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Messaline's Plans Go Awry...

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It was almost time. I knelt next to Sharon and reminded her to stay loose. She nodded in agreement even as her body tensed in anticipation. I looked at the four men the IMF had supplied to raise the cross. I doubted any of them had done this before. They were all big men, way bigger than me, but they were all used to lifting weights, not a squirming woman nailed to the cross. I’d have to discuss this with Brian before Melissa’s crucifixion. I reminded Sharon again to relax. It’s my job to do so but its wasted words. The cross was raised a bit more than 45° when Sharon began to wiggle. I yelled for Sharon to stay still then screamed at the fucking IMF guards to get it done.

Sharon stopped screaming the instant the cross bottomed in the hole. Her head bounced twice off her chest and blood shot from her wounds. The impact stunned her and it would be almost two minutes before she would raise her head and try to comprehend what had just been done to her.

Since it had not been announced prior to the event that Sharon would be nailed to the cross, many of the crowd that had assembled was not the same that would have attended such an event and were seeing a woman hanging nailed to a cross for the first time. The reactions ranged from more fainting to almost lustful attention. A smattering of applause was heard when Sharon raised her head and looked.

I was busy with Sharon but the captain would tell me later that Messaline legs buckled and she dropped to her knees when she watched the cross drop and Sharon’s head bounce…

I'm not for nails, but your stories are very powerfully written. Congratulations.
You know when the whole Y2K thing was going around instead of stocking up on food and cash I bought 500 bullets for my gun. With your dire warning I'm going to get a case of Seagrams and some bottled water...

cheers...but, you know for sure................... the Irish ones are better
I'm not for nails, but your stories are very powerfully written. Congratulations.

Thanks for the compliment. Such remarks keep these two fingers slaving on the keyboard...

Admi, I'm sure Irish whiskey is good, but being an old Dago I'm kind of set in my ways...

But they are mighty and very policy and destroyed our financial world and my dear Tree that’s why the name is chosen for that gang. Perhaps will this one help you to loose all your money.
but take a drink my dear....... for the alarm terror:cool:
Mere wimps compared to Tree's IMF,​
and a lot less efficient!​
Mere wimps compared to Tree's IMF,​
and a lot less efficient!​

Eul, you are too kind. But let us go back to Messaline's peril...


The captain was approached by the supervising jurist from the tribunal. They whispered back and forth before the captain nodded and the jurist walked to face the crowd. She held a wireless microphone and asked for the crowd’s attention. “All the women sentenced to two hours bound to the cross will have their sentences extended one half hour with the excepts of Miss Page who will be spared the extension and Miss Hart who’s sentence will be extended one hour and a quarter.”

Miss Page was the young girl from the Academy who only crime was being the loser of the quarterly random drawing. Miss Hart was the porn star. After making the announcement the jurist walked up to Miss Hart and said “And if you don’t keep your fucking mouth shut, I will sentence you to a month of hard labor and you’ll be back on a cross next month for four hours, nailed up just like your neighbor. Do I make myself clear?”

For the first time Miss Hart showed no defiance. She looked over at Sharon and meekly said “Yes, Ma’am.”

“That’s much better” the jurist said then she walked away. For the next half hour the IMF photographer scurried about taking pictures of the nine crucified women. Sharon had begun to get past that stunned state and started to make small moves to find a position that would relieve the pain wracking her body. She’d find none but like all of them she would keep trying. There wasn’t much for me to do. I leaned against the courtyard wall, pulled out a smoke and hit the flask. I’d check on Sharon periodically. She seemed to be doing alright, all things considered. Once I glanced at Miss Hart. With her feet bound behind the stipe her thighs were spread wide. She had a wispy bit of pubic hair surrounding her little cunt. With her arms stretched out and overhead her small tits all but disappeared into her tiny chest. The only thing betraying her maturity was the rock hard nipples standing almost ¾ of an inch out. I’ve seen a few of her films. As far as porn goes they actually had a plot and she wasn’t a bad actress. I was amazed that small of a woman could take in the cocks that she did. Ironically, the DVDs were rated ‘U’ for ‘Unsuitable’ and carried an IMF sin tax stamp…

All the women except Sharon watched the first woman had completed her sentence. They freed her feet first then her arms. If it weren’t for the guard holding her she would have collapsed to the ground. Messaline watched them carry the woman off and thought surely Sharon couldn’t survive four hours nailed to the cross. ‘Maybe I’ll die quickly, after all.’

