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Air Raid

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Dorothy and Peggy were heading home from doing a little shopping. They probably should not have been out at that hour. But they’d put off making some purchases until now, mostly because they’d heard the store had just received a recent shipment. And they’d had to wait in line for hours until finally getting the foodstuffs they wanted.

Times were difficult in 1941. England was being bombed by the Jerrys day and night. Supplies were scarce. And there was no place that seemed safe. When the sirens went off you either hunkered down where you were and prayed not to receive a direct hit… or you took off for the nearest underground shelter. And if you were close by, you made a mad dash for one of the underground toilets to ride out the bombing raid.

Pedestrian traffic was predictably light. Not many vehicles were out on the roads. People did not want to take a chance luring a bomber over the top of their car or lorry.

“C’mon, love; we need to get home!” Peggy anxiously told her friend. “The Jerrys will be here soon!”

“Don’t worry; we’ll make it,” Dorothy reassured her. “We’ve survived thus far. Maybe they won’t bomb our section of the…”

About that time the sirens began to wail. The two female friends looked up at the darkened sky and quickly detected the drone of approaching airplanes. They looked at each other and then broke into a jog, clutching their bags in their hands. A moment later virtually every street light went out, plunging the area into darkness.

“Are they coming this way?” Peggy asked nervously.

“I can’t tell,” Dorothy replied. “Maybe if we hurry. We’re not far from…” That’s when the first whump of the exploding bombs went off somewhere far ahead of them, followed by several more that appeared to be getting closer.

“They’re coming to get us!” Peggy gasped. “Dorothy, we’ve got to get out of here! Those bloody Jerrys will find us out in the streets!”

“We’ve got to get this stuff home!” Dorothy protested. “Do you realize how much money we had to spend just to get our hands on…”

An explosion went off much closer than either lady cared to admit. Already there were people rushing out into the streets, heading off in a familiar direction. “Peggy; the toilets; they’re underground!”

“Dorothy, we’ll never make it!” Another explosion several blocks away caused both women to drop their packages before rushing off with the others at a dead run.

There were screams and cries as bodies went running pell-mell down the street. The two ladies were passed by those who were faster… went rushing by those who could not keep up. It was really dark now and they kept bumping into bodies as they rushed for the underground toilets.

“There; around the corner!” Dorothy cried out. The two women rushed forward as another explosion went off somewhere behind them. Bricks and mortar began sprinkling down from the building all around them.

They let out a cry as they rushed down the stairs. They didn’t even bother to identify whether it was the men’s or women’s toilet. All they cared about was getting into some shelter, hoping the structure would not take a direct bomb hit.

It was pitch black as they rushed inside. They could hear the cries of frightened men and woman. There was another nearby explosion, causing the building to rock.

Was this it; were they going to be blown to kingdom come? There was no way of knowing. One bomb might obliterate them all while another might drop without exploding, one of the few duds the Jerrys dropped on them.

“Dorothy? Dorothy, where are you? I can’t see you down here?”

“Peggy? Peggy, just stay put until the All Clear siren!”

“Dorothy – mmmph!”


Dorothy suddenly felt hands all over her, pawing hands… groping hands. All around her were the muffled sounds of moans and groans, some crying while others prayed. Then she felt someone grab her right hand, forcing her to wrap her fingers around something familiar.

Dorothy grabbed on and started to stroke, her heart racing. There was another explosion as the building shuddered. Another cock appeared in her other hand. Without thinking she began stroking that one as well.

She felt hands on her body, hands peeling her out of the dress she was wearing. She was forced to her knees as a cock was pushed against her lips. Without knowing who it belonged to she opened her mouth and accepted it, fearing it might be the last cock she ever sucked.

There were more explosions up at the surface. Dorothy grunted as the cock thrust in and out of her mouth. Another one tried to push its way in, causing her to lose the first one while taking the second.

There were hands all over her, hands feeling her bare flesh as she stroked a cock in each hand while sucking another. All around her were the sounds of frenzied sexual activity. She heard moans and groans, followed by the occasional cry whenever a bomb exploded too close.

She felt something press against her pussy and then push right in. She grunted and moaned as she accepted it without question. Perhaps going out in a blaze of glory in the middle of a desperate fuck would not be a bad way to go. She couldn’t even begin to contemplate what was happening to Peggy.

One of the cocks in her hand went off. She could feel cream on her backside. It pulled away as someone else pressed a new male member into her open hand.

The cock in her mouth swelled until it suddenly went off between her lips. She groaned as she swallowed the discharge. Then the cock was pulled out, only to be replaced by another.

