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The Devil In The Convent

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Devil in the Convent 21


I don't remember whether I’ve dreamt it, but when I wake up everything’s clear. I get to the site early. Gennaro, who’s always the first to arrive, has just opened the gates. He says he’s been to the stolen goods warehouse to buy the wipers, and looked around carefully.

He was able to tell that you couldn’t get through a wall that shuts off what looks like a doorway between the secondary chapel and the residence of the abbess. We can’t go onto that side, but we won’t need to carry out any further investigations there.

We climb down into the tunnel with the worker who’s removed the rubble. He don't found my glasses and keys - this seems strange, without wanting to think about devils and damned souls, somehow they must have been hidden. Below the niche where the box was enclosed, there’s a window of the tower. It’s apparent that there’s a small gap between the tread of one of the steps and the wall, a fragment of mortar has come adrift from the wall. I push it in through the narrow slit, it falls and I hear the clink as it lands.

So under the stairs there’s a gap, in the interface between the secondary chapel and the bell tower.

We set up scaffolding in order to remove a couple of steps, and a hoist to descend. Gennaro, the workman and I go down into the passage. A wooden door, its fabric crumbling with age and damp, blocks access to the structure of the tower. With a little effort it yields.

There’s a lot of debris cluttering the floor, probably the result of the disastrous earthquake of 1631. Above us we can see the roof covering designed to prevent leakage of rain.

We lower two more workers to remove the rubble. Little by little this frees up the space to the west, and a stairway appears going down to the level of the foundations. We proceed with caution on the wet stone steps towards the east.

As e near the Convent, the masonry is 'opus reticulatum', so it’s from the Roman era. We see the columns and soffit of an archway above a passage, it’s sunk into the earth, partly buried. The light of our torches illuminates a large empty space beyond: it’s the Temple! Instinctively I drop down on all fours. Judging by the thickness of the wall, we’re now in one of the rooms at the side of the exedra (external walkway).

Gennaro- 'Doctor! Doctor! Watch where you’re going! You’ll get lost in there! And it's dangerous, there may be slurry!'

Immediately Gaetano, the worker, follows me, agile as a cat. He’s holding the end of a rope. I grab the other end and harness it to my belt. He comes with me, I can’t stop, I'm nearly running into courtyard of the temple.

There are the twenty-four columns of the tholos, the octagonal altar, the four large columns, now halved in height under the structure of the Convent church, the portico with a fountain, and snakes carved into the rock. I kneel on the solidified ash that covers the inner space of the Temple to thank the Goddess, Cynthia.


My heart’s pounding in my chest, tears of joy run down my cheeks. As if I’d always known this place, I direct the beam of light onto the right hand walkway to look for my picture - my face is still there sensual, pouting my lips a little, while I arrange my hair with the help of a handmaid.


A light tunic does not covers my breasts but only hide one of my thighs.

Gaetano looks at me amazed. I hug him, he puts his right hand behind my neck while I press my face against his chest and squeeze him in triumph.

Gaetano- 'What a sight ! Doctor’s acting is like she’s discovered Pompeii!'

Luna- 'I knew it was here, waiting for me!'

Now I'm crying tears of joy, hot teardrops wet my face.

The Jockey has followed the rope that was unrolling as we went along, now his flashlight illuminates the temple, so I can see the elegance of the tholos and the columns that hold up the circular beam where the structure remains just below the high altar in the presbytery. He’s brought along a digital camera, a laser rangefinder, and walkie talkies. He warns Gennaro that the survey's going to take a very long to time. In the meantime they need to remove the soil that blocks the arch so we can get out more easily.

Gennaro- 'And where is Lucia?'

Gaetano- ' Crying. '

As if I’m hypnotised, I’m unaware of the passing of time or what's going on around me. Enraptured in my ecstatic vision of the wonders of the Temple, in a state of altered consciousness, in a change of body, I am the Goddess, I am Cynthia, I am in my home! It’s as if I’m living in a parallel universe where the past is the present, the future is now, now is unchanging eternity.

The light is dimmer.

Gaetano- 'Doctor, we have to go, it's been six hours, the lights will go out.'

He takes my hand and leads me through the passage under the arch, which is now almost clear. Every one touch me, my arms, my hands, is as if I were a statue of the Blessed. Gennaro hugs me as if I were a soul returned from Hades. I can’t speak, I’m dazed, in a mist.

In my office I pull off the orange boilersuit, filthy with mud and ash. Gaetano’s wife, who works as a secretary in the yard, washes my face and hands, helps me get dressed, combs my hair, as if I were a queen. They found my glasses miraculously unharmed, and my keys.

Eulalia’s chauffeur, tipped off by Gennaro, is waiting for me to take me to you. Kisses on the mouth, stroking, bathing, dallying in the tepidarium, a light dinner, then, amid clouds of fine silks, I let you give me all your love, carry me to Paradise!


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Part Two
Devil in the Convent 22




Die XVII Mensis Julii Anni MDLXXVII

Cum pervenisset ad aures M.R.P. Inquisitoris et publica quadam fama deferente, quod N. de N. etc. dixerunt vel fecerunt...

When, what N de N and others had said or done, came to the ears of Magister Reverend Pater, Inquisitor, and was a matter of widespread public rumour...

...voluit ex debito officii iuridice super his informari, et processit ad examinandum testes, quos a fide dignis accepit.

...the Inquisitor, desired, in accordance with the duty of his judicial office, to be informed about that, and proceeded to examine witnesses whom he adjudged worthy to be believed.

Ad R.P. Inquisitor praefatus, visa denunciatione ac mature consideratis omnibus, et singulis in ea contentis, ne tam grave, tam atrox et enorme facinus delitescas utque delinquens....

And the aforementioned R.P. Inquisitor, having viewed the denunciation, and having carefully considered each and every matter therein, being concerned lest such grave, atrocious and appalling crimes and their authors should remain hidden...

...ut de corporis delicti constet in abitu, locum visitari, et exinde debitas fumi , omnia mora posposita, informationes et cetera... cum N. de N. Sancti Officii Notarius...