The second woman was removed and she was in no better shape than the first. Seven were left with two empty crosses at each end of the row. Sharon began to move more and said “Damn, I can’t take this!”

In fifteen minute intervals the crosses emptied. The captain had explained to Messaline that the one to the right of Sharon had been sentenced to four hours on the cross and she had been there close to three. The one on the left, Miss Hart, had been sentenced to two hours but her behavior had led to her sentence being lengthened. By this time only five of the crosses were occupied. Messaline said softly “So a week from now I’ll be dying on a cross like she is…”

“Oh, no Messaline” the captain exclaimed. “By this time next week you’ll just begin to suffer!”
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Sharon’s body began to betray her. There was nothing her body wanted more than comfort. She worked harder and harder to find a sweet spot that her body would not hurt. I slid down the wall and pulled my flask from my duster.

Messaline was falling into despair that nothing I could say would help her. What could I say? She was going to be crucified a week from this day and never leave the cross until she was dead. I doubted she believed the fate awaiting her. There was only Sharon, Miss Hart, and Darlene’s second pick left on the crosses a little past noon. The courtyard had emptied out as the women people had come to see crucified were taken from their crosses. Only a few hard core crux fans remained. I thought it made a nice scene, three empty crosses on each side of the women left hanging from theirs.

Messaline knelt in the patchy grass, her jumpsuit soiled hours ago front and back. She watched with a morbid curiosity the women as they struggled on their crosses. She was surprised when the three women began talking among themselves.

“How long are you here for?” Sharon asked the woman to her right.

“Four hours. If I figured it right I should be just about done.”

“What did you do to get… get crucified?”

“The guy I was dating wanted to have sex. I told him I didn’t want to chance getting pregnant so he raped my ass. So I did the brilliant thing and reported him to the IMA. The bitch there had the IMF arrest me on the spot for seduction and unnatural sexual activities.”

“Holy shit” Sharon whispered. She turned to Miss Hart and said “You look too young to be publicly crucified.”

“And that’s my ‘crime’. I’m Caitlin. I do films depiction young school girls doing naughty things. The fucking IMF doesn’t have a problem with the sex but because I looked underage in the films they deemed I was fostering immoral thoughts and activities. So how did you get so lucky as to get nailed to the cross?”

“Her guardian is some rich bastard” Sharon explained nodding towards Messaline. “She’s getting crucified next week and he wanted her to have a preview for what she’s in for.”

“So you got nailed?”

“Like I said her guardian is rich. He paid my father a bunch of money to have him request my sentence be changed from being bound to the cross to being nailed to it. It’s not so bad. I’ll be done in few hours. When she gets it she’s on it until she’s dead.”

Sharon struggled to straighten her legs while her words sent a new chill through Messaline. Sharon looked across the courtyard and saw a neatly dressed woman carrying what looked like a ring of thorns walking towards the crosses with the female jurist. She thought ‘This can’t be good’…
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“I have some wonderful news” The jurist announced. “The IMF has just received yet another large donation from Messaline’s guardian.”

Messaline hadn’t noticed the women approaching. She looked up and saw Darlene standing by the jurist. And Darlene was indeed holding what would be a crown of thorns. She stood between Messaline and the three crucified women and said to Messaline “Brian is having such a hard time deciding if he wants you to wear a crown of thorns on your big day so I suggested why don’t we just put one on the nailed up cunt and get an idea of how it would look.”

“Don’t hurt her anymore! Please just put it on me!” Messaline begged. Darlene laughed and asked “And if he decides he doesn’t like the look then what? You’d be presented with cuts all over your pristine forehead! Mr. Tree, please come here… I’d like you to place this on the middle girl’s head.”

“She’s already doing more than her sentence” I retorted.

“Well, no, this was added to her sentence. In addition to the IMF Brian was also generous to the girl’s guardian. Go on! You’ve been paid handsomely for three fucking nails so go and put this on her head.”

I took the crown and walked over to Sharon. “I’m sorry, but if I don’t do this someone else will.”

She nodded and said “It’s alright. Just promise me when I kill the son of bitch you handle my execution.”

“It’s a done deal” I replied. As Sharon lowered her head to accept the thorns Caitlin screamed “She’s had enough! Put it on me!”

