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Assistant executioner
Hello all, noose lovers :) And welcome on this thread!

Here you will find the drawings I made about my darkest fantasy/fetish: hanged women.

To be honest, women at the end of a rope (in a fictional way of course) look extremely beautiful to me. Noose and gallows give them far more charm, and somehow I find them quite lucky by dangling. That's a weird way of seeing things, indeed^^

I'm not pretending to be an artist, I made no studies of this kind and this is only a pastime, a hobby I'm glad to share with you.

Drawings will be accompanied by small stories of just a few lines. Nothing very deep, and sometimes totally improbable. But hey, that's fantasy fiction :D Everything's a reason to make a lady dangle! As I like the medieval-fantasy genre, they will take place in imaginary worlds of this kind.

Sometimes there will be just one drawing, sometimes several. It will depend of my time, motivation and inspiration.

And sorry for my english in the stories, for those who didn't read my presentation, I'm french. I'll do my best! (or just imagine people of those worlds have a very strong french accent :razz: )

Happy reading! And please share what you felt and how you liked this work, if you did! :)

Since she watched her first execution, she knew it: her life had to end at gallows.

She never missed any hanging and, once being a grown young woman, she discovered being aroused a lot by that. One day, she bought a rope and tide the noose herself, to know how it felt: pulling herself for a few inches, being strangled was incredibly appeasing and exciting.

But the best way to go still was gallows: being hand-attached, not knowing when the drop occurs, were parts of the fantasy.

What did she do of her life? Not a lot. What's the point? Her life goal was to dangle. Any parent? None, she was a child of the streets. No siblings either. Only "friends", who were more comrades than anything. She didn't want to make friends: she didn't want to make people sad when time will come.

She only lived by theft, and she became quite talented to not be caught. She fled well the town guard and carried back a lot of goods for the comrades.

Then one day, when she was around 22, she felt herself ready. She made a theft as usual, but this time, failed her escape on purpose. For the law, it was the straw. Dressed with a prisoner outfit, her trial setenced her to death:

"For the too many thefts you made those years, you will serve as an example. You will be executed tomorrow by hanging, in broad daylight."

Nor sad neither afraid, she was actually happy. She can't wait and it was hard to sleep, because of excitation. For years she was finding her existence had no other purpose, and better to end it now than becoming an old poor dreaming woman.
If she was still young, she lived a lot of things anyway and decided it was enough. And rather than committing suicide by hanging herself, why not entertaining people?

Next day arrived. Two guards came and get her to the hanging place. The gallows, in a beautiful reversed L, was waiting with a crowd around it.
She felt excited so much! Like in a romantic tryst. Once on the scaffold, she looked at the noose with desire. The officer pronounced the sentence of the trial, then the drums sounded.

They were beating regulary. Hangman made her mount the stool, then put the noose around her neck and she let him do without moving, only inspiring with small tremors. Her loosed hair were put right and the hangman tightened the knot until the nape. Rope was slightly gripping her and she loved that, she felt very peaceful and excited in the same time. It was tickling a lot inside her stomach.


Now, drums were rolling. The convicted was ready and showed no fear in her eyes. She even smiled and can't wait to be dropped. Quite paradoxal, but that was when her life was going to end she succeeded in it.

And when the drums brutally stopped, the hangman knocked the stool over. The woman emitted the choked sound and public cheered a lot in response.


For the very first seconds, she didn't move and let all of the feelings flow through her: the pleasant strangulation, the air under her naked feet and the small swaying.

"That feels so good!" she thought.

Then the body reacted and she began to whirl a few by shaking her legs. People were thinking she was in pain, but not at all; on the contrary, she enjoyed a lot to be in the void and having the noose asphyxiating her. The grimace was only a reflex of her now red-tinted face due to the contraction on the throat, but it actually was the best and sweetest moment of all her life.

Although she was not moving anymore except by automatics, the woman was still consious - but not for a long time. She used her last forces to close her eyes with a great satisfaction : although her face was showing the opposite, she was happy. Because, at last, she was hanged.

great story and pics! @DontLikeSand .. you're good at drawing expressions
Thank you! For faces and expressions (and many postures), I use the characters creation in Skyrim, then I take screenshots to draw after. If I had to do all from scratch by myself, this would more look like a Picasso^^

I'll try to add more settings in future drawings, but not hand-made: it takes veeeeery long for a result which could be better than that.