...and wishing to acquire the 'corpus delicti' ('body of crime' evidence to establish grounds for prosecution) ordered that the place should be visited, and clues and evidence brought forth, setting aside any scruples, causes of delay, objections, etc ... with N de N, Notary of the Holy Office...

Accessus fuit per eundem R.P. Inquisitorem per R.P.F.N. Vicarium Sancti Officii N. de N. et N. de N. Procuratorem Fiscalem, meque infrascriptum Notarium presentibus...

Entry (to inspect the Convent) was made by R. P. Inquisitor aforesaid, R. P. F. M. Vicarius (representative) of the Holy Office, and N. de N. Procurator Fiscal, along with myself, the Notary aforementioned, being with those present...

Quibus visis atque animadversis ne dubitari possit de facta...

Having seen and considered which matters, there can be no doubt about the facts...

...vel fecerunt experimentum magicum ad amorem, vel ad odium, vel ad inveniendos thesauros.

...they, the accused, also performed magical experiments either for love, or for hatred, or to find treasures.

Acta sunt hac per me N. de N. Notarium Sancti Officii coram ut supra.

These matters were put here on record by me, N. de N., notary of the Holy Office, in the presence of those named above.



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Part Two
Devil in the Convent 22



Die XVII Mensis Julii Anni MDLXXVII

Cum pervenisset ad aures M.R.P. Inquisitoris et publica quadam fama deferente, quod N. de N. etc. dixerunt vel fecerunt...

When, what N de N and others had said or done, came to the ears of Magister Reverend Pater, Inquisitor, and was a matter of widespread public rumour...

...voluit ex debito officii iuridice super his informari, et processit ad examinandum testes, quos a fide dignis accepit.

...the Inquisitor, desired, in accordance with the duty of his judicial office, to be informed about that, and proceeded to examine witnesses whom he adjudged worthy to be believed.

Ad R.P. Inquisitor praefatus, visa denunciatione ac mature consideratis omnibus, et singulis in ea contentis, ne tam grave, tam atrox et enorme facinus delitescas utque delinquens....

And the aforementioned R.P. Inquisitor, having viewed the denunciation, and having carefully considered each and every matter therein, being concerned lest such grave, atrocious and appalling crimes and their authors should remain hidden...

...ut de corporis delicti constet in abitu, locum visitari, et exinde debitas fumi , omnia mora posposita, informationes et cetera... cum N. de N. Sancti Officii Notarius...

...and wishing to acquire the 'corpus delicti' ('body of crime' evidence to establish grounds for prosecution) ordered that the place should be visited, and clues and evidence brought forth, setting aside any scruples, causes of delay, objections, etc ... with N de N, Notary of the Holy Office...

Accessus fuit per eundem R.P. Inquisitorem per R.P.F.N. Vicarium Sancti Officii N. de N. et N. de N. Procuratorem Fiscalem, meque infrascriptum Notarium presentibus...

Entry (to inspect the Convent) was made by R. P. Inquisitor aforesaid, R. P. F. M. Vicarius (representative) of the Holy Office, and N. de N. Procurator Fiscal, along with myself, the Notary aforementioned, being with those present...

Quibus visis atque animadversis ne dubitari possit de facta...

Having seen and considered which matters, there can be no doubt about the facts...

...vel fecerunt experimentum magicum ad amorem, vel ad odium, vel ad inveniendos thesauros.

...they, the accused, also performed magical experiments either for love, or for hatred, or to find treasures.

Acta sunt hac per me N. de N. Notarium Sancti Officii coram ut supra.

These matters were put here on record by me, N. de N., notary of the Holy Office, in the presence of those named above.

The little rest is over, it's back......from the looks of it, Part 2 will clearly be as wonderful as Part 1flower1
Devil in the Convent 23


Cyrus’s software works a treat.

Vicar - 'The Inquisition has decided that the matter is so serious that we must undertake the interrogation of the accused and the witnesses, even employing torture, in order to enter in the record of these proceedings every detail of the wicked and sacrilegious crimes committed in this sacred place which, instead of being sanctified by prayer and holy works, has been desecrated by abominable practices, the most shameful sins, even the crime of murder.

So, proceed with the interrogation. Equip the torture chamber with all the tools and equipment required by the procedures.

Let the accused and witnesses be conducted into the dungeon, chained and ready for interrogation. Proceed!' (1a0 )

But what does this acronym mean? I look through each page of the text, but I only find other names. Then I start to look at the pages of the booklet I found in the secret compartment – ah, here’s the same code, 1a0, with a text to decrypt!

Launching the character selection program, I carry out the reversal of the text and, behold, I read with horror:

(1a0) These filthy bitches are thrown into dungeons, stripped naked, iron rings clamped onto their wrists and ankles, and collars linked to rivets attached to the walls by strong chains. They sit on the floor with their arms raised. The hooded brutes have the pleasure of their smelly anatomies, from which come the putrid outflow of filthy bowels, and so they remain all night.

It 's the same hand that wrote the text in the first document, here more untidy, excited by the sadistic pleasure of the show.

Die XVIII, Mensis Julii , Anni MDLXXVII

First Interrogation.

Inquisitor - ' State your name '

Eulalia - ' Mother Abbess Eulalia Caracciolo ... '

_Impossible! Eulalia? Caracciolo? She...? But what’s happening?_

Inquisitor - ' Whore of Babylon, Eulalia Caracciolo! How dare you claim the title that you usurped by committing the crime of murding the Abbess Constanza Mastrogiudice?'

Eulalia - 'I only treated the Abbess Constanza with a medication I’d already used in the past ... '

Inquisitor - ' Herbalist! Tell us what this liquid is, in the vial that was found hidden in the room of the accused.'

Herbalist - 'Poison! A kind that leaves no trace in the body of the one poisoned.'

Inquisitor - 'So crafty! Using an undetectable poison to better hide your heinous crime!'

Inquisitor - ' Let her be placed on the veglia, so she can tell us her story in every detail.'

He points to the hooded brutes.


