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The House In The Lot

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It’s Lisa again. You remember me, don’t you? You know, I told you all about my little adventure in the Chestnut Wood. You remember now I think. Well, school’s finished now and I got to the university I wanted, so I did quite well I think.

I’m sitting here in my very tiny study bedroom in Vandyke College. Some people were lucky and got rooms overlooking the lake, but mine just stares across the court to a wall of other rooms, just the same as mine. It’s cosy and I like it. It’s where I wanted to come. Oh, I forgot, I’m at Ridingham University now, doing English Lit, just like I wanted. The last term at school was a lot of hard work but it was worth it in the end I guess. All work and no play really.

I broke up with Will over Christmas. It was all a bit difficult after that afternoon in the woods. I tried really hard to make him feel comfortable with me, and we hung out with all my other friends, Kate and the others, but I could tell he felt embarrassed when he was with me. We slept together a few times, and I tried to get him to play games with me, but he just didn’t want to. Just little things, like tying me up a bit. In the end he broke up with me. I didn’t mind really. He was good to be with in bed, but I could tell that I just made him nervous and that wasn’t really good for either of us I suppose. Anyway, after New Year I’d decided I wanted to really focus on my grades, so I became a bit of a recluse I suppose. Once in a while I’d go clubbing in M.... with Kate and Romy and Clare and the others and we’d have too much to drink, but mainly I just hunkered down in my room, in my pyjamas, hunched over my books and my laptop. Oh, and when I wasn’t working I’d be chatting to Sallie and my other online friends in that group I mentioned.

Sallie really kept me going, I guess. Sallie and lots of coffee! She encouraged me really well and told me that it would all be worth it and that I’d have so many opportunities at uni, and not just for study. And now I’m here I think she was right. But I’m jumping ahead. I really should tell you about the summer holiday. Would you like that?

Well, I’m going to anyway. Once exams were all over and we’d had the leavers' party everything felt sort of like an anti-climax. Just waiting for results and all that. I got a job working the till in the Co-Op and saved a bit of cash. It was ok work really, and quite nice as I knew so many of the people who came in. But once I had enough I wanted to have a proper holiday. A lot of my friends went off with their parents to Italy and Spain and Greece and everywhere. Some of them had their own villas. Of course, we didn’t normally have much of a holiday. We just hung around and barbecued and things like that. But I had other plans this year. In the end I got mum to agree. She was a bit nervous ‘cause she’d never met Sallie, but in the end I got her to do a Skype with her and so she said yes.

I’ve not told you much about Sallie, but maybe I should. She’s a bit older than me. She’d finished college and worked in an IT company in B.... She’d arranged a week holiday in a place in France with a few of her other friends and asked me if I’d like to come along too. Of course I wanted to. She said it wouldn’t be expensive. I just had to get myself on the easyJet to Bergerac and she’d pick me up there. Sallie was going to drive down so she could bring load of wine back with her she said. Mum was still a bit worried because my results would come out while I was away and she was worried about Clearing and everything, but I knew I’d done alright, so I told her not to fret about it. She worries about me a lot. I understand why; after all, she’s had to work so hard to keep me and by brother going since Dad left. But she’s going to have to let go sometime. I keep telling her that.