I hope english is not barbaric too much, feel free to make some proofreading :wink:

And I'm curious: which drawing you liked better? The one you find the most inspirational, the most beautiful?

Telma was one of the many chambermaids in the princess castle. Life here was quite good, employees were treated well. But for Telma, that job was not as grateful as she thought. She liked the princess, but she lacked enough gold to start a whole new life.
One day, a man from another country spotted her. He finally talked to her, alone:

"I understood you were looking for money? I could help."

"What? What are you talking about?"

"My employer wants some goods from the princess. Nothing serious, just trinkets. She'll never notice."

For the first object, she would be rewarded 100 silver coins. And indeed, that was a gewgaw the princess never used for years. A little bit shameful, Telma took and hid it anyway. Then she met the mysterious man.

She began to steal more and more important objects, and silver rewards became gold. But the princess realized that many of her goods disappeared. When she started some research, city guards discovered Telma's behaviors. And the mysterious man disappeared.
The culprit was sent before her sovereign, to whom she had to explain herself.

"You disappoint me so much, Telma..." the princess said. "I liked you a lot, you know? But you understand I cannot tolerate any traitor."

"I am aware of that, Your Grace. I take responsibility for my behaviour. But even if it won't change anything, I beg your pardon."

"I cannot. I always have been nice with each and every one of you, and that is how you thank me: by treason, betrayal. No, you did too much. And although I am not my parents, I still have a duty to do as a princess."

"I know. Then fulfill it. I am ready to hear the sentence."

The princess inspired:

"By the powers vested in me, I solemnly sentence you, Telma, to be hanged tomorrow morning for high treason." Then she added: "I would prefer it being otherwise... but you made a choice. You probably understand."

"I do... I am not angry with you: this is the way it has to be. I regret my actions, but I do deserve the noose and by what remains of my honor, I will not try to escape it."

The princess said nothing more for several seconds.

"You always have been brave, I give you that. Now get her out of here."

Telma was sent to jail. Once alone, she weeped: she knew it had to end like that! Her life for some gold. But that was too late: she had plenty of occasions to stop that crime, but she "made a choice", indeed. And now, it was time to own up to what she had done.

The convicted was led to the gallows, in one of the castle's courtyards. All castle personnel was gathered - her colleagues and friends. None shed any tear; they were still sad or surprised, but this rope had her name on it for a good reason.

Telma was afraid of course, but now it was time for dignity. The executioner tied her hands with a thick string while she was looking at the noose, trying to find some heart to face that gruesome fate.


Symbolically, she climbed on the stool by herself. The rope just tied beside her ponytail, Telma closed her eyes while preparing for the drop. Her breath was fast.
Now, everyone was waiting for the princess to tell the hangman to do his work.

"Telma... I say it again for people who could not be aware yet: you are executed for being guilty of high treason, by stealing many of my goods AND selling them to some reciever. Before I give the signal, do you have any last word or wish?"

"I regret all that I made. I can't have your mercy and I understand why. But if it can help me to make amends..."


"We all know your taste for hanging, Your Grace. So, I *genuinely* wish to thrill and entertain you well with mine."

Indeed. She was not tyrannical, nor even cruel; but with the full weight of her nineteen summers, she loved to see hangings - and especially those she ordered, which were quite infrequent. It never was a lightly taken decision, so when it happened, she took all the time to enjoy the show. It was so heading to sentence someone to the noose and watch them faint in the air... that right of life and death made her feel all the power she had.

"You will, my dear! Be sure of that." Then she added: "Are you ready, Telma?"

She sighed, then gathered her courage:

"I am, Your Grace."

Her heart was beating strongly. Taking deep breaths, she was seizing those final moments before the end.

"Great," the princess said. "Hang her now."

And the hangman knocked the stool over, making her fall. During this very short second, she showed surprise on her face. And her heart made a very strong and hard beat of terror.


