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The Coffee Shop

  • Thread starter The Fallen Angel
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thehangingtree said:
He told me not to worry; they would catch them. I lit a smoke and thought 'so, you catch them. I can only tie them to crosses for three hours. At my age I could live three decades with a bunch of pissed off chicks after my ass, and not the way I'd like 'em to.'

is that your squadron there on trafalgar square ? Poor girls and that in London waiting for Polly, Willowfall and all those helpers.

Nice. :lol:

Ohh England thanks for McClaren We are the champions with the umbrella guy :lol: :lol: :lol:



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nog 15
15 to go
Nah, those guys aren't mine. I'd never give them the comfort of ropes supporting their biceps. I've got to go. I'm expecting a couple of small freight containers any moment. Willow and Polly will be here soon. I need to talk to the sheriff about more cells. Later...
Brittain Run tomorrow for the just one but you have the wrong system. :lol: :lol: 8) :shock:
thehangingtree said:
I sat on a park bench in square and took a draw from my flask. The bench was in the shadows of the trees so the streetlights would shine on it. I shook my head as I saw the two lovely naked women run past me. 'You have to admire their loyalties' I thought as I watched their bare butts run done the road. Overhead I heard the hiss of airguns and both women yelped as the tranquilizer darks struck home.

They both reached backand pulled at the darts. With the barbed tips pulling the darts out would force the drug into their bodies faster than if they had left them alone. No matter: they wouldn't have gotten much farther. They ran a bit then stumbled and fell. A few of my SWAT team scooped them up and carried them back to their cell. I could only guess that it was the same rookie Connie had clobbered before that let this happen.

I called HQ to find out how the round up was going.

Polly had been a piece of cake. They nailed her with a dart while she was riding her horse naked.

Willowfall was reclining naked on a couch writing yet another story on her laptop when the team barged in. She calmly laid the laptop down, finished her glass of wine, then laid her glasses on the table. She stood up and turned her back to the SWAT team and offered her wrists to be cuffed behind her back.

Mel and Julie had roughed up a team of eight SWAT cops. They probably save my year end bonus. The boss was getting pretty pissed at what I've spent on this operation. When he had one of his "crack" teams return with their heads cracked by these two he doubled my security detail on his budget and doubled the teams on Mel's and Julie's trail.

He asked me if I knew of any accomplices the Xena chick might have. I racked my brain (and to another drag from the flask) and said "Gabrial comes to mind."

He told me not to worry; they would catch them. I lit a smoke and thought 'so, you catch them. I can only tie them to crosses for three hours. At my age I could live three decades with a bunch of pissed off chicks after my ass, and not the way I'd like 'em to.'


You made the mistake of taking one too many draws from your flask . The two naked women running past you, and Polly Perkins were simply holograms generated from our HQ here in Sheffield and transmitted via satellite. We have good connections with Rupert Murdoch. Gabrielle is really p****d off cos you have mixed her up with an angel which she certainly isn't and as far as Willowfall is concerned!!...Well she is incandescent with rage....she is teetotal!
You are falsifying reports and planting evidence! Connie and Val will soon be here and then we will decide whether you will turn the coffee grinder or be thrown in it.
You made the mistake of taking one too many draws from your flask . The two naked women running past you, and Polly Perkins were simply holograms generated from our HQ here in Sheffield and transmitted via satellite. We have good connections with Rupert Murdoch. Gabrielle is really p****d off cos you have mixed her up with an angel which she certainly isn't and as far as Willowfall is concerned!!...Well she is incandescent with rage....she is teetotal!
You are falsifying reports and planting evidence! Connie and Val will soon be here and then we will decide whether you will turn the coffee grinder or be thrown in it.

I get tired of getting hammered by these women about my spelling. The cellulode police found Xena and Gabrielle thanks to Mellissa's posts and bagged them. The idiots at the High Immoral Authorty couldn't find them and tried to arrest a couple of angels until we intercepted Melissa's post.

