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All-new Pictures Of Crucified Women!! (mp5's Crux Thread & Day Spa)

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Hair and Nails
Alright everyone, after a long day, you've gotten home, and are going online to forget your troubles. So kick back, relax, and grab a cold one if you are so inclined. This thread is very much like all the rest of my threads: MP5Stab pretends CruxForums is an image board, and posts pictures with only the necessary laconic text. However, I have decided to mix this up; this thread also contains a spa. Don't ask me how that works, but it mostly involves all of us talking to each other about crux and occasionally one of the masseuses gets roped or nailed to something t-shaped.

Besides the quality and the service of the spa, there is also a topic to this thread; art styles. Sub topics might include; styles throughout the ages, how Christ was depicted on the cross by artists, the various art styles of different crux artists now, and what style should I, the fabulous Emily Blythe, adopt?

1 Do not talk about the spa (of course)
2 No pants
3 Seriously, no pants.
Failure to follow any of these rules will result in a crucifixion.

http://www.cruxforums.com/xf/threads/people-suffering-on-crosses.3044/ <--A Link to the last thread.
And finally, what most of you come here for...


  • A Slow Death.jpg
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2 No pants
3 Seriously, no pants.
Failure to follow any of these rules will result in a crucifixion.

So basically Eul is allowed to wear her kilt so long as she does not wear anything underneath it? :D

Oh and love the pic...that is the kind of dawning expression I have seen on faces in a non-crux situation when it occurs to folks that this is really going to hurt once the shock has worn off (actually I think my face may have worn that same look once or twice :confused:)
Oh and love the pic...that is the kind of dawning expression I have seen on faces in a non-crux situation when it occurs to folks that this is really going to hurt once the shock has worn off (actually I think my face may have worn that same look once or twice :confused:)

Honestly, psychological shock (aka acute stress reaction) is overrated. Wishful thinking, even. When put in danger, the human will experience everything slower, they will pay attention to the things they once ignored. They will feel the warm blood trickle down their feet, their own adrenal glands betraying them. Everyone feels the nails driven in, and after the nails, the swelling, almost burning pain of nerves slowly dying, even the pinching pain of collapsing veins. But when this form of shock wears off - and it always does, the victims are left with all of the pain from before, as well as a new aching pains from these fresh wounds. true shock takes a while to set in, and is usually caused by extreme blood loss. The victim experiences a momentary rises in blood pressure and heart rates as their body desperately tries to compensate. Most likely, unless you clumsily hit an artery, this is not how they die. They need to lose at least (depending on weight) 2 liters of blood in order for the loss of blood to kill them. their body will compensate for the loss of blood, but the will be fatigued, dehydrated, and even more prone to pain. The skins, especially the extremities, will be cyanotic, due to vasoconstriction and blood shunting to the core. The skin will be cool and clammy. Capillary bleeding may even lessen, as most of the blood is going through the major veins and arteries. This is hypovolemic shock. It is painful, slow, and has long term effects, like decreased circulatory efficiency.Normally, the cause of death of a crucifixion is a mixture of different things, but primarily suffocating. This victim has plenty of support, so her cause of death will be something like dehydration, hypovolemic shock (exsangiunation! I love that word), starvation, and exposure to the elements. This is why it is call a slow death. She will not dance on the cross, but that is no mercy.

TL;DR Shock is fun, she is in for a trip.
Alright, it's time I at least posted SOMETHING.

Found buried in an old hard drive, one of my first crux manipulations. Not to worry, I had no political intent, she was just another pretty face. This one definitely shows its age now, but it's charming in a way, and helped hone in my later manipulation skills.


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And continuing that thread of "stuff I think is to low-quality to post on my deviantart... some preliminary sketches and unused cruxes. I do the initial work at much higher resolution, but I can only upload images so large.

...So much for "All New"!


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  • The Restless Girl Penciling.jpg
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Ah, the spa, may be just what I need after a long night of tying up the misses and marking her breasts and belly with my bullwhip! I see this spa offers massage. Do I have a choice of lovely ladies? I've been in a very dominant mood...
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And after a long drought, inspiration has again hit me! Well, actually, I'm not going to be that pretentious, but I have more drawings on the way! Proof:
It's a series, that when joined together, will make one big picture (original, I know /s). Hopefully I can finish this!


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  • Further Progress.JPG
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And after a long drought, inspiration has again hit me! Well, actually, I'm not going to be that pretentious, but I have more drawings on the way! Proof:
It's a series, that when joined together, will make one big picture (original, I know /s). Hopefully I can finish this!

Drought? No drought! We are blessed by your creations!

These look to be at least partially inspired by the lovely women hung in motion on crosses on this site. The poses portray those tortured movements. These could be your best yet!

Crucify them!

Drought? No drought! We are blessed by your creations!

These look to be at least partially inspired by the lovely women hung in motion on crosses on this site. The poses portray those tortured movements. These could be your best yet!

Crucify them!

Well, have fun with that! I'm always happy to do my work pro boner! As for my influences... Lots of Makar and Damian, for sure, especially with my own photomanips. For my sketches; Algabal was a huge inspiration, and of course Noble Vulchur, Markus, and Ascanio.
And after a long drought, inspiration has again hit me! Well, actually, I'm not going to be that pretentious, but I have more drawings on the way! Proof:
It's a series, that when joined together, will make one big picture (original, I know /s). Hopefully I can finish this!

GREAT!!!!!! (your living space looks as messy as mine:rolleyes:).
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