Everyone heard and saw her being stopped in the drop by the rope. Struggling desperately, the hemp was a pain for her neck. Her lungs couldn't find the slightest amount of air, throat was totally squashed. And her face started to turn red.

Seeing her kicking made the princess full of joy. She was having a very good time watching her former maid being hanged, for sure. After all, Telma betrayed her trust, she was a traitor enduring a well-deserved punishment.

She began to lose consiousness, then her body relaxed suddenly. In the living world, the hanged was continuing to shake because of the nerves, then she only spinned gently, in the soothing creak of the rope, her feet only five inches away from the floor.

Her sovereign came back often to enjoy that vision, a smile on her face, proud and glad of that righteous decision.


So what do you think? Was Telma really a traitor? Were the gallows too strict a punishment, or the right thing? Would you have taken same decision as the princess? :D

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed Telma's hanging just as I did! It was a real pleasure to draw her and to write this little story :) See you for another execution!
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Two women happened to be sisters, and very close ones. For sure: they were twins. Living in a good family, in someway wealthy, they almost never missed anything. Their education was based upon help, mercy and loyalty.
But one of them raised in herself a lust for gold: she always more wanted to grow her personal richness. For that, she married an important man. Widowed for a few years. He was the perfect target: maybe not very old, but ill. He was suffering something and the woman felt okay to try the risk: after all, she never became sick - or just about.

However, the poor man never died. His health was even getting better sometimes. Then she took advantage of a recurring cough crisis and dropped a few poison in one of his meals, which eventually killed him a couple of hours later. Acting the tearful widow, she at least gained the heritage, because of the lack of children or other family.

However, everyone knew this woman had something not clear and nobody liked her: obviously this wedding was everything save by love. Therefore, they deeply knew something was wrong in this situation and victim's lawyer asked for an autopsy. Quickly, they found the traces of poison; wasting no time, two guards went to the house and arrested the woman. A few days later, she ended before the Court. First denying, nobody believed her alibis and the trial ended by sentencing her to the gallows next week.

Newpapers, as usually, announced the decision: that was this way her twin sisters learn the situation.
Leading tho the city, she visited her every day.

While the execution date was getting closer, they tried an evasion by night: the sister sneaked between guards and stole the keys on a table, taking advantage that no one was around. They eventually went out, and here was their mistake: they started to feel out of danger. Quickly, guards discovered the empty cell and ringed an alert. A few streets further, fugitives were arrested.

If the first sister had already been judged, a trial was made for the second one; she knew they won't show mercy:

"You tried to help her to escape while she was sentenced to death. Then, the court decided to hang you too, with her."

And they sent her in jail, in another distant cell. Everyone was waiting for their swing, and especially someone.
The executioner was married, and father of a wonderful girl. This girl was now a young woman, and for a dozen of years now she witnessed a lot of her dad's deeds with, every time, much admiration. So much, that she wanted to take over from him.

"Father, I'd like to make the execution of these women, may I? Please!"

"You sure? That's not as easy as you can think. Are you sure you could handle this?"

"Definitely! There is no problem to execute people whom deserve it. It would be an honor to serve justice, just like you do!"

Before such motivation, the father agreed to let her have a try. First, he told the guards and judge about this little changing. His daughter proved him being able to make adequate nooses, and actually, she tied them with as much love and passion as an craftswoman. At the end, she found them both magnificent and can't wait to see them in action.


"Perfection." she said not without pride.

The big day, she set the ropes under the watching of her father, who didn't speak that much: she actually was doing a great and serious job.

For the condemned, it was time now: guards put leather strips on their wrists, in the back, and got them in a cart to the scaffold. They climbed the wooden steps and the executioner placed them behing their respective noose. They were so stressed and desperate that they didn't even notice her smile.
Then the guard officer moved before the crowd:

"Today, we are witnessing another example for the purification of our fair city! All of us shall remember that law does know to be strong against folk who are harmful towards others. This woman murdered... to retrieve her victim's wealth. An honest and fair man."

Then the crowd massively booed her, calling for the swing. In the same time, the young executioner tighted the rope around her neck. The officer continued:

"This one, is her sister. She tried to help her to escape! Remember: family can set beyond many things, but never the law. By her action, she choosed her fate, and now is time to face it."