More hands pawed her naked body; she had no idea what had happened to her dress now. All she knew was she was in the middle of a gangbang that could end suddenly if the Jerrys happened to drop one in just the right location. It made her all the more eager to suck on the cock in her mouth, hoping to give the owner one final thrill in case an explosion ended them all.

The cock went off in her pussy and she cried out into the dick in her mouth. It pulled out, only for another to take its place. It was pitch black; no lights were allowed during an air raid to make it harder for the Jerrys to identify potential targets.

The new cock went off in her mouth as a cock spewed all over her backside. The dick pulled out from between her lips and was replaced by another, thrusting hard and fast. All around her were the sounds of frenzied fucking and sucking. But on a night like this there seemed little use for morals or sexual modesty, not when the next bomb that fell might have your name on it.

She lost the cock in her pussy only to find herself being pulled down onto the floor. Someone was underneath her as she straddled an unknown male, impaled by a new cock. Then she felt another one pushing against her bum.

Her mouth was still full, and she cried out into it as her arse was violated. Then she found herself rocking and grunting from the thrusts. The cock exploded in her mouth, pulled out and was replaced by another.

It did not matter trying to adjust to the darkness with her eyes. It was pitch black, impossible to see anything or identify anyone. All she knew was that she was being gloriously fucked. Dorothy willingly gave in to it, grunting and moaning like a bitch in heat while wondering if her friend Peggy was getting a similar shafting.

The cock in her pussy went off, causing the bloke underneath her to slither out. Someone else took up residence beneath her and she felt another cock thrust up into her pussy as the one in her bum began to discharge its warm, creamy load. That’s when she experienced her first orgasm, causing her to scream with joy into the cock in her mouth… which promptly went off, giving her another helping of cum.

The explosions lessened; the raid seemed to be dying off. Then the sirens went off again as a new wave of aircraft roared overhead. A new series of explosions went off all around them, shaking the building they were in.

Dorothy cried out in fear. Then she eagerly rode the cock in her pussy and bum as she gobbled down the one in her mouth. Hands kept pawing her naked flesh, groping her breasts as her hands kept stroking cocks until they went off and were replaced.

There were more explosions and more cocks. Dorothy screamed again in orgasm, fearful they were all going to meet their end down here. Then she felt cream in her bum from an erupting dick as yet another cock went off in her pussy.

They pulled out of her holes as the cock went off in her mouth. When it pulled out she was dimly aware all of her holes were leaking copious amounts of man-cream. Then a nearby explosion shook the building they were in.

“MORE!” she cried out as screams and cries of terror echoed all around her. More cocks appeared in her hands and in her mouth. Somehow she took two from behind, one in her pussy and one in her bum. Another cock forced its way into her mouth, causing her to suck frantically.

After that things became a little blurry. There were more explosions as more time went by. But there was a continuous parade of cocks in her hands, mouth, cunt and arse. As her body was covered with spunk, the orgasms started to come thick and fast.

It must have been two hours before the skies were empty and the All Clear sirens went off. Dorothy took one finally load of cum in her mouth and pussy before the bodies started to make their way out of the underground toilet. She felt around on the floor on her hands and knees until she found a discarded garment. She hoped it was hers.

“Peggy?” she panted wearily as she tried to figure out how to get back into it in the dark. “Peggy, are you there?”

“Over here, Dottie!” Her friend sounded weak and woozy.

“Come to my voice.”

“I can’t see anything in here!”

“Follow my voice… just follow my voice.”

“Got you!” Peggy finally gasped as she wrapped her up in her arms.

“You ok, love?”

“I’ve never taken so many cocks before in my entire life… well, not at one time anyway.”

“Me either. Let’s get out of here.”

They fumbled their way to the door and managed to get outside. The light of multiple fires gave them enough illumination to finally get back into their ripped dresses. All around them lay the signs of a devastated city from a recent bombing run. There was no sign of the packages they’d dropped.

Rubble was everywhere; this area appeared to have been hardest hit. As they got closer to home they saw the entire block was one gigantic mass of flames. Their building was totally engulfed.

“Direct hit!” Dorothy breathed in shock. “We’re lucky to be alive.”

“I guess it’s good we tried to go out and make those purchases,” Peggy agreed.

They finally found shelter and were taken in. They were given what little food and clothing was available. Nine months later Dorothy gave birth to a healthy eight pound baby boy.

She had no idea who the father was. She suspected she might figure out what he sort of looked like as the boy got older. She named him Robert, but Peggy referred to him as Blackout Bobby after their fateful night in the toilets getting the banging of their lives…

© 2016 (written for Dorothy Oct 5 ’16 by riwa)
Not many vehicles were out on the roads. People did not want to take a chance luring a bomber over the top of their car or lorry.
I think in 1941, the only vehicles on the roads at all would have been officially authorised ones.
Especially after dark. Apart from anything else, there was no fuel ration for private use.