( 1b1 ) from the boklet:

'With the rope binding her wrists behind her back, the harlot is raised above the veglia, then lowered until the wedge penetrates deeply into her anus.' ( z1b1 )

A new mark? Where am I going to find it? And what’s a veglia? Hesitantly I look through the pages of obscene drawings. ( z1b1 )! Look - oh horror, a woman's naked body hanging by the arms, her shoulders distorted, the rings on her wrists secured to a rope that goes up to a pulley and back down to where it’s wound on a winch. Her spread-apart legs are attached by ropes to rings on the walls, an ugly wedge with a square base on a wooden support penetrates into her bowels.

My hands are shaking. I can’t get over this - how many other horrific figures have I still to see?


The Interrogation continues:

Inquisitor - 'Is it comfortable on your throne? Now you’re going to tell us in detail your version of events, starting from the day of your arrival at the Convent.'

Eulalia - 'Against my will! I was born to the most illustrious blood of this land, deprived of my liberty and my rights. I am rotting, imprisoned in cruel solitude, while outside in the world my relatives are squandering my wealth. Do you who preach charity come to demand a wretched account of the fate of girls too young to know anything of the ways of the world, of the deception by which we were forced to give up our lives? '

Inquisitor - 'Contrary to what you say, you are not without wealth. During the inspection of your apartment, obscene paintings were seized, of Aurora and Cephalus, Diana and Endymion, along with ornaments of ebony and ivory, carvings, marble busts, crystal vases, Persian rugs, silks, and finally, silk sheets on your bed. And as to solitude, you must felt lonely when you were larking with your lover, Agnese Arcamone!'

Inquisitor - 'Let the witness be brought in!'

Addressed to the hooded brutes.

Educta de carceribus, ut reddat rationem vitae suae quid a pueritia suae fecerit et in locis, quarum amicitiam ex consuetudinem habuerit...

Led up from the dungeons, to give an account of her own life which she has led in this place since girlhood, and what kinds of friendship and lifestyle she has had.

Inquisitor - 'Agnese, now tell what type of relationship there was between you and the defendant Eulalia '

Agnese- 'Of innocent friendship, and goodness and tenderness ... '

Inquisitor - 'Tenderness that brought you to lie in bed in amorous outpourings of female perversion!'

Inquisitor - 'Let her be placed on the comoda! '

Indicating the hooded brutes.


( 1b2 ) From the booklet:

'The bitch sits on the comoda naked, bound with rope around her throat and arms tied behind.' (z1b2 )

I scarcely have the courage to look, yet a malign curiosity is beginning to infect me. I’m looking at a garrotting chair with a seat consisting of two parts. The woman being interrogated is sitting with her thighs spread wide apart, resting on supports that are sprinkled with nails. A filthy bundle is thrust into her sex.

Inquisitor - 'This reminds you of the softness of the pillows, I guess!'

Inquisitor - 'Twist the rope!'

To the hooded brutes.

Agnese- 'Mercy, I’ll talk, I’, choking!'

Inquisitor - 'Speak freely.'

Agnese- 'From the moment I arrived at the Convent, Eulalia lured me with flattery and gifts. I was seduced by her kindness, by the sweetness of yielding to insane passion as we exchanged kisses and caresses.'

Inquisitor - 'Not only that, here in your journal there is much more - but what’s this you’ve written about your suspicion that the sisters would reveal your repulsive relationship to the Abbess Constanza? Why do you write of getting revenge? You are no longer a witness, this is enough to charge you with being an accomplice to the crime!'

Eulalia - ' Why did you write these things? '

Inquisitor - 'The Inquisition asks the questions, not the accused!'

Inquisitor - 'Ten lashes!'

indicating the hooded brutes .

Inquisitor - 'Agnese, if you don’t want to make your situation even worse, this holy tribunal advises that you don’t hide anything, because we have the means to make you speak, and we don’t want to be forced to use them. So please proceed with your story without letting yourself be influenced, or trying to mitigate anyone’s guilt - how was the plot laid to discover who’d informed on your unhealthy relationship?'

Agnese- 'Eulalia suspected Euphrasia d' Alessandro, but you should ask her why she had this suspicion. From that moment she began giving gifts to Orsoletta, the novice who personally attended Mother Lucia, to spy on her mistress and on Euphrasia.'

Inquisitor - 'Bring up Orsoletta the serving-girl so we can hear her testimony. Eulalia and Agnese are to be taken to separate cells so they can’t speak to each other - and keep an eye on them!'

An ironic understatement!


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Devil in the Convent 24


Educta de carceribus et monita ad veritatem clare et aperte festandam, et exonerandam propriam coscientiam quoniam non videtur nec audivisset...

(Orsoletta was) brought from the dungeons and warned to testify clearly and openly, and with a clear conscience, as she would not be seen, nor she would be heard…

Inquisitor - 'Orsoletta, tell us why Eulalia Caracciolo plied you with gifts to spy on your mistress and Euphrasia? Speak without holding anything back, for this Holy Tribunal doesn’t want to resort to those means that would infallibly persuade you to bring back the facts to your mind.
You aren’t charged with any offence, but you are here at our disposal to help us get the facts clear.'

Orsoletta - 'I’d already noticed some irregularities in the behavior of Mother Lucia and Mother Euphrasia, but excited by the gifts from Mother Eulalia I began to spy on their every move.
After long and diligent searches, I finally came to know my mistress’s secret, but hoping for still more presents that Eulalia had promised me, I kept it hidden for some time.
My idea was to surprise Mother Lucia and Mother Euphrasia in the act, while waiting for their lovers, but the precautions taken by my mistress and her companion were so effective they prevented me from keeping watch, and I was about to abandon the undertaking when one day I found out that the same night, at the fourth hour of the night (i.e. after midnight, 2/3 of the way through the night), Mother Lucia and Mother Euphrasia were going to let their lovers into the convent by the small garden door that opened from the top of the road to the Fontana dei Serpi (fountain of Snakes) and I revealed what I’d discovered to Mother Eulalia.

I was rewarded with a bag of ten pieces of silver, but as to the events of that night I don’t know anything, because, thanks to the prudence of my mistress, I had to take a letter to a cousin of hers who was in the Convent of Egiziaca (Mary of Egypt Patroness of reformed prostitutes) and she made me stop there for the night because of the late hour, it would have been unwise for a novice to be out alone on the street.'

