from another site. Crucifixion is a very public execution, often conducted on the sides of roads to nearby cities. The birds are getting closer now as. Notice the prisoner to the left. Once wonders if a passing sadist will have a go at him first, or one of those hovering vultures.

The executions start at sunrise so pack a picnic lunch and stick around till sunset. Look, one remains to be nailed, so as an early arrival you can get a close up view. Oh and regarding the picnic lunch, pack some extra honey. Guards can be bribed and there are quite a few candidates for extra torture here.


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Came across this one on a routine Google Search. Not sure if this painting was cropped or not, I believe the focus here is on the knees and feet, the prisoner must have been abused a lot during his final march up Skull Hill. The prisoner is stripped at the final destination, stands humiliated as the Executioner points and laughs. looking not into his face, just another piece of meat to deal with. "There is no room for modesty on the cross boy".
Does anyone know the artist?


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Came across this one on a routine Google Search. Not sure if this painting was cropped or not, I believe the focus here is on the knees and feet, the prisoner must have been abused a lot during his final march up Skull Hill. The prisoner is stripped at the final destination, stands humiliated as the Executioner points and laughs. looking not into his face, just another piece of meat to deal with. "There is no room for modesty on the cross boy".
Does anyone know the artist?
Artist’s Statement on the Stations of the Cross
February 16, 2010 Comments Off on Artist’s Statement on the Stations of the Cross

The Stations of the Cross

a series of ten 12” x 16” panels, acrylic & gold leaf on canvas

James Middleton, 2007-9

given by the artist in loving memory of his Mother, Rae Fawley Middleton,

Holy Week, 2009 ~ Soli Deo Gloria

Two years ago, at the beginning of Lent, Sean Scheller challenged me to paint a series of the Stations of the Cross. At the time, my mother was dying, and working on this series proved a tremendous help in channeling my grief: She died on the Wednesday before Palm Sunday of 2007, and the drama of Holy Week and the joy of the Resurrection had never been more real to me.

My mother was a well-educated, agnostic Presbyterian lady whose simple Christianity was expressed in no-nonsense terms: “I don’t know anything about whether he was God or not,” she said on many occasions, “but if everybody treated everybody else the way Jesus said we should, the world would be a much nicer place.” My own Christianity runs much along those same lines – I am not very concerned with heaven or the saving of my soul ~ it has always seemed to me that those who do good in order to gain the reward of eternal life are missing something quite essential in Christ’s message. To me it’s important to try to treat people right – the rest, God willing, will take care of itself.

I decided that since the series of Stations which I knew best – the powerful paintings by Simon Carr – depict the intensely human sufferings of Christ via facial close-ups, that I would do something different. The idea took shape in the first I painted, which set the format for the series: “Jesus meets his Mother” – an event in the standard fourteen scenes which we do not use liturgically in our eight scene version, but which had particular resonance for me at the time.

James Middleton’s Stations of the Cross will be posted on this site during the season of Lent.
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