Anyway, back to the holiday. I didn’t take much, just a little backpack with some underwear, a bikini and a few light dresses and things. It was going to be hot, Sallie said. She was there to meet me at the little airport in Bergerac and the drive to the house wasn’t that long. Everywhere looked, well, so much like I imagined the south of Europe would look! Vinyards and rolling hills and red-tiled houses in piled-up towns that looked like they’d grown from the soil. They’re called Bastides apparently. They were a kind of planned town build in the thirteenth century, each with its little square and weekly market. We passed through Villeréal and then Monflanquin and then turned off towards a really tiny little hamlet called Montagnac-sur-Lède. It’s such a pretty place. You can see some really big ancient castles on the hills nearby. And really quiet too. The place we were staying was amazing. Not even in the village, but up a tiny little track. I don’t know how Sallie found it but it was just brilliant. A low stone farmhouse, all beautifully converted, with gorgeous pale blue shutters and a fantastic pool! I couldn’t believe it! I was asking her questions all the way down. I think she probably thought I was crazy. But it was weird really. I mean we’d talked a lot online and Skyped and stuff, but this was the first time I’d met her, like really met her. I should tell you about her a bit shouldn’t I?
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I know you want to know what she looks like. That’s the first thing everyone always wants to know, isn’t it? So, she’s just a little bit taller than I am, which isn’t hard. I think she’s about five seven or eight. She’s got very dark hair which she cuts short, sort of spiky. I’d say she’s really lovely to look at. If I’m cute she’s pretty, almost beautiful really. I’m as pale as a pale thing, but she’s sort of golden warm to look at, and her eyes are like deep silent pools of darkness (sorry! too much Eng. Lit.!). No, they really are, and her brows are lovely curves swooping above. She’s got the most sexy cheekbones and soft kissable lips and the sexiest little ears and well, she’s basically very sexy. When she picked me up she was wearing a loose sleeveless t-shirt, just plain white, and some cut-off jeans that sort of clung to her. I could see people eyeing her up at the airport, mainly men with their families of young kids. But she was there for me, not them! Oh, and her teeth really sparkle, just like in the ads. They really do! And she’s nice, but I already knew that. And she likes me too.

She works for this IT firm, like I said before. Web design and that sort of thing. Well, really not my sort of thing, but she’s into art and books and lots of other stuff and so we have a bundle in common and... well, we understand each other about...you know... the other stuff. On the way, I forgot to mention this bit, we stopped off at an Auchan to get some meat and things for the barbeque, and some wine, and she told me about the other people at the house. So, there’s Joe, he’s a guy she knows from London and he’s starting out in journalism, writing for some free mags and blogs and things like that. There’s India, who sounds a bit posh, but Sallie says isn’t, and she’s working in PR. And there’s Mike. He’s a bit older. He’s a lawyer, just qualified. Sallie says he’s really chilled and he earns a shed load so he’s paid for most of the rent on the house, which is pretty neat. And there are two other girls, Andie and Caro. They’re a pair. They’re still at college doing art and design. It’s a pretty interesting group I think, but I am way the youngest. Sallie says that they mainly met on the chatroom and found out that they had things in common, just like we did. When she said that she reached out and played with my hair and smiled. I liked that. I think I knew what she meant too. She said I’d like them all lots and it was going to be a really great week. And the forecast was perfect. Hot and sunny every day. So it was a good thing that there were lots of shady places around the house and a lovely big pool to cool off in.

In fact, as soon as we pulled up - well, once we’d emptied the car - we headed straight for the pool. The others were all there, not so much splashing around as just floating or lounging on the sun-beds. The pool was incredible. I mean really big! And we were just surrounded by fields so, well, I basically didn’t need my bikini at all! Sallie just told me not to be embarrassed and to get naked and get in! And I did. The water was just so wonderfully refreshing. I will always always always remember my first jump into that pool. I think Mike will too, because I totally soaked him! He jumped to his feet really shrieking. He was pretty fit I thought. Sallie laughed out loud. She’d just slid into the pool and was leaning against the side. Wow! I thought. She was really brown. Just faint little lines where her bikini straps went. They made her look even more sexy I think. I wish I had breasts like hers. They were so amazing. I mean if you were designing breasts for a girl I think you’d design them like that. Just a nice size and a perfect shape and with the loveliest tight brown tips. Yummy I thought. This is going to be a brilliant week, I thought.

So, we sort of idled away the afternoon and one by one I got to know the others. Just like Sallie said, they were really nice. They seemed interested in me and in what I was doing. It was amazing because Mike had been to Ridingham as well and he said I’d have a brilliant time there. What a coincidence! Anyway, after a while we all headed in, because it was just too hot in the garden and it was lovely and shady in the house with the shutters all closed. I was in a room at the top. You went up a really steep staircase from the main room. It was huge, the main room, double height. I guess it had been a barn or an animal shed in the old days, but now it was really lovely. Lots of comfy settees and a grand piano even! Up on the balcony there were three bedrooms and mine was at the end. It wasn’t that big but it was so cosy, with a little window overlooking the pool. I hung up my stuff and slumped on the bed and lay there naked, gazing at the ceiling. There was a little gecko or something up there. I could see it breathing. I will always remember that little gecko. I was so tired, but so happy and excited. I guess I must have fallen asleep, ‘cause I only woke up when Sallie tapped on the door and told me that the barbeque was almost ready.
I remember that I slipped on a little yellow thing, with strings round my neck, and a pair of shorts. I didn’t bother with knickers. The barbeque was out at the back, built against a little stone store-room. You passed through the sitting room, then along a passage and into the big farmhouse kitchen and into the little logia where there was a long rustic table. It was a lovely shady spot, all hung with vines. At the back there was another little garden with a huge old mill-wheel lying half-embedded in the grass and a big table with bench seats. It was already set for eating.