Inquisitor - 'Good, Orsoletta, you’ve answered the question of the Holy Tribunal without hiding what you know, now you’ll be held in a separate cell and protected by two guards to avoid any risk to your safety, in case we need to call you to give further evidence if necessary.'

Inquisitor - 'Notary, confirm the deposition of the witness. The hearings will continue tomorrow.'

Ten pieces of silver , the price of betrayal!

Today was a very hard one in the office. I couldn’t concentrate on anything , my mind was chasing the ghosts of the previous night.

Gennaro was very sweet, I was spoiled, he took me three times to the bar to enjoy a strong coffee so that I could at least shake off the overwhelming torpor, and get rid of my bursting headache.

He took me home and offered to keep me company but I politely declined, saying that I would rather rest.

The phone rings , it's Ciro.

Luna- 'Hello Ciro ! '

Ciro- 'Hello Lucia, how are you getting on with interpreting the document? Don’t be scared by what you read - it may be very hard for you ... '

Luna- 'You know what I’m reading? Well don’t tell me, you’ll take away the pleasure ... it’d be like telling someone who’s reading a crime novel who was the murderess.'

Ciro- 'No, no, I won’t say anything ... but if you need to, call me! Cheers! '

Luna- 'Cheers, thank you ! '

As if I wasn’t alarmed enough already, this call from Cyrus put me in a real spin.

Die XVIIII , Mensis Julii , Anni MDLXXVII

19th July 1577

Educta de carceribus ....

She’s brought up from the dungeons ….

Inquisitor - ' Eulalia, it will be better for you if you’ve decided to talk - or do want to be put at your ease, sitting on the throne? Now tell us the reason why you used the novice Orsoletta as a spy.'

Eulalia - 'I learned from a cousin of mine that the Abbess Constanza had revealed to my family that she suspected I was having a sexual relationship with Agnese, and told them this could compromise our honour, or even worse.

I felt deeply humiliated and offended that this news had leaked outside the walls of the Convent, and especially that my family had been told of it.

I was exasperated and I swore to get my revenge. This cousin also told me that the Abbess Constanza said she’d received information about my affair from a respectable sister of the ducal family, and then I thought that the ' Duchess ' could only be Euphrasia d'Alessandro, of the family of the Dukes of Pescolanci.'

Inquisitor - 'Go on with the story without trying to justify your shameful actions by citing an alleged offence you received from Abbess Constance and Euphrasia, otherwise you’ll just force us to give you another length of rope.'

Eulalia - 'I’ll talk, don’t torture me, no more, I’ll talk!’

Inquisitor - 'Our means of persuasion are effective - how sparingly they’re used will be at the discretion of this Holy Tribunal.'

Eulalia - 'Trying to find some weak point to attack my enemy, who was very close to Mother Lucia and she certainly complicit in some intrigue, I found a way to spy on their actions by means of the serving-girl Orsoletta, but for a long time I came up with nothing.

Orsoletta insisted she need to have money to send to her poor family. I suspect now that Orsoletta knew something, and exploited the situation to get more money, blackmailing me threatening to reveal my treachery to Mother Lucia.

But then she told me that she’d discovered that Euphrasia and Lucia had two lovers, but she hadn’t yet managed to figure out how they met them or where, nor in particular who they were. She said we needed more time, and hoped the two accomplices would make a slip.

I was about to abandon the enterprise and look for another way of revenge, and I was ready to punish Orsoletta for poor co-operation and inefficiency when my spy told me that night, at the fourth hour, Euphrasia and Lucia were going to let their lovers into the Convent througth the small garden gate leading to the fountain of Medusa.

Then I called my cousin Antonio Mariconda, Prince of Garagusa, the one who’d warned me of the suspicions of the Abbess Constanza.

He was a bold youth and was carrying on an affair with a young nun of our Convent.

He took it upon himself to organise the attack on the two lovers. Then, to get the maximum benefit from my revenge, I went to the Abbess Constanza, when she’d already retired for the evening, and revealed what was supposed to happen that night.

Thus I set light to the fuse which would detonate the mine!

I went to take refuge in my room and watched through the window to see what would happen. The Abbess Constanza had gone down into the garden, hidden in the darkness, and she saw the two conspirators, who were like shadows among the trees where they were playing with their lovers. Hoping to prevent desecration of the holy place, full of anger she shouted:

Costanza- 'Euphrasia, Lucia! Crazy, wicked ... is this how you serve your Divine Saviour? Get back in your cells!'

The two tried to escape without being seen, but as soon as the Abbess stopped shouting they heard a commotion, shouting, a din of arms outside the door of the Convent, and I hid myself knowing what Antonio was about to accomplish.'

Inquisitor - 'Certainly a beautiful picture! More worthy of a brothel than a convent of holy nuns! Take the accused to her cell and keep good watch! Bring up the other two accused, Euphrasia and Lucia, for interrogation.'

Eductae de carceribus ...

They are brought up from the dungeons.

Inquisitor - 'Your names?'

Euphrasia - 'Euphrasia d'Alessandro, descendant of the Dukes of Pescolanci.'

Lucia- 'Lucia Frezza, descendant of the Princes of Sorrento.'

_Who ? What? Me? Am I going crazy? How is it possible? What is this devilry? My head’s exploding, I can’t think anymore, my sight’s becoming blurred…

I see myself in the midst of these people, the Inquisitor before me, the Notary hooded, in his black cassock with the red cross. I’m standing with my bound hands raised above my head, half-naked with tattered clothes that barely cover my shame , my heart’s gone wild - and I’ve just said my name! I’m dying of terror!

Cyrus, you knew? And you warned me!_


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Devil in the Convent 24


Educta de carceribus et monita ad veritatem clare et aperte festandam, et exonerandam propriam coscientiam quoniam non videtur nec audivisset...

