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The female executioner for Numerus Brittonum et Exploratorum Nemanigensium

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Here two manips once posted by Phlebas. That first one gives us an impression of the female executioner doing her job. The second pic from my perspective, when I'm allowed to come closer as an onlooker. In this case with two Legionaires, also checking the crucified out. Are they talking about the nailing, and if it has been done effectively?
Crux inspectors doing quality control of Dena's work on Messaline and me? :confused:
The spectators must watch from the distance, while the crucifixions are executed.
As soon as all the condemned are crucified, they are also allowed to come closer.

Here two manips once posted by Phlebas. That first one gives us an impression of the female executioner doing her job. The second pic from my perspective, when I'm allowed to come closer as an onlooker. In this case with two Legionaires, also checking the crucified out. Are they talking about the nailing, and if it has been done effectively?

Awesome feeling. Thanks a lot Phlebas.
I really like this manip. When I look at it, it's literally possible to feel the loss of everything from the perspective of the crucified.....:D

Alone, with my horrible suffering, nails fixing me to this cross, a whip that tore my body apart and this Dena who finds that it's her duty to crucify us!
How can a woman, made to give life, find sadistic satisfaction by killing men so horribly, but also a woman like me who is not guilty in anything!

.....no Messaline, you are not suffering alone anymore. There is spectators like me allowed to come close, checking out your blood and sweat-smeared writhing body. What an arousing sight. But I'm a nice and friendly person, thus I decide to help the crucified a little. As I face Messaline I speak to her:

"Hey Messaline, you are sweating a lot. I will pay the executioner to give you something to drink. Would that be alright? Of course, I'd arrange it for all three of you."

The crucified woman is looking me straight into the eyes. Her feet are nailed to a footrest, only a few inches off the ground. If I'd reach out with my hands, I could touch her. Pushing and pulling herself up, she stands straight. Her head slightly above eye level, able to glance down on me as I continue:

"They have taken everything away from you, I hope you have kept your pride. We spectators can't tell. That's something that is up to you alone. Though I assume, that it must be very degrading to be watched here by everybody as you are dying naked. See, even your crucified friend Loxuru is turning his head towards you. How amazing, even though Dena has driven the nails through his bones, his cock is erected. Loxuru and I are inspecting your nipples closely, seeing that they are nicely hardened. One could think you'd enjoy to be exposed? I mean this here is considered to be a punishment."

Some of the Legionaires that are standing next to me, start laughing as they hear me talking to the crucified. Turning away from the heavy breathing and moaning executed, I head towards Dena to arrange the supply of the convicted with drinks. My Penis is rock hard. With a smile I understand what it feels like to have ultimate control........
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How amazing, even though Dena has driven the nails through his bones, his cock is erected. Loxuru and I are inspecting your nipples closely, seeing that they are nicely hardened. One could think you'd enjoy to be exposed? I mean this here is considered to be a punishment."
Rushes of adrenaline and posca! They do it! The struggle to stay alive, to put away pain and fear! The struggle for relief that never comes!

It is a punishment, but every second I live, is a life of an intense mental and physical experience! In front of the whole community!

You cannot understand, when you are not in a situation like me!
Here is a picture that has been posted by PhilX, showing the executioners completing the nailing when the victim was attached to the crossbeam first. It's also a very exclusive perspective, and I think it fits very well to my crucifixion in the story.
I'm sure this is a lot of fun for the spectators........ :firedevil:

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Here another great one from PhilX,

in the Story the Executioners nailed me, and the next day Loxuru, to the Patibulum first. Being executed that way was really disturbing, because my Executioners expected me to help them as much as possible to get the crucifixion completed. They even explained exactly, what they expected from me. When they finally nailed my feet to the footrest, the Guard on the ladder behind me was holding my head.

When the nails were driven in, it was impossible for me to bang my head against the Stipes and eventually faint. The execution team made sure that I experience the full force of the cross. The manip from PhilX out of the perspective of the Legionaire on the ladder to me is breathtaking......:eek:


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There is spectators that pay the executioner to give the executed something to drink. The victim can decide to just lick the sponge, wet the lips, or suck it......:D:devil-flip:


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......this spectator walks up to me, offers me some Sesterces, when I supply the crucified with Posca:

"Here, please receive this money and give the executed some Posca. I think they really need it."

While saying that, the executed Messaline and Loxuru turn their heads towards me and the benefactor. The bitch Lucia, crucified with the face to the Patibulum from the rear, peeps through under her crossbeam, following the conversation.

My request:
"That's not bad, but it would be better if you'd may add a few more coins. There is always the danger, that the crucified try to spit or piss at me while I give them to drink."

He pulls out another coin, I agree nodding.
Yesterday I have seen how Hectorius gave the condemned to drink. He used the Posca as a tool, to refreshing the crucified. Smiling do I look at the five delingquents from yesterday, sitting and hanging dead from their crosses.

I soak a sponge with Posca and put on top of a Pilum:

"Here Lucia, we just see your tits left and right of the upright out of our perspective. Sweat is dripping down from your nipples, so I assume it's runnig down your ass, too."