Again, the crowd showed anger and disgust while her neck was tied. Born the same day, dead the same day in the same way; how fitting for twins.
Everything was ready. The condemned were shivering by fear; as she initially wasn't sentenced, the second sister even had her brow sweating.


"Dear and fair citizens!" said the officer. "Today, you are witnessing our city being safer!"

"Hooray! Hang them! Hang them! Come on!"

"Miss, now it's up to you: do it when ready."

And the heart full of joy and excitement, she pulled the lever: the sisters suddenly felt the void under them. They fell from a feet before being strangled. The woman on the left stifled a "Guh!" while the other one stayed strictly silent.


The audience was delighting about the show of those maids dancing in the air, to watch their desperate struggle. And the executioner, especially, experienced much pride and satisfaction. She really was loving that: setting the ropes, putting the nooses, making them to fall and enjoying their strangulation. She felt such righteousness, not any culpability nor regret when watching the hanged women struggling and suffering the result of their sins. And the crowd was applauding her for that, which was more lively once on the stage.

Although she was the most afraid about being executed, the second sister was surprised by somehow appreciating the tightening of the noose. While her brain and soul had no kind of happiness, her totally out of control body was experiencing a curious arousal, which eventually gave her a very last and powerful orgasm, just right before fainting.

Her twin didn't held much longer: her fight was on the lose, she neither had more control on her body, her feet were brutally shaking by themselves, her lungs were burning by the lack of air. For the last seconds of conciousness she had, the executed stopped the fight and gave herself to the rope; things went easy then, and her uncontious body swinged gently besides her sister's.


Once entertained enough, people went back to their tasks and homes and the place emptied in a few time. The executioner get down the scaffold, to find her father: he was smiling.

"My dear, are you all right?"

"More than ever!"

"Great. You made me so proud, today! You perfectly fulfilled it."

"Thank you. I'd be thrilled to make more - what a damn cool job!"

"No doubt you will be an excellent hangmaid. Now come on, it's time for you to be paid."

Now alone on the square, the corpses remained at the gallows, as a persistent show; their gentle spinning was the only thing they could still make, thank to the wind, with that loudy, pleasant creaking rope.

I just had a few questions I asked myself for quite some time. It wouldn't be too long and it would help me a lot, so please,

When you come here, what is your purpose (apart from fulfilling your female hanging fantasy of course)?
1- I'm just here to see women with a rope around the neck and swing, nothing else matters.
2- Everything's fine on this topic: I find the situation as a part of the fantasy, knowing why the girls are hanged, and these stories are good.
3- Same as 2, but the stories are too long, too much to read (especially if English is not my mother tongue) or too much improbable to believe them.
4- Other.

And when it comes to the pictures, what are your preferences?
1- As long you show me woman and gallows in the same time, I'm a happy soul!
2- I prefer before the swing: when she walks to the gallows, when they put the noose around her neck and when everything is ready.
3- I love the part when the girl dances and struggles.
4- The moment she is unconcious or dead is the best. Seeing the peaceful girl at the end of the tighted rope is incredibly charming.
5- Other.

What about the angle of the pictures?
1- I like all as the same.
2- I prefer close-up pictures on the face, before the drop or after when the rope is crushing her throat.
3- I prefer to see the whole girl, maybe with a little bit of rope/knot.
4- I prefer large angles, when you see all: the girl and the whole gallows (and maybe other characters).

Some suggestions for future pictures?
1- More naked girls! Show boobies!
2- Nah, girls in "normal" clothing is fine. It changes compared to most of hanging pictures.
3- More naked feet/ankles/legs!
4- Make the girls move a little bit more: they are very straight.
5- I really prefer when girls have twisted head; yours often "watch" the ground.
6- More points of view: from behind, high/low-angle shots, etc.
7- Multiple/Mass hangings!
8- Other.

Your opinion really matters to me, so please, feel free to share it if I can improve something which would fit better to your expectations :) You can do graduations in your preferences or select several answers by question as well.
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2- Everything's fine on this topic: I find the situation as a part of the fantasy, knowing why the girls are hanged, and these stories are good.
Bsck stories enhance the enjoyment.