As for Connie, Val, and Polly being holograms I guess I could go down to the holding cell. Best I remember Val and Connie felt and smelled like real people. I haven't opened the containers that Polly and Willowfall are held in. They just arrived and I just signed for them.

As for Mr. Murdoch; he just called me and offered me a rather large sum to have excusive rights to the mass crucifixion. Being an employee of the High Immoral Authority I had to turn him down. He asked if there was a private bounty put on Melissa and Julie could he have an exclusive on their capture. I told him I didn't care as long as they weren't harmed.

I went down to the cell block and watched Val and Connie spend energy I wish I still had. I locked myself in a cell and dragged the cot as far from the door as I could. I laid down, checking my stun guns and placing an Uzi on my chest. I asked the two guards from my team If they thought they could think with their heads instead of their dicks. They assured me they could. I looked at the younger guard. His face was still puffed up where Connie kicked him. I couldn't see where she had TASEd him but I sure hoped he remembered it. I asked him if he was sure the women would be in their cell when I would wake up.

I'm a light sleeper

Please take some images and video of Melissa and her crew once you have rounded them all up and have them crucified!

You may as well include that no-good Julian Fogripper too.

I'll keep building more crosses!

In a few more weeks we shall have some nice hot and humid days. We will put them all to the wood!

That's one way to eliminate the competition at the 2010 Crux Film Festival!

Church Picinic is at 315 downloads! http://www.sendspace.com/file/nkf6u6

"The idiots at the High Immoral Authorty couldn't find them and tried to arrest a couple of angels until we intercepted Melissa's post."

If the angels are the Weeping Angels well known to Dr Who then those idiots from the High Immoral Authority are in serious trouble. They are an old race of winged humanoids who kill you "nicely". We have recently recruited Amy Pond (Karen Gillan), Dr Who's latest sidekick onto our side. Matt Smith can keep his hands off..she's all ours!!


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Melissa worries too much about the High Immoral Authority's police able to catch anything. I left them years ago and work as a mercenary. The pay is way betterand I don't have to put up with their bureaucratic B.S. Just save my receipts. I awoke a few hours later, refreshed from my sleep and the fact my two guards still had Val and Connie locked in their cell. I walked out to the side of the courthouse to have a smoke. As I drew on the cigarette I noticed the crates Willowfall and Polly had been delivered in. I shook my head as I walked up to them. One crate laid lengthwise on its side while the other stood on end. I pulled out a flashlight and shined it in the crate. I tilted my head and read the large stenciled letters that read "DO NOT STACK ON END".

I grabbed the crate and lowered it to the ground. I pulled out my knife (an immitation 'Rambo' one) and pried the lid open. Even in the dark I could see there was one pretty naked woman trussed up in the box. I could also see she was pissed as hell 'cause the end the crate was standing one was the the end her head was at. She was bound hogtied, her wrists and ankles tied together behind her back. I reached down and lifted her out of the crate and laid her on the cool, dew-covered grass. I was pleased to find the inside of the crate had been lined with dense styrofoam. She was undamaged except for maybe a very sore neck. That wouldn't be a problem since she'd be crucified instead of noosed.

I brushed her hair from her face and said "I'm terribly sorry. The crate was clearly marked not to stack on end. Are you Willowfall or Polly?"

"Are you a moron or an idiot?" she replied.

I stood up and took a drag on my smoke. As I exhaled I said "I don't understand the jist of your question."

"I can tell by your voice you're the one that signed for the delivery, right?"

"That is correct."

"How many hours ago could you have seen the stacking sign?"

She had a point. I took a swig from my flask and shrugged my shoulders. She shook her head and said "It doesn't matter. At least the crate was warm. I'm Willowfall. Its a fucking honor to be in your custody. I ask that you lock me up someplace warm."
When dawn broke I walked out to a flurry of activitity behind the courthouse on the far side from the square. The High Immoral Authority had finally delivered the containment unit I had requested. It was originally used a field command center by the miltary. The walls, top and bottom were six inches thick, with an inch of metal plate forming the outside and inside surface of the container. Sandwiched between was anti-ballistic material bathed in anti-incendiary gel. An armour-piercing rocket loaded with phosphorous could get through the inner plate. It had been made so secure its downfall that the shockwaves inside the container could atleast scramble a human's brain and could cause enough internal injuries people inside would die a slow painful death. So the military came up with a new design and the Authority got these on the cheap.