(Orsoletta was) brought from the dungeons and warned to testify clearly and openly, and with a clear conscience, as she would not be seen, nor she would be heard…

Inquisitor - 'Orsoletta, tell us why Eulalia Caracciolo plied you with gifts to spy on your mistress and Euphrasia? Speak without holding anything back, for this Holy Tribunal doesn’t want to resort to those means that would infallibly persuade you to bring back the facts to your mind.
You aren’t charged with any offence, but you are here at our disposal to help us get the facts clear.'

Orsoletta - 'I’d already noticed some irregularities in the behavior of Mother Lucia and Mother Euphrasia, but excited by the gifts from Mother Eulalia I began to spy on their every move.
After long and diligent searches, I finally came to know my mistress’s secret, but hoping for still more presents that Eulalia had promised me, I kept it hidden for some time.
My idea was to surprise Mother Lucia and Mother Euphrasia in the act, while waiting for their lovers, but the precautions taken by my mistress and her companion were so effective they prevented me from keeping watch, and I was about to abandon the undertaking when one day I found out that the same night, at the fourth hour of the night (i.e. after midnight, 2/3 of the way through the night), Mother Lucia and Mother Euphrasia were going to let their lovers into the convent by the small garden door that opened from the top of the road to the Fontana dei Serpi (fountain of Snakes) and I revealed what I’d discovered to Mother Eulalia.

I was rewarded with a bag of ten pieces of silver, but as to the events of that night I don’t know anything, because, thanks to the prudence of my mistress, I had to take a letter to a cousin of hers who was in the Convent of Egiziaca (Mary of Egypt Patroness of reformed prostitutes) and she made me stop there for the night because of the late hour, it would have been unwise for a novice to be out alone on the street.'

Inquisitor - 'Good, Orsoletta, you’ve answered the question of the Holy Tribunal without hiding what you know, now you’ll be held in a separate cell and protected by two guards to avoid any risk to your safety, in case we need to call you to give further evidence if necessary.'

Inquisitor - 'Notary, confirm the deposition of the witness. The hearings will continue tomorrow.'

Ten pieces of silver , the price of betrayal!

Today was a very hard one in the office. I couldn’t concentrate on anything , my mind was chasing the ghosts of the previous night.

Gennaro was very sweet, I was spoiled, he took me three times to the bar to enjoy a strong coffee so that I could at least shake off the overwhelming torpor, and get rid of my bursting headache.

He took me home and offered to keep me company but I politely declined, saying that I would rather rest.

The phone rings , it's Ciro.

Luna- 'Hello Ciro ! '

Ciro- 'Hello Lucia, how are you getting on with interpreting the document? Don’t be scared by what you read - it may be very hard for you ... '

Luna- 'You know what I’m reading? Well don’t tell me, you’ll take away the pleasure ... it’d be like telling someone who’s reading a crime novel who was the murderess.'

Ciro- 'No, no, I won’t say anything ... but if you need to, call me! Cheers! '

Luna- 'Cheers, thank you ! '

As if I wasn’t alarmed enough already, this call from Cyrus put me in a real spin.

Die XVIIII , Mensis Julii , Anni MDLXXVII

19th July 1577

Educta de carceribus ....

She’s brought up from the dungeons ….

Inquisitor - ' Eulalia, it will be better for you if you’ve decided to talk - or do want to be put at your ease, sitting on the throne? Now tell us the reason why you used the novice Orsoletta as a spy.'

Eulalia - 'I learned from a cousin of mine that the Abbess Constanza had revealed to my family that she suspected I was having a sexual relationship with Agnese, and told them this could compromise our honour, or even worse.

I felt deeply humiliated and offended that this news had leaked outside the walls of the Convent, and especially that my family had been told of it.

I was exasperated and I swore to get my revenge. This cousin also told me that the Abbess Constanza said she’d received information about my affair from a respectable sister of the ducal family, and then I thought that the ' Duchess ' could only be Euphrasia d'Alessandro, of the family of the Dukes of Pescolanci.'

Inquisitor - 'Go on with the story without trying to justify your shameful actions by citing an alleged offence you received from Abbess Constance and Euphrasia, otherwise you’ll just force us to give you another length of rope.'

Eulalia - 'I’ll talk, don’t torture me, no more, I’ll talk!’

Inquisitor - 'Our means of persuasion are effective - how sparingly they’re used will be at the discretion of this Holy Tribunal.'

Eulalia - 'Trying to find some weak point to attack my enemy, who was very close to Mother Lucia and she certainly complicit in some intrigue, I found a way to spy on their actions by means of the serving-girl Orsoletta, but for a long time I came up with nothing.

Orsoletta insisted she need to have money to send to her poor family. I suspect now that Orsoletta knew something, and exploited the situation to get more money, blackmailing me threatening to reveal my treachery to Mother Lucia.

But then she told me that she’d discovered that Euphrasia and Lucia had two lovers, but she hadn’t yet managed to figure out how they met them or where, nor in particular who they were. She said we needed more time, and hoped the two accomplices would make a slip.

I was about to abandon the enterprise and look for another way of revenge, and I was ready to punish Orsoletta for poor co-operation and inefficiency when my spy told me that night, at the fourth hour, Euphrasia and Lucia were going to let their lovers into the Convent througth the small garden gate leading to the fountain of Medusa.

Then I called my cousin Antonio Mariconda, Prince of Garagusa, the one who’d warned me of the suspicions of the Abbess Constanza.

He was a bold youth and was carrying on an affair with a young nun of our Convent.

He took it upon himself to organise the attack on the two lovers. Then, to get the maximum benefit from my revenge, I went to the Abbess Constanza, when she’d already retired for the evening, and revealed what was supposed to happen that night.

Thus I set light to the fuse which would detonate the mine!

I went to take refuge in my room and watched through the window to see what would happen. The Abbess Constanza had gone down into the garden, hidden in the darkness, and she saw the two conspirators, who were like shadows among the trees where they were playing with their lovers. Hoping to prevent desecration of the holy place, full of anger she shouted:

Costanza- 'Euphrasia, Lucia! Crazy, wicked ... is this how you serve your Divine Saviour? Get back in your cells!'

The two tried to escape without being seen, but as soon as the Abbess stopped shouting they heard a commotion, shouting, a din of arms outside the door of the Convent, and I hid myself knowing what Antonio was about to accomplish.'