Mike was doing the man-thing with the tongues and meat, slurping a beer with his spare hand. He was chatting with Joe about the usual stuff, football, whatever. Andie and Caro were all over each other. They were quite different. Andie was, well, if you remember Last Tango, she was just like Maria Schneider, all masses of curls and big boobs and sex-appeal. Not that Caro wasn’t sexy, she was just like way cooler, almost Nordic-cool. Slender and long blonde hair, that sort of thing. They were nice though and when I sat down with them they soon drew me into conversation and were asking all about where I was from. They even knew someone from my town who was doing fine arts or something with them. I didn’t know her though. I guess she’d been away at school, certainly not to my school.

Anyway, Sallie came out with a pitcher of wine and soon we were munching away and eating and chatting. It was so warm still, even though the sun was setting. I could hardly believe I’d only been there a few hours, it felt so much like home. The boys talked about the week ahead and the places we’d visit, and then about who was getting the bread the next morning from the bakers in Montagnac. I said I’d go, but Sallie said I should have a lie in. I was glad she said that.

I think it was probably India coming back with the bread that woke me. The air had a lovely, cool, sort of scented feel to it. I’d left the shutters open and the light was slanting in to the room. I guess I’d had quite a lot to drink the night before, because it surprised me to see that I was lying there with Sallie. She had her arm over me, and I just stared at her as she slept. It was a lovely way to wake up.

Breakfast was a sort of come as you please event. The bread was really fantastic, I mean it was so incredibly crusty and fresh and the croissants just melted in your mouth. I felt I had to do something, so I refilled the jug of coffee from the kitchen and brought it out. The boys were last down, half-undressed, yawning. They’d been playing cards til late they said. We talked about the day. It was already growing hot and we thought we’d just have a lazy morning reading and suchlike and then do something in the afternoon once it began to cool a bit.

I guess it was about three when we all set out on the bikes, I’d put on a little pale blue dress that came half-way down my thighs. I liked it. It buttoned up on the front and it was sleeveless and lovely and cool. The countryside was so pretty. Rolling hills and little streams, and in the distance you could see a great big scar in the limestone. That was where we were headed. It wasn’t too far. We turned off left and soon the hillsides were closing in around us and we were in a narrow defile with a bubbling river on one side. It smelt damp and cool and the shade was really welcome after the open road. Not far along we came to a small village totally dominated by a ruined castle. The place was called Gavaudun. We leant the bikes over by the river and climbed up to the castle. Joe and Mike led the way and Mike kept turning around telling everyone about the history of the place. He made it sound pretty gruesome really. It was a funny sort of place, strung out along a long narrow ridge, with incredible views down the valley. We all split up and wandered around. Some bits were quite well preserved, keeps and things I guess. And there were some dark, gloomy passageways within the walls, just lit by narrow arrow slits. That’s where Mike came up to me. He was telling me about the place, and trying to imagine how it was. I couldn’t help but stare at him. He was really good-looking. You know the sort, like gym-fit and a dark, stubbly chin. Anyway, he got closer and closer and soon was pushing me back against the wall. The others were somewhere else. We were quite alone. I could feel the stones sharp against my back. He put his hands on my cheeks and lifted my face to his and we kissed. Then his fingers were undoing the buttons on my dress and he was squeezing my breasts, not gently, really hard. I was getting hot and wet. I shoved down my panties with one hand and undid his belt and trousers and we fucked really hard. My head was banging against the wall and I could feel my back and shoulders being scraped against the stones and he bit onto my breast, not a soft bite but deep, really digging in with his teeth til my eyes shut tight and I had to bite my lips to stop screaming. Then he took himself out of me and shoved his fingers in, Not one or two but pretty much all his hand. Hard. Then he slid them out, all wet, and pushed them into my arse. This time I couldn’t stop myself. It wasn’t exactly a scream but he had to put his other hand over my mouth.