A moment later virtually every street light went out, plunging the area into darkness.

Streetlights wouldn't have been on. Virtually all of them were off throughout the war, blackout regulations.

Great story all the same - and probably nearer the truth of what really went on than a lot of our fantasies here :D
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Petrol was rationed during the war but shopkeepers and business men
were allowed to use their vehicles but only for business. red petrol was
used by farmers and military and if private motorists were caught with it
in their tank they were in big trouble. all vehicles had black shields over
their headlights with a thin strip across the centre just to show people
they were on the road. there were a lot of blackout road accidents apparently .
ordinary working people did`nt have cars, they could`nt afford them, they
either walked or used a bicycle and the battery operated lamp on the front
also had to be covered with a black shield with a slit in the centre. in the
blackout you could`nt even use a torch to see where you were going,if it
was a pea souper fog with the blackout you stayed indoors. railway men
had to wear tin hats because if the ak ak guns opened up shrapnel was
falling everywhere. all this info courtesy of my Grandad.
You could be fined for a light showing through the window of a house, thick black material was on sale which you had to use to line the curtains.

Parapets of bridges, corners of buildings, lone trees were painted white or black and white squares, still easily seen in the 1960's and -70's, I'll have to watch out for any still visible.

Small lights were fitted in fields in the shape of nearby factories, in the hope any bombers would be fooled into dropping the bombs harmlessly.

One of the biggest problems was steam railway locomotives, it was virtually impossible to black-out the glow from the fireboxes, so main stations with several trains in would shine like a lighthouse.
You could be fined for a light showing through the window of a house, thick black material was on sale which you had to use to line the curtains.

Parapets of bridges, corners of buildings, lone trees were painted white or black and white squares, still easily seen in the 1960's and -70's, I'll have to watch out for any still visible.

Small lights were fitted in fields in the shape of nearby factories, in the hope any bombers would be fooled into dropping the bombs harmlessly.

One of the biggest problems was steam railway locomotives, it was virtually impossible to black-out the glow from the fireboxes, so main stations with several trains in would shine like a lighthouse.

You Can`t Beat Nostalgia
Petrol was rationed during the war but shopkeepers and business men
were allowed to use their vehicles but only for business. red petrol was
used by farmers and military and if private motorists were caught with it
in their tank they were in big trouble. all vehicles had black shields over
their headlights with a thin strip across the centre just to show people
they were on the road. there were a lot of blackout road accidents apparently .
ordinary working people did`nt have cars, they could`nt afford them, they
either walked or used a bicycle and the battery operated lamp on the front
also had to be covered with a black shield with a slit in the centre. in the
blackout you could`nt even use a torch to see where you were going,if it
was a pea souper fog with the blackout you stayed indoors. railway men
had to wear tin hats because if the ak ak guns opened up shrapnel was
falling everywhere. all this info courtesy of my Grandad.
You could be fined for a light showing through the window of a house, thick black material was on sale which you had to use to line the curtains.

Parapets of bridges, corners of buildings, lone trees were painted white or black and white squares, still easily seen in the 1960's and -70's, I'll have to watch out for any still visible.

Small lights were fitted in fields in the shape of nearby factories, in the hope any bombers would be fooled into dropping the bombs harmlessly.

One of the biggest problems was steam railway locomotives, it was virtually impossible to black-out the glow from the fireboxes, so main stations with several trains in would shine like a lighthouse.
Yes, it's hard to imagine now. Even without the war, few people would have had private cars,
a lot of deliveries were still by horse and cart, or errand boys on bicycles,
street lights were probably pretty feeble even in the cities, and none in the country.
A whole 'decoy city' was created in the hills north of Glasgow to try to mislead bombers.
I think there may well have been gas-lamps still in the back streets in the 1940s,
and the lamplighter had to come round to light them and turn them out.

The Lamplighter - from Robert Louis Stevenson's 'A Child's Garden of Verses',
admittedly a good bit earlier than WW II.

My tea is nearly ready and the sun has left the sky;
It’s time to take the window to see Leerie going by;
For every night at teatime and before you take your seat,
With lantern and with ladder he comes posting up the street.

Now Tom would be a driver and Maria go to sea,
And my papa is a banker and as rich as he can be;
But I, when I am stronger and can choose what I’m to do,
Oh Leerie, I’ll go round at night and light the lamps with you!