“Mr. Tree, put the crown on Sharon” the jurist ordered. “Like I said Messaline’s guardian made a most generous donation. He likes the symmetry of the three of you on the cross so you two will remain on yours until 2 PM.”

“Why is he doing this to these women?” Messaline asked. Darlene replied flippantly “One, because he can. Two, he wanted to show you when you step in his shit, all kinds of bad things can happen. Look at her… Doesn’t that look exquisite? I’ll bet he goes with it when you get crucified.”

“He’s watching this? Is he here?” Messaline asked. Darlene looked down at Messa and asked “Do you really think he’d come to this hell hole? He’s either watching it now or he’ll watch it tonight.”

“This is being televised?”

“Only to his estate… Damn, Messaline, did you shit yourself?”

Sharon took the crown of thorns with as much dignity as she could muster. Darlene left with the jurist. Next time I saw her hair looked a bit disheveled and one of the buttons on her blouse was missing. At three o’clock the two women were taken down from their crosses. Caitlin refused to be carried off, instead sitting leaning against the cross from which she had hung for four and a half hours until she could walk on her own. The diminutive woman groaned as she rose to her feet. She walked over to Sharon, rose onto her toes, and gently kissed Sharon’s nipples. She placed her hand between Sharon’s breasts and whispered “If you really are going to kill your father, let me know when and I’ll help you.”

“I promise” Sharon whispered. Caitlin walked over to Messaline and squatted down until she sat on Messa’s thighs. With her eyes locked on Messa’s, she pulled the jumpsuit’s zipper down and scooped out Messaline’s breasts. She watched the tears run down Messaline’s face then quietly said “You’ve got pretty tits.”

Messaline laughed and said “I like yours too.”

Caitlin cupped Messaline’s cheeks in her hands and kissed her. Then she stood up and said “Good luck, Messaline” then walked away.

The courtyard had emptied except for a few stragglers, Messa, the captain, Sharon, and me. I had a cup of coffee strongly laced with Seagram’s. It’s amazing how that damn coffee shop spoils you. Sharon had but twenty minutes to go when she raised her head and looked at Messaline. With a voice scratchy from thirst she said “Messaline, come here.”

Messaline looked up at the captain. She nodded and helped Messa to her feet, removed the handcuffs, and gently whispered “Go on.”

Messaline walked to Sharon and looked at her tired eyes. Sharon smiled and said “You must have really pissed your guardian off for him to do all this.”

Messaline shrugged then said “I tried to kill him.”

“You should have done a better job!” Both women smiled. “Messaline, what they did to me I’ll get over. I don’t want you to worry about me.”

I looked at Messaline’s fine tits poking out of the unzipped jumpsuit. They said a few things I couldn’t hear then Messaline slipped a hand between Sharon’s legs and massaged Sharon’s tits with the other one. They locked into a French kiss that made me wish I was involved in.

After Sharon climaxed, the captain led Messaline back into the building. Sharon hung spent from the nails in her wrists. At exactly 3 PM I sheared the head off the nail through Sharon’s feet. She moaned “Is it over?”

“It’s over…”

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I was in the back seat of a Bentley with Darlene as we headed north towards Brian’s estate. I had never seen a car that had an ice-maker before, much less rode in one. I poured a Seagram’s 7 neat over the rocks. Darlene shook her head and said “There’s better whiskey than that in the cabinet.”

“It’s all what you’re used to” I replied as a pulled out a smoke and lit up. Out of the corner of my eye I could see her glaring at me. I was pretty sure I was the only person who had smoked in the car. I turned to Darlene and exhaled the smoke in her face.

She coughed and cracked open a window. “You don’t like me, do you?”

I looked at her, mentally peeling the clothes from her body. I took another drink and a drag from the cigarette. “I’ve got nothing against you. Your, or should I say, Brian’s money is good. Where the hell is the ashtray in this thing?”

“There isn’t one!”

I shook my head and said “What is this… a quarter million dollar car and the fucking ashtray is optional?”

“Mr. Atkinson chose not to have one.”

“Whatever” I replied as I dropped my ash on the carpet.

“What the hell is your problem, Mr. Tree?” Darlene yelled.

