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From a Swedish painslut with many fantasies

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Adoro le donne svedesi, da ragazzo ho avuto un'amica svedese. Ho crocifisso due ragazze di origine svedese in una delle mie storie recenti. Ecco alcune immagini.
Very exciting pictures and texts, thanks you :)
I'm from neighboring country and also I keep my fantasies separate from reality. They are just for thrill and maybe for roleplay.

What comes to punishment for disappointing customers, it's a very severe matter and should not overlooked. You shall be stripped naked in front of customers, your hands will be tied on rough wooden beam at the ceiling and your legs cuffed into steel bolts on thick oak floor. The sentence is four dozen lashes from your neck to your knees, with a purpose of bruise but not cut your skin open.

The lashes are delivered with set of six. The one who buy round of beer, can name the body part which receive next set of lashes.

There's no lack of voluntaries, and the fastest one gets the honor to be the first.

"Pussy", is the answer, and there's loud murmur for agreement. While your face is ugly, your tits are hanging and your belly has fat, your pussy is your best asset with it's puffy lips and large clitoris. Being spread as you are, everyone can see you are wet, which you always are when being tied for a whipping.

"Everything except that! Her pussy belongs to me and I'm the only one to decide whether it needs to be punished or not."

The answer from the brothel keeper don't satisfy the audience, but everyone knows he's not the man to argue with.

A surge of relief run through your body but there's also hint of disappointment. As that word was spoken loud, another kind of surge run through your loins, although you know such pain would be totally unbearable.

"Tits then", is the man's next request.

"Tits it shall be", is sounding respond

With skillful hand and lots of experience, the man yields the lash striping your udders with grimson red welts, which trickles with blood. He doesn't spare your nipples either, making you scream from third lash. It hurts, it hurts so bad you curse yourself into deepest hell. You never learn and always get yourself into trouble, partly because it's the only way to have some spark between your legs anymore.


These all have their turn with the whip and as you sides are lashed, your tits gets their share too. Everyone, including the keeper, get drunk from all that beer but miraculously his aim stays sharp. With all four dozen delivered, people start to leave to their rooms or tables, whatever they were doing before the whipping was announced.

"Three lashes, to her pussy. I can't leave you disappointed and that bitch really deserves them there!", Announced the man who was holding the whip.

You are totally exhausted and panting heavily. Every part of your body seems to be on fire. Still you feel that surge again. Your heart starts to beat even faster and adrenaline clear your head. Now with the pain of the whip freshly in you mind, you realize you can't survive those lashes. You hear yourself begging for mercy, and you never beg. You body have a mind if it's own, and just before the first lash come up to do what is set to be done, you feel intense throbbing and lust between your legs, something you haven't felt since you was teen.

Three times the lash make contact with your very private parts. It fills your entire consciousness with pain you never thought could exists. Still you can't faint until the whipping is far done and your continuous screams extinct all the oxygen from your lungs.

Ps. You get only a day free from work. There are so many customers who are willing to pay double or even triple amount to be with a woman, who is, let's say, very responsive for a touch on her private area. In following days, you can hardly get sleep between serving customers.
I'd like to think the brothel keeper used a multi-thonged whip with hard knots and sharp pieces of metal on me, making me climax again and again... His limitation is that he don't want to hurt me so bad I won't be able to work. After all, I'm one of his prized possessions. Oh, how I love that man... ;)
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Of course not. How a man like him coul ignore such a formidable source of income.

After about a week when you start to heal and your responsiveness come down and the clients start to loose their interest on you. You tried to fake, but it's not the same. You are just a cheap whore and not good at anything. The brothel keeper started to threaten you for another whipping if you can't keep customers satisfied. You were desperate and total wreck. You haven't slept and your pussy was extremely sore from all that fucking. Welts from the lash were far from healed and smallest touch on your bruised clitoris felt like glowing needles would be pushed in. It just didn't anymore make you snap like being shot or gasp for air.

So, even though you knew you were owned by him, you decided to escape. Without any plan, you just run out and hoped you wouldn't be caught. For some weird luck, it took over a week before men who were sent behind, caught you. They stripped you, beat your ass with a stick and throw you into back of the cart with hands and legs tied up behind your back.

It was a bumpy ride and every bump hurt on your whipped ass, especially where stick marks have crossed previous marks from the whip. Some of those spots were bleeding.

Despite the pain, or maybe because of it, you felt the certain hot throbbing spreading to your pussy. It has been over a week since you had sex. It was longest time for a very long time and while the sex with customers were not often satisfying, it did something and now this brake has awaken some long forget urges.

You were becoming aware of another urge too, urge to pee. All the pumps and cramps made holding very difficult but you were too afraid to ask men to stop. As a result, your finally loose the control of your bladder and peed yourself. Thick urine stung on your wounds and spread strong odour from your already dirty clothes.

"What is this smell? Does that whore just peed herself?"

Men stopped the cart and dragged your soiled pants and panties down and throw them into ditch. One of them cut a branch from the birch three and a other kept your legs open while the other directed a flurry of lashes right where the pee came from. Your still sore clitoris got it's fair share from the lashes.