We cycled back the same way. There was a little fête going on in Salles and we stopped there and got some things to eat at the stalls. We sat down on the long benches and had a bit of a feast. The wine was good too. I think I must have had a big smile on my face, ‘cause the other girls kept smiling back and Sallie drew the top of my dress open a bit more and ran her finger over the mark on my breast, then kissed her finger and placed it very gently on my lips. It was a lovely afternoon. It really was.
The next day I did go down for the bread and Sallie came too. She joked about Mike and said he liked to be a bit rough sometimes, but she liked it too. She wasn’t at all angry, but somehow I didn’t think she would be. We were the first there and so we got some lovely pain au chocolate as well as the usual stuff and as we were leaving and getting back on the bikes she shoved me against the wall and gave me a really deep kiss with her tongue. A car pulled up just as she was doing that, but I didn’t care, even though the guy was staring at us.

The guys had decided we were going to do our tourism in the morning and we piled into the two cars. We went pretty much where we’d cycled, through the narrow valley and past Gavaudun. I couldn’t help gazing up at the castle walls there. Then twisting through woods and valleys until this huge fairytale castle appeared on the horizon. The road climbed up to it and we pulled up and parked. Sallie said it was called Château de Biron. We paid the entry fees then wandered in. This was a lot more intact than Gavaudun. Really grand in fact. Lots to see, of course, and the views from the tower were amazing. You could see Monflanquin and Villeréal, but not Montagnac which was hidden away in the valley.

The boys and Andie and Caro disappeared somewhere and so me and India and Sallie just stuck together and once we’d looked through the state rooms we headed down a twisting spiral staircase (well, I suppose spiral staircases always twist, don’t they) and found ourselves in a sort of dungeon lit by windows high in the walls. There were a couple of old cells, all bars and stuff, and then another big-sized room. I could tell Sallie was anxious to get in and have a look. It was full of all sorts of old torture equipment. You know, the sort of things you see in horror films. But it all looked real and pretty ancient. There was a rack with a big ratchet-thing that looked pretty vicious. It was really old wood and sort of polished. I imagined it being polished by the backs of some poor heretics and you could sort of hear the ratchet thing clicking if you dreamt a bit. It was much smaller than I would have imagined it would be. Sallie said that people were smaller then. But it would have fitted me quite well I think. There were other things too. Pulleys and chains. And some pictures of medieval torture chambers. We stayed looking quite a long time. It was just us three, and Sallie kept talking about how it must have been to be a girl being tortured back then. I think we were all getting quite hot and we had a sort of three-way kiss and Sallie - or maybe it was India - slid her fingers inside me. Not for long. India was cute too. I don’t think I’ve said much about her. She always wore lots of necklaces and things and had a nose piercing. Her hair was dyed too, a sort of light purpley colour, and she had quite a lot of tattoos. She was very different. So she had this posh voice, but then looked like a goth or a suicide girl or something. I liked it when she bit my ear.

We spent the afternoon chilling by the pool. It’s surprising how even a little bit of tourism can tire you out, isn’t it? I’d taken a course-book to read, thinking I’d get going for the first term, but it just lay half open beside me. Sallie came over and rubbed some sun-cream into my back. She said that there were still some little white lines from that afternoon in the Chestnut Wood and she kissed them gently. Her kisses were always gentle, or at least mostly they were.
I remember that I slipped on a little yellow thing, with strings round my neck, and a pair of shorts. I didn’t bother with knickers. The barbeque was out at the back, built against a little stone store-room. You passed through the sitting room, then along a passage and into the big farmhouse kitchen and into the little logia where there was a long rustic table. It was a lovely shady spot, all hung with vines. At the back there was another little garden with a huge old mill-wheel lying half-embedded in the grass and a big table with bench seats. It was already set for eating.

