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Crown Of Thorns: Pictures

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I have tried to imagine what she must be thinking .. the facial expression is so lovely ... but for once I am flummoxed ... I just am not sure. :confused:
Usually we get thorn-crowned maidens pre-crux. Post-crux is unusual. Hard to say what she's feeling now after she's already dead. She seems to be going to the light.
Artist: Peter Zelei

View attachment 369682

Another great find TC. It shows her vulnerability, arm across her breasts, hand covering her most private parts. You can imagine the soldiers grouped round her eyeing their victim, knowing they would soon be stretching her out on the cross and to her shame totally exposed.
She's a bit on the thin side but lovely nonetheless.
Artist: Peter Zelei

View attachment 369682


Perfect. She is covered, yet so naked. So slightly built, so vulnerable looking. And her expression is one of resignation, of weary acceptance.
There is only one way forward from here. We don't have to see it illustrated, this picture leads us there all by itself!
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