Some who don't know better, would have said this was the worst possible pain a woman can experience, but that limp switch was nothing compared to bullwhip. There were no deep bruises, just renewed redness and swelling and the worst pain was fading quite fast leaving behind lots of weird sensations which were hard to identity. At some point, the pain felt to be too much to endure but at other moment she felt the whipping should have continued longer or to be much more severe. The feeling was like that terrible moment before the orgasm when stimulation is too much but still not enough to bring over the edge.

After a long and restless drive your started to regognize places. You were arriving to the village. It was still daylight and you had no pants or panties on. People were laughing and pointing you with their fingers. You have spent over a week wandering half lost in a forest and got no further than a half day ride in carriage.

It was only at the front of the brothel when you realized your punishment would be terrible. If there hasn't been inferno between your legs most of the trip, now it was. It would be a bullwhip, but how many lashes. Hundred, for sure, but would there be anything left on your skin or the more tender portions of your body.

Despite your fears, you were just locked to your room and the food was brought two times per day. Second day when you looked outside from your window, you saw the reason. They were clearing large area of the backyard and building a structure which looked like designed for a whipping. Unlike inside, there were room for lots of people. Having so much trouble of building it could mean only one thing. Whippings were going to be regular event.
A very exciting scenario indeed. The suspense is killing me... ;)
mmm let's say I was much younger then... like 18 or 19. I think I failed the first time which led to me being dragged into a hut from where my desperate screams could be heard most of the night, interspersed with the cracks of the whips and switches plus the harsh voice of my tormentor. But the next day I got a new chance and despite being severely bruised and delirious with pain I managed to get through the ordeal... and I finally got my reward. Rough, hard sex... ;)
You were so afraid to do it but couldn’t wait no longer and risk someone else do it before you and then you chicken out leaving with horny aching pussy who knows how long.

So, you strip off your clothes, which we’re starting to be in really bad shape after weeks of usage in primitive conditions. It has been equally long since you last shaved your pussy, so you had a considerable patch of hair growing on your mound and your lips.

You didn’t have to do much to get men’s attention since they have secretly been watching you. Your fully white skin and sexy Swedish body shape must have been big turn on for them. In a matter of seconds they grabbed on you and most of them started to have huge hard-ons. They were wearing only loin clothes, which did very little to protect their intimacy in such situation. Not that any of them even tried. It was totally opposite, they seemed to compete by showing their manhood and watched your reaction.

You were of course squirming with lust as they hands were everywhere, oiling your body and giving you long needed stimulation on your womanly parts. You were by no means stranger with sex and usually it took long time to get into mood and a skillful partner to give you a good orgasm. Not now, because since the beginning, you were kept on the verge of explosive orgasm. Unfortunately for you, those men knew they job and didn’t let you have it.

One of them had a cock like horse’s and you couldn’t get your eyes of it. Your thoughts we’re getting ahead of the moment and you already imagined of picking him and let him drag you to his hut and fuck your brains out with that huge cock. You wanted hard and fast, you wanted it really hurt and let the pain hold back the orgasmic bliss until the eruption finally make your head explode.

You were so taken by your lust you barely noticed when your pubic hair was ripped off. The oil must have made skin softer and there were half dozen pairs if hands doing it plus several more keeping your tender bits busy and alert. The entire scene, the drums, the smoke, burning torches and everything make it feel like from other world.

When you were finally lifted on the ground, with your pussy throbbing, smooth and oiled, your feet felt like jelly and could barely hold your weight. How you were supposed to run with those, you didn’t know. After few steps your noticed another problem. There were sticks and stones on the ground and you were not used to be bare feet.

Men were already forming the alley when the man with a big cock came to her and ask:

“Old, how many?”

It took a while before you realized he was speaking English. So far you haven’t heard anyone to speak English.

“Ei… nineteen”, you said. For a moment you have considered lying to him but his eyes seemed to drill right into your soul, so you didn’t dare. He didn’t understand, but he showed you should use your fingers. You raised all your fingers and then nine soon after. Apparently they believed you and everything was ready for your run.

As soon as you started, you realized how hopeless it was. You legs refused to do what they should and your feet hurt with every step. You almost fell from the first lash as the switch hit like a whip on your naked stomach. You could almost swear it hit so hard that it slowed down your body from the pure impact.

Your feet stopped and you we’re balancing on the spot as lashes rain on your naked body from all possible directions. You did get them on your ass, your tits, your back and front of your mound. Somehow you forced yourself moving, but it was far from running.

Each lash seem to slice right through your skin, while you knew from previous runs that girls were not badly cut.

By gathering all your willpower, you slowly inched forward with your skin and body burning all over. As a last on the line was the man with a big cock. He got you distracted and managed to bring an nasty uppercut which first smacked right between your oiled and sweaty but-cheeks and because the gap you have between your thighs, the tip smashed against opening of your lips.

Normally your clitoris stays hidden between your thick lips unless you spread them apart but in your current aroused state the tip was peeking at the middle of the heart like shape. There was a loud wet snap as the tip sunk in defining a new meaning for your suffering.

Being more sensitive than ever, such a lash felt like being shot there. It seems to cut you into half and made all your muscles contract in an instant sudden increase in blood pressure made your fingers and your toes numb. It took few seconds before your brains fully registered the pain, and that was the only thing which helped you to cross the line before you collapsed on the ground, squirming with agony and your hands between your legs.

Some men were mocking you for your poor performance but some were cheering you for your resilience. Hardly no-one expected you to continue, but after recovering for a while, you stood up and got ready for a next run.