Saying that, I bring the wet sponge to her right nipple and rub it. Lucia tries to reach it with her tongue, though that's not possible. I go to her right nipple and do the same. I can see how her nipple erects and wipe her boobs with the sponge. I let her drink. First licking it, then wanting more, she starts to suck.


I soak it again to approach Messaline from the side. She is letting herself down to the seat-peg that I have attached for her, trying to get her lips to the sponge. Blood and sweat make her tortured body shine in the sun. I move the sponge a little away from her, force her to follow the sponge until she screams while she is sticking out her tongue as far as possible.
This feels so extremely good to me. My pussy is all wet while I enjoy my control.
Messaline pulls on her nailed wrists, to get to the sponge with her mouth. I allow her to reach it with the tip of her tongue. Immediately the gasping, shivering, forward leaning body starts to sweat blood and water.

The crowd screams:
"Let her stand up, we want to see how she stands up like that."

I tell the crowd:
"You have to give me more money, if you want me to do that."

Quickly the mob collects some more coins, puts it into my tool bag, telling me:
"Go ahead, let her stand up."

Keeping the tip of her tongue on the sponge, I slowly raise the Pilum. This will not be easy for her. Leaning forward she has all the pressure on her wrists. When I overdo it, she will faint.

Meanwhile I have to control my emotions. I don't want to have an orgasm while I let her drink. I speak to Messaline:
"Stand up Messaline, follow the sponge and I let you suck. Push against the nails in your feet."

Taking her head back, glancing into the summer sky, she starts to stand up with fully outstretched arms. All the muscles in her shining body are tightened. With horrible screams she's moving up. I can see how the nails enlargen the holes in her feet while I encourage her:

"Almost, you almost got it. Push, push. Yes you are doing that very good."

Actually her feet must exercise more and more pressure against these huge nails. Only when the nails are completely fixed between the metatarsal bones, the leg muscles can help when she get's up:

"Don't think about the nails, pull and push. Yes, scream, bang your head. Every little thing will help."

Blood seems to run out of every pore on her skin. For a moment she seems to throw up, but finally manages to stand stretched with locked knees. I allow her to reach the sponge to let her drink........:D:D:D
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I watch it, angered how Dena takes advantage of the situation, in exchange for cash, playing with Lucia and Messaline, as if they are performing animals! Humiliating!
But I understand, weakening, slowly losing mental strength and thirsty as I am too, one would do everything to get some posca.
I just wait my turn, knowing I will have to perform too, to get to drink, and knowing I will submit!


.......done drinking, Messaline carefully lets herself sink back to the raw wooden seat-peg. She is looking down to the peg, obviously wanting to make sure that the lips of her wet vulva will rest on the left and the right side of her seat.

Lucia is yelling for more Posca, while she is pulling herself to the Stipes. This is really entertaining. From my position I can only see her feet up to the knees and the two tits with the upright in the middle. Her face is behind the Patibulum and one could think, that her boobs talk to me. I take the chance and rub her nipples with the empty sponge, saying:

"I'm sure you tits talked to me, but of course, tits don't drink Posca. Maybe I'm wrong, since the nipples are standing nicely now."

Messaline's and Loxurus eyes are resting on me. They are following each move I make. With goosebups all over my back, I shudder in exitement due to my dominance. What a pleasure.

The benefactor seems to be shocked. What did he expect? The delinquents get what they deserve.

I soak the sponge again, also approach Loxuru from the side. In his case I'm very cautious. Sitting on the peg with stretched out arms, his cock is fully erected, his glans shining in the sun. With the male crucified I'm much more in danger, that he might squirts, spits, or pisses at me.

I bring the sponge is in front of his face and I tell him:
"Come on Loxuru, you have watched Messaline as she was trinking. I want you to come alive on the cross."

Spectators female and male are screaming, that the cock is alive.

Slowly Loxuru is leaning forward, trying to reach the sponge. Gasping for air his ribs protrude.

"Try to reach it with your tonge, come on." I say.

He is sticking out his tongue but can't get to the sponge:
"Lean further forward and pull on your wrists."

Screaming he is making contact with the tip of his tongue.
I raise the Pilum and Loxuru is standing up. Sweat and blood are running in streams down his back, chest and legs:

"Yes, you must have watched Messaline closely. Step harder against the nails in your feet. You got to push until the nails can't go back any further between your metatarsal bones. Really good, the holes in your feet are enlarging. Keep going. We all want to see your cock sticking out."

Loxurus muscles flex, as he is standing up, shivering.

For your understanding, if he or Messaline just want to breathe, there is no need for them to stand up and lock the knees. I have placed Messaline's and his seat in a certain way, that when they are resting on the peg, their arms are fully stretched by the weight of the upper bodies. After a while though, it gets complicated to exhale. Using the seat, all they have to do is to pull themselves back to the Stipes and up a little by the nailed wrists. After inhaling and exhaling properly, they are easily able sit down for some time again.

"Here you go. Perfect Loxuru. Your tongue is reaching the sponge. I gotta tell you that it looks funny, tongue and cock sticking out like that."

