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Revenge of the Pulps

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You mean.... like Barb when she posts :spank:demerits?:confused:

Careful Lox. I’m watching you ...

Whaddya mean? Who the hell is Talbot Mundy to steal our story? Barb is saying, "Nice kitty!". And that's a very big sword I have and you know what they say, the size of the sword is proportional to the size of something else...

Saying “nice kitty” just might work! You gotta better idea, Goldman?

One question, Why is she holding her breast? Two actually, Can I?

To keep Goldman from looking down . And,no you cannot!
Who the hell is Talbot Mundy

An astonishingly prolific writer of thrilling yarns in which doughty heroes do daring deeds
and women find themselves in peril of wardrobe malfunction
in the hotter parts of the British Empire - he must be cursing himself
he lived before CruxForums! Just a taster...

TM 1.jpgTM 2.jpgTM 3.jpgTM 4.jpgTM 5.jpg
An astonishingly prolific writer of thrilling yarns in which doughty heroes do daring deeds
and women find themselves in peril of wardrobe malfunction
in the hotter parts of the British Empire - he must be cursing himself
he lived before CruxForums! Just a taster...

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Got like a girl whipped, but my favorite is the soldier holding down the harem girl. I know where it s going!
Full Moon looks like fun. The book looks quite worn and tattered around the edges

Yes, copies of these books give the impression of having been heavily used
by young males holding them with one hand... ;) :p
Hope you all notice my avatar is now graced with Barbara' hair color, courtesy of bobinder. And Chapter Thirteen, from which the avatar comes is posted.
I must take a little time off here to polish up Chapter Fourteen, the pièce de résistance of the story.
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