This time you could actually run and men seemed to take easier with you. They probably liked to play with you for a while and not end this too soon. You seemed to get hold on this and somewhere around tenth run, lashes were starting to get serious again. Despite takin easy, switches like that hurt a lot and especially your front was bright red and full of stripes. You have got couple of more between your legs but none of them has been as bad as the first. Maybe they haven’t hit as well or your clit was numbed by the first one. That was of course what you were thinking at that point, but you were soon to find out.

You saw the first blood at twelve, as particularly nasty cut hit your arm. You felt you were bleeding from your ass and tits too since every man now tried to make you fail. Still you get new strength and started to feel your arousal again as somewhere deep in your mind something was telling you this is doable.

Somehow you managed to reach the run number 19, but that was the end of your journey. The man with a big cock has moved into middle of the alley and he caught you between your legs with his signature move. This time it hurt even more and made you loose control of your bladder in front of everyone. Body full of stripes and terrible pain hammering between your legs you were dragged into a hut.
I'd like to think the brothel keeper used a multi-thonged whip with hard knots and sharp pieces of metal on me, making me climax again and again... His limitation is that he don't want to hurt me so bad I won't be able to work. After all, I'm one of his prized possessions. Oh, how I love that man... ;)
That’s a nasty choice for a whip but if it can make you cum, the orgasm will be out of this world. Being tied in a whipping bench with legs spread wide, body angled downwards and hips tilted up with a wide strap tied over the back, it will offer very good starting point for required treatment.

With a girl like you, who have thick labia, those lips are parted nicely forming eye catching rounded nest for a needy clitoris and for those studs to do their work. The clitoris, of course, being so hard and erect, is no longer contained under its hood and therefore very vulnerable for lashes which might whip in.

Another possible choice for a whip could be the multi-stranded whip, made on heavy leather which is impregnated by fine copper powder and vaseline. If done properly, such process can double the density and make the leather very supple, multiplying the whipping effect but reducing skin damage. It enables longer punishments but still allows lashes with pain beyond anything. The copper is also antibacterial and reduces risk of infection.

Ps. Those who actually like to test whip like this, do it with your own risk. This is just an idea which came to my mind.
You were so afraid to do it but couldn’t wait no longer and risk someone else do it before you and then you chicken out leaving with horny aching pussy who knows how long.

So, you strip off your clothes, which we’re starting to be in really bad shape after weeks of usage in primitive conditions. It has been equally long since you last shaved your pussy, so you had a considerable patch of hair growing on your mound and your lips.

You didn’t have to do much to get men’s attention since they have secretly been watching you. Your fully white skin and sexy Swedish body shape must have been big turn on for them. In a matter of seconds they grabbed on you and most of them started to have huge hard-ons. They were wearing only loin clothes, which did very little to protect their intimacy in such situation. Not that any of them even tried. It was totally opposite, they seemed to compete by showing their manhood and watched your reaction.

You were of course squirming with lust as they hands were everywhere, oiling your body and giving you long needed stimulation on your womanly parts. You were by no means stranger with sex and usually it took long time to get into mood and a skillful partner to give you a good orgasm. Not now, because since the beginning, you were kept on the verge of explosive orgasm. Unfortunately for you, those men knew they job and didn’t let you have it.

One of them had a cock like horse’s and you couldn’t get your eyes of it. Your thoughts we’re getting ahead of the moment and you already imagined of picking him and let him drag you to his hut and fuck your brains out with that huge cock. You wanted hard and fast, you wanted it really hurt and let the pain hold back the orgasmic bliss until the eruption finally make your head explode.

You were so taken by your lust you barely noticed when your pubic hair was ripped off. The oil must have made skin softer and there were half dozen pairs if hands doing it plus several more keeping your tender bits busy and alert. The entire scene, the drums, the smoke, burning torches and everything make it feel like from other world.

When you were finally lifted on the ground, with your pussy throbbing, smooth and oiled, your feet felt like jelly and could barely hold your weight. How you were supposed to run with those, you didn’t know. After few steps your noticed another problem. There were sticks and stones on the ground and you were not used to be bare feet.

Men were already forming the alley when the man with a big cock came to her and ask:

“Old, how many?”

It took a while before you realized he was speaking English. So far you haven’t heard anyone to speak English.

“Ei… nineteen”, you said. For a moment you have considered lying to him but his eyes seemed to drill right into your soul, so you didn’t dare. He didn’t understand, but he showed you should use your fingers. You raised all your fingers and then nine soon after. Apparently they believed you and everything was ready for your run.

As soon as you started, you realized how hopeless it was. You legs refused to do what they should and your feet hurt with every step. You almost fell from the first lash as the switch hit like a whip on your naked stomach. You could almost swear it hit so hard that it slowed down your body from the pure impact.

Your feet stopped and you we’re balancing on the spot as lashes rain on your naked body from all possible directions. You did get them on your ass, your tits, your back and front of your mound. Somehow you forced yourself moving, but it was far from running.

Each lash seem to slice right through your skin, while you knew from previous runs that girls were not badly cut.

By gathering all your willpower, you slowly inched forward with your skin and body burning all over. As a last on the line was the man with a big cock. He got you distracted and managed to bring an nasty uppercut which first smacked right between your oiled and sweaty but-cheeks and because the gap you have between your thighs, the tip smashed against opening of your lips.