The interior was gutted and bars with a door were welded half in at the middle of the container, leaving a 7'w x 9'h x 24.5'l cell at one end. Ten feet closer to the end with the only door was a second set of bars with another barred door. Only one door could be oped at a time; opening one locked the other, although both could be locked at the same time. In the 7'w x 9'h x 14.5'l area left there were all sorts of anchor points for attaching instruments of inhanced interrogation. I would be needing any of those. I was here to punish, not to extract information. Once the electric crew finished hooking up the container I walked inside. There were only four lights in the almost 50 foot interior, one on the far wall of the cell, one built into the bars above the cell door that shined into the cell, another was in the ceiling in the interlock area, and the last in the entry area. All the lights were covered with inch thick safety glass reinforced with wire and the glass was held in with a heavy frame these women weren't going to open with fingernails. I pulled out a smoke and lit up. Just as I exhaled the air conditioning unit kicked on. I looked at the cell. The only creature comforts were the lights and the a/c; no toilet, no running water.

I turned and left. As I stepped outside the door slammed with a heavy thud.

'Preparations are almost done' I thought. It was going to be a busy day. Due to lack of traffic on the site I doubled the security. This afternoon should get interesting.
thehangingtree said:
When dawn broke I walked out to a flurry of activitity behind the courthouse on the far side from the square. The High Immoral Authority had finally delivered the containment unit I had requested. It was originally used a field command center by the miltary. The walls, top and bottom were six inches thick, with an inch of metal plate forming the outside and inside surface of the container. Sandwiched between was anti-ballistic material bathed in anti-incendiary gel. An armour-piercing rocket loaded with phosphorous could get through the inner plate. It had been made so secure its downfall that the shockwaves inside the container could atleast scramble a human's brain and could cause enough internal injuries people inside would die a slow painful death. So the military came up with a new design and the Authority got these on the cheap.

The interior was gutted and bars with a door were welded half in at the middle of the container, leaving a 7'w x 9'h x 24.5'l cell at one end. Ten feet closer to the end with the only door was a second set of bars with another barred door. Only one door could be oped at a time; opening one locked the other, although both could be locked at the same time. In the 7'w x 9'h x 14.5'l area left there were all sorts of anchor points for attaching instruments of inhanced interrogation. I would be needing any of those. I was here to punish, not to extract information. Once the electric crew finished hooking up the container I walked inside. There were only four lights in the almost 50 foot interior, one on the far wall of the cell, one built into the bars above the cell door that shined into the cell, another was in the ceiling in the interlock area, and the last in the entry area. All the lights were covered with inch thick safety glass reinforced with wire and the glass was held in with a heavy frame these women weren't going to open with fingernails. I pulled out a smoke and lit up. Just as I exhaled the air conditioning unit kicked on. I looked at the cell. The only creature comforts were the lights and the a/c; no toilet, no running water.

I turned and left. As I stepped outside the door slammed with a heavy thud.