I looked at her then took a drink. “I guess my problem is that I crucify women for a living. But it’s not a bad problem to have as there’s always another one ready to be done. So tell me, Darlene, do you loath me because of my job or because I’ve not been hired to do you?”

“You smell, and you’re uncouth, and, yes, because I want to know what the cross feels like.” She pulled my jeans opened and dug out my cock. I poured another drink and told her “Maybe Brian will want to terminate your employment. I could help him out.”

“Bring it on” she replied as she buried my cock in her mouth…

Messaline had been stripped of her jumpsuit and brought to the basin and washed with cold water from a fire hose. A porter took the suit away and once she was cleaned she was again handcuffed and brought to the captain’s chamber.

“You are beautiful, Messaline” the captain said as she sprawled across her bed. “Come here and lay with me.”

Messaline had not expected this but went to bed and climbed on. The captain smiled and said “You do that so gracefully.”

“What do you mean, Ma’am?” Messaline asked as she knelt next to the captain. The captain pushed Messa’s knees apart and slipped a finger into her sex. Messa took a deep breath.

“The way you climbed onto the bed; I don’t think I could do that so nicely in handcuffs.”

“I guess you get used to them, Ma’am.”

“Just for now you may use my name. I’m Janet. I want to know what you thought about the crucifixions” she said as she massaged Messaline’s clit. “Did you find them arousing?”

“I… found it to be brutal… and frightening… and, yes, arousing. I was surprised when they talked to each other and then I realized there was nothing else for them to do. I couldn’t believe how much energy Sharon had at the end. And… I know I’m not going to die quickly when I’m crucified. A week from now I’ll be longing for handcuffs around my wrists instead of the nails through them. And I’ll be dying…”

“But that’s a week from now. Lay face down, Messaline” Janet ordered. She sat on Messaline’s butt and unlocked one side of the handcuffs. “OK, put your hands above your head. That’s good. Now roll over.”

Messaline rolled onto her back, her hands secured above her head. The captain knelt next to her. As she slowly untied the belt of her robe she said “Spread your legs, Messaline.” Again Messaline did as Janet ordered even though she wondered with dread what could be coming next. Janet gazed lustfully at Messaline’s sex then pulled the robe from her shoulders revealing why the feared IMF uniform could look so good on her. She crawled between Messaline’s legs and toyed with her sex using just the nail of her index finger. She looked up at Messa and said “You know you’re the first woman sentenced to die since I became the post captain. I’ve always wondered what a condemned pussy would taste like…”

I shook my head and said “What is this… a quarter million dollar car and the fucking ashtray is optional?”
:p:p Some humour is welcome in these tragedy...:p
During the next two hours Janet made Messaline climax a half dozen time all the while telling her how she longed to see hang naked from a cross. She’d ask Messaline if she thought her tits would flatten like Sharon’s had when she was stretched by the cross. The last time she slipped down and grazed on Messaline’s sex she said “Would you like me to lick your cunt when you’re crucified?”

Messaline stared at the ceiling and said “I don’t know. If you want to I’ll be I no position to stop you.”

“No, you won’t” Janet replied before burying her sex-soaked face in Messaline’s sex one more time. After Messaline came Janet again released one of Messa’s wrists, helped her sit up, and then locked her wrists behind her back again. She asked “Have the guards buggered you yet today?”

“No, Ma’am.”

“If you wish I can wave it for today.”

“Thank you, but I’ve nothing else to do and the guards seem to enjoy it.”

“Very well” Janet replied as she pulled on her robe. She picked up a phone and said “I’m done de-briefing Messaline. Please come for her and deliver the next prisoner for release processing… All of you may… Thank you.”

She turned to Messaline and opened her mouth to say something. A knock on the door interrupted her. She grabbed Messa’s arm and led her to the door where the captain and the guard swapped prisoners, with Messaline leaving with the guard and Miss Hart in her signature schoolgirl outfit joining the captain in her quarters. Messaline heard the captain say “Miss Hart, I have so looked forward to meeting you ever since I saw your first film!” Then the door shut…

Messaline was led back to the cellblock. As she walked down the corridor she noticed each cell she passed the door was open. The floor was wet and the air damp and reeking with disinfectant cleaners. She was led past her cell and brought to the bars at the end of the block. The door was open and three more guards stood waiting. The one leading her towards them squeezed her arm and said “You’re the entertainment for tonight.”