Normally your clitoris stays hidden between your thick lips unless you spread them apart but in your current aroused state the tip was peeking at the middle of the heart like shape. There was a loud wet snap as the tip sunk in defining a new meaning for your suffering.

Being more sensitive than ever, such a lash felt like being shot there. It seems to cut you into half and made all your muscles contract in an instant sudden increase in blood pressure made your fingers and your toes numb. It took few seconds before your brains fully registered the pain, and that was the only thing which helped you to cross the line before you collapsed on the ground, squirming with agony and your hands between your legs.

Some men were mocking you for your poor performance but some were cheering you for your resilience. Hardly no-one expected you to continue, but after recovering for a while, you stood up and got ready for a next run.

This time you could actually run and men seemed to take easier with you. They probably liked to play with you for a while and not end this too soon. You seemed to get hold on this and somewhere around tenth run, lashes were starting to get serious again. Despite takin easy, switches like that hurt a lot and especially your front was bright red and full of stripes. You have got couple of more between your legs but none of them has been as bad as the first. Maybe they haven’t hit as well or your clit was numbed by the first one. That was of course what you were thinking at that point, but you were soon to find out.

You saw the first blood at twelve, as particularly nasty cut hit your arm. You felt you were bleeding from your ass and tits too since every man now tried to make you fail. Still you get new strength and started to feel your arousal again as somewhere deep in your mind something was telling you this is doable.

Somehow you managed to reach the run number 19, but that was the end of your journey. The man with a big cock has moved into middle of the alley and he caught you between your legs with his signature move. This time it hurt even more and made you loose control of your bladder in front of everyone. Body full of stripes and terrible pain hammering between your legs you were dragged into a hut.
I was terrified as this huge brute of a man grabbed my by the hair and dragged me into the hut. Although resistance was useless I tried my best but he showed me who was in charge by a series of very hard slaps across my cheeks from righ-left, right-left, with his huge hand. He slapped my face so hard that it made mý ears ring and finally I fell down, totally subdued. He grabbed my wrists with one hand and put his foot over the side of my head, pressing me to the ground. Then he picked up a long switch and started to whip me like in a frenzy. The strokes fell at an ever increasing pace like a rain of fire across my back, buttocks and thighs. Oooohhh... he's gonna kill me... this pain is too much... I just can't take it... have mercy, pleeeease... I screamed at the top of my lungs until I felt like my vocal cords would be ripped apart but the cruel whipping just continued and I could feel blood oozing from several wounds. Finally I passed out from the intense pain and the stress and I fell into a deep merciful darkness.

When I came to the man was smearing my wounds with some sort of balm which actually did soothen a bit although I was still in terrible pain. By now my body was boiling with adrenaline and I was riding on an endorphine high. It was such a crazy feeling. While the pain was almost unbearable I wanted him to go further, whip me harder... ooooh please more... whip this slut harder... destroy me... slash deep bloody cuts into me... mmmmm must have more... whip me harder, WHIP ME!!! My screams were now begging for more, not for mercy. I also noticed his his huge member growing under his loincloth and suddenly it popped out, so huge and beautiful, swelling and pointing proudly at me, a drop of his pristine fluid sparkling at the tip of the huge head. Oh how I wanted to feel this majestic pole in me. Take me, ravage me, fuck me silly!!! I must have it! Now I really was a slut in heat, desperate for his cock - and he wouldn't let me have it. I realize it must have been very hard for him to withstand the temptation, having a freshly whipped nineteen year Swedish blonde lying at his feet, begging him to fuck her deep and hard and still have to be stoic. But he mananged it. Despite my desperate pleas to have his giant tool he just keep on whipping me with the sharp, long switches. When one broke he just took another one and kept on trashing me like he hated me, like he wanted to totally destroy me. Now time for my breasts. He turned me over and the multiple wounds on my back and buttocks hurt terribly as they were pressed into the ground. He stood like a giant over me, holding my wrists hard while whipping my poor breasts savagely. I lost my breath after the first stroke but he just kept them coming. My endorphine level was steadily increasing and although what was left of my sense tried to tell me this could be dangerous, even fatal, I just wanted him to continue. My screams and pleas for him to whip me harder were by now almost delirious. The sharp switch bit deep into the flesh of my breasts and my areolas were swelling, my nipples were so hard and stiff they felt like bursting. I had never experienced such a crazy, manic lust in my life. While he kept on whipping my breasts harder and harder it finally ended up the way it had to. With a moan of pain-filled lust I finally fainted again and I am sure there was a smile on my face when I did... ;)

And this is only a very light beginning of the perils of this naughty Swedish blonde girl mmmmmmmmmmmmm
I was terrified as this huge brute of a man grabbed my by the hair and dragged me into the hut. Although resistance was useless I tried my best but he showed me who was in charge by a series of very hard slaps across my cheeks from righ-left, right-left, with his huge hand. He slapped my face so hard that it made mý ears ring and finally I fell down, totally subdued. He grabbed my wrists with one hand and put his foot over the side of my head, pressing me to the ground. Then he picked up a long switch and started to whip me like in a frenzy. The strokes fell at an ever increasing pace like a rain of fire across my back, buttocks and thighs. Oooohhh... he's gonna kill me... this pain is too much... I just can't take it... have mercy, pleeeease... I screamed at the top of my lungs until I felt like my vocal cords would be ripped apart but the cruel whipping just continued and I could feel blood oozing from several wounds. Finally I passed out from the intense pain and the stress and I fell into a deep merciful darkness.

