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(permanent) female chastity modifications or orgasm denial

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This is one of my main fetishes.
I often fantasize about surgical mods, different types, how they might be achieved, my clit in a pendant as a jewel around Mistress' neck.
While I would love Mistress to modify me I obviously wouldn't want her to go that far.
On the other hand I also have to admit that I would find it very hard to refuse if she really wanted that.
Doesn't also have to go that far. Not being allowed to cum and you Mistress doing everything to make you is inncredibly hot too.
I’m not into this type of fantasy, but I wonder if you are aware of John Kellogg, the man who invented corn flakes.

He had pretty radical ideas about harmfullness of masturbation, and for repeated offences, he recommended burning clitoris away with carboxyle acid, which cause very severe and extremely painfull burns, when getting into contact with human skin. It’s specific for this acid that it don’t dilute with tissue fluids but continue eating the flesh very deep.

For me, this is terrifying punisment, considering that it was actually done in those times. However, it makes easy to imagine how many offence repeaters could consider severe whipping on their most tender area to be actually relief and very acceptable.

Here is some overall description of his ideology with best interest on ch7. The original text is much more graphical by description, but couldn’t find it with quick look.

I’m not into this type of fantasy, but I wonder if you are aware of John Kellogg, the man who invented corn flakes.

He had pretty radical ideas about harmfullness of masturbation, and for repeated offences, he recommended burning clitoris away with carboxyle acid, which cause very severe and extremely painfull burns, when getting into contact with human skin. It’s specific for this acid that it don’t dilute with tissue fluids but continue eating the flesh very deep.

For me, this is terrifying punisment, considering that it was actually done in those times. However, it makes easy to imagine how many offence repeaters could consider severe whipping on their most tender area to be actually relief and very acceptable.

Here is some overall description of his ideology with best interest on ch7. The original text is much more graphical by description, but couldn’t find it with quick look.

He sounds like a total misogynistic whack job doesn't he.
Generally I don't see how anyone could support anything like this ever being forced on someone.
Also nowadays there's studies that have proven the opposite. Masturbation is absolutely healthy.
Sometimes chastity or denial is temporary
Love the brand in the first two pics.
Even an anal blocker as well!
Enforced chastity is a thing in of itself.
Useful if the slave is a Randy one, letting it know that it’s pleasure is only allowed by it’s Master or Mistress and also a obvious statement to others as “ hands off” or out as well as some other things.
If the slave is even allowed to enjoy any pleasure, the locking away of intact sex is also a delight in denial as well.
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He sounds like a total misogynistic whack job doesn't he.
Generally I don't see how anyone could support anything like this ever being forced on someone.
Also nowadays there's studies that have proven the opposite. Masturbation is absolutely healthy.
Yes. Back in those times, medical science was weird and was still based mostly on beliefs. Kellog indeed was weirdo. For me, he sounds like populist who wanted attention with his radical opinions.

When there were no actual knowledge or cures, doctors relay on placebo effect. The worce the medicine tasted, the more effective people believed it to be. There were many common problems and it was easier to believe the doctor was right if his opinions and methods were very radical.

Masturbation was easy excuse. There’s natural guilt associated on it and it’s very difficult to stop once you got taste to it. It is typically quite common, so taking all common problems people had and putting the blame on masturbation was very good way for a doctor to get attention.

While we have lots of knowledge today, basic principles haven’t changed as much as we think. Still it’s wise to use common sense with new sensational studies, which pop up time to time. Many times there’s lots of work being done to prove some point what people would want to hear. We must remember that while there’s some clinical correlation between act and result, it doesn’t mean all the assumptions are right.

What comes to masturbation, it can cause addiction, and it can be bad. I have time to time regignized symptoms in me, and I have read about cases where it has become a severe problem. This is complex matter, and while masturbation in many situations is beneficial, we shouldn’t think it’s always good thing. First alarming sign is when masturbation itself become fantasy, meaning you just wait for opportunity to masturbate and it arouses you rather than having a fantasy which leads to an urge to masturbate. Another sign of addiction is nervousness if you haven’t got opportunity to masturbate.

Whippings and punishments for masturbation for females are one of my favourite fantasy, but that doesn’t mean it should be done for anyone, exept for adult ’naughty girl’, who get wet just by the thought if it.
I've never understood the guilt or shame part.
I started masturbating at a young age and became sexually active shortly after that. I never felt guilty or ashamed.
Nor have I ever felt guilty about liking pain, being submissive, enjoying masturbation or sex in public, being hyper sexual, etc.
Anyone that doesn't like that can just f off and mind their own business.
After all I don't tell them they have to be like me do I.

I had a chastity period during my training. That was my longest period of going without orgasm and was 5months, 3 weeks and 6days(178 days total).
For someone like me used to cumming several times a day that was hell.

When anything becomes compulsive it's always bad. Doesn't mean the thing itself is bad though, just the compulsiveness.
When someone's a compulsive eater that doesn't mean they don't need to eat anymore now does it.
Also our needs are individual meaning they differ. What's good for one person won't be enough or way too much for another.
If you want me to feel good and happy I will need sex way more than average. I can't help that. That's how I am.
Luckily Mistress loves that.

As for arousal: I get wet thinking about masturbating, sex, pain, extreme sex, extreme pain, extreme mods, etc.
A bdsm-session would just arouse me further and often brings me to orgasm.
If Mistress really wants to punish me she just ignores me.

Also a Master or Mistress doesn't need a reason to punish their slave. That they want to is enough. ;)
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a sacrifice sometimes also called "erotic death"
I would like to know if anyone has recommendations for well-written erotic fiction which includes this theme in detail. I remember it in some "Victorian" (I think pseudo-Victorian, rather than genuinely written in that era) erotica that I read long ago as a teenager; but I can't lay my hand on which book that was. (Possibly something by "Richard Manton.") And I'd be interested in discovering other, more recent, examples in fiction. Let me emphasize again, well-written fiction.
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