For we are very lucky, with a lamp before the door,
And Leerie stops to light it as he lights so many more;
And O! before you hurry by with ladder and with light,
O Leerie, see a little child and nod to him tonight!

And a report from the Glasgow Herald 1971 about the last of the Leeries -
they still had gas-lamps up till then:
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About 30 years ago the company that I worked for was supplying some dual-fuel (ie Gas/Diesel) engines to British Gas. During a meeting in London we went for lunch in a local pub, the BG engineers were highly chuffed to see that the pub had re-installed "bats-wing" gas lighting burners in the bar. These are the predessors of the familiar gas mantle, having an open flame which burns yellow.
Also during the Miners Strike (Maggie Thatcher years) I was in a local old-fashioned hardware store, the proprietor was telling another customer how he found a box of one gross Bats-wing burners and had sold the lot. The price on the box was one shilling, so he had sold them for 5p.
He expressed surprise that so many people still had gas lighting pipework in their homes. Mind you there are plenty of Victorian and Edwardian houses in Bedford. I have lived in a few, and my Girl friend's house is preFirstWar.


  • It_is_one_of_the_rare_places_in_the_city_where_a_walker_can_imag-.jpg
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  • Each_gas_light_lamp_is_marked_with_the_crest_of_the_monarch_in_t-.jpg
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The most magical job in Britain: Enchanting story of our last gas street lights, and the five men who keep them burning just as they did in Dickens' day
  • There are just 1,500 gas lamps left in London, each one hand-lit by a member of a five man team every evening
  • The 19th-century lamps offer a glimpse of the city as it would have been during the time of Charles Dickens
  • Current team of London lamplighters are actually British Gas engineers - but their efforts go largely unsung
  • That the gas lamps have survived is partly a tribute to English Heritage, which has protected and restored them

PUBLISHED: 22:49, 24 November 2014 | UPDATED: 09:04, 25 November 2014

Wkipedia article also:
Extract below:
The largest gas lighting network in the world is that of Berlin. With about 37,000 lamps (2014),[25] it holds more than half of all working gas street lamps in the world. In central London around 1500 gas lamps still operate,[4] lighting the Royal Parks, the exterior of Buckingham Palace and almost the entire Covent Garden area. The Park Estate in Nottingham retains much of its original character, including the original gas lighting network.
But Dorothy's got the sexiest lamps in her home city -


though not gas any more (must have been an interesting job lighting them :p)
But Dorothy's got the sexiest lamps in her home city -

View attachment 434667

though not gas any more (must have been an interesting job lighting them :p)

Oh you are naughty, here we are trying to have a serious discussion and it gets
back to sex, just for the record if you rub my lamps long enough you get a wish
And What Is Your Command My Master, Well I Did Sleep With Aladdin, He
Was Always Rubbing My Lamps
each one hand-lit by a member of a five man team

There were a few gas lamps here in the unsophisticated North which had a small pilot flame permanently on, and the main flame controlled with a clockwork mechanism. Very high tech compared with London.
How about the genuine job title ..... "Knockeruppers Knockerupper" .......

People often had to start work very early in the morning, in the winter always in the dark. Few people owned alarm clocks so the Knockerupper went around with a long pole literally knocking on the bedroom windows to get them to work on time.

The Knockerupper obviously slept during the day so needed someone to wake him in time to do his job ….. hence the Knockeruppers Knockerupper was born.
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Did They Really Have Sex In The 1940s??

Hard as it is to believe, Yes!

My mummy and daddy never made a fuss about their wedding anniversary, and eventually I worked out it was only four months before I was born.

"Mummy, why didn't you get married in a white dress?"
"Because white material was difficult to buy in the war."
Perfectly reasonable explanation, I thought.
Hard as it is to believe, Yes!

My mummy and daddy never made a fuss about their wedding anniversary, and eventually I worked out it was only four months before I was born.

"Mummy, why didn't you get married in a white dress?"
"Because white material was difficult to buy in the war."
Perfectly reasonable explanation, I thought.

Nothing Has Changed Has It, my Mum was always taught
that a girl who got pregnant and she was not married got
banished from the village, she was one hundred per cent
to blame not him, that story was probably passed to her
from her Mum , just to frighten her to death. Modern
Day, i could shag all the village and not get pregnant,
what a lucky girl i am.
Nothing Has Changed Has It, my Mum was always taught
that a girl who got pregnant and she was not married got
banished from the village, she was one hundred per cent
to blame not him, that story was probably passed to her
from her Mum , just to frighten her to death. Modern
Day, i could shag all the village and not get pregnant,
what a lucky girl i am.
Once the whole village had 'Porked' you .... would it then become a Hamlet ????
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