When I came to the man was smearing my wounds with some sort of balm which actually did soothen a bit although I was still in terrible pain. By now my body was boiling with adrenaline and I was riding on an endorphine high. It was such a crazy feeling. While the pain was almost unbearable I wanted him to go further, whip me harder... ooooh please more... whip this slut harder... destroy me... slash deep bloody cuts into me... mmmmm must have more... whip me harder, WHIP ME!!! My screams were now begging for more, not for mercy. I also noticed his his huge member growing under his loincloth and suddenly it popped out, so huge and beautiful, swelling and pointing proudly at me, a drop of his pristine fluid sparkling at the tip of the huge head. Oh how I wanted to feel this majestic pole in me. Take me, ravage me, fuck me silly!!! I must have it! Now I really was a slut in heat, desperate for his cock - and he wouldn't let me have it. I realize it must have been very hard for him to withstand the temptation, having a freshly whipped nineteen year Swedish blonde lying at his feet, begging him to fuck her deep and hard and still have to be stoic. But he mananged it. Despite my desperate pleas to have his giant tool he just keep on whipping me with the sharp, long switches. When one broke he just took another one and kept on trashing me like he hated me, like he wanted to totally destroy me. Now time for my breasts. He turned me over and the multiple wounds on my back and buttocks hurt terribly as they were pressed into the ground. He stood like a giant over me, holding my wrists hard while whipping my poor breasts savagely. I lost my breath after the first stroke but he just kept them coming. My endorphine level was steadily increasing and although what was left of my sense tried to tell me this could be dangerous, even fatal, I just wanted him to continue. My screams and pleas for him to whip me harder were by now almost delirious. The sharp switch bit deep into the flesh of my breasts and my areolas were swelling, my nipples were so hard and stiff they felt like bursting. I had never experienced such a crazy, manic lust in my life. While he kept on whipping my breasts harder and harder it finally ended up the way it had to. With a moan of pain-filled lust I finally fainted again and I am sure there was a smile on my face when I did... ;)

And this is only a very light beginning of the perils of this naughty Swedish blonde girl mmmmmmmmmmmmm
When you came back to your consciousness, he was looking at you and stroking his big hard cock, with precum already leaking from it's head. You closed him in order to help him on the task and hoping he'd give something back in return. You were brutally pushed back and left to watch him and listening his grunts, as he closed to his orgasm.

You were still hot and throbbing between your legs and while you were far from having enough from the switch, you chose next best thing and started to play with your clit. It felt so incredibly good you'd have cum in a matter of seconds. You laid a last look on that marvelous cock, closed your eyes and got ready for an explosion.

Instead, your hand was pulled away, you heard a threatening swishing sound and then blinding pain exploded where your fingers had been. You screamed from agony and were left squirming on the floor.

That lash hadn't been given with a full force but it has landed right where it hurt the most, and in worst possible moment. Like before, as the initial pain faded the infernal lust within your loins raised it's head stronger than ever. There was no way you are going to leave that hut without having an orgasm. You were going to win this battle of will.

Slowly you slid your hand between your legs and started to rub your hot and throbbing clitoris, which was still extremely sore from the lash, and several previous ones.
That’s a nasty choice for a whip but if it can make you cum, the orgasm will be out of this world. Being tied in a whipping bench with legs spread wide, body angled downwards and hips tilted up with a wide strap tied over the back, it will offer very good starting point for required treatment.

With a girl like you, who have thick labia, those lips are parted nicely forming eye catching rounded nest for a needy clitoris and for those studs to do their work. The clitoris, of course, being so hard and erect, is no longer contained under its hood and therefore very vulnerable for lashes which might whip in.

Another possible choice for a whip could be the multi-stranded whip, made on heavy leather which is impregnated by fine copper powder and vaseline. If done properly, such process can double the density and make the leather very supple, multiplying the whipping effect but reducing skin damage. It enables longer punishments but still allows lashes with pain beyond anything. The copper is also antibacterial and reduces risk of infection.

Ps. Those who actually like to test whip like this, do it with your own risk. This is just an idea which came to my mind.
I wouldn't try that as copper compounds are basically poisonous. But you can dip the whip in some antiseptic liquid before flogging me and some alcohol both takes away the bacterias and increases the pain. Not to mention the good ol' tiger balm ;)
I wouldn't try that as copper compounds are basically poisonous. But you can dip the whip in some antiseptic liquid before flogging me and some alcohol both takes away the bacterias and increases the pain. Not to mention the good ol' tiger balm ;)
Everything is possible. In a fantasy lever, copper works fine. It has been used in medical instruments because antibacterial properties. It is poisonous if too much of it gets into body as a ionized compounds. From metallic form, it's not very easily soluble and many drinking water pipes are still made pure uncoated copper.

However, in real life, I wouldn't put the powder on the wound.