Messaline’s jaw dropped when she remembered when the captain had said on the phone ‘all of you may’. She suddenly regretted not taking the captain up on her offer not to be raped that night. All the other prisoners had served their sentences and were released!

Hours later, Messaline was put in her cell. She didn’t know how many times her ass had been raped or how many filthy cocks she had sucked. It didn’t matter. She had seen her fate and it scared the hell out of her. She cringed as she remembered the sound of the hammer striking the spikes. Her empty stomach convulsed when she relived the cross crashing to a stop at the bottom of the hole. Even though the man that nailed her to the cross kept telling her, Sharon could not. What would she do in a week when she was hanging from her cross never to come down? ‘It doesn’t matter’ she thought ‘I tried to kill Brian and three women suffered because I did.’

She couldn’t shake the image of Sharon pushing up with her spiked feet trying to get a full breath of air…

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no pictures with this one but there are more to come...

Friday April 6, 2007 ended with Messaline alone in not only her cell but alone in the cellblock. She had nothing to do but reflect on the day’s events and her crucifixion still a week away. I don’t know if Brian had realized how devastatingly effective it would be for Messaline to see a real crucifixion.

I’ve done a lot of crucifixions as there are only a few MCT’s certified. I’ve only done a dozen executions. It doesn’t take a lot of talent to execute a person by crucifixion. You nail them to the cross, raise them, and wait for them to die. Also most of the women condemned by the IMF wouldn’t be in a civil court. There is a big difference in the psyche of a woman to be punished with crucifixion and a woman executed by crucifixion.

The woman being punished will go through the same dread, fear, humiliation, and pain but has the hope of surviving the awful ordeal. The woman condemned to die on the cross has none of that hope. Messaline had now seen the suffering Sharon had endured. That was terrifying on its own. What frightened Messaline worse was that Sharon would have lasted much longer than the four hours she hung from the cross. In the days that followed, except for the daily rape by the guards, Messaline had nothing to distract her from the dread of her fate. Even the hour a day to ‘exercise’ in the courtyard reinforced the despair as the nine crosses from Friday’s crucifixions still stood as stark reminders, especially the center one stained with Sharon’s blood.

I spent the week prepping the site for Messaline’s crucifixion. A mound was built with steep slopes on three sides and a gradual slope that Messaline would carry the crossbar up. Sod had been laid to make it look like it had always been there. It took a lot of talking to convince him there was no way she could carry the whole cross from his dungeon’s doors to her Golgotha. He gave in when I challenged him to do it. He didn’t make it halfway.

Tuesday night I spent the evening in one of the guest houses. Darlene came down to… ummm… entertain me. While I might have intrigued her a bit I was pretty sure Brian had sent her to keep an eye on me. I made it easy by just wearing my hat. Darlene didn’t have a hat…

At a quiet moment in the evening I said “I noticed Brian had a nice looking young lady with him earlier.”

“Brian has nice looking ladies with him whenever he wants” Darlene replied.

“She looked a lot like Messaline.”

“I look a lot like Messaline” Darlene said as she sipped her wine. “It’s the kind he likes.”

I looked at Darlene and thought there was a resemblance. “So it doesn’t bother you that he’s doing it with another woman?”

“No more than I bothered me to fuck him while he was Messaline. Look, Mr. Tree, with what he pays me if he told me to clean the toilets with my tongue I’d do it with a smile. By the time I’m thirty-five my contract with him is up and you can bet I’ve made enough to retire on. By the preparations that were being made I’d venture to guess she’s going to be entertained in the dungeon tonight. I’ve been there; done that. So unless you’re tired of my company I’m quite content to swap bodily fluids with you tonight.”

I shook my head and said “I’ve got no objections to that. By the way, it’s just ‘Tree’; not ‘Mr. Tree.’ You sure have a strange job, Darlene.”

I thought she’d blown her drink out her nose. She coughed and exclaimed “ME? What about yours?”

“It is different, I’ll give you that.”
Tuesday, April 10, 2007, another woman was brought into the cellblock and placed in the cell next to Messaline’s. She was crying but not from the humiliation of the treatment while naked in the hands of the guards but that the IMF had even taken her. When the guards locked her in her cell and left to their station Messa called out “Hi, I’m Messaline. Who are you?”

“They told me not to talk to anyone.”

“They always do.”