'Preparations are almost done' I thought. It was going to be a busy day. Due to lack of traffic on the site I doubled the security. This afternoon should get interesting.
Connie and Val lay tied up in thei cots,they were nude and in very deep trouble,they could hear all of the activitity going on outside in the town square and they knew it was not good for them."When do you think they will come for us?"said Val.
"Something tells me that we will not have to wait very long."replied Connie.
"Did you hear that they captured Willowfall?!"
"Yes,they locked her up just down the hall from us.said Connie.Just then they heard the door to the cell block open and they saw a figure standing at their cell door,it was the young man who connie stunned when they tried to escape the night before.
"Well well,ladies how are we doing?"
"Well,to tell you the truth I could really use the bathroom right about now!"said Connie.The young man smilled at her and said."Then pee in your cot,you little bitch!"Connie fought to get free from her bindings but it was no use."You little prick!"yelled Connie.The young man laughed and said "It won't be long now...your time is almost at hand!he turned and left the room."We're done for!"said Val.
"Not yet,not as long as Mel and Juile are free,they will rescue us!
"That's just great,it's love vs the bad guys and the odds are not good for us...I'm not optimistic!"said Val Connie looked at Val and smiled "Well you may not be optimistic...but as for me...I'm betting on love!
The High Immoral Authority are well behind the times. As I said we have Amy Pond and hence Dr Who on our side...see previous attached pics. What use are thick walls ,armour plating and the strongest locks that money can buy when the good Doctor and Amy have the Tardis and of course the electronic screwdriver which can open any lock. We needn't of course bother to pick the locks...just pick the correct time and space coordinates and land in Connie's cell and pick her and Val up....un morceau de gateaux!! Connie is right of course, love triumphs over evil every time.
I was begining to think I made everybody mad and and you all left!!!!!!

More tonight


'Amy Pond and Dr. Who????' I thought. 'They must be snorting volcanic dust.'

I pulled out a smoke and lit it up. 'This is going on too long.' In the container the celluloid police had delivered Xena and Gabrielle. It was time for Connie, Val, Willowfall, and Polly to join them. I supervised the transfer of the women, not trusting even the best of my troopers not to succumb to their plentiful charms. Each one was ordered to back to the bars and offer their wrists to be cuffed behind their backs. Then shackles were locked about their ankles. Only then were the cell doors opened. the woman were brough out, much to the delight of the men in the other cells. An iron collar was locked around each of their necks with a chain that tethered them together in a row ...except for Connie. She stood alone as i walked up to her. Her nostrils flared and her face was red with anger. She growled "What do you want? Are You going to fuck me?"

"Not that I'd mind, but the High Immoral Authority hasn't authorized that" I replied. I pulled a black hood over her head and locked the last collar about her neck. Then I knelt down and fixed a 50 pound iron ball to the short chain of her shackles. She tested her bindings and said "I can't walk like this."

"You better try" I replied "because if you fall one of you hang from a cross every day until Mel and Julie are caught. Take them out of here, men."

Not so much as a force field? You certainly don't think ball and chains are going to stop Connie from from setting herself free! Using a hairpin secreted upon her person she quickly set about the primitive locks. "No need yet for the Doctor and his sonic screwdriver.", she thought.


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At noon the prisoners were taken from the courthouse jail and marched bound and naked to the armoured container. I could have taken them from the door and taken them to the left and incarcerated them quickly. Instead I marched them around the courthouse so they would pass through the courthouse square. At lunch hour the square was filled with people enjoying the sunny spring day, not to mention the site of four naked women being paraded past them. Connie worked to keep up with the other three, her steps limited by the short chain of the shackles and the heavy ball dragging behind her. As they headed towards the container I checked my messages. I looked up at the women and shook my head.

In the container Willowfall, Polly and Val were processed through the double locks and into the cell to join Xena and Gabrielle. Just as they were readying to process Connie I walked in and pulled the hood from her head. Her mussed hair covered her face and she tried to shake it back. She glared at me and snarled "What?"

"You have something I want" I replied. She looked confused at first then angry. She pulled her cuffed hands to one side and said "I can't get it with my hands cuffed."

I nodded to the rookie guard to remove the cuffs. He walked up to her tentatively, remembering he was 0-2 against her. As he unlocked the cuffs I pulled my duster back and placed my hand on the stungun. The move was not lost on Connie and the guard removed the handcuffs and shackles and backed away from her unharmed. Connie leaned back against the bars and used one hand to spread her sex and the other to plunge her fingers in it. I had no idea if she was truly searching for the contraband or mocking me by fondling herself to an orgasm. Either way she put on quite a show and satisfied herself with both her own orgasm and the obvious arrousal in my pants before she extracted the hairpin. With a smug smile she handed the hairpin to me. It dropped from her wet shining fingers into the palm of my hand . She cooed "Is that what you wanted?"