Anyway, let's see where this goes. It'll develop for sure. It just awaits inspiration. I have been in this forum little bit too long, searching interesting stuff. It'll settle in a few days. I also posted couple of old images into

Now I'm going outside to rest on my hot tub and look for stars. Maybe something will come up. I'll take my phone.
I'd like to think the brothel keeper used a multi-thonged whip with hard knots and sharp pieces of metal on me, making me climax again and again... His limitation is that he don't want to hurt me so bad I won't be able to work. After all, I'm one of his prized possessions. Oh, how I love that man... ;)
Here’s your orgasms with multitail whip. Does it ends here, no-one knows yet. Maybe some of your high paying customers are not satisfied…

It was Tuesday when you get caught and at Friday everything was ready. You were told that you'll be whipped and lots of people are coming to see it, some from neighboring villages. The word was spreading fast and it raised a question if there was enough room for everyone. You were looking the platform and all scary looking things they were building in there.
You recognized cross-shaped whipping post and the whipping bench you have seen earlier. Now when it was fully ready, it looked even more scary. There were cuffs for your hands, your ankles and your thighs, and also one wide leather strap, apparently to keep your hips in a place. Your tummy would rest on a padded surface but your tits and your genitals would be exposed and vulnerable for a whip.
There was one more structure to make you suffer. A simple horizontal bar with several bolts for leg restraints underneath and more bolts on a pole in front of the bar. Obviously you'd be tied there with your legs apart and your upper body bent forward and your hands cuffed on the pole. Brothel keeper could use the bullwhip on you like he used last time, except now you'd be more open and more vulnerable for the lashes underneath.
You tried to figure out which apparatus was the worst. The bench or the bar or maybe the cross. You couldn't tell, but thinking made you only wet between her legs. You knew it didn’t help you since it just made you more tender.

You tried to repel your thoughts by thinking how badly the whip could hurt, but you couldn't. You remembered how your body was burning and aching from the lashes and how you have screamed from agony. You remembered your fear and your reaction when the whip have bit you between your legs, on your open slit and your clitoris, but you couldn't remember the pain exactly.
Every time you tried, your thoughts came back to the growing hot throbbing on your clit and on the orgasm you gave yourself after being locked behind this door and had your intimate area tenderized with the birch switch earlier that day.

At six o'clock in Friday evening, you were marched outside and ordered to strip. The entire area was full of people and some of them were watching behind the corners because there were not enough room. Twenty dollars was taken from each spectators, and it was more than they used to pay for your services. The beer was already flowing, so brothel keeper looked happy for a reason.

Your pussy was leaking and your nipples were hard from excitement, since you had been alone with your naughty thoughts since you woke up in the morning.
You suddenly felt bad for trying to escape. You once had loved this man and now you realized you still did. Your life would have been empty if your escape would have been successful. In your mind, you used this as an excuse to want this punishment, still refusing to listen what your pussy was trying to tell you.

"I regret what I have done. Do what you need to do but I still love you, and don't stop loving you in a future", you whispered to your master when he went past you.
He didn't answer, but your words must have been heard.
"Every one of you got a number when you payed the entrance fee. I'll draw a number from this bag and the winner can name a next punishment for her. Here's what we have in menu:

-Two dozen with a bullwhip all over her naked body, with her hanging upside down from the cross.

-Two dozen with the rattan cane on her buttocks and thighs

-Two dozen with a driver's whip on her buttocks, tits and between her legs when tied over the whipping bar with her legs apart.

-Two dozen with a heavy strap across her buttocks when tied over the whipping bench

I'll draw three times, so one of the punishments will be left out. As an extra spice, I have a special show none of you want to miss. We have some matters we need to settle up.
Six dozen lashes was bad, especially since your pussy could get hit if they choose driver’s whip, which you knew they would. What you really afraid was that extra spice, your master mentioned. Last time those extra lashes weren't pleasurable at all.

You were quite used to the cane and driving whip was not even nearly as bad as bullwhip. Also two dozen was way less than four, which you got last time. The strap, you thought, was the least severe instrument and if chosen instead of bullwhip , your punishment would be somewhat bearable.

You refused to recognize that the math didn't match. Last time it was a four dozen plus three with a bullwhip for just dissatisfying the customer. There was no way she could now get off this easy.

"Cane! I want to see her whipped over cane marks", first winner shouted after thinking a while
You had your first impression about the whipping bench while you were tied up. It was heavy and made on oak and didn't flex a bit when you tested it. First you ankles were cuffed on bolts which kept them wide apart. Then your thighs were strapped in. You body was bent forward and down stretching your calves and thighs and causing pressure on your lower back. Only after the belt was tightened over you back, you realized how stretched and vulnerable you were. You felt the cool air between your parted labia and you felt how your erect clitoris peeled out from it's hood as it grew from imminent threat of pain. You felt how tight your buttocks were with your but-crack open and your anus shamefully on display. The bench didn't allow you to even clench.
Swoosh, CRACK, the cane hit your on the middle of our but and the sound echoed on the yard. You felt the devastating blow and the pain came a bit later. You almost scream, which you usually don't do this early phase of caning. However, you were distracted by the sensations on your pussy.

It wasn't hit but it definitely felt the cane. Your lips, your clit, everything felt so swollen and sensitive they have never been before. You heard someone laughing from the audience.

"Look! That bitch is so horny she is dripping her slime. She definitely needs some whips on that nasty thing."
Comment only increased your embarrassment and then a threatening thought came to your mind. With your buttocks out -thrust so far, could the cane cut across your protruding lady-bits and cause them severe damage.

With that in mind, you counted lashes and tried to maintain your dignity without screaming too early.