1- More naked girls! Show boobies!
2- Nah, girls in "normal" clothing is fine. It changes compared to most of hanging pictures.
3- More naked feet/ankles/legs!
4- Make the girls move a little bit more: they are very straight.
5- I really prefer when girls have twisted head; yours often "watch" the ground.
6- More points of view: from behind, high/low-angle shots, etc.
7- Multiple/Mass hangings!

Partial nakedness (eg topless, torn garments, bare feet) are nice on occasion for variety’s sake, although your attention to period costuming is appreciated. More points of view and hanging in progress views (even preceding events) would be nice. Multiple or mass hangings on occasion too.
Thank you! I'll take note ;) And feel free to comment what the stories/pictures make you feel, we're on this forum for that :)

There are events I'd like to do, but I haven't found any model for that (especially someone tighting the noose).
2- Everything's fine on this topic: I find the situation as a part of the fantasy, knowing why the girls are hanged, and these stories are good.
1- As long you show me woman and gallows in the same time, I'm a happy soul!
3- I prefer to see the whole girl, maybe with a little bit of rope/knot.
5- I really prefer when girls have twisted head; yours often "watch" the ground.
I just had a few questions I asked myself for quite some time. It wouldn't be too long and it would help me a lot, so please,

When you come here, what is your purpose (apart from fulfilling your female hanging fantasy of course)?
1- I'm just here to see women with a rope around the neck and swing, nothing else matters.
2- Everything's fine on this topic: I find the situation as a part of the fantasy, knowing why the girls are hanged, and these stories are good.
3- Same as 2, but the stories are too long, too much to read (especially if English is not my mother tongue) or too much improbable to believe them.
4- Other.

And when it comes to the pictures, what are your preferences?
1- As long you show me woman and gallows in the same time, I'm a happy soul!
2- I prefer before the swing: when she walks to the gallows, when they put the noose around her neck and when everything is ready.
3- I love the part when the girl dances and struggles.
4- The moment she is unconcious or dead is the best. Seeing the peaceful girl at the end of the tighted rope is incredibly charming.
5- Other.

What about the angle of the pictures?
1- I like all as the same.
2- I prefer close-up pictures on the face, before the drop or after when the rope is crushing her throat.
3- I prefer to see the whole girl, maybe with a little bit of rope/knot.
4- I prefer large angles, when you see all: the girl and the whole gallows (and maybe other characters).

Some suggestions for future pictures?
1- More naked girls! Show boobies!
2- Nah, girls in "normal" clothing is fine. It changes compared to most of hanging pictures.
3- More naked feet/ankles/legs!
4- Make the girls move a little bit more: they are very straight.
5- I really prefer when girls have twisted head; yours often "watch" the ground.
6- More points of view: from behind, high/low-angle shots, etc.
7- Multiple/Mass hangings!
8- Other.

Your opinion really matters to me, so please, feel free to share it if I can improve something which would fit better to your expectations :) You can do graduations in your preferences or select several answers by question as well.
Purpose: 2
Picture: 2
Angle: 3
Suggestions: 3
From now until a few days, new story incoming! It was left in stand-by for the last story, then I haven't made everything you asked though. I'm still hoping you'll apretiate anyway :) Stay tuned!
My only suggestion is that at the end when the victim is no longer struggling the rope should force the head to a more unnatural angle. If the rope is behind the head then it will make the head face more forward and downward, like in this (particularly the one on the far right).


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My only suggestion is that at the end when the victim is no longer struggling the rope should force the head to a more unnatural angle. If the rope is behind the head then it will make the head face more forward and downward, like in this (particularly the one on the far right).
Well, that's actually what I try to do :D That's just not easy for me to do, because of my way to draw (there are some angles I can't do in Skyrim, that's why it's difficult to render twisted heads and unnatural angles).
OK, In that case I just want to say that your stories are good, they greatly magnify the impact of the images.
And they are best when they include all the stages: the walk, the placing, the struggle, and final dangling.
Don't try to please everyone as you never can do that.
Main thing is making stuff you like!
(excepting commissions for money or other rewards)

I like the pics you posted and to make a suggestion,
make a mix of all those things you asked for variation and to find the things you really like creating:D
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