Mike was doing the man-thing with the tongues and meat, slurping a beer with his spare hand. He was chatting with Joe about the usual stuff, football, whatever. Andie and Caro were all over each other. They were quite different. Andie was, well, if you remember Last Tango, she was just like Maria Schneider, all masses of curls and big boobs and sex-appeal. Not that Caro wasn’t sexy, she was just like way cooler, almost Nordic-cool. Slender and long blonde hair, that sort of thing. They were nice though and when I sat down with them they soon drew me into conversation and were asking all about where I was from. They even knew someone from my town who was doing fine arts or something with them. I didn’t know her though. I guess she’d been away at school, certainly not to my school.

Anyway, Sallie came out with a pitcher of wine and soon we were munching away and eating and chatting. It was so warm still, even though the sun was setting. I could hardly believe I’d only been there a few hours, it felt so much like home. The boys talked about the week ahead and the places we’d visit, and then about who was getting the bread the next morning from the bakers in Montagnac. I said I’d go, but Sallie said I should have a lie in. I was glad she said that.

I think it was probably India coming back with the bread that woke me. The air had a lovely, cool, sort of scented feel to it. I’d left the shutters open and the light was slanting in to the room. I guess I’d had quite a lot to drink the night before, because it surprised me to see that I was lying there with Sallie. She had her arm over me, and I just stared at her as she slept. It was a lovely way to wake up.

Breakfast was a sort of come as you please event. The bread was really fantastic, I mean it was so incredibly crusty and fresh and the croissants just melted in your mouth. I felt I had to do something, so I refilled the jug of coffee from the kitchen and brought it out. The boys were last down, half-undressed, yawning. They’d been playing cards til late they said. We talked about the day. It was already growing hot and we thought we’d just have a lazy morning reading and suchlike and then do something in the afternoon once it began to cool a bit.

I guess it was about three when we all set out on the bikes, I’d put on a little pale blue dress that came half-way down my thighs. I liked it. It buttoned up on the front and it was sleeveless and lovely and cool. The countryside was so pretty. Rolling hills and little streams, and in the distance you could see a great big scar in the limestone. That was where we were headed. It wasn’t too far. We turned off left and soon the hillsides were closing in around us and we were in a narrow defile with a bubbling river on one side. It smelt damp and cool and the shade was really welcome after the open road. Not far along we came to a small village totally dominated by a ruined castle. The place was called Gavaudun. We leant the bikes over by the river and climbed up to the castle. Joe and Mike led the way and Mike kept turning around telling everyone about the history of the place. He made it sound pretty gruesome really. It was a funny sort of place, strung out along a long narrow ridge, with incredible views down the valley. We all split up and wandered around. Some bits were quite well preserved, keeps and things I guess. And there were some dark, gloomy passageways within the walls, just lit by narrow arrow slits. That’s where Mike came up to me. He was telling me about the place, and trying to imagine how it was. I couldn’t help but stare at him. He was really good-looking. You know the sort, like gym-fit and a dark, stubbly chin. Anyway, he got closer and closer and soon was pushing me back against the wall. The others were somewhere else. We were quite alone. I could feel the stones sharp against my back. He put his hands on my cheeks and lifted my face to his and we kissed. Then his fingers were undoing the buttons on my dress and he was squeezing my breasts, not gently, really hard. I was getting hot and wet. I shoved down my panties with one hand and undid his belt and trousers and we fucked really hard. My head was banging against the wall and I could feel my back and shoulders being scraped against the stones and he bit onto my breast, not a soft bite but deep, really digging in with his teeth til my eyes shut tight and I had to bite my lips to stop screaming. Then he took himself out of me and shoved his fingers in, Not one or two but pretty much all his hand. Hard. Then he slid them out, all wet, and pushed them into my arse. This time I couldn’t stop myself. It wasn’t exactly a scream but he had to put his other hand over my mouth.