I looked over at one of my guards as he struggled to pull a surgical glove over his huge hand. I looked back at her. Her eyes were wide and the smile gone. "Just want to make sure you don't have one hidden in your ass."

"I... No! Honestly I don't!" Connie cried out. I believed her. To the dismay of my guard I had her put in the cell with the other five. As I locked the armoured door leaving them in darkness my phone when off again. I listened and thanked the caller. It was getting to be a good day.
melissa said:
Not so much as a force field? You certainly don't think ball and chains are going to stop Connie from from setting herself free! Using a hairpin secreted upon her person she quickly set about the primitive locks. "No need yet for the Doctor and his sonic screwdriver.", she thought.

thought Connie was an redhead :lol: :lol: :lol:


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I made my morning rounds, checking the climate controls on the container. The thermostate was set at 85F. I hoped the enjoyed the warmth over the cool dampness of the courthouse cells. The lights were set on 'Random'. They could be on a minute to six hours and be dark the same amount with no pattern.

I went to the coffe shop and and ordered up a large black to-go. I poured some from my flask and began reading the paper. Below my feet I could hear that guy still grinding beans. The High Immoral Authority wasn't too happen with me using funds to keep the shop opened but I told them unless these perverted women were condemned they would need a job to come back to, even if they chased customers with swords while they were naked.

One of my guards rushed in and suggested I follow him. I asked the girl behind the counter if I could take the mug. She shrugged and waved me off. Connie would have killed me for taking one of her cups. I'm going to miss her when I leave here. I walked into my courthouse office and found two women standing there dressed in straight jackets.

I smiled and asked "Which one is Mel and who is Julie?"
thehangingtree said:
I made my morning rounds, checking the climate controls on the container. The thermostate was set at 85F. I hoped the enjoyed the warmth over the cool dampness of the courthouse cells. The lights were set on 'Random'. They could be on a minute to six hours and be dark the same amount with no pattern.

I went to the coffe shop and and ordered up a large black to-go. I poured some from my flask and began reading the paper. Below my feet I could hear that guy still grinding beans. The High Immoral Authority wasn't too happen with me using funds to keep the shop opened but I told them unless these perverted women were condemned they would need a job to come back to, even if they chased customers with swords while they were naked.

One of my guards rushed in and suggested I follow him. I asked the girl behind the counter if I could take the mug. She shrugged and waved me off. Connie would have killed me for taking one of her cups. I'm going to miss her when I leave here. I walked into my courthouse office and found two women standing there dressed in straight jackets.

I smiled and asked "Which one is Mel and who is Julie?"

The answer is neither because we have just enjoyed a delicious meal of sea bream at Willow's restaurant. The fish were caught by someone rather famous. Can't find our card reader at the mo but will post pics before the weekend.
jonesygirl said:
thehangingtree said:
I made my morning rounds, checking the climate controls on the container. The thermostate was set at 85F. I hoped the enjoyed the warmth over the cool dampness of the courthouse cells. The lights were set on 'Random'. They could be on a minute to six hours and be dark the same amount with no pattern.

I went to the coffe shop and and ordered up a large black to-go. I poured some from my flask and began reading the paper. Below my feet I could hear that guy still grinding beans. The High Immoral Authority wasn't too happen with me using funds to keep the shop opened but I told them unless these perverted women were condemned they would need a job to come back to, even if they chased customers with swords while they were naked.

One of my guards rushed in and suggested I follow him. I asked the girl behind the counter if I could take the mug. She shrugged and waved me off. Connie would have killed me for taking one of her cups. I'm going to miss her when I leave here. I walked into my courthouse office and found two women standing there dressed in straight jackets.

I smiled and asked "Which one is Mel and who is Julie?"

The answer is neither because we have just enjoyed a delicious meal of sea bream at Willow's restaurant. The fish were caught by someone rather famous. Can't find our card reader at the mo but will post pics before the weekend.
grinnik :shock: :lol: :mrgreen: :-| :twisted:
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