“Can’t they hear you?”

“They can hear and see you 24/7. See those black globes on the ceiling of your cell?”

“Yeah, I guess there are cameras in them. I’m Trish. Your name again was???”

“Messaline, what are you here for, Trish?”

“If you can believe this, for having sex with my boyfriend… Make that ex-boyfriend. Well, I was giving him a blowjob and this IMF cop comes along and arrests me… not us, for unnatural sexual activities and seduction! Fuck, he was ramming his cock down my throat!”

“So what did you get; two or four?”

Trish was silent for a moment. “I’m going to be here for two to four years?”

“No, no, no” Messaline replied. “How many hours are you going to be on a cross?”

“What the hell are you talking about?” Trish shrieked.

“You haven’t been tried yet” Messaline asked.

“NO! What do you know?”

Messaline raised an eyebrow and thought ‘More than you do, Trish.’ “Who’s your guardian, Trish?”

“My father, I guess.”

“What does he think of the IMF?”

“YOU WOMEN ARE NOT ALLOWED TO TALK” a voice boomed over the speakers.

“He thinks they’re a bunch of perverted bastards” Trish whispered.

“…And bitches” Messaline replied.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Wednesday was prisoner visiting day. Messaline was surprised that her name had been called to accept a guest. Her knees and bottom were sore from the night before when she was cuffed to Trish’s cell door and anally raped yet again. They couldn’t touch Trish because her conviction… I mean trial… wasn’t until Wednesday. Trish wouldn’t return to her cell until Messaline had left hers.

Messaline was led to the receiving cell where prisoners could talk with and even be touched their visitors. Of course the IMF was not a generous organization and the prisoners had little room to… Well, just look…

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Messaline’s eye’s brightened for a moment when Sharon was rolled before her in a wheelchair. Because she had been taken from the courtyard before Sharon had been removed from her cross, Messa thought the IMF had let Sharon die. Instead in the past five days Sharon had been treated to some of the best medical care one could hope for. Sharon still groaned as she rose from the chair. She wore a floral sundress and had pink sweatbands covering the bandages that covered her wrists and feet. She walked to the bars that confined Messaline. She smiled and said “Your husband offered me a shitload of money to watch you die on the cross. I hope you’ll forgive me if I decline.”

“I understand” Messaline replied. “I guess you’re not going to kill your father.”

“No, I’m going to Texas. The IMF isn’t too popular there. I’m going to take Caitlin with me. Your husband wanted her to be his slave, too.”

“Enjoy your life, Sharon.”

Messaline was taken from the wall and placed into a regular visitor’s cell. Her next guest was someone she had not expected. Messa cried out “Mere, qu-est ce que tu fais ici?!?



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“Mere, qu-est ce que tu fais ici?!?”

“Don’t you dare speak to me in French, Messaline! I told you nothing good could come out of you going to America! And look at you now; locked in a pen, tagged, and readied for slaughter!”

“Thank you for the comforting words, Mother. What are you doing here?” Messaline demanded, this time in English.

Messaline’s mother, Brigitte, eyed her daughter while Messa glared back. Brigitte at 41 was as beautiful as Messaline and looked more like an elder sister than her mother. She gave Messaline a wicked smile and coldly said “I’ve never seen a crucifixion, so seeing yours would be a good one for my first.”

“That is rich! You refused to come to my wedding but you come to see me die.”

Brigitte chose her words carefully but cruelly. “If you were merely dying, Messaline, I would not have bothered. But for the opportunity to see you executed I would have paid my own way. As for not coming to your wedding you TOLD me you were getting married to a man you didn’t even have the courtesy to introduce to me. Now that I have met Brian I would have allowed you to marry him and I would have attended your wedding. He showed the respect to me that you did not by asking for my consent to have you executed.”

Messaline had to grab the bars to keep from falling to her knees. “Mother… Mother, he abused me. He has a dungeon in his house!”

“Men have fantasies that most cannot fulfill. Brian has the means to do so. I can understand your infatuation with him. He is quite skilled sexually.”

“You’ve SLEPT with him?”

“Well” Brigitte replied with a smile “I didn’t get much sleep. I must go. Oh, and Messaline, I know he has a dungeon. He promised to let me sample more of it today.”

Messaline watched her mother walk away. She leaned against the bars and felt more violated than when the guards raped her…

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