We cycled back the same way. There was a little fête going on in Salles and we stopped there and got some things to eat at the stalls. We sat down on the long benches and had a bit of a feast. The wine was good too. I think I must have had a big smile on my face, ‘cause the other girls kept smiling back and Sallie drew the top of my dress open a bit more and ran her finger over the mark on my breast, then kissed her finger and placed it very gently on my lips. It was a lovely afternoon. It really was.
Sounds like you have met some good people!
It was not very important, only to situate the action :) Is the house pleasant to you ?:rolleyes:
Yes! But here is the one I am thinking of....

....... :)
The boys had gone off into Monflanquin to get some wine and things or maybe just to hang out, and Andie and Caro had disappeared indoors to get some shade. I slid into the pool and did a few lengths, looking up every so often at the bees that sat lazily on the lavender bushes running all along one side. It was just so quiet and so so hot. I remember I was leaning on the edge of the deep end when Indi came up beside me. We chatted for a bit and she ran her finger over the little rose on my shoulder. Then she disappeared under the water and I could feel her licking between my legs. If she’d come up right then she’d have seen me smiling. She could hold her breath for a long time I thought, but slowly she short of slid up my back, running herself along me and leaning her face into mine. She stared really deeply into my eyes and pushed my wet hair back, then she whispered and said we should go inside.

Sallie turned over as we jumped out, shading her eyes, and asked us to bring her a lemonade when we came back out. The house was seemed really dark as we entered from the brilliant light outside, and we scampered up the stairs to the balcony, leaving behind a trail of wet footprints. Indi took me into her room and practically flung me down on her bed, which I remember was a bit of a mess. In fact her room was a big mess, with bags open everywhere and clothes all sort of flung around. She looked at me then jumped onto the end of the bed, landing on her knees with her hands straddling me. She was pretty lovely I thought. She had this amazing tattoo, the sort I’d never even dare to think of having done, like a sort greeny purpley gold triangle thing with a crown and lock that was crying between her breasts. And her left arm was covered in some intricate design too, from her shoulder all the way down to her wrist. And she just sort of hung there above me and then fell heavily down and it was just the most amazing feeling. We rolled around and turned this way and that and sucked and bit and licked and stroked each other and I was sure that Sallie would hear the bedstead squeaking and banging into the wall, but really I was sort of beyond caring. Then we kissed and Indi went off and took a shower. I was still catching my breath when she came in and threw me the towel.

I was drying myself off, leaning over the balcony, when the boys returned. They’d brought a girl with them who they’d met in town. Joe said she was called Adèle. She was about my age I guess, so younger than them, and she had that sulky, pouty look, you know how I mean. Anyway, Joe said she was going to stay for dinner. I’d forgotten what the time was and by the time I’d put some clothes on it the sun was beginning to set. I’d completely forgotten about Sallie’s drink!

Adèle was in the kitchen, making a salad. She was sort of cute and I practiced my really pathetic French on her which made her giggle. She poured a glass of white wine from the fridge and mixed up some dressing with oil and lemon and garlic and mustard and tossed it with the salad.

She’d already set the table in the loggia and had put out some Bayonne ham and a hunk of bread and some olives as well as a plate of tasty looking cheese. She seemed to be so at home so quickly. I sat on the low wall, against one of the old wooden pillars and Adèle passed me a cigarette. I didn’t really smoke much but I thought, why not? She was a student in Bordeaux back for the summer she said. She’d met the boys at a bar in town, on the corner of the Place des Arcades. She thought they were cool, she said, and she had nothing else to do, so why not?
Dinner was really yummy. Joe and Mike fussed over Adèle and Sallie just giggled at them. She seemed happy to stay and well, I guess I assumed that at some point she’d just disappear inside with one of them, or with both. We got through a lot of wine. The wine from Cahors is really black and heavy and I guess we were quite drunk. Indi was really drunk. But she kept pouring more out into the little glass tumblers and we kept making these incoherent toasts. Then Adèle stood up and said that she wanted to make a toast too and she held up her glass and said, really loud “to sex!”. Then she pulled off her denim top and her t-shirt and the next thing she’d taken off her trousers too and she was standing there naked with a glass of wine and some of the wine was running from her half-open mouth and she said “Come on then, I want you all to fuck me!” and she pushed the plates to the back of the table and sort of just spread herself out on it, with her legs dangling wide apart. She was still trying to drink from her glass but the wine just went all over her and she started laughing and we all joined in.