I give him the chance to greedy suck the sponge. Amazing. While he is drinking he is also urinating, despite his erected cock.........:D:D:D


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As I expected, that vicious Dena plays the same kind of game with me, as she did with Messaline. Holding the sponge just out of my reach, in front of my space.
All eyes of the spectators are now directed on me!

Dena encourages me, to stand up and reach with my mouth to the sponge.

Still feeling confused and excited by my situation, my cock still stands erect! Resting on the sedile allowed me to hide it as good as possible, but now, everybody has clearly noticed it, and of course it stirs mocking.

A best, I would have liked to leave Dena were she is, with her sponge, not playing her games, but my survival instincts are stronger, so I rise up, resisting the pain it creates all over my body. Moving up, I cannot suppress cries of pain, to my own disgust.

"Here you go. Perfect Loxuru. Your tongue is reaching the sponge. I gotta tell you that it looks funny, tongue and cock sticking out like that." Dena mockingly says. I realise it must be a ridiculous view, the way I am stainding up! I push so hard, to reach the sponge, that, while standing up, I even relieve my bladder, through my erect cock! My muscle tremble, I shiver, I sweat!
But I got finally some posca to drink, realising that, by submitting to Dena's games, my defiance is slowly fading away! And she managed to show it to the whole crowd.

It was more than scary, how Dena gave the executed something to drink. Actually I wasn't expecting that she would make a show out of it, but must admit that it was entertaining.

The crucified Messaline, Loxuru and the bitch Lucia groan and moan. Every once in a while they cry for help. Lucias back has been torn apart by the whip. Maybe that's why Dena tied her with the face to the cross. Being a skilled executioner, she knows that if a victim has been flogged that hard, they'd pass away to fast when they are nailed.

I walk over to Lucia. She must have recognized, that I had advised her executioner to give her Posca. Moving up and down on the upright with the front of her upper Body, has literally ripped off the skin from her sternum and stomach.

Standing in front of her, she is yelling at me:

"You are a generous man. Please, give the Legionaires some money and tell them to kill me."
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Crucifixion is a wonder

....... that spectator is really some strange fool. I wonder why he is paying to supply the executed with Posca? Well, good thing. The alcohol seems to ease the pain of the victims. Due to that fact, there is currently not that much screaming going on. Messaline and Loxuru concentrate on breathing. Every once in a while they talk to each other, while they keep changing positions.

For whatever reason they must have lost the feeling of shame and humiliation, or let me say it like this, eventually they might accept it. They communicate with the Spectators and Legionaires from their crosses, as if it is the most normal thing in the world.

From what I can see, the execution of the three is going pretty well. Messaline and Loxuru are not bleeding seriously out of the nail wounds, and understand what they have to do to breathe.

I encourage the two:

"You are doing that really good. Yes, as soon as you need more air, all you have to do is to step on the nails in your feet and stand up....."

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Crucifixion to me is a wonder. With only little effort, the nailed victims are pinned to the wood. Still, the small amount of energy that I used when I drove the nails through the bones, is enough to drain life out of them. At this point the executions don't have a deadly character yet. :devil:

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Cire: Skating Jesus has posted some incredible Manips. You can find more of his outstanding work in his thread.
Thank you so much SJ.


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For whatever reason they must have lost the feeling of shame and humiliation, or let me say it like this, eventually they might accept it. They communicate with the Spectators and Legionaires from their crosses, as if it is the most normal thing in the world.
Beyond the point of shame, but still aware of nudity.

But the extreme abnormal has indeed become the normal now.
And because there is so much going on, around. People and guards talking to us. The executioner monitoring and encouraging us. Spectators paying to give us to drink,...

Our fate attracts people. We are a centre of attention. We are entertainment, we make people feel better about themselves, since we got crucified, not them. People may even be fascinated by our struggle!

Would it be better if they abandoned us and let us die alone? So why be ashamed of being naked?

It is a terrible ordeal of pain, struggle, thirst, despair, humiliation, but I got delirious and aroused either!

What a way to die, scrutinised by a crowd!

Dena is right : crucifixion is a wonder.

......every once in a while I volunteer for the executions. There is always enough alcohol, naked bodies and a good mood. This time it is really interesting, since it's Dena's first execution. From what I can see, it went pretty well. The crucified are struggling fully degraded for air, but still have enough energy to fully recognize what we did to them.

I had to hold Messaline's and Loxuru's hands an feet in place, as they got nailed. One wouldn't believe how easy it is to drive the nails through the delinquents bones. Both of them are good victims, in a way. They really cooperated pretty well with us when we executed them.

On the other hand, Lucia was totally different. She was bitching at us, resisting. Too bad that Dena tied her to the cross. For that behaviour I'd even nailed her through the crotch.
I hope we will be allowed to break her legs.......:rolleyes:
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Roman soldiers are pigs ! :mad:

"Why are you saying that? I think we Legionaires did a nice job when we assisted Dena to raise your cross. Speaking for me, it was strenious but also a lot of fun........ :D

To support your body on the way up was really funny. When I held you by your legs and your ribcage, I could feel nicely how you were breathing fast. I noticed that you watched Dena, me and the other Legionaires very closely."

(check out this classical scene concerning the "raising" issue)


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