Inquisitor - 'Certainly a beautiful picture! More worthy of a brothel than a convent of holy nuns! Take the accused to her cell and keep good watch! Bring up the other two accused, Euphrasia and Lucia, for interrogation.'

Eductae de carceribus ...

They are brought up from the dungeons.

Inquisitor - 'Your names?'

Euphrasia - 'Euphrasia d'Alessandro, descendant of the Dukes of Pescolanci.'

Lucia- 'Lucia Frezza, descendant of the Princes of Sorrento.'

_Who ? What? Me? Am I going crazy? How is it possible? What is this devilry? My head’s exploding, I can’t think anymore, my sight’s becoming blurred…

I see myself in the midst of these people, the Inquisitor before me, the Notary hooded, in his black cassock with the red cross. I’m standing with my bound hands raised above my head, half-naked with tattered clothes that barely cover my shame , my heart’s gone wild - and I’ve just said my name! I’m dying of terror!

Cyrus, you knew? And you warned me!_
This is an amazing read...I was a bit behind but it is good to have a few installments to enjoy together... The weaving of the historical and contemporary is superb.... I love it
Devil in the Convent 25


Lightning strikes! :devil:

My computer’s gone off!

Luna- 'Cazze! Cazze! Cazze! Sfaccimme! Sfaccimme! Stà mmierda e' cazze nun s'appiccia!'

(Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Cum! Cum! The shitty fucking thing won’t come on!)

Luna- 'Ciro, Hi! I've a problem with my computer, now it’s asking me for a password...'

Ciro- 'Have you tried turning it on and off again?'





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Devil in the Convent 26


Inquisitor - 'Now you’re going to have to tell us how, and how often, your lover entered the Convent to meet up with you – and you’d better not leave out any details, otherwise, this court will subject you to torture!

So, Lucia, how long did this disgraceful affair go on?'

Lucia- 'For ever! But it wasn’t a disgrace, the disgrace was locking me up when I was girl in that prison '

Inquisitor - 'Put her on the spiked beam,'

He orders the hooded brutes.

They grab me by my arms and legs , strip me of the few rags that still cover me, set me astride a beam covered with nails, with my arms stretched up attached to a chain, my legs spread apart, chains attached to my ankles. I strive to hold my weight, hauling myself up with the little strength I can find in my arms to stop the tips of the nails penetrating my flesh.

Inquisitor - 'Euphrasia, it’s up to you to speak!'

Euphrasia - 'That night I was going to meet Giuseppe Piatti , but it was only the second time for me - and they killed him, he died in my arms! My poor love, I was the cause of his murder!'

Inquisitor - 'It's better you tell us the facts than trying to move us with your tears. Who led you to meet him?'

Euphasia - 'Lucia told me that Francesco, her lover, had a handsome, generous friend who was looking for a girl.'

Inquisitor - 'Ah, good Lucia! In addition to betraying your vows, you were playing the procuress, promoting the prostitution of your sister-nun!

Inquisitor - 'Twenty lashes, then you’ll talk - if you don’t, we squeeze out the words with red-hot pincers!'

He orders the hooded brutes.

The first whiplash strikes suddenly across my back like fire scorching my skin, the second one’s on my breasts, then on my legs, arms, buttocks, breasts, back, belly.

I’m going mad with pain, how many are to come? Twenty from each of the floggers?

I dance with every stroke, writhing as I swing on the chain, the nails beginning to tear the insides of my thighs. I scream at every stroke, even though I’m panting for breath in my effort to keep tugging myself up.

My skin rips, blood pours out mixing with sweat that’s sucked from every pore by fatigue and the heat, which is increasing inside the room because they’ve lit the brazier for the red-hot irons.

Lucia- 'Mercy, mercy, I’ll talk, I beg you, stop!'

Inquisitor - ' Stop! Let her down.'

He tells the hooded brutes.

Their hands on my wounds are as painful as whiplashes. I fall to the ground exhausted, but now I’m lifted up again to be placed on my knees on a backless bench with my arms raised up, chained once more.

Inquisitor - 'Your situation’s getting worse every moment, Lucia - you have to make up your mind to talk. We’re only just at the beginning. You’re charged with a list of grave crimes, longer than any of the others.
So, who was your lover?'

In a faint voice I say:

' Francesco Spiriti. '

le-monache-di-santarcangelo-8.jpg le-monache-di-santarcangelo-14.jpg


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Devil in the Convent 27


Inquisitor - ' And what about the events that took place that night?'

Lucia- ' When we were waiting in the shadows for the arrival of our lovers, Abbess Constanza had discovered our plot, she ordered us to go back our cells.

Suddenly we heard shouts and noises of weapons coming from outside, the door to the garden opened.

Francesco Spiriti and Giuseppe Piatti rushed in covered in blood, looking for rescue, but after a few steps they fell at our feet dying - but before they, as they’d walked around the monastery, were called by name and attacked with weapons by the thugs of Antonio, Prince of Garagusa. They tried to defend themselves, but were fatally wounded.

But then, at that moment, someone else intervened, Domenico Lagni, Prince of Caposele, who in the past had been the lover of Sister Camilla Origlia – he came to avenge the betrayal of Camilla, who’d taken as her new lover Antonio his cousin, and also cousin's Mother Eulalia, while Domenico was under arrest for acts of violence.

He chased Antonio, they came face to face, and he challenged him to a duel with swords and killed him, but Antonio's thugs attacked Domenico, and he suffered a stab-wound.

This allowed Francesco and Giuseppe to seek refuge in Convent, but Francesco died immediately at my feet, Giuseppe had only time to deliver a bloody dagger to Euphrasia and kiss her on the mouth before he gave his soul to his lover with his last breath. Euphrasia hugged his head on her breast, wetting it with tears and kissing her dead lover.

Then I told the Abbess Constanza to remain silent, and got Agatha, the Mother Superior’s handmaid, to help us get rid of the bodies of the murdered and the murderers.

We transported them to a place beside Sant' Agostino alla Zecca and handed them over to Antonio's brother, Alfonso, first Prince of Mariconda, who made everything disappear before dawn, and us four returned to the convent. Alfonso Mariconda picked up the remains of the murdered men and buried them under cover of darkness in deepest secrecy.