Well, the boys were pulling their kit off but Adèle said it should be the girls first and she wanted us to fuck her with our mouths and our fingers. Caro was pretty quick, and got onto her knees and was sucking her while Andie leaned over from the other side and kissed her sort of upside-down. Then Adèle shouted out that she wanted a dick to suck, so Joe sort of pushed Andie out of the way and he was really big and up for it and he jumped onto the table and straddled her while she licked him and they swallowed him really deep. All the time I was sort of watching and Sallie and Indi had shuffled to the end of the bench and were kissing each other and touching each others breasts. It was pretty amazing. And then Mike came up and grabbed me and fucked me up against the kitchen door. It was wild. The moon was out and we were all moaning and hot and it was just wild.

I don’t know how long it all went on but we sort of ended up slumped around the pool with another bottle of wine or two and a few of us went for a bit of a swim.

I think I was the first up in the morning. The loggia was a big mess. We’d broken a few plates and glasses and the table was covered in sticky pools of half-dried wine and crumbs and stuff. Adèle was the next up. I’ve no idea who she slept with. She lit a ciggy and gave me one too. She had just the cutest smile.
Eventually the others emerged, looking a bit the worse for wear, rubbing their eyes and all that. But after a few bowls of black coffee and a few more of Adèle’s cigarettes everyone was sort of back to the land of the living. It was pretty early, but the mist was quickly burning off the fields of sunflowers. Another beautiful hot day was on its way.

Joe was the one who had the idea. He said it would be really good fun to go for a swim in the sea. I thought he was crazy. It was a long drive and well, everyone was still pretty hung over, but he had a pretty neat way with words and so we sort of all fell in with the plan. We packed a few bottles of wine in the cool box and some cheese and soon we were headed off in a little convoy. We stopped at the bakery and picked up some sticks. We must have looked a bit of a mess I think, in our bathing things and t-shirts and thongs and whatever. I sat in the back of Sallie’s car with Indi. Adèle was in the front and she spent most of the time fiddling with the radio and leaning her arm out of the window and singing along. Eventually she found a sort of oldies channel so we all joined in with Françoise Hardy’s greatest hits as we headed towards the Garonne.

It was all twisty roads at first, til we got onto the main route just south of Marmonde, but we soon cut off again and headed through these amazing pine woods through a whole succession of pretty little villages. It felt like the middle of nowhere really. Villandraut, Saint-Symphorien, Hostens. Then we were back on the main road again, or some other main road and headed for Arcachon. We went through the town, which looked a nice buzzy sort of place and ended up in this massive car park in the woods. It wasn’t the weekend or I think it would have been over-run, but it was still pretty busy, but we soon found ourselves almost on our own. Joe said he’d been here before and we’d really like it, but that we’d head south a bit round the big dune that most people were headed for because he knew a good place that was a bit quieter.

The dune was really huge! I’d never seen anything like it, and you could see people clambering up like little ants! It was still a heck of a climb even if we didn’t go up the steepest bit, but it was worth it for the view from the top, right over the bay and the little inlet. We charged down the side screaming and rolling. It was just the best fun ever. Thankfully the tide was in, or I think we’d have had miles to walk to get to the sea, but it wasn’t so bad. We sort of set up camp and pulled our shirts of and plunged right in. Joe was right! It was a great idea! The sea was so wonderfully refreshing! It was like a magic day really. I was with these wonderful people who it felt like I’d known for ever and we all were so comfortable with each other. No one seemed to be worked up about each other or who they were splashing or kissing with. It was just a real dream. Then we crashed on the beach and drank the cool rosé and munched on the lovely fresh bread. I remember Sallie sprinkling sand on my back. It tickled. Then she kissed me. It was a perfect afternoon.
It was really late when we got home to Montagnac. We’d stopped at some little place in the pine forests and got some pizzas from a van. They were yummy. I was so glad I wasn’t driving though. Adèle kept Sallie going with her chatter but I found myself sort of curled up with Indi on the back seat, my head drifting. I felt so tired when we pulled up at the house. The others had beaten us back and were making tea and coffee. No-one wanted any more booze to drink. We lounged in the sofas for a while, but then everyone started drifting off. I was just snuggling under the duvet when Adèle let herself in and slid next to me. She rested her forehead on mine and we had a little kiss and then I think we went straight to sleep.