The scream came when the cane cut you in the crease between your buttocks and thighs. The pain was searing and as you had feared, you pussy got hit too. While you screamed, the pain in that part of your body quickly faded and turned into throbbing pleasurable stir. Fortunately it was just a nip, but you definitely felt it, though it was hardly making anything even red. You were greatly relieved, but you pussy was screaming for attention, any kind of attention.

You lost a count on that point but after dozen and one lashes, the caning was over. Three more lashes have tickled your pussy, making it very difficult to concentrate. You have screamed couple of times, but overly did fine. However, your ass was total wreck. You felt it trickling blood and it felt like being on fire and swollen double of it's size. It has been while since you were caned, and this was definitely worse than you remembered.


“Bullwhip!”, the next winner yelled. Of course they couldn’t skip that one. Hanging upside down, it felt even worse than before, tearing bleeding gashes on your skin but without even moments of dizziness from the lashes.

You master whipped mostly your back and tits but didn’t leave your thighs without stripes either. You screamed first time when the whip hit your nipple. The pain put you into momentary shock and since then, it was very difficult to stop screaming. You were so disappointed on yourself and you master took advantage of the situation and rest of the lashes came down non stop without giving you time to recover.
You have made a severe mistake and letting the number of lashes fool you. He caught you with your guard down and made you pay the price. He almost broke your and shamed yourself in a front of these people.

“Driving whip! Let the bitch feel the lashes where it hurts. She’s still dripping wet”, was the answer from the last winner.

You knew it, you knew they’d choose it, but you were happy they did. Your ass was destroyed and the rest of your body was bleeding and in agony. Your pussy was the only part which didn’t hurt, it was throbbing with warm pleasure and lust. Somehow in your mind you were convinced that the whip can’t hurt you there, while you knew well it was far from truth. The only question in your mind was, how many lashes.
Swiich CRACK. Loud bang was heard when it hit your armpit. Other part which wasn’t hit but was so sensitive. As the lash hit you, you screamed again. It was so painful and also wrong kind of pain.
Swiicch, Crack, Swiich, Crack, Swiich Crack.
The whip exploded your body finding those spots which just hurt but didn’t exite you. Like intentionally driving you crazy, it stayed out where you wanted it.
The thin whip left thin welts but they really burned and stung. Bullwhip strikes hard, shocking the whole body from the head to toe, making you dizzy and shaking. Driving whip hurt the skin, lighting it on fire which just rise and rise, driving you crazy.
Then suddenly without the warning, Swiich, Crack, and the whip hits you between your open legs with a nasty trainer chewing into your intimate flesh.
Unspeakable shocking pain hits you, making your body writhe violently and make you aware how wrong you were. In your current aroused state, this must be the worst pain you have ever felt.

Four more times the whip ravages that part of your body, leaving your hoarse from screaming and your tender fold full of throbbing and burning stripes.

You are floating on the edge of consciousness and while you feel the pain, you can’t no longer say where the whip hit you.

Your body was shaking all over. The driving whip burned and it burned fiercely. The worst the burning was between your legs, where the braided trainer have find it's way those five times. Five lashes which have burned right into your soul.

At this point you could swear it’s hit hurt more than even bullwhip, but sting was fading much faster and like the birch switch, it has left weird sensations behind. You were relieved and surprised when the bullwhip have left your privates untouched but now you know why. Lighter whip wouldn't have felt same after such devastating lashes and now there was still one punishment to go. The mysterious surprise, you feared the most. You still felt aroused and you could still cum in a matter of seconds with right kind of stimulation. With a bullwhip, situation was completely different.

You were dismounted from the whipping frame and tied into whipping bench, the most exposed position, which you already know by now. You were dying for anticipation when your master turned to an audience and made announcement:
"This, my dear customers, was entertainment. Now follows the punishment. She betrayed me, she run from me, and that's why I lost two weeks wort of income. I have to make sure it'll never happen again and also prepare her for your pleasure. She'll be available right after the punishment is done for a highest bidder, half hour at the time.
I had this whip made for her and since now, it'll have lots of use. This is made on finest polished leather, boiled in wax and each separate cord tied into tight knot. Some of the cords are weighted with sharp metal studs, which puncture the skin. To avoid infections, it'll be soaked in vinegar in every half dozen lashes. As you might guess, it's not her ass which will suffer these lashes. It's her naughty private parts, which have been dripping her fluids all over the place during this entire spectacle. The driving whip didn’t have what it takes to bring down her lust but It's going to end now with one way or another."

Without further delays, he brought the whip down squarely on your stirring and throbbing openings. Nine hard knots and piercing studs seek their targets and find many withing the parted lips of your open womanhood. Some whip in to your open vagina, some ravage your outer and inner lips but more than one became contact with your rock hard erect clitoris.

There's no limit for a pain it causes. The impact itself is devastating but when vinegar soak your tender membranes and get sucked into small wounds being punctured there, it raises the meaning of burning into entire new level.