After a few days Laura Sanfelice came to know that Domenico, Prince of Caposele, who’d killed Antonio, was himself assassinated and his remains were never found.'

Inquisitor - 'So, Lucia, there were four nuns in the Convent who were widows of their lovers! Take these two sluts to separate cells and keep a watch on them.'

Inquisitor - 'Notary, at this stage I don’t know if it will suffice the secretes of the Convent or if we’ll have to resort to those of your House of Theatines.'

Four hooded brutes grab me, also hooded, lead me into a filthy cell, and begin to take care of me.

They hang me up on chains, brutally explore my body, grabbing and squeezing my breasts, forcing open my female anatomy with bestial violence, snapping and biting my areoles and nipples, my clitoris, my sex-lips.

They sink their hands into my sex and anus at the same time, moving their fists in a sort of embrace inside me.

They rape me with their bull members, goring every orifice, cumming in my throat, in my womb, in my anus, all flooded by a sea of sperm.

How many are there, four or forty? I’m pissing like a cow, my poor body’s covered in cum. The abuse continues for hours, I’m helpless, exhausted, totally destroyed.

Many times I lose consciousness, but increasingly violent agony revives me, it’s a terrible devastation.

My mind’s deranged, my heart’s pounding, I’m choking with the liquid cascading down my throat.

Consciousness fades and then comes back, with my destruction continuing ever more brutally, my liquidation, till at last I’m overwhelmed by the darkness of unconsciousness, a poor, wretched piece of bloody flesh torn down by these butchers of the Inquisition.



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Devil in the Convent 27


Inquisitor - ' And what about the events that took place that night?'

Lucia- ' When we were waiting in the shadows for the arrival of our lovers, Abbess Constanza had discovered our plot, she ordered us to go back our cells.

Suddenly we heard shouts and noises of weapons coming from outside, the door to the garden opened.

Francesco Spiriti and Giuseppe Piatti rushed in covered in blood, looking for rescue, but after a few steps they fell at our feet dying - but before they, as they’d walked around the monastery, were called by name and attacked with weapons by the thugs of Antonio, Prince of Garagusa. They tried to defend themselves, but were fatally wounded.

But then, at that moment, someone else intervened, Domenico Lagni, Prince of Caposele, who in the past had been the lover of Sister Camilla Origlia – he came to avenge the betrayal of Camilla, who’d taken as her new lover Antonio his cousin, and also cousin's Mother Eulalia, while Domenico was under arrest for acts of violence.

He chased Antonio, they came face to face, and he challenged him to a duel with swords and killed him, but Antonio's thugs attacked Domenico, and he suffered a stab-wound.

This allowed Francesco and Giuseppe to seek refuge in Convent, but Francesco died immediately at my feet, Giuseppe had only time to deliver a bloody dagger to Euphrasia and kiss her on the mouth before he gave his soul to his lover with his last breath. Euphrasia hugged his head on her breast, wetting it with tears and kissing her dead lover.

Then I told the Abbess Constanza to remain silent, and got Agatha, the Mother Superior’s handmaid, to help us get rid of the bodies of the murdered and the murderers.

We transported them to a place beside Sant' Agostino alla Zecca and handed them over to Antonio's brother, Alfonso, first Prince of Mariconda, who made everything disappear before dawn, and us four returned to the convent. Alfonso Mariconda picked up the remains of the murdered men and buried them under cover of darkness in deepest secrecy.

After a few days Laura Sanfelice came to know that Domenico, Prince of Caposele, who’d killed Antonio, was himself assassinated and his remains were never found.'

Inquisitor - 'So, Lucia, there were four nuns in the Convent who were widows of their lovers! Take these two sluts to separate cells and keep a watch on them.'

Inquisitor - 'Notary, at this stage I don’t know if it will suffice the secretes of the Convent or if we’ll have to resort to those of your House of Theatines.'

Four hooded brutes grab me, also hooded, lead me into a filthy cell, and begin to take care of me.

They hang me up on chains, brutally explore my body, grabbing and squeezing my breasts, forcing open my female anatomy with bestial violence, snapping and biting my areoles and nipples, my clitoris, my sex-lips.

They sink their hands into my sex and anus at the same time, moving their fists in a sort of embrace inside me.

They rape me with their bull members, goring every orifice, cumming in my throat, in my womb, in my anus, all flooded by a sea of sperm.

How many are there, four or forty? I’m pissing like a cow, my poor body’s covered in cum. The abuse continues for hours, I’m helpless, exhausted, totally destroyed.

Many times I lose consciousness, but increasingly violent agony revives me, it’s a terrible devastation.

My mind’s deranged, my heart’s pounding, I’m choking with the liquid cascading down my throat.

Consciousness fades and then comes back, with my destruction continuing ever more brutally, my liquidation, till at last I’m overwhelmed by the darkness of unconsciousness, a poor, wretched piece of bloody flesh torn down by these butchers of the Inquisition.

Well written, and so brutal at the end ....thank goodness for the "darkness of unconsciousness"!
Devil in the Convent 28


I’m terrified by what is happening to me, this split personality that’s taking possession of my mind, these recurrent states of hallucination.


Now I’m even starting to experience changes in my physical sensations, as if what I’m reading in this diabolical manuscript is really going on in my body.

Around me I see the places, the actors, each of their actions, as if they’re really present, I’m feeling the pain caused by their violence, I shudder with disgust at the slimy fluids that stick to my skin, at the smell and the sounds, as if I’ve been transported in a time-machine down to this hell.


Luna- 'I'm scared Eulalia! Help! I can’t sleep alone tonight ! I’m being chased by ghosts and demons that I’ve awoken by opening that damned box ... '

Eulalia- 'Now calm down, I’ll send my chauffeur immediately to get you. You can sleep with me, I'll protect you, don’t be afraid, you’re just believing these things that aren’t possible, you're falling into a spiral of psychosis.

Bring your clothes and your things, you'll stay with me as long as it takes to calm your soul and heal you. You’ll need to see a doctor, a psychiatrist – you’ll need to take care of yourself!'