It must have been about eleven when I woke up. I was the last this time I think. The others had left a few bits of breakfast for me in the loggia and were lounging by the pool. Adèle was chatting to the two boys. The girls were reading or just sunbathing. I wandered out wearing a huge old-fashioned men’s shirt, the sort without a collar. It came down almost to my knees but it felt nice and relaxed. Sallie lifted her head and waved. I wandered over and she whispered something into my ear. It was funny. Then I remembered I had to get my results. It would be ten back in England and the school would be open. I’d arranged that I could call in. I slipped back indoors and eventually found my mobile. Of course it had no charge left and so I had to sort through everything until I found my charger and an adaptor. I hate wires and things. They always get lost or tangled or both. Usually its both.

Do you know that horrible empty-in-the-stomach feeling when you’re waiting for something like exam results? It’s probably the same if you’re waiting for a test at hospital. You sort of know that everything should be alright, but, well, something sort of gnaws at you. And it always seems to take so long, or maybe time just slows down. But in the end you know there’s nothing you can do about it. The exams were ages ago. I’d either done it or I hadn’t. I knew I had though. And when my teacher told me I screamed out loud! Four As! Two were A stars as well! I screamed and jumped up and down! It was brilliant! I was going to Ridingham! Three years of reading stuff I had always wanted to read and having the time to think about it and talk about it and write about it! All that work was worth it!

I think I must have seemed like a real girlie to the others, ‘cause I sort of ran out shouting and screaming! Adèle looked totally confused, but the others understood immediately and ran up and hugged me and we made a sort of circle and danced around, bouncing up and laughing. Joe said he’d get a bottle of fizz, but we’d drunk it all, so he suggested that we should walk over to the village and get something at the little café there. Sallie said she’d stay behind and start getting things ready for an early supper, so in the end it was just me and Joe and Adèle. We went down the track to the junction, then up the hill. All the fields were full of sunflowers and they all seemed to be smiling at me. Well, when you’ve just passed your exams you’re allowed to think things like that, aren’t you?

Anyway, it was just baking hot and it was nice to settle down outside in the shade under the little awning. Joe went inside and came out with three glasses and an ice-bucket. They hadn’t any champagne, but he’d found a really nice bottle of white, and we were soon clinking our glasses together. Adèle asked all sorts of questions about uni in England and things like that, but Joe just seemed to be chilling out, sort of staring into the distance, that sort of thing. He was thinking about something, I was sure. You know, how sometimes you can tell when someone wants to say something but can’t quite pick the right words to start. Well, that was Joe. In the end I had to ask him what was on his mind. He looked a bit embarrassed, which wasn’t like he normally was, but in the end he got to it. He started telling Adèle about how we’d all met, and that it was through a chat room, and he kept pausing to check she was ok with what he was saying. He said that he liked watching when girls.... Then he stopped again for a bit. So I filled in. I explained to Adèle that I’d met Sallie first of all and that she’d been a real friend when I had my first go at...and now it got a bit hard for me... But I took my time and explained all about my experience in the forest and that things like that excited me and I told her about Biron and how that excited me too. So, I guess I expected her to sort of be disgusted or something, but she wasn’t. In fact she was interested and just asked more questions. She said she sort of found it arousing to hear about what I liked and she asked if I still had the marks from the whip on me. Well, I guess it might have been the second bottle of wine, but I just pulled my shirt over my head and turned so she could see my back. I think that with the sun and the tan I’d picked up the thin white lines must have stood out more than usual, because she was sort of amazed. She asked if she could touch and of course I was happy that she did and she traced the lines with her finger tips. Someone came out of the bar, so I quickly dropped my shirt again and turned and smiled, and she smiled back. Then she asked if she could watch if I did it again. And Joe was really interested now, and of course I said yes.
...The dune was really huge! I’d never seen anything like it, and you could see people clambering up like little ants!...

Dune of Pylat ....:)

Mmmmmm ! Marks of lashes !!!! It's becoming interesting ....:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:8125.jpg


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