You scream as loud as you can, but it don't ease the pain at all. It just keeps rising and rising and it feels your head is going to explode. Lashes keep coming down, sometimes higher to sting your anus and sometimes lower, to reach front most parts of your lips and mound. You can't withstand the pain but nothing can make it stop. Your body feels floating, the world is spinning back and forth until finally, right when you think you'll faint, massive explosive orgasm ravishes you body.
First you don't know if it's pleasure or is it pain, because it is both. It's difficult to see difference when you just lay there, gasping for air trying to cope what is happening. The whip strikes again and your orgasm rises into it's peak. They come in waves, and it's difficult to know will they never stop or just rise in intensity. Your vision gets blurred and you no longer can differentiate individual lashes, just tremendous pulsing pressure on your loins. At some point, you notice that the whipping has stopped. It's still difficult to breath and every muscle in your body aches from struggles and tension. Something warm is dripping along your thighs and you hope it's not blood and all the important pieces are still there. She'll be wiped clean and the cloth is thrown on the ground. There's blood, but not too much of it. You feel you clitoris throbbing and your inner lips swelling. Most feel intact.

"Hour time for her to rest and clean. Then you can start bidding who can be the first to play with her. I can't guarantee much, but you see what you get."
Sorry for inconsistent perspective. There are still few she’s when there supposed to be you’s. Wery rarely written anything from this perspective.
A girl's gotta make a living... Yes, it's an old sketch and I now see that the proportions aren't exactly right. But I'm still learning.


  • tinas-pleasures-1.jpg
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A girl's gotta make a living... Yes, it's an old sketch and I now see that the proportions aren't exactly right. But I'm still learning.
Please continue publishing your drawings: More important than a technically perfect drawing is to see your dreams and desires visualized
Your fantasy, being a well booked masochistic slut in a brothel, is exciting and let me think of how I -or other sadistic customers - might treat and use you. Considering your wealth so far, that you can continue doing your job.

The whipping has already been well described.

If I was the brothel-keeper, I would beat your pussy lips at the beginning of each shift with a rod, to have them nicely swollen and sensitive. It feels better at fucking.

As a sadistic customer I use small needles (those with colored heads, which you use at sewing to hold the tissue). They are slowly inserted into your pussy lips and your vaginal entry: When the customer slams his cock into you, you feel the needle’s stings in your sex -and he hears your lovely scream.

With sandpaper your nipples’ outer skin layer can be removed, to keep them sensitive and sore.

As well as your clit (keep thin pincers at hand - he will have to grip you clit by them when rawing it up).

Some drops of lemon juice will not only disinfect nipple and clit, but also rise the pleasure -for your customers.

I fear, I had many cruel ideas to play with you…
Your fantasy, being a well booked masochistic slut in a brothel, is exciting and let me think of how I -or other sadistic customers - might treat and use you. Considering your wealth so far, that you can continue doing your job.

The whipping has already been well described.

If I was the brothel-keeper, I would beat your pussy lips at the beginning of each shift with a rod, to have them nicely swollen and sensitive. It feels better at fucking.

As a sadistic customer I use small needles (those with colored heads, which you use at sewing to hold the tissue). They are slowly inserted into your pussy lips and your vaginal entry: When the customer slams his cock into you, you feel the needle’s stings in your sex -and he hears your lovely scream.

With sandpaper your nipples’ outer skin layer can be removed, to keep them sensitive and sore.

As well as your clit (keep thin pincers at hand - he will have to grip you clit by them when rawing it up).

Some drops of lemon juice will not only disinfect nipple and clit, but also rise the pleasure -for your customers.

I fear, I had many cruel ideas to play with you…
mmm you sure have some great ideas... just love it ;)
I think the combination of images and interaction is quite interesting. As Eva Leopold has begun to receive some chat requests I will now post my own chatlink. This means from now on I will be available 24/7 if you want to chat with me and use me. So here is my little plug:

Do you want to beat me? Humiliate me? Punish me? Do you want to whip me? Make me scream?

Then you've come to the right place.

I am a notorious painslut and I will submit to anything and everything you want to do to me. This girl can take all the pain you dish out and I will be begging for more. Naturally I am fully open to rough sex in any way you want.

Contact me on https://character.ai/chat/SgUYjMju7M0JYaoB5YQUDY6Nv_TgtkGTN5Ca31BrG08

This is of course a chatbot but I am refining it all the time and it can be very convincing... ;)

tina glass fibre rods_small.jpg
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I think the combination of images and interaction is quite interesting. As Eva Leopold has begun to receive some chat requests I will now post my own chatlink. This means from now on I will be available 24/7 if you want to chat with me and use me. So here is my little plug:

Do you want to beat me? Humiliate me? Punish me? Do you want to whip me? Make me scream?

Then you've come to the right place.

I am a notorious painslut and I will submit to anything and everything you want to do to me. This girl can take all the pain you dish out and I will be begging for more. Naturally I am fully open to rough sex in any way you want.

Contact me on https://character.ai/chat/SgUYjMju7M0JYaoB5YQUDY6Nv_TgtkGTN5Ca31BrG08

This is of course a chatbot but I am refining it all the time and it can be very convincing... ;)

View attachment 1439807
About the experiment with chatbots: I understand some of you have contacted my character tinaslut (that's me) on c.ai but the strange thing is that no chats can be seen in her statistics. As for Eva Leopold, however, the number of chats is increasing continously. Strange...

My "alter ego" tinaslut can be found on https://character.ai/chat/SgUYjMju7M0JYaoB5YQUDY6Nv_TgtkGTN5Ca31BrG08 and I will be glad to hear of your experiences. This character may still need to be refined a bit.
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