I cling onto my amulet with my hands, surely that will defend me from worse trouble. It’s resting here on my groin, my hands form shell over my pussy as if to defend myself and my amulet from any possible assault.

In your villa we embrace. It’s your emergency room, I receive first-aid treatment of kisses, caresses and cuddling. You’re looking at me with a worried expression, reading the symptoms in my eyes.

Then some gentle medication, five drops in a glass of water, and tomorrow we’ll visit the clinic for the necessary investigations – meanwhile, love is the medicine that calms me down.

The white clinic stands in a green park, a white-clad nurse with a friendly smile, an intimate atmosphere, a neat room, green paintwork, gentle doctors with deep, sweet voices, whispered words, discrete questions, hi-tech labs, electrodes on my head, on my heart, my wrists and ankles, a mask over my eyes, rhythmic, random flashes of light, pathways of currents, waves on the monitor, a tunnel of light, invisible radiation streaming through every barrier, soft lights, the scent of flowers, sleep.

Sweet music that lulls the brain-waves with its melody, its rhythm - an adagio for flute by Albinoni, Bach's Well-Tempered Clavier, a flute duet, a string quartet, 'für Alina' by Arvo Part, 'Spiegel in der Spiegel', and, as in a mirror, my mind is reflected watching herself, examining and being examined.

Time stands still. It seems I got here today, yet it seems I've been here a whole year. My mind feel a sense of suspension, emptying … sleep, gentle therapy.

Conclusion: a positive personality , aware, conscious, no sign of disturbance nor foci of cerebral inflammation. She doesn’t use drugs or alcohol. Over-excitement, emotional stress and excessive work, otherwise she’s perfectly healthy in body and mind, she’ll be perfectly cured by resting.

Take two drops in the morning and two in the evening. Gradual resumption of work is recommended, avoid emotional stress.

Only a month off! My face is relaxed, my eyes clear, my white skin’s bright, my muscles relaxed, I’ve got back my light, cat-like step - now I just want love, love, love.

And now in your house, kisses on my lips , my lips on your body, yours on mine, nursing me with love.

Gennaro comes to pick me up each morning, I’m going back to the site for just a couple of hours a day. I dictate to the secretary, the Gaetano’s wife, the text of my report on the discovery of the Temple, and check over the drawings that Gennaro’s preparing.

I’ve got an order for 'Protection of Archaeological Heritage' covering the entire area below the Covent church, and the channel under the Vico Canalone.

To link those areas to the new museum, and also the ancient temple and well, I’ll have to complete the recovery project, and improve access to allow visitors into area from the museum.

The days pass , Eulalia surrounds me with her love, Gennaro makes love with me with his lust.

Today is the day of my homecoming.

Indoors, everything’s in order, there’s a nice, clean scent, fresh flowers in vases on the dining-room table, the flowers on the terrace perfectly tended - every day Eulalia has sent one of her maids to take care of the house.

The storeroom door is closed, the hidden key hasn’t been touched , I open it to retrieve the computer, put that on the my desk, then quickly lock the storeroom again.

I go to the terrace and lie on the chaise longue to get a tan, away from prying eyes, naked and caressed by the warm rays of the sun I fall asleep.

I dream of Cynthia, who smiles at me, takes me by the hand, caresses my face with her fingers, as a warm, light wind ruffles my hair.

It’s growing late, the shadows are growing longer in the setting sun. In the cool of the evening I wake up, go back inside, take two drops in a glass of water and I throw myself on my bed.


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Devil in the Convent 29


A sudden noise wakes me in the middle of the night, a rap like a door slammed shut by the wind.

I’ve a strange sense of a shadow moving in the darkness of the living-room – is there someone in my house!?

I turn on the light with the remote control, my heart pounding. Grabbing a heavy crystal vase as a weapon, I check the terrace doors, they’re shut, the entrance door, it’s closed with the keys half-way into the lock.

The windows are locked, they can’t be entered from outside. The door of the storeroom’s locked.

I look behind the curtains, in storeroom, in the bathroom, in the kitchen, in the closet, nothing! Still alarmed, I go back to lie down on my bed, with the lights on but dimmed by the remote control.

I don’t sleep for the rest of the night.

Luna- 'Come on, enough is enough! Gennaro, stop playing these jokes with my computer!'

Gennaro - 'Dr. Lucy, I'm not doing anything, what jokes you talking about?'

Luna - 'But who’s sending me these images on the screen, ... '


Gennaro - 'What images ?'

Luna- '... where do they come from? '

Gennaro - 'What?'

Luna- 'These screens that last a tenth of a second and then disappear!'


Illegible images are appearing on my VDU for a fraction of a second, they’re transparent, they don't hide the window I'm working on, but it's as if they’re appearing on the surface of the reflective layer, like ‘noise’ on an old television broadcast, flickering rapidly, making up forms like human faces in profile, or so they seem to me.


Gennaro - 'There must be a virus in there, you’d better run a memory scan.'

Luna- 'Running a scan now will waste a lot of my time, but maybe you're right, it could be a virus, it would be best to check.'

I close all the running applications, the text editor and the program for CAD drawings, recover the updated antivirus database and launch.

It’ll take more than a couple of hours to complete the scan.

Luna- 'Come on Gennaro , it’s almost one, we can go for lunch while the damned fool thing is working!'

I lock the office. I don’t like leaving my computer on while I'm out, with the danger that someone might snoop, although there are only good masons here who wouldn’t touch anything.

I fancy a tour of the lively Naples on Gennaro’s motorbike now that the weather’s nice, so we go to Chiaia along the promenade, into my favourite restaurant, in the

secluded room next to the pergola where you can see the sea.

Poached bream, fresh salad, a quarter of Falanghina, a fruit salad of peaches, yellow plums and orange segments, a lemon sorbet.

Back to the office...

- scan suspended - hard disc damaged -

turn off, power back on, it doesn’t start.

This time even Ciro’s nursing doesn’t work, it’s dead!

Luna- ' Fuck! I don’t need this mess!'

I spend the rest of the afternoon checking out the